Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1311: What a good soldier!

Wu Nuren can't be connected.

In the midst of a strange and strange situation, the first daring expedition is preparing to leave from the gap that has not yet been fully compensated.

Led by a strong human warrior captain, they will go out with them, and there are three Earth researchers, two men and one woman.

Chen’s staff gave them the best food they could find in the chaos, and there was nothing else to say.

Everyone knows that this may be a task that has no return, and may even die when you go out, but it is death. There must always be someone to do it, not you, but him.

The soldiers did not leave such things as the suicide note. Actually, they wanted to stay and did not know who to stay. The relatives of the family were basically gone, and the comrades were in the ranks.

And more importantly, most people are accustomed to this duality of life and death.

Except for the people of the Silver Legion, there is no other cultivating warrior of other races. The special nature of the earth's turbulence of energy shows an advantage at this time. Other races are now even a problem when they walk, that is, they want to send and not send.

After the squadron and the soldiers confessed to the power replacement arrangement at the time of the accidental death, they were asked to drill the gap in sequence.

This sort of order is not a good idea, but it is the only way to use it under the current circumstances.

The first time I went out, "∝长" ∝风》∝文》∝学, w♂☆£et soldiers safe.

The second soldier to go out is also safe.

But the third soldier who went out instantly became a pile of meat, and the moment when his gravity watch went out, it showed an unreasonable huge peak!

So that is, wearing a battle suit. It can only be a beach of crepes.

After a brief horror, the soldiers selected to perform the mission of dying continued to drill the gap.

miracly. The fourth soldier was safe and sound, and the fifth one was fine... until the last scientist went out. There is no such thing as a stranger.

However, just after leaving the gap, one is dead. If you go a few more steps forward, the squadron of less than 26 people will eventually survive.

The transmission of signals, in a changing environment, becomes extremely unstable and can sometimes hear some sound. Sometimes it’s all noise, it seems to have returned to the original era, and it can only be conveyed by human resources.

Chen’s staff is anxiously waiting at smaller and smaller gaps. The first expedition does not need to be too long outside, as long as it can get simple information.

The gap is still making up, the loyal self-repairing machine is not under their control, and the machines will only be repaired according to the established procedures if the anger is not present.

They must control enough intelligence before the gap is completely repaired. In order to decide whether to leave, or to stay here, once it is completely filled, it can only stay here forever.

Time passes by. Chen’s staff has become more and more anxious. It has been a long time since the appointment was returned, but more than 20 soldiers have not returned.

The new second expedition team members are already preparing. They will follow the original path to find the first team members. If they can't find it, they have to do it themselves.

The sinking is always calm. Let the soldiers settle down at a glance and stop moving.

The departure time of the second batch of expedition members arrived very quickly, and the first batch of players did not return.

No one knows, everyone knows that they are already fierce, and at this moment I am afraid that I have become a body, not even a body.

The second batch of players is still in this situation, still starting, there are still three researchers in the same industry.

Chen’s staff looked back and the silver legions had all gathered together. The third batch, the fourth batch of expedition members were gathering, and the fifth batch, the sixth batch was also selected.

Some turmoil from the researchers was not obvious at first, but when the second expedition team members did not return after the appointed time, the third batch of players were ready to go, their commotion immediately became fierce.

"Send to death! This is death!" a researcher shouted.

"Can't go anymore, it's still the same." Another researcher took the opportunity to whisper.

"That is, we are staying here, don't go out any more." Immediately next to him, someone said in a panic.

"We don't go, we are going to the people of your Silver Legion." The crowd was excited and protested and refused to join the expedition.

Chen’s staff hesitated and glanced at him. In his opinion, if the third expedition could not return, it would be better not to go there. You might never be able to go out here, but at least you can live.

But at this time, he saw the ruthless and ruthless fingers pointing to them. A soldier armed with weapons, against the heads of the three staff members, forcibly dragged them into the third expedition.

In the crying, struggling, and pleading, the three scientific expedition team members almost dragged the gap.

Time is still passing by, but the third team of expeditions still did not return.

The fourth batch is completed and ready to go.

The fifth batch is set!

The sixth batch is set off!

The seventh batch is set off!


The twenty-second batch is completed and ready to go!

The selected soldiers were silent and prepared for the array, and the researchers were already dying, cursing and pleading, and there was no cover.

Twenty batches, more than 400 warriors, and more than 60 scientific researchers, none of them came back, such as the sinking sea, the world disappearing outside the gap without a trace.

