Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1357: Als

Old Hull's cabin is not big, the main thing inside is the sleep system, which is his life system, very simple.

He is very old, and if he has not maintained a new life technology, he has already died for many years.

Even so, his body is too old to be added. If the non-warship can fly without gravity, I am afraid that it is too old to move.

Don't say that Bai Manhui is like Chu Yunsheng, who is like a war singer. It is a cold and sturdy swaying with the fineness of cultivation and more and more vitality. It is in stark contrast with him. .

Chu Yunsheng met with him. In his young dreams, he died on the snowy mountains in his youth, in the glorious holy city of his rule, in his lonely cold sky, today he will die in his death. Here, every time it seems to have experienced an era, one after another, crushing past, never left a trace in Chu Yunsheng's face, but in his eyes printed a vicissitudes of time.

He is a lucky man, from a poor little black slave, step by step to the ranks of thousands of people, to dominate the holy city, to force the blue-haired old and new aristocrats, blood and glory on the road, he witnessed his childhood The acquaintance of his companion Als, seeing the great saints always feel the urgency of the battle, and witnessed the death of the knights in the mountains and plains, and saw the sadness of the most handsome knight of the generation before going to death. The eyes, experienced the **** slave war, participated in the scientific revolution of the times, and fell to the holy city of countless conspiracy and dark battles. They were desperate to attack the underground fleet of small men, and lived to the historical moment of leaving the cold heart to set foot on the starry sky. The 10,000-strong ship that was shocked on the battlefield of the Star Wars was destroyed today.

He is also an unfortunate person, a young companion. The great saints who follow, the people around them, one after another, annihilated in the dust of history. Now, except for the Hull family, which has a ghostly body, he has nothing. Even his descendants, who died in the chaos of one era after another.

If there is a living person in this world who has witnessed his life, this person has only Chu Yunsheng.

Hull looked at the face with a look of indifference and no sorrow, but still young and young like a celestial being Chu Yunsheng. For a moment, as if he was still a small slave who had nowhere to go between the snow-capped mountains, the voice of the Lord was still so kind and great. It is the only support for his survival. But time can't be reversed. That era is over. He is no longer the little slave who is at a loss. Chu Yunsheng does not want him to be a small slave who doesn't understand anything. He doesn't want to go back to that embarrassing past. The moment of embarrassment was the ephemeral imprint of his time left in his heart.

"Da Shenshan..." Hull listened to Chu Yunsheng's inquiries and thought about it: "In the legends and records of the Lanfa people, it is related to the gods. Later, the origin of the black-haired people was found in the Austrian Snow Mountain. Well, the only possibility is to be related to the origins of the blue-haired person."

The black-haired person is not a native of the cold star, and the blue-haired person also has a lot of evidence that the black-haired person is of unknown origin. The underground people have been looking for clues, hoping to find their relationship with the blue-haired people, and where their ancestors came from, why do they appear in the cold stars and the earth separately?

But these are not completed day by day, the universe is too big, and it is too big to solve the puzzles of their origins for a lifetime.

And the cold star is more and more like a fascinating planet.

It appears in the right place, it is a "coordinate", there are traces of man-made everywhere, there has been a battle of the spirits. There was a spaceship of the black-haired man in the silver mans attack, and there was a trace of the person who broke the town. and many more.

Dashen Mountain and Olympic Snow Mountain are the most mysterious places on the cold star. The latter found the origin of the black man. The moment before, he not only actively defended the underground villain's attack on the cold star, but also hidden the secret of the spirit between the virtual and the real under the mountain.

Most of them are related to the earth. It is like a hidden shell of the mystery of the earth. Debunking it can see the truth of the earth.

"I can feel that my spiritual master is not the spiritual life under the big mountain." I thought about it and interjected: "In addition, although I felt that I lost to me in the same year, I felt more inclined to him."

"Yes." Old Hull sighed and said: "The great saint said that the two contracts can be used, but the most suitable object is the blue-haired person. Now it seems that it should be a blue-haired person. The spirit of the Lord is left."

Then, as he thought of something, he added: "In the place where the contract was discovered, only the great saint could enter. When she came out, it was automatically destroyed. Later, the great saint was always depressed and desperately I hope that the technology of Cold Star can make rapid progress. Now I want to come, she must have seen something inside, but she dare not say it."

Chu Yunsheng nodded and silently looked at the cold star simulation picture suspended in the cabin.

Afu was taken away by the "devil" as Hull and others said. It is very suspicious. The descending point of the Great Mountain is stuck by the cold star. According to Chu Yunsheng’s repeated observations on the bubble world, it is basically impossible. Someone can come here, and Lao You has never been found in the cold star. It is one of the evidences. The big head has said that it is at the bridge, and it can never really come, otherwise it will not be trapped in it for countless years. Afu may just be returned to memory, not really entering the Rainbow Bridge.

Throughout the history of the cold stars, before the time of Afu’s birth, the gods have not come for a long time. The so-called “demon” came very embarrassingly. How did it come?

Moreover, with Af's cardinal level, there is simply no ability to incorporate into the war of God. Even the cannon fodder is not counted. What does the "demon" want to catch her?

