Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1310: Weird place

Chen’s real name, Chen Shuhua, is a very famous name of Sven. He also matched the work he had done in the past. Then he went to the New World. He changed his name to Chen Xinshi because he felt that the quiet name might not survive in the new world. There should be a new beginning.

However, when his wife and children were still eaten by the duo, they were once again renamed Chen Jian in the hatred and pain of the bones, but whether they lived or insisted on revenge, as long as he knew It is.

But he is always just a small person. The new world is changing, the waves are rising, the city is changing like a big flag, so that when he has not insisted on what he wants to insist on, the starry sky is touching in the waves. Not coming.

Therefore, in the helplessness, he looked at the five-member boarding ship and quietly removed his "firm" and changed it to Chen Xingxing, the homonym of the empty star, hollow, just like the confusion and numbness of his days, but He can't help but accept it.

He tried to catch up with the footsteps of this era, worked hard, struggled, and even desperately, but always changed his name again and again when he had not had time to catch up again and again, almost exhausted.

It was not until after the mobilization of the Legion that he met the official in front of him, he seemed to finally settle down from the tired chase, and made his last name change, changing the "empty" in the name to "Yes", Chen Youxing.

However, whether it is Chen Shuhua of the past Wenxiu or Chen Youxing of Shendian today, the soldiers have become accustomed to calling him a Chen staff, a grassroots staff in the earth, and now the senior staff of the legion, this way. Sometimes he doesn't know how it came down.

When he was empty, he often remembered his four-year-old son, thinking about his son’s young and cute appearance, thinking of his son’s appearance when he was eaten by his pig head and ate his head, but there was no such fierce mood. Often this time, he will silently smoke a cigarette that he usually can't smoke. When the smoke is gone, he will go back to work, as if everything happened.

He thinks his wife is much less, and when he thinks about it, he is more than a love. On the earth, they are in the process of divorce, but they have not come to separate, they have arrived in the new world.

Chen’s staff did not like to tell people about their past, and they didn’t like to talk to their own hearts. Because he knows that among the people who can survive today, he is far from the most miserable one.

Just like the one he is younger than him at the moment, he has become the highest officer among the remaining Silver Legion soldiers in the Wuren Starship.

"Chen staff, we can't stay here, we must send people out." The young officers are no longer so young, but the calm eyes are more and more mature and determined.

"Need to let the Chief of the Italians inquire about the situation of the Wuren people?" Chen staff nodded. Although it can be seen that the self-repairing machine is making up for the gap, as a captive creature, they simply cannot know the actual situation of the starship at this moment. Can you still maintain a living system?

Since he was rescued by the Italians, he became the bridge between the Silver Legion and Italy.

The officer turned and said: "Of course, we must understand the situation outside the ship at the fastest speed. We are there to hold our scientists. Without them, we can't do anything."

Chen’s staff member said: “That’s good. I will pass now.”

The communication system has been interrupted and I don't know if it was affected by the "crash." Contact can only be done by manpower.

The officer also ordered that he was ready to go to the car's staff of the Italians. "I just observed that we were apart from us. People of other races seem to be a bit wrong. You bring a team of fighters, just in case."

Chen’s staff nodded again. Sometimes he had to admit that although he was a staff member, his observation in many aspects was still not as good as the chief officer. Just like now, most of his eyes were torn apart. The world outside the mouth is attracted, and he has observed the reaction of other races.

Bringing a team of twelve people, Chen’s staff turned over from the gap.

He didn't know if it was a planet, obviously had gravity, and it was not small. If he had an aerospace suit, his ordinary people might not be able to move.

Because of the reminder of the chief officer, he and the soldiers on the road paid attention to the other races encountered, and they were wary of a slight change.

But the strange thing is that these aliens, like the Kadan who just met, are indeed stunned and fierce, but the soldiers soon found that its expression came from the pain in the body, even after a soldier’s realm approached. Still asking for help.

Chen’s staff will naturally ignore it. It is not his duty.

The squad quickly passed from a scream of screams to a highland.

The soldier in charge of the investigation has already heard that someone has seen the Italians there.

When Chen’s staff found the meaning in the chaos, he found that the meaning of the meaning was as much as half a life.