The researchers have collapsed, and this time-to-death adventure has plunged everyone into great despair and anger. The eight generations of ancestors have been smashed by hundreds of back and forth, even the wife of Chen’s staff who have been eaten by the pigs. The son was also not spared.

Cold-blooded, ruthless, brain-dead, stupid, devil... and so on, shrouded in the snoring and on top of his head.

At this moment, Chen’s staff has been shaken a bit, and will continue?

If you continue to die, what is the point?

He didn't know what it was like to sink, but he calmly controlled the army. He only has the full power of advice.

But when he just wanted to speak, he calmly pointed to the scientists and said to him: "If you can't get out. What do we need for them?"

He was shocked, not only because of the sinking words. Indeed, if you can’t get out and are trapped here, these scientists will be useless. The life system of Wu’s people is not bad. After the resources are consumed, everyone will wait for death, up to several generations or dozens of generations. Things, they may be worry-free. It is possible to live a stable life, but these scientists are indeed useless. Even for hundreds of thousands of generations, their science cannot break the closed system of the wrath.

What is even more shocking is the meaning behind the words. From the beginning, there is no choice but to stay or not, but to be determined to go out!

Use the opportunity to live a life here safely and exchange for the outside world.

At this time, he remembered when he and Isis left. What Shen said to him: Life without value, even if it is not old, how fun?

This younger officer than him, not only made a cruel choice for himself. He also overbearingly made a cold-blooded choice for everyone in the Silver Legion, and even the entire Earth.

It is not to find the problem of Chu Yunsheng's body!

The twenty-second expedition team set off, within the agreed time. As always, I have not returned.

The scientists collectively revealed a pair of anger that we did not expect, and they were extremely disappointed in contradiction. If you can go back to one, even one. The slaying dog, the Japanese king, there is no reason to force them to die.

At least, it can be slowed down. This kind of time is about to start and die, just like counting time waiting for the lineup to shoot, people are suffocating and desperate.

And like "You want to go out, we don't want to, what do you represent us?", they have already said that they can't move, just looking at the fingers of the dogs and the cold fingers of the day.

Three other unfortunate officers were pulled out of the crowd by the soldiers. The rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief, and once again began to curse Shen and Chen’s staff in all vicious language, and began to pray again that this time someone must be come back.

But they did not expect what they expected again, and once again they were disappointed in contradiction.

After the appointed time of the 22nd expedition, the 23rd expedition set the time before departure, no one returned.

The expedition of death continued under the cold and sullen command.

The twenty-fourth team is ready, the twenty-fifth team starts, the twenty-sixth team prepares, the twenty-seventh team starts...

The number of scientists is getting smaller and smaller, more and more desperate, and even one sentence has no strength and energy.

After a long time, the 52nd expedition team was assembled and ready to go.

Thousands of Silver Legion soldiers have never returned, and more than 100 researchers have died...

What a good soldier! There is no defiant order!

Chen’s staff’s tears blurred his eyes, his hands were already shaking, and his heart was bleeding, but he could not stop everything.

He is also desperate. He feels that this is gambling. It is a life-threatening thing. No one can come back.

In his faint tears, in front of him, the cold and ruthless figure, for the first time made him feel disgusted.

Even for a moment, he impulsively tried to stun the stunned, just like the last time he intended to put him under house arrest, but he finally resisted, because he didn't seem to be doing it that time.

The fifty-two expedition team dragged three researchers who were no longer shouting but whispering, and set off.

He turned his head and didn't want to look at it anymore. He still sent to death.

But at the moment he turned, he heard the huge cheers of the soldiers who had been silent.

The tide-like figure flocked to the gap, a soldier who was covered in blood. He was desperately and desperately out of the gap, holding a data box, all the way back to the blood...

He turned his head again. In the vagueness, he saw the sinking fist standing still in front of him, and clenched his fist. At this moment, he relaxed, and there seemed to be sweat on his palm.

Watching the soldiers cheering from the silence, watching the **** warrior, watching the sinking of his fists in front of him, he finally realized that if he could not get out today, then this younger officer than himself, It is certainly impossible to live a life here safely. Once no one comes back, prestige and trust sweeping the floor, sinking and sinking yourself, will be torn into pieces by the soldiers who have been silently accepting the cold command.

Chen’s eyelids were once again wet, but now they are different, and someone is back!

With a data box, stepping on the body of more than a thousand comrades, miraculously came back.

^(To be continued...)


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