Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1348: Space-time track

In the dark domain, the shadow of the inner giant sphere formed by the collapse of a boundary space, Chu Yunsheng's shadow between the shadow and the light, can no longer be seen by people on the curved ground.

Around him, the energy lines formed by the fireflies moths dying in flames piled up into layers of spheres, enveloping the central body of Chu Yunsheng.

The rich channel energy layer is crowded and compressed, causing serious space distortion. Even if the energy line is not real, invisible and colorless, the light can not normally transmit the shadow of Chu Yunsheng out of the layered energy circle.

The light and shadow scene that can be seen on the ground is like a devil whose teeth are unpredictable, and the distortion is projected on the sky.

For Chu Yunsheng, time has not passed for a long time, but his body of Huang Xing has been unable to hold back. If he persists for a little while, there is a possibility of tearing, and he can no longer tolerate his frequent use of combat techniques. And the same frequent energy in and out speed.

The collection of life underneath, the wisdom creature called the slave slave by the fire worm, has stopped the suicidal attack of Chu Yunsheng in vain, but has constantly tightened the speed of the collection, distributed in an ancient and decaying building. On the object, it is like an ancient ritual, rigorous and large-scale, and brewing amazing energy level fluctuations, as if to pierce the inner sphere world.

However, it does not pierce the inner world, and it does not pierce the inner sphere world. The shape of the inner sphere is only the feeling observed by the life in the world of the sphere. After it has been split and collapsed by the meditation, it It is more like a closed body of information. The outside world can't get in. The information inside can't go out.

"In private deut..." A lucky Earth scientist who tried to explain the space model he built to the power of meaning. If you get the attention of the idea, you can escape the cold-blooded palm. .

A shrill voice suddenly screamed out from the group that gathered life, and instantly spread the entire inner ball space, like piercing a cell. And the collective voice of the cell screams.

Chu Yun is in the center of the sphere, and the line of sight and the sense of energy are also blocked by the stack of energy lines formed by the body of the firebug. It is impossible to see the specific situation of the ground, and it can only be sent through the unsettled death. Earth-man soldiers who reacted at the concentration level, rushed into the sky, entered the central area, and transmitted real-time intelligence to the ground.

When the harsh sounds sounded, the soldiers who were going through the energy layer concentrated their heads inside like a beggar, and they didn’t have time to scream. It fell from the sky.

After the scheduled interval, the soldiers no longer came in, Chu Yunsheng realized that there was a problem below, and urged the electric channel again: "There is no time!"

He fights for each of the three wrathful people for a second. Under the effect of time and space, the Wuren people have enough time to build a warship.

But calculate, analyze, and decipher the content of the macro level. Even in the second. It’s not necessarily “made”. Before that, Chu Yunsheng urged every time, and the electricity had an answer. But this time, perhaps it’s the most crucial time, it has not responded, only the main hanging cones are at the mutual speed. Rotating.

Chu Yunsheng can't all count on the Wuren people. He has been cleaning up the energy line piled up after the death of the firebug, but it is the limit of Huang Xingren's body. Speed ​​is at the limit and it is also a drop in the bucket.

A large number of telegraph runes floated in the air, swirling around him, densely entangled, and absorbing the chaotic energy lines of the twisted space.

There was a strange appearance on the ground. Chu Yunsheng could not continue this way. He immediately used the sword style, and after using the sword to attack, he and the body's induction forced the contact with the ground.

On the ancient decaying tall buildings, the figures of the life source slaves are connected according to certain rules. From the above, it looks like a huge tower-like creature, in which the dense shadow of the source slaves twists like a general creep.

Chu Yunsheng's sword style did not enter, killing a piece, and immediately there are new source slaves to add up, a steady stream.

Wu Nuren still did not move, Chu Yunsheng determined the good position, and began to prepare his own attack.

At this time, the giant creatures like the giant tower suddenly slammed into shocks, and countless source slaves fell like ants. Then, the giant towers gathered up and stood up, only watching Chu Yunsheng glanced. It will resolve the swords of the attack.

"You don't have to be nervous." The giant tower complex said: "When I came in, I have observed the life of those lives behind you. According to their progress and speed, before I can kill you, you have already I can get what you need from them and kill my body in advance, so you have won."

In the blink of an eye, it has changed a lot of languages. It seems that it has searched all the heads of life in the ball space, and knows all the languages ​​in it.

"The reason why I will still come in is to see who you are." The giant tower gathers and looks at Chu Yunsheng slowly: "You are very interesting, your body is not yours, and life is not yours." Your zero dimension is homologous to those creatures that are not afraid of energy turbulence, but incorporates something that is not originally your creature. However, these are not surprising. I have seen more complicated than you. The strange thing is yours. The original consciousness is still your own. According to normal, you are not yours under the fusion of things that are not yours. Is it the reason for the black energy behind you? I am very curious, I have never seen this. thing."

Not waiting for Chu Yunsheng to speak, it continued: "I am somewhat familiar with your ban, time is too long, I can't think of it, but this ban is not very useful for you. The original ban was What was born at the stage of exploration is not mature. What you need is the mastery of time and space trails after the birth of the soul. It is not a great thing, but it does not really help you in your actual situation. ""

Chu Yunsheng stopped the sword-style attack. The other party is obviously at the spiritual level, and the body is far from here. More sword-like attacks are useless. Through its clear-cut passage, the eyes gradually condense and become keen. : "What do you want me to do?"

The giant tower gathers: "Your black energy can help me open a "door", right, door, you can understand this, but with your current strength, wanting to enter the forbidden land is equivalent to sending death, here is just the outermost one of the forbidden land. The incomplete entrance, the firebug connected it to the last 100,000 passage to the forbidden road, after the original passage was completely cut off, I actually no longer need to come in, just curious about who you are, where is your black energy? Come."

Chu Yunsheng shook his head and said: "If you want to exchange ideas to help my birth, I am afraid that you will be disappointed. The practice of my cultivation, combined with my situation, is unsolvable."

The giant tower gathers: "This is indeed the case, I have already discovered it, but my source of consciousness is not here. Many places cannot carry out in-depth analysis, so it is still inconclusive, but this is your chance. You need me, so I am only I will tell you so much, I will leave you with another residual gap leading to the road to the forbidden road. In the future, you can come to my source of consciousness. Maybe I have found a way to make your life come to life. The price is your black energy.

Now, the things that come out of the three lives behind you, plus your fake spirit, can make you save your life in the sky. The fake spirit is a rare thing. Its role is wonderful, far from what you are watching now. When I get there, I will teach you another ban on controlling the space-time track, enough to allow you to live to reach the second residual gap. ”

Chu Yunsheng said: "You don't worry if I will not go in the future?"

The giant tower gathers: "I have already said that you want to give birth to a spirit, then I may be your only and last chance. I believe that no one else will be able to help you in the outer sky. And I am giving you a ban on it now."

Chu Yunsheng said: "I don't seem to have any other choice."

The giant tower assembly immediately sent out a message, and then said: "I have to leave, this odd space will be left to you, waiting for you to master the false spirit, the life inside is yours, although the source slave is not powerful Species, but may be helpful to you."

Its voice gradually became smaller and eventually disappeared completely. The collective life that made up the giant tower collapsed like a building block and fell off at high altitude.

At the same time, the sound of electricity finally sounded: "...successful!"

At this moment, in the world of bubbles, a light-like sharp, shot to the rotten huge broken bridge, and muttered to himself: "Strange, the top-five guy of the new generation of firebugs, why should we cut off the remaining gap directly? It clearly has many ways to stop me from entering, but it cuts off here and forms a closed space...unless it wants to protect a certain life inside, it seems to be completely indifferent to know you, strange..."

Chu Yunsheng recorded the forbidden information transmitted by the giant tower assembly in zero dimension, and began to look at the analysis results from the electric relay.

"It turned out to be the case."

A spiritual linger emerged from his false spirit, quickly covering the inner space of the ball, but then he entered the zero-dimensional space on his own, where he clearly could not understand the false spirit. The source is absolutely different from the strange and wonderful phenomena of a normal spiritual life.


In the vast dark area above the Andromeda, an urgent signal is transmitted to the deep space at the speed of light, and after a long time, reaches its destination.

The fuzzy shadow above the shellless spacecraft moved slightly, and the next moment the shellless spacecraft disappeared without a trace.

On the other end, the fairy group suddenly began to accelerate, and the layers of acceleration accumulate in one of the shadows, and then shot sharply to approach the speed of light, shooting in the direction of the silver battleship.

Invisible starry sky, two large and ever-spreading ripples of ripples, quickly approaching each other, as the opposite waves of anger will eventually hit the violently.

In the middle of them, the silver battleship is still desperately fleeing.

^ (To be continued.)

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