Yiyisi is not a Kadan, but for Yiyisi, Chen’s staff has always had both guilt and gratitude. After seeing it, he immediately went over and found the medical guard and asked: “I am also injured, you are also injured. Already?"

Yiyisi looked up at him with a hard look, slowly shook his head, and talked like he couldn't breathe. He said: "This, here, here, can, energy, chaos."

Said, it used his eyes to explain to Chen’s staff, there are some people, what are busy.

"Xiao Wang, you have to hurry to the assistant to check it carefully. I used to look at what happened." Chen’s staff had carefully handed over only half of his high-minded Italians to the medical guards and then to the other side.

The medical guardian Xiao Wang opened the medical box and skillfully inserted the interface with the standard spacesuit. He respected the authenticity: "I will take a deep breath..."

When Chen went to the group of people, he saw a scientific researcher familiar to him. The man saw him stop immediately and pulled him to the side: "Chen staff, things are a bit strange, it is very strange! ”

In addition to a few underground scientists like Isis, who are seriously injured, there is also a young star of Huang Xing. The situation is not very good. Only the researchers of the Earth are normal and shoulder the main job.

Chen’s staff looked at the Italians who were testing there and said: “The sergeant found that other races have problems. Is it the energy flow that the assistants say?”

The researcher shook his head and said seriously: "I am not talking about this, Chen Chen, we seem to have come to a strange place."

Chen’s staff is not very knowledgeable about science, but where is the army, what is the geographical starry environment around it, a staff member must understand before the chief officer needs it, and he said: “Is it a planet? There is gravity reaction here.”

The researcher frowned. "At first we thought so, but after the first initial test, it was in trouble. You see,,,, just a little bit of distance, it is a difference."

Although Chen did not understand science, but since the arrival of the starry sky, basic common sense is still there, surprised: "Do you mean gravity is uneven?"

The researcher nodded: "Yes, usually the gravity on a planet changes little with position, but it can never change dramatically, and, and..."

His tone became a little scared at this time: "And, we just made sure that in the same place, gravity is changing, sometimes small, sometimes mutated, and irregular."

Chen’s staff did not understand how it happened. He thought about it: “So, do you think this is a planet, or where?”

He needs to get a definitive answer, even if the answer is not reliable, it is speculated, but at least one must be available for reference.

The researchers shook their heads: "I don't know, we have considered a lot of situations. For example, if we have a planet under our feet, there may be one or even more planets in the vicinity of the gravitational field in the gravitational field, but It is impossible to explain the energy movement here."

At that time, Chen’s staff saw that the intentions there seemed to be violently twitching, eager to pass, and finally said: “You just tell us, what do you think?”

The researcher thought for a moment: "I really don't know, I might need to go out and observe again. However, the Huang Xingren think that whether it is a planet or not, it seems to be "compressed", a physical compression. I will like you to explain in detail later, we are now measuring the density here, it takes a little time."

Chen’s staff nodded and said: “As soon as possible, I know that the elders are waiting to understand the situation. You can send people to the past. Our army will send people out. You can go out and see together.”

After the scientific research staff hurriedly left, Chen’s staff quickly came to the side of Yiyisi. The medical guardian Xiao Wang shook his head and Chen’s staff suddenly sank.

Yiyisi gasped and his face turned blue, but he squeezed a smile: "Chen, Chen staff, I, I guess, no, no, no, nothing, sooner or later, sooner or later, such a day, I, I have , have psychology, prepare."

Chen’s staff held it and said: “You will not have an accident. I will let Xiao Wang carry you to find a place with less energy chaos. There must be a way, don’t give up. It is not easy for us to live from the hands of the Wu Rang to the present. ”

Yiyisi panted and shook his head and said: "You, you let you squat, sink, send people, send people out to find the first one, anger, starship, they, they can't be connected, no, no I know, isn't it, all die, respect, respect, body, and still, in them, in the starship."

Chen’s staff quickly nodded and then handed the instrument that the scientific staff had given him to the medical guard: “You hurry to carry the assistant and look for a place with little energy confusion. I will go to see the chief!”

^(To be continued)


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