Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1081: Go kill!

The black beetle carrying the hatchery has been sealed by the fourth-order seal, but Chu Yunsheng does not know whether it can survive or not, and is still trying to nourish it.

In order to prevent the monster from being eaten by the stone-like seal, he made some reverse seals to prevent the death.

That thing, Chu Yunsheng still can't understand what is going on. At that time, he was dying to death, and he didn't see it coming out to fight, or he fled on his own. He wanted to feed it. It was a bottomless pit.

It gives feedback to Chu Yunsheng's life information, only one: hungry...

It used to be, it is still.


Although the black beetle was temporarily unknown, several of the bodies that floated behind it were also brought back by Chu Yunsheng. Now he wants to see the parts of the insects that are infused.

Through the seeds, it is not difficult to find them. Unlike other parts, they all have an obvious speciality - all dead cells.

Chu Yunsheng immediately mobilized his life into these parts and tried to establish contact.

But to his disappointment, no matter how he tried, there was no reaction.

Is it because the time of dying is too long, or is it not with information?

When Chu Yunsheng is not good at judging, he will temporarily put aside and step up to restore other parts.

With the support of the source of life, the body of the insect body gradually stabilized, and the fire vitality began to flow smoothly.

The rate at which the hatchery absorbed the fire was gradually getting faster, but there was no obvious change. It seemed that even the eyes did not open, like falling asleep.

This seems to be a little different from the hatchery he has seen before.

Think of the coldness when it first came in. It is estimated that the energy is about to run out.

Followed by, Chu Yunsheng did not use the spirit to deduct his own method of acquiring the source of life, it is completely undetermined.

That is to say, you can exhaust the steps. The consumption is also great, and it still needs to be tried step by step. With so many exhaustive steps, his current body can't bear it.

Fortunately, the rest of his life can support the body of the insect, not as urgent as it was at the beginning.

Of course, this source of life, he will naturally not be sent to the woman of the predator.

After the fire has gradually stabilized. The next thing to be solved is the strength of the body. With his current source of life, it is reluctant to maintain the body of the worm. It is not enough to restore the almost destroyed ontology.

Before the new source of life is obtained, the ontology can only be put aside and there is no way.

There is no ontology. His cultivation is also a big problem. The realm of the ontology cannot be cultivated, and the realm of the ontology is stagnant, and his peak realm cannot be significantly improved.

In this regard, Chu Yunsheng did not care about it for the time being. His swordsmanship technique has obviously not kept up with the realm. At this time, it is possible to upgrade them as soon as possible.

Especially in this battle, he clearly felt the power of the sword-like killing. In addition to the first sword style, the other sword styles are not low enough.

If you encounter more than a few cardinals. It is impossible to solve one by one sword and kill one at a time. It will be very passive and dangerous.

He is the source of the source, even if it is the worst, it should have this ability to see the life of the crystal form.

Although it is unlikely that more than a few cardinals will be encountered at the same time, it is the cardinal regiment where Xueyuan brings the masters together.

In comparison, Chu Yunsheng is more concerned about the source of life!

The true source of life is too strong. If there is no spiritual connotation, the spirit can't be opened, and his current strength cannot compete with it.

This may also be just an ordinary source of life. If it is a very powerful character, he may not even be able to move.

Xueyuan makes the master's people kill everywhere, and they don't want to be met. Unless they die in the empty interstellar space, they will one day meet.

Therefore, he must practice the sword--this is his only systematic warfare method.

His first sword style is a proficient level, the second sword style is one level, only to the ordinary, and the third and fourth, is simply the degree of beginners.

The space that can be upgraded is large, but the difficulty of lifting is also very large.

In particular, he now has almost no body, and he has cultivated a little body strength by the body of the insect body, far from being able to keep up with the consumption of the sword.

The only way is to use a large number of third-order elements, which in turn requires the stability of the body of the worm, otherwise it will not be able to keep in frequent vitality.

After clearing the general idea, Chu Yunsheng left the flagship of the wreckage and flew to the unmanned place, while preparing for the photocell, while accelerating the body of the insect.

There is so much time in his life, and the woman of the predator is in a hurry to leave. There is another reason to say. He also knows that when the spirit is covered, he feels that the gravitational fluctuations in the direction of the earth are increasing and frequent.

Once the underground villain simply puts together the remnants, as long as the propeller can work, can fly, and move, it is necessary to leave here quickly, otherwise it will not go away.

