Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1080: Forbidden

Chu Yun looked at her: "Who I am no longer important, the important thing is that you may not be able to beat me now."

"Boutney" quietly said: "Your spirit is a little less."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Compared to your life, there is only one."

"Butney" said: "You will die too."

Chu Yunsheng said: "But you missed the appointment, my people will stay."

"Butney" said: "How do you know that I missed the appointment?"

Chu Yunsheng brows a wrinkle, said: "It has come? Evidence?"

"Butney" said: "You can go back to the cold star to see, there are a few things missing."

Chu Yunsheng said: "It can also be your hands and feet."

"Butney" said: "So, the best evidence is myself."

Chu Yunsheng silently said: "You are very weak."

"Butney" said: "It is very careful, the purpose is very clear, and my strength is not enough to kill it."

Chu Yun Shengdao: "Why not notify me at the first time?"

"Butney" said: "If I inform you, in the moment you informed you, you will be affected and killed, this is a spiritual battle."

Chu Yunsheng asked: "A spiritual war that no one knows?"

"Butney" said: "Yes. It seems that you don't know much."

Chu Yun Shengdao: "Do you know?"

"Butney" said: "I don't know, to be exact, I am somewhat confused."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Then you don't need to know."

"Butney" said: "I also think this is the best, we still have a cooperative relationship."

Chu Yunsheng said: "The original foundation is not there. The conditions must be re-talked, my people must stay."

"Butney" shook his head slightly: "So, I have left early. But it is not only your reason. I got some information in the battle with it. I have to rush to the place I want to go as soon as possible."

Chu Yunsheng said: "Why should you contact me again, and do more."

"Butney" said: "The spiritual spirit is not yours, but it reminds me of some sporadic records, it seems to be the banned spirit of the dark period. I want to make sure."

Chu Yun Shengdao: "Why?"

"Butney" suddenly silenced and said after a while: "If it is your former spiritual master, you should be careful. Be careful... we still have cooperation after all."

Chu Yun Shengdao said: "My business does not have to worry about you, I am still the same sentence, if you can not guarantee my safety, I will not hesitate to stop the source of life."

"Butney" said: "You can rest assured. She can also hear."

Her time seems to be running out. Then he said: "I hope that you can reach the place I want to go as soon as possible. I will try to find sporadic records about the dark period. In addition, in the information I intercepted, there may be some useful to you. The left-handed country is here. The defeat, the squadron fled and escaped, the spirit you said has long been rebellious. Its people are killing everywhere..."

Her tone is fast, but the speed of speech is getting longer. Slower and slower, a word sounds from the beginning to the radio, it takes a long time, and in the end, you can only hear a long process of killing words.

Obviously, the ship of the predator has accelerated to the extreme, causing a serious hysteresis effect in communications.

Chu Yunsheng didn't know which direction she was going, and she couldn't see the shadow of the ship of the preaching. Innocent starry sky, don't say a warship, it was a huge fleet, but it was a dust in the sea, even Not counted.

Those places that are invisible in the dark may be bursting with fierce killings, but looking up, they will always be beautiful and awkward worlds.

Chu Yunsheng returned to the bloodstained flagship, and he was waiting for him here.

In front of the luxurious palace that was beaten to the west, Chu Yunsheng looked at him and said, "Is it good?"

I sighed and said: "Is there any other choice?"

Chu Yunsheng shook his head and said: "No."

Throw away the cigarette butt: "That's still a story... Come on!"

Chu Yunsheng reached out and a red light appeared in his palm, beautiful, even and precise.

Seeing it, hesitating and hesitating: "How is it red? Don't you really make Laozi a **** gangster? It's better to die."

Chu Yunsheng was impatient: "Have you thought about it? Didn't think about it, I asked Jite, although his qualifications are not good, there is always a way."

I pulled up my eyes and drew it up, and I ordered a flue: "Wait for me to smoke another one."

Chu Yunsheng stopped talking and waited quietly. For the sake of distraction, this may not be a difficult choice, but it is a big choice that cannot be turned back.

A cigarette burned out, and I laughed and laughed: "If you want to know what the end of degradation is, say that Lao Tzu will not want this thing."

