Dark Blood Age

Chapter 802: I know that I can’t stop my courage.

Chapter 802, I know that it is impossible to stop courage.

Chu Yunsheng finally understood where the Indian military officer came from. He thought that he had broken his head. It turned out to be fearless.

Then hit it, hit them and talk about it!

Chu Yunsheng did not think about the relationship between himself and the night cavalry, but he looked at the posture in front of him and said that he also said that he had to say it before he was convinced!

Once started, Chu Yunsheng will not give anyone a chance to fight back.

When the Indian officers were still confidently watching Chu Yunsheng, Chu Yunsheng crossed the white translation on one side without warning, and the flames turned around.

The Indian officer’s face changed greatly. I didn’t expect Chu Yunsheng to dare to do it. When he reached out, he was going to pull the pistol at the waist, and the iron rod flowing through the flames went to the top of his head.


The Indian officer only felt a hot head, and a group of distorted flames appeared in front of the soldiers. The recent translation on the side of the road widened his eyes. Only he saw the general’s representative, Colonel Jared, under the iron bars. Burned to ashes.

Then he screamed, his **** fell to the ground, his feet were soft, and he was afraid to climb in the direction of the soldiers behind him.

Hey, hey!

Several of the pro-insurers responded in a subconscious manner and fired at Chu Yunsheng.

The bullets are not dense, there are not many people shooting at the moment, and most people have not responded to what happened.

But the sound of the guns made people more awake. At the next moment, the whole audience was messed up. Some people wanted to run. Some people squatted on the ground and some shouted.

However, Chu Yunsheng disappeared under the focus of everyone's attention. A large number of soldiers holding rifles did not know where to shoot?

"On top!"

I don't know who it is, yelling, the hand pointing at the sky trembled a little, and I saw a ghostly horror.

Dozens of soldiers slammed the gun up, looking for targets to adjust the muzzle, ready to fire.

Colonel Jared was killed. It is already the fifth victim. The incident is irreconcilable and the military is completely irritated. They may face thousands of pigs, but in the face of a person with a special ability, As an army, unlike ordinary people, it is still not too scared.

Dozens, hundreds of people and guns, that is, a single pig head or night cavalry, have to be labeled as a horse cell.


The commander of the company led the team without hesitation.

There was only a group of fire fog rising in the night sky, and it was rapidly rushing down. It was hit at such a speed, but the commander couldn’t take it. Hundreds of bullets were gathered in the air. There were always a few hits. Let's go! ?

The first bullet was shot out!

Then, behind it, followed by a dense array of bullets.

This should be a high-speed bullet. It should have been a hot warhead that left a ray of light in the air. When it was less than half the distance, it was statically low-frequency vibrating in the air, screaming and screaming.

How can the bullet stop?

Time has not stopped! what happened?

Is magic still a dazzling one? It is the pig head and the night cavalry that have not shown such incredible power!

The weird picture made the soldiers' hearts uncontrollably rise to fear, and as a result, in order to overcome the fear of the heart, the soldiers madly shot until the whole clip was hit!

More bullets screamed out of the gun, slamming into the front of the group of vibrating bullets that seemed to be stationary, like a reinforcement, stuffed into a gap, but without exception, all stopped, like a thousand horses The front line, the horses and drums, but only against the killing.

Only the first bullet, struggling alone in front of a dense group of bullets, faced a huge pressure from the enemy ahead as a lonely hero.

Hey, hehe...

Its body of metal shells began to glow with hot white smoke, but at first it was just a glimpse. In the blink of an eye, the entire smooth metal shell appeared as a scorching spot, and quickly expanded to the surrounding area. burn.

It seems that the process is very delicate, in fact, it is done in a very short time, only because the vibration of the bullet group is still static and clear.

Next, the scene that falls in the line of sight of everyone enters the pupil at a leaping speed.

The first bullet melted into a white smoke, and the fog had not dissipated. The densely populated bullets behind it seemed to meet the heat storm of the sun, and under the impact of a strong burning air, the group collapsed.

The flames ignited one after another on the bullets that flew back.

The burning air that was hidden in the air and invisible, finally passed all the bullets and rushed toward their starting point.

Many people lost their consciousness and lