Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1356: One type of recognition

The fast warship still sailing between the two major galaxies of the Milky Way and the Fairy, although it has survived the biggest survival crisis since its departure, and smoothly merged with the line card, and then has the second source, or the peak. At the level of the level, the strength has increased greatly, but the next voyage is not smooth, and the sailing crisis of various sizes is still continuous. +◆,

An unusual energy band that has just passed through the warships has continued to drift away after the raging. I don’t know whether it’s radiating from the triangle galaxy or from the chaotic fairy galaxies. After the crisis, although there are two major sources, there are casualties. Case.

In the medical cabin on the 12th, there were bursts of sighs and crying. More than a dozen Hai people surrounded the new Kolin doctors and wiped out the last hope. A child of the sea closed his eyes. It is already on the verge of dying.

The Kolin doctors have done their best to use this spacecraft equipment that has been shocked by her to be rescued for a long time, and she has not been able to take back the children of the sea from death.

She can read the sorrow of these Hai people. This is said to have a source of life in the mothership, but the number is getting scarcer. Every child is their hope, but they did not think of the accident caused by this crisis. Three deaths and one injury, but children who are practicing outside the cabin.

At the same time, she also envied these sea people. In the discussion of the outside sea people, she heard one of them said that they are now unremarkable for the younger generation. Apart from the great master, they have not been able to compete with other young people of other races. If Assisi is still there... She doesn't know who Assi is, but she soon hears someone retorting. If we are not following the big man, follow Mr. Chu. Look at other lower lives in the main fleet, those with the lowest life than ours. We may not even qualify as slaves of others, nor do we have the qualifications for specimens on the experimental platform. But now, we can not only learn advanced knowledge, but also our own starship.

To be honest, although the Kolin doctors are already familiar with their language, they still often cannot fully understand their conversations. For example, the Grand Master is the source of life in their mothership. Still someone else? Who is that Assisi? However, these do not prevent her from understanding a reality. These Hai people are so lucky that there is an incomparably advanced civilization who is willing to give them the freedom and the opportunity to learn all kinds of knowledge. Even those textbooks are specially tailored for this boat. !

Since their family followed the ship’s peak source in the legendary spirit of the cardinal decision, and merged with this extremely fast warship, she was all the craftsmanship and scientific beauty of the ship. Attracted, many places are completely detached from their ethnic understanding, such as stepping into a sacred science and technology hall.

Then, something that made her and her entire race incomprehensible happened. This "perfect" battleship was controlled by a group of obviously backward creatures, and it was not the kind of dead master who ran out to get the spaceship. The real thing is the owner of this spaceship, it is incredible to the extreme.

If there is no spiritual ambassador and the source of life, the most kind person in her race will have the urge to "robber" the spacecraft. It is too wasteful for such a "perfect" advanced starship to be owned by them. In addition to the speed of sailing, these strange races are concentrated in everything. Neither can the true strength of this spacecraft be used to one percent.

However, impulsiveness is impulsive, that is, there is no source of life, her race does not dare to play the idea of ​​these races, and not behind them are still standing in an extremely advanced race, and recently, I heard a shocking news. But the original source of the news was dramatic.

After her race was merged into this fantasy ship, it was not long before a businessman who claimed to be a human being found a door to let her family laugh and cry. This creature did not feel as a backward race, confidently took it. A set of methods of cultivation, want to exchange their equivalents from them.

Her family sneered at the so-called cultivation of this backward race, and even felt that it was unnecessary, and did not say anything to exchange with it.

The businessman on the earth was also smart. At first glance, she saw that her family refused to hide the hidden low vision, but the result was a big surprise. The earth businessman not only did not self-deprecating, but turned her family down and despised one. turn.

Then, they realized that the technique brought by the earth merchant turned out to be the law of the left-handed god, and the racial identity of the businessman was the only race that could legally call "our Mr. Chu". Finally, the identity of the Mr. Chu was then They deeply shocked them, especially after the concealed confirmation of the peak source, her family was almost stupid. Although they were at the bottom of the battle between the two sides, they heard a lot on the battlefield. The name of the secondary waste.

In the end, they spent the most arrogant price to buy the cultivation method that the earth merchants who performed in a mysterious manner were all mysterious.

Of course, afterwards, they soon knew that they had been deceived. The identity of the former reserve was not wrong. The identity of the merchant was not wrong. The wrong thing was the cultivation method. Because in the next few days, people came to sell the cultivation method every day. And it's still a version, and even one of them has a typo, which is exactly the same. These wicked merchants haven't corrected it for so long.

Fortunately, the fast warships are not the main ships, otherwise they will be ridiculed by the more advanced races. Obviously they are pitted. The roughest version has been exposed and reported many times before the main fleet. Basically, it can’t be fooled. Anyone, only their newcomer will be fooled.

Moreover, they are already lucky, and the super-big liar of the biggest and most powerful wholesale cultivation methods in the main fleet has been detained and detained, not in the fast warships, or else it is called a miserable.

But no matter what, although he was deceived, he got important information. The origin of this fast warship is not trivial. Not only is there a very advanced race behind it, but also the almost mythical figure of the left-handed reserve.

Everything is incredible, and the dream ship is full of mystery inside and outside.

The sea children in the rescue room are finally dying. The cry became louder and the Kolin’s doctor retired from the hatch. I don't want to see this scene of death and death. Her race has also suffered heavy casualties on the battlefield. Many of the same families have already died.