Chu Yunsheng knew that the reason he made the decision was not this. To say this, it was just to make himself easier and not worry about the things he worried about.

Chu Yunsheng opened his palm again and said: "Reassured, I live a day, she will not dare to move you, can't die... Let's get started."

This is actually nonsense, and it is not this that is not worried about it. So in two nonsense, the distraction casually picks up the red beauty.

Immediately, the red light entered his body and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After about a moment, Chu Yunsheng gradually became more and more solemn: "How? What is the feeling?"

The distraction was also a serious face, and the brow was raised. After a while, it was re-expanded and nodded. "I think I should go to Asi."

"Axis? What are you looking for?" Chu Yun stunned, and then thought of something, without words: "She is now in the main body of the Wunu people, you have to have the ability to go in."

Pulling the difference means laughing, then asked: "How long will it take to reach the cardinal?"

Chu Yunsheng shook his head: "I don't know, it depends on yourself, but the gap is gone. It shouldn't be too difficult. Don't worry, your degraded people can't die for a while. I will try to keep them for the time being. Life."

With a sigh and a cigarette, in a short period of time, this is already the third cigarette he smoked. This does not include the many cigarette butts floating on the ground.

Chu Yunsheng said: "You consume too much, hurt the body, I have other ways to save the blood, and the degraded people depend on yourself.

Now Meltini and the Tianyu minority long feathers are locked in the main suspension vertebral body. Both the squat and the assassination are seriously injured and refractory. The owner of the sea country has not lost most of his life. If I am not there, there is no cardinal. ,very dangerous.

This is two reasons why I will discuss with you when you wake up and let you think about it.

In addition, although this contract, you and I are uneasy, but there is no other way and choice, there may be many battles like today, not to the cardinal, life and death are not for you.

Since it is not for yourself, it is better to choose a more time for your own choice, at least I am still working with her during her time. ”

He shook his head and shouted his head, indicating that he was not worried about this. He made a decision and would not regret it.

Chu Yunsheng naturally knows what he is worried about, but this kind of thing is not easy to say. The more he says, the more deliberate, the worse, he patted his shoulder and said: "Less two, wait for me to raise a wound, give I will leave some."

Unspeakable and depressed: "All the mothers are at the source, and they still remember the smoke of Laozi."

Looking at the back of his departure to prepare for the cultivation of the cardinal, Chu Yunsheng suddenly understood, his fear is actually a silent promise to himself...

This contract is the most appropriate for the exaggeration. Others, Git is generally qualified. It is necessary to break the cardinal for a long time and lose the immediate meaning. The old Hull’s bottom is enough, but if he wants it, there will be no睥 Mai, faith is the most important thing in life.

Other people, the head of the group is not only a canned person, but now I don’t know if I can save it. The license is not directly considered. The people of Chris are completely unfamiliar with him. They searched for a circle and could not find the first one. Two people come.

Degraded people suffer heavy casualties and can only rely on disparity to save. This is the only choice now.

With the help of his efforts to cultivate, Chu Yunsheng did not enter the palace where he fell down. He calmed down outside the door and entered the zero-dimensional space.

The predator woman said that the cold star was missing a few things, and he didn't want to check it. It didn't make much sense.

Taking time to recover is the most important thing at the moment.

His life was burned by him seven and eighty-eight, and the body of the insect was also unstable. Once he entered zero dimension, he mobilized the rest of his life to recover his body through the seed.

In the zero-dimensional, because of the impact of the seal, the black gas is a little messy, floating everywhere, it seems chaotic, but it has no big impact.

He glanced at the fragment of the battle map in the corner. Even if it was just a piece of debris, he couldn't see all the complicated details. However, if it was placed in the present, it would be extremely suitable.

Chu Yunsheng did not go to the test, the battle map is to understand, and it is of no use to him for the time being.

What he thinks of is another thing. This battle map comes from the ancient firebug of the mysterious country. Since it can save a lot of information, what about the black beetle flying on the edge of the galaxy?

Will their bodies have other information as well?

The next moment, his consciousness immediately followed the seed into the world of the worm's body.


Supplement No. 28 update.

^(To be continued.)

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