Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1068: Eight-order element


From the main suspension to the residence, Chu Yunsheng did not go out again, and always integrated a new source of life in the zero-dimensional space.

The process is very slow, he always controls the speed to prevent the recurrence of the seeds of silence, and there have been lessons in this regard.

There is not much integration at one time, so Chu Yunsheng will have to do other things.

He cleans up the black gas that has just gathered from the black vortex, and then uses black gas instead of the body to create a rune graphic in the zero-dimensional space.

Black gas 箓 元 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Only.

While merging a new source of life, Chu Yunsheng tried to construct several applicable fourth-order symbols.

In addition to the beast, he used to produce a successful fourth-order attacker - wood fire, and relied on this attack to kill the seven orders.

In order to cope with the possible fierce battles during the breakout, he wants to prepare some attacks on the fourth-order runes, and it is better to have higher-order attackers so that he can surprise himself.

Eleven source points, even Snow Spring, the pioneer of the master, has never seen him use the attacker above the cardinal level.

The restraint of the fourth-order rune is recorded in the ancient book. In the past, he did not reach the realm of the cardinal, forced to be more difficult, and the difficulty was extremely high, and the success rate was extremely low.

It should be easier now. As long as you understand the details of the construction and spend a little more time, there is always hope for success. After all, his body has even reached the realm of the source. Although it is the worst.

But soon, he had to give up.

His memory of the ancient books has not gone wrong. The method of constructing the rune structure recorded by the predecessors is also very simple. The problem lies in his thoughts on the rune system. It seems that there is a bit of a scorpion in the ancient book, so that he seems to have a little bit of something. . It must not be successful.

And this thing, as if it is the soul of the rune, is difficult to ponder.

As a last resort, he can only focus on the only successful "wood fire burning sky", the runes that have been successfully suppressed, such as the fourth-order seal. It seems that there is no such problem.

It is impossible to prepare a variety of runes on a large scale, and he can only change the target to a deep readiness - try to increase the level of wood burning.

According to the realm of his source, after spending a lot of resources, there is still a very small probability to produce a higher level of attack.

That is the eighth-order metafunction!

Although the name is not very good, but unless the other party comes to a nine-day monster, it can not resist.

As for the top nine-order metafunction. He just wants to be unable to control it.

Everything is still a little better.

The structure of the fourth-order wood-fired sky was dismantled, and the front row of the body consisting of pieces of material was spread out, combined with his existing rune knowledge, and some simple and high-level knowledge, carefully analyzed.

Then recall the structure of the five to eight steps of the wood burning, in order to avoid memory errors, Chu Yunsheng recalled dozens of times independently. Then compare them with each other. After making sure that they are correct, they are also broken down to see where the changes are the biggest, where the changes are minimal, and how they change, what structure has been added, what has been deleted, why it has increased, and why it has been deleted. The trajectory of the change is irregular and so on.

This process is much longer and more patient and careful than the fusion of new sources.

He doesn't have to be able to understand everything, but be sure to know what it is.

One of the biggest and most critical and essential differences is that the basis of the fourth-order element is the level of the cardinal. The eighth order is the source gate. Although the rune system can go beyond the first order, it is one of the charms and souls of rune technology.

Especially the one that crossed the cardinal can be called the radiance of the wisdom of the runes of the runes.

The new source of life is a fusion of nearly one-fifth, but the progress of the wood fire is less than one-tenth.

At this time, the electricity found him again.

Seeing Chu Yunsheng, there has been no rest on the electric road: "Respect, I reanalyzed the spectrum of the two surveys and found a strange phenomenon. These eleven source points were originally gathered together, but It’s not from a long distance, but “wandering” for thousands of years in the concealment of nearby interstellar space.”

Chu Yunsheng frowned: "Do you mean that they are already here before we appear?"

The electric nodded: "Yes, even earlier, they have been lurking here."

Chu Yunsheng did not understand: "Hidden for thousands of years? How do they supplement supplies?"

The electric said: "Thousands of years are relative to our observations, but even their time is not long. In order to achieve value, our Wuren people have been in a macromolecular cloud that is forming new stars. Hidden for hundreds of thousands of years."

Chu Yunsheng looked at the eleven source body historical trajectory map that was performed on the survey map of the electricity. I thought about it thousands of years ago... Will it be after the spiritual war?

Because the observer's position is different, the length of time cannot be accurate, but a general timing is still there.

Observing from the position of the cold star, thousands of years ago, it seems that there may be a spiritual warfare in addition to that voice, and only the "war of the gods" recorded by the black and white astronauts.