With the sadness of the dead family, she just left the hatch and heard a sudden commotion in it. The crying sounded and the exclamation sounded loud.

She hurried back and suddenly saw the sea child who had already died floating from the top of the crowd and opened her eyes that were closed and her eyes were cold.

The strange mutations made the Hai people feel overwhelmed. And she is still calm, want to go forward to see if there is a miracle, and actually survived.

But when she wanted to move forward again, she suddenly found that she couldn’t move, and immediately became shocked. The protective clothing she wore on her body would not be harmed unless it was taken by the source of life. It is.

At this moment. The floating children of the sea began to appear white in the body, and the surrounding Hai people were nervously stepping back, watching the dead and resurrected children faintly shrouded in white awns.

After a while, the white mans went away. There was a figure flying inside, and the volley went down the rescue station and flew out of the medical cabin from her side.

When she can move. Then I saw the sea people in the cabin crouching on the ground, excited and frightened to call a word: respect!

Then. The sirens in the spacecraft made a big noise and resounded throughout the ship.

The image of the man is very familiar with the spaceship. All the way to the cabin of the important people.

The self-defense weapon system in the ship has failed. The soldiers who have come to intercept, whether they are soldiers of the Silver Legion or the team of the Cold Star, will appear as if they are there, as if they are bound by the power of the road, set in the air, panic. And staring blankly at the familiar shadow and swept away.

After receiving the alarm, Ali immediately came to the destination of the figure, and the door of Hull’s master stayed outside.

He has already seen the appearance of the figure in the tactical system, and he is equally astonished, but he always remembers the warnings to them before departure. Even if they are with Chu Yunsheng, and you are the same person as any acquaintance, don’t think that That is me, visual deception is the simplest means in the Star Wars, and always be vigilant.

戥 Now it’s a ship, it’s hard to imitate it, but Chu Yunsheng is different. I know a lot of people who can look at him.

The speed of the figure is extremely fast. Ali has just arranged the battle position, and it has already appeared at the door.

Looking at the familiar face, Ali was also the first time to encounter this situation. If it wasn’t for the coping procedures that had been given to him, I didn’t know what to do.

There are many processes for verification, and it is very fast. He quickly completes the procedure according to the procedure, but when he finally recites a period of suspicion that he is very skeptical or distracted from the big brother: King cover...

The figure was a faint smile, no answer, but a wave of his hand, his fake eyes automatically flew out, so he suddenly stunned.

The fake eye is suspended in the air and changes rapidly in the change of the white mans. After a while, it returns.

If there is any advanced thing in this warship, besides the spacecraft itself, then it is the training equipment and system in the training cabin, and the fake eyes of Ali.

Through perseverance and improvement, his fake eye has become an extremely advanced warfare system, which can capture the most tiny battlefield dynamic changes, and has the most advanced support system of virtual mimicry.

Sure enough, after he recovered his vision, he heard the figure saying: "Be asked by others to help you improve."

"Da Jun..." Ali has already confirmed the identity of the figure. Naturally, he knows who he is talking about. He has a warm current in his heart. However, this warm current has not flowed all over the body, and he suddenly vomits blood: "Begma Ma, my latest set of more than 300 sets of virtual reality...!!!"

He never thought that he had escaped hundreds of thousands of light years, but he still could not escape the nightmare of the virtual reality scene that was deleted more than 300 sets of the latest technology, but he has become accustomed to these years, and now it is not a pity. At that time, although he estimated that the "Mr." in front of him is likely to be "trusted" by people, the virtual set of this aspect of the whole ship has been deleted.

"Would you like me to scream? She entered the closed training cabin." Looking at the familiar figure in front of the door, Ali said with hope.

Chu Yunsheng shook his head and said: "No, let her train well. I can't stay here for too long. I have chosen a new route. We will meet again in the future."

Ali was pity in his heart, but he did not dare to delay the time of Chu Yunsheng. He spread the players behind him and said: "The big man is inside, and the big man is also there."

Chu Yunsheng nodded, no more to say anything, he had the internal structure of the whole ship that he had handed over to him, and he also had the highest authority to hand over to his warship. Before seeing Ali, he tested the ship according to the requirements of Yan. The speed and ability of the reaction, the alarm sound is immediately eliminated, the door is automatically opened, and it flies in.

In the presence of the old Hull, the identity of Chu Yunsheng has been confirmed, he will no longer worry, see Chu Yunsheng is coming to Hull, take the initiative to retreat: "I will go out first."

"Chivalry..." Old Hull’s eyes flashed with tears and trembling.

In these years, there are very few opportunities for him to see Chu Yunsheng. There are only a handful of opportunities. Every time he sees, he seems to return to the dreamlike world. At that time, he is a moss cake that he often can’t eat. Little slave.

Although he looks a lot from the appearance, he is much older than Chu Yunsheng, but psychologically, he was still a child.

Chu Yunsheng raised his hand to stop him, and at the same time he said to him: "No, you can listen together."

It’s a kind of recognition that even if he has already entered the source door, it’s hard to get this kind of recognition. On the top, or on the technology, in addition to the level of effort and speed of cultivation, there is nothing else to be proud of.

If the method of giving him cultivation is an endorsement of his efforts, then leaving him today is another kind of recognition.

^^(To be continued...)

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