With the scientific level of Cold Star at that time, it is very likely that this so-called "devil" was not brought by the Rainbow Bridge, but "Stars and guests", and the cold stars could not distinguish the difference between them.

So what did Afu see at the Great Mountain? Who is her spiritual master? Why did the Earth people who once asked Old Hull know the name of Afu? Who took her, what is the purpose? Is she still alive?

Chu Yunsheng held his hands and stood up. He erased the cold star's simulation map out of thin air. He smiled and said to the old Hull: "I don't have a clean contract now, but I can help you improve your life and worry about your life."

then. Chu Yunsheng did not move, but the old Hull had a delicate energy line, which was interwoven at an extremely fast speed. A large number of cells and basic life units are rapidly improving, as if they were reordered in tight orbit. And correct a lot of errors accumulated in the cell mitochondria, and return it to the correct state.

Chu Yunsheng stood in front of the old Hull and looked at him, as if in his gaze, he resumed his vitality bit by bit.

As a source, 睥迈 can clearly feel the every move of Chu Yunsheng and can see all the steps of change. The level of power used by Chu Yunsheng does not exceed the source. But he doesn't, because he doesn't have the biological knowledge, but if he can record all the steps and ways that Chu Yunsheng uses energy at this time, then perhaps in the future, although he does not understand its principle, he can use it as his own. A source of the door, repeated use.

He felt that the speed of Chu Yunsheng's control seemed to be very fast, but it was absolutely unpleasant for a source door, otherwise it could be completed in a flash, obviously it was for him to follow. Learn a source of the law.

Although it broke through the source door, it has so far been the most basic ability of the source door. He is not the other source of the law, this is Chu Yunsheng taught him, but also his own first source of the law.

Crazy in cultivation and strength, he immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart and worked hard to record every step of Chu Yunsheng's time.

Gradually, he found that the method of Chu Yunsheng’s source and the method of extracting from other sources are different for the source of the source. The methods of the source are not known to be affected by the life. The impact is still tailored by others. As for how he practiced desperately, he could not learn. Chu Yunsheng is like a universal law, no matter what his situation. Can be used.

Don't underestimate the word "universal". Although it represents the opposite, versatility proves that it is the right way to reflect the great power of knowledge versatility!

After a while, Old Hull floated up and stood up, although the appearance did not change, but the action was no longer slow and old.


He saw the enthusiasm of learning and copying on one side, and moved to want to worship again.

A force lifted him, Chu Yunsheng said: "This is the life technology of the Zall people. I made some changes. You have to learn more in the future. You don't have to worry about the cold stars. The people who took Afu are I am coming to me, but today is not the same, they are afraid to be miscalculated."

Old Hull retired to the side, unlike most of the cold stars today. Like the blue-haired people in the temple, he insisted on the ancient service of the gods, not the one he still loves and believes in the gods. Such a naive person could not survive even in the original holy city. He was "one body" with Chu Yunsheng, both in his childhood and in the current situation.

Chu Yunsheng's improvement of his body made him feel meticulous, especially in appearance, still maintaining his old age. He believes that it is not Chu Yunsheng who can't make him younger.

If he becomes younger, it will cause great inconvenience. Although the social psychology of the Cold Star is now undergoing profound changes, it has not changed to a sudden change to face a young "big man", such as Walking together, such as with Yan Ya and others, are very weird and awkward.

They are not Zall, not even angered people. Their social form is highly developed, ignoring the youth and oldness of life, even ignoring the gender of life. They have not yet reached that level, and the ethical system of the whole society has not reached That step, prematurely appearing, will have the opposite effect, resulting in cognitive confusion.

In the cold star's cognition, Hull, the great master, should be old, so that people can be assured and convinced. This concept may change in the future, but not today.

A long time ago, on a dawn morning, Als and he captured the blue-haired man's castle and released a large number of black-haired slaves.

He clearly remembers that one of the old brunette women who had been rescued by Als himself spit a spit on Als’s face, scorning and angrily insulting Als, who was ungrateful and unconscionable to the blue-haired lord. The restless person is a traitor. It is a shameful and despicable human demon. Let Ace rush to repent and pay the blue-haired master for a crime.

This is a very sad thing, but even more sadly, he used to laugh at Als for a long time.

Many years later, in the popular film and television dramas, this episode, which is known as the classic fragment, has been changed a lot. The ridiculous person has changed to an unknown clown, while the young and handsome actor who plays Als has a firm face. But let Old Hull feel disgusting and said deeply: "Our efforts and **** battles today make her have the right to spit to me!"

What makes him even more disgusting is that his actor is a majestic and reserved nod...

Of course, these disgusting, he will never say it, will only be buried in the heart, it is the need of an era, but he will always remember that when Als held a blood-stained sword, under the sun, that one never yields. The face, the sentence he really said: If we don't die today, she is our future, our descendants will always be like her, that is truly sad!

Now that he is not in the same year, not only is he maturer than himself, but he is far more mature than that of Als, and the era is no longer that era.

Chu Yunsheng soon left, and he looked forward to looking forward to the still-looking learning, as if looking at the year of Als, he looked forward to Als.

^(To be continued)

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