Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1349: Do you want to start a spiritual battle?

False spirits, as the name suggests, are not true spirits.

But "fake" has another meaning to borrow and borrow.

The three angered people combined with the information particles taken from their first-class expedition ship, in the relative time and space in the black air shadow behind Chu Yunsheng, through the extremely long "years", costing countless efforts, repeat Establishing and denying one after another to build a grand model, the endless complicated calculations, finally proved a fake spirit, is a "solution."

And, it is a dynamic "solution" that changes according to the subject matter of the false spirit.

The three angered people can't prove the law of change. Unless they master all the processes and steps of “solution”, they will always see only a “solution”, an “answer”, like the inner corner of the triangle, and the fake spirit. The "solution" is 180 degrees. How to get it out, how to prove it, don't know, only one result.

They are the "solutions" obtained by Chu Yunsheng as the main body of the fake spirit. They are substituted into the information particles in the first-class expedition ship. After repeated failure calculations, it is found that the part of the particles can be derived based on this "solution". Information, no mistakes.

Still the example of the inner angle of the triangle, without regard to its proof process, directly using the "solution" of the answer 180 degrees, as a geometric law, can correctly analyze many other planar geometry problems.

Although this invisible process is precisely the most critical, including the mysterious changes from non-spirit to spiritual, it contains the basics from basic technology to macro technology. The real way of life and soul. It is a pity that a fake spirit from Chu Yunsheng and an information particle obtained by Wu Nuren, the electric three is no more than a few years, and can not be broken.

However, after it proves that it is a "solution," it does not hinder the use of this "solution" and begin to use the spirit of the foundation based on the establishment of the "solution."

Even under certain conditions, the subject is a peak of the source of life and so on. As the main body of the false spirit, you can use the false spirit to skip the process of the birth of the spirit and directly become a "spirit". However, if you come back again, you may find your own birth method.

However, such a method of birth, even if it succeeds, cannot be separated from the specific solution of the false spirit, once the false spirit is lost. It will be confusing.

Electric guessing is that a disappearing macro technology life "creates" a fake spirit to reach the macro field to compete with the real spiritual life, but Lei believes that this lack of process, only the "solution" thing, is more likely Created by a powerful spiritual life, in order to give the body of life that you need to reach the spiritual level. And easy to control. At the same time, the subject of the fake spirit can be replaced at any time.

Chu Yunsheng has no inclination. He knows more. The false spirit is not only a "solution", but also has the characteristics of "fake borrowing" and the terrible thing of the spiritual seal. It is not only the shadow person, but also the "master" of the source slave. As mentioned, the false spirit comes from mystery, and the use is more mysterious.

At the moment, it is natural to generate enough spiritual connotations as soon as possible. With Lingyun, you can do more things.

In the past, even after returning to the position, Chu Yunsheng did not know how to make a spiritual connotation. No matter whether it was a wrath or a drow, he never reached this level of knowledge. From the time of the war with the filmmaker, he vaguely knew the spirit. There is a relationship between the source and the source.

When he first felt the spirit, or when he met Prince Hull in the new world, he didn’t know what was going on at that time. There was no volatility, and where the mind was, it was reality: darkness and fire. The fluttering tissue paper...like the magic of the gods, let him think that he saw the fine-tuning cigarette case still in the node.

It is already known that it is the reason of the spiritual connotation. At this time, he put together the proofs of the three angered people and the ban of the slaves of the source slaves, and the fire around them jumped to form a construction map. And waterfall-like numbers and symbols that come around.

At this point, he realized how the invisible spiritual connotation is in the midst of how to make a fire, how to float the tissue paper... It can change the space-time track of matter, and use it to change the trajectory of a world according to its own thinking. However, it is still not enough to have only the spiritual connotation. If there is no forbidden track of time and space, even at this moment, it can only be used as a magical thing, but it does not touch the essence. It’s not a small trick that really belongs to the power of the spirit.

After a long time, all the patterns and figures suddenly disappeared, Chu Yunsheng slowly extended his hand, erected forward, in the void, as if touching the heavens and the earth, in an instant, the layer of energy around the layers around him was neat and uniform. Down, the remaining collections on the ground are plunging into the ground, and the world inside the ball is quiet.

His figure gradually emerged in the center of the sky, no longer blocked by the energy layer, like a god, the three interverting vertebral bodies are still slowly decelerating, swirling behind his back.

Yiyisi looked up at the sky, Chu Yunsheng Huang Xingren's body was decomposed and reconstructed in the radiance of the energy line, Baimang scattered a little bit, and the inexhaustible firebug formed after the death of the energy line was integrated into it. The darkness gradually appears, and a familiar black Ling Rui figure slowly forms in the glory.

It was shuddering and couldn't help but want to crouch, but the power from the center of the sky prevented its impulse, and even the slaves of the life source stood up under this force. It seems that the voice in the sky does not need them. .