In view of the difficulty of the first sword style to upgrade to the stunt level, Chu Yunsheng decisively gave up the first two sword-style cultivations, focusing on the third and fourth sword-style advancement.

From entry to general, the difficulty is definitely less than from ordinary to proficient, and from proficient to stunt.

The trouble is that the two swords consume the body, far more than the first two swords, especially the first sword, the least consumption, and the fourth sword, a sword can take the time to his body The identity of the body.

But he has no other better way, only strong! Practice the sword in the void.

If there is a goal, he does not want to waste the vital resources in the void, even if he kills some aggressive creatures, he can also supplement the fleet with food reserves.

In the distance, the fragmented fleet gradually moved closer to the flagship center under the efforts of the underground villain. A large number of large fragments were also collected and placed in empty ships that could not be occupied as a reserve of materials.

Who knows that after flying out of the planetary system, facing the empty space, there is only one or two hydrogen atoms in every cubic centimeter. Once the materials are exhausted, will it be called unsatisfactory?

Due to the destruction of the living system, there are also underground spacecraft flying to the cold star to raise again.

Fortunately, the remaining millions of people, the resources needed, far from the original design of more than 100 million.

But at the thought, this has not yet flown out of the cold galaxies, and it has fallen from hundreds of millions to millions, and the rate of death is simply unbearable.

However, it has withstood it, and like Chu Yunsheng’s current situation, he has no choice but to bear.

About a month later, the underground villain barely put the main battleship together, repairing most of the propellers, and even the maintenance system did not have time to improve, most people are still crowded in a small refuge area, Chu Yunsheng Came back from the open area.

I can't go without it. Almost every day, he has to use the spirit to sweep the place where gravity is fluctuating. The fluctuation is getting more and more fierce. I don't know if it is going to the critical point. I don't want to go, I don't know what will happen.

In the flagship, in the temporary command cabin that was barely repaired, an underground villain focused on the established star map, and several interstellar links appeared on the big screen, basically the roads set by the original high-powered people. .

Regarding the problem of the high-height main suspension vertebral body belt, Chu Yunsheng also thought about it before and after, and finally decided to take it away. The third Wuren people are indeed a trouble, but compared with the role of electricity and lightning, Still smaller.

And at the crucial moment, the main suspension can be dragged out as a shield, and the solidity is far from the broken armor of the underground.


"Just leave this one."

After Chu Yunsheng thought about it again, he chose one of them to decide.

The main suspension of the vertebral body was closed, and the third fine man has not been released. No one can give a reference in this respect. He needs to consider more faces.

First of all, this interstellar link is in the same direction as the black beetle. If you follow this path, there may be many discoveries.

According to the simplest idea, if there is no interference, if the resources are sufficient, go down this road, find it, and even return to the origin of the black beetle.

Secondly, this direction is opposite to the direction in which the source door escaped. Since it fled in that direction, there are naturally reasons for it. It is very likely that Xueyuan will make the main fleet of the master in that direction.

Chu Yunsheng did not believe that the life of the source door was under the horror of death. He could also think of setting a set for him to let him deliberately go in the opposite direction.

Finally, in this direction, there is a life galaxy!

It’s not someone else, it’s the red man named by the dark space astronaut’s old spaceship!

Based on the remaining coordinates left by it, and the updated coordinates of the ship that was later rescued, the red man is in that direction.

As the enemy of their birth, even at the last moments of their lives, they will not forget to mark their powerful enemies who have been enslaved for generations and are being slaughtered to remind future generations to never approach and how far to escape.

However, they probably never think of it, Chu Yunsheng, and the victims of the Seventh Age, but the first step is to go here.

If this is the counterattack of humanity, then perhaps it is from the red!

Chu Yunsheng needs a source of life, needs to incubate the environment in which the graves grow and grow, needs the supplement of life supplies, many needs... This is the best choice and battlefield.

These days, he kept practicing swords and constantly trying to connect with the hatchery. He felt more and more that it was not like the kind of hatchery he had seen before. It even had to destroy itself and even eliminate even if it was tens of millions. The mission of one of the probability of falling into the enemy.

When he was on the day of the sword, when the black body hatchery grew up, it was when he counterattacked the snow garden to make the master!

In the meantime, he can no longer use any spiritual connotation, and he must keep it until the day of counterattack.

Forbidden, he will go to the kingdom of God, he will also go, as long as he is alive, as long as he still has a breath!

The seeds in his heart have been burning, and since the first battle in space, they have not been extinguished.

A cold voice said in my heart: Go kill!


Supplement No. 29 update.

^(To be continued.)

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