When I saw the record, I also knew it. I said: "I guess there are two possibilities. First, they are the fleets that survived after the war. They were not destroyed. They may have arrived late and escaped, but the task. Not finished, or what you want is still fatally attracting them;

Second, after a certain force observed or obtained the information of the war, it made some judgments and then decided to come to a little cheaper.

Either way, you can explain why they started moving toward the cold star after the Earth hit the cold star, not before.

They waited for the aftermath of the war to get the safest time. It was early, and it might be affected. When it was late, it was observed by others and rushed to grab it. ”

Chu Yunsheng pondered for a moment, according to the inference of electricity. Think of a question: "They have no spirit."

If there is spiritual life, you will not be careful to choose the best time.

I shook my head and said: "This is still not known. If there is too much macro life in the field, it is possible."

Chu Yunsheng nodded: "If there is spiritual life, there are ten or eight, nine is the master of Xueyuan. It does not dare to lay on the cold star of the war at that time, but laid the chess pieces on the earth, but the effect is the same. Anyway, the earth always has to rush to the cold star, but how can it know?"

Electricity can't answer this question either. For the secret on the earth, it knows that there is not much Chu Yunsheng.

But it can do a logical hypothesis analysis from the information: "It seems that its suspicion is very big now, assuming that only one one-dimensional creature is raised by it, and that it is very cautious, combined with the situation you just said, then it is very It may be possible to test the cold star with more one-dimensional creatures. See if there is any macro-domain life?

Otherwise, for the strength of our current point, we do not need that one more one-dimensional creatures, but it is better as a future killer.

The creature has reached the metamorphosis stage, and the top creatures in the high-energy field have to kill it, and it takes a lot of effort to kill it. It’s almost dead on your own, and only the life in the macro field can be solved quickly.

In addition, from the details of the three intrusions before and after the one-dimensional organism, this assumption is also met.

The first time to test the reaction speed, the second test response capacity, and the most important is the third time, not invasive breeding, but killing, madly killing, if the macro field people do not shoot. It is almost to kill all life in an extreme time, which is not in line with the habit of more than one dimension of life. ”

Chu Yunsheng also thought of this point. The last invasion of a one-dimensional monster was indeed like a massacre. It was not for invasion and reproduction. But he doesn't know much about this kind of monster. Only the electricity is clear, so after saying it, you can figure it out before and after.

If it is really the master of Xueyuan, then its cautious object may be a broken town, and it will be forced out by the **** massacre of extermination.

Looking at the trajectory on the map, Chu Yunsheng silently said: "If it is, it is still on the road, or it is entangled in something, otherwise the eleven sources are moving now, indicating that it has made up its mind. It is impossible not to appear. The most important thing is that it must kill us. Although we may not be its target, it must kill us and we will not let go."

The electricity agreed: "This is indeed the case. The people of the earth will not say it. There are "spirits" behind the five countries. If I am it, I have to guard against it."

Chu Yun looked up to the vast starry sky projected by the main suspension. He sighed: "It should be that the **** war has affected them. The rainbow bridge can't go. It is the spirit that has to rely on the spaceship to cross the void. Under the limitation of the speed of light, the master of Xueyuan It’s really luck to the extreme, and it’s a good place to be, and after all, it’s its place.”

Speaking of this, Chu Yunsheng stopped and asked: "How is the casualty statistics?"

Electricity seems to carelessly say: "I have scanned the latest data, the number of deaths should have been more than half, seriously injured people who are not worth the waste of treatment resources in the current conditions, probably account for one-third of the number of people living.

However, the rest of the people, mostly young and strong, or those with better physical conditions and stronger resilience, can be regarded as a natural screening of war, screening out the old and weak, and making them more adaptable. People survive and gain more living resources.

With the current number of people scattered among the various warships, the number of warships that we need to rebuild will be greatly reduced, and the resources for reserves will be directly reduced by more than half, which will help us speed up the breakout time. ”

Chu Yunsheng is not surprised by the tone of electricity. In the eyes of Wu Nu people, they are not considered "people."

The number of deaths is in his expectation. It can be estimated from the situation of the Leica people's residential area, plus the number of people who can't be cured by serious injuries. The remaining people are less than two-sixth.

Such casualties can be described as extremely heavy.

And this is just the result of a monster's invasion only three times!

More distant deep space, those dark places, perhaps still harbor more dangerous life.

Chu Yun sank and sighed, and finally decided: "Let the underground people suspend the rescue, all resources for shipbuilding and energy storage, ready to break through."


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