The radiance is dissipated, the energy line transforms the matter, the material structure is formed, and the subtle and grand reconstruction of the living body is completed at the last moment. The dark figure appears in the center of the sky, and the volley is arrogant and arrogant.

"It is so." Chu Yunsheng opened his eyes, as if controlling the entire space inside the strange ball, and turned around and stepped out, the point in the center of the sky can no longer restrain him.

The power of the spirit and the thoughts are all realized, but there is something in this place that cannot change its trajectory of time and space. That is, there are several living firebugs remaining in the space of the ball. Their life form structure is suspected to have an inward direction. At the beginning of the creation of its life structure, it is possible to put an end to the possibility of being manipulated by the spiritual power. If Chu Yunsheng and the firebug have deep entanglements, they may even die of the firepower. Can't be merged anymore. Can only be dispelled.

This can be seen. If the firebug is a biological weapon, at least it should be a life on the battlefield of the spirit. It is used in the dark period of the earth's darkness, and it is completely overkill. Their life structure is a magical work that can be interfered with and manipulated by the spirit.

At the beginning of the island in the sea, the shadow of the human life was deterrent, and all the creatures in the sky, the sea, and the island trembled in front of it. Only the fire worms are not affected, but the war is boiling. It is not a simple pride, but a necessity determined by the level of life.

Under the cold mountain of the Great Star, Chu Yunsheng was not completely affected by the spiritual life of being stuck there. In addition to its own limit of consciousness, it is now known that there are still reasons for the battle of insects.

Therefore, he was able to kill the fire insects. Incorporating a warrior body, if it encounters spiritual life, and regardless of the attack power, the insect body is the best defense body under the attack.

The three suspended vertebral bodies that have been decelerated contain the rest of the people on the ground and the collective life, with the black air trail behind Chu Yunsheng. Walk out of the strange space together.

After they left. Especially after Chu Yunsheng detached from the center, the strange space that is no longer stable is quickly annihilated behind the scenes.

Where it disappears, there is a vaguely resembling a young figure, like a life, in the darkness, afraid, stunned, nervously watching the back of Chu Yunsheng’s departure, extending a small tentacle, like Drop a tear...

If Chu Yunsheng feels a little, look back. But nothing is seen.

The time when the young meat ball disappeared, the end of the shuttle gaze, the depth of the forbidden land, an ancient surviving huge entrance, a purely dark shadow that has been hovering here for a long time, two steps backwards, gazing at a distant direction for a long time. Then he turned around, like a moth, and he was cold and indifferent to the dark entrance that swallowed everything. The momentum that climbed in an instant was like the peak of the top, rushing into the clouds.

At the moment when it collided with the dense pattern of the ancient entrance, the turbulence caused by the landslide caused huge fluctuations, vibrating the entire forbidden place, and the layers of war worms swept up and flew like sweeping waves.

After a long time, when everything gradually calmed down, the meditation had disappeared at the entrance, and one of the bans seemed to have a lingering heart: "Is it broken?"

Another ban on thinking: "It should not be, but it has been the only one of us who has been able to continue for so many years, I hope it will come alive."

The third ban, also the oldest ban, sighed: "Unfortunately, there is no time, I feel that in the 100,000 remnants, they have come..."


In the dark area outside the Andromeda, the silver warship suddenly stopped.

Before the people had time to ask what was going on, they heard a "sound" from the direction of the Andromeda, which was intended to be heard by them, and sounded directly in their auditory system:

"It’s been a long time, and finally I met another spirit."

Everyone didn't know what it meant, and immediately in the direction of the dark space, "hearing" the second voice: "Yeah, I haven't seen other spiritual lives for many years."

From the direction of the Andromeda, the sound path: "Do you want to go to war? When the spirit wars, the life here will not be saved."

The sound path in the dark space of the dark field: "I want to die."

And the sound path from the direction of the fairy galaxy: "I want it to live."

The sound of the dark space in the dark silenced a moment: "I don't want to be an enemy of you, and there may not be only two of us here... The galaxies that are extinguished behind you are very strange."

The sound path of the Andromeda direction: "Before it was a long time ago, it was suspected to be a super-information gathering center of an unknown life civilization. It was drowned in the long dust history. I came into contact with something and I needed it to live. ”

The soul of the dark field is: "It is just a chess piece. Now the book of God has been placed in the true deity. The information has been brought back. It is alive and not good news for anyone."

The sound of the direction of the Andromeda insists: "It seems that you and I have a difficult opinion, and the spiritual battle must be opened."

The two sounds alternated in the life of the fleet under the cover of the silver warship. Everyone seemed to be "talking" with himself and himself, "disputed" with himself, and became the sound of the direction of the fairy galaxy. One will become the soul of the dark field, such as two people fighting in the heavens!

In the next moment, the starry sky became extremely quiet, as if two huge forces were rising at the ends of the space.

^ (To be continued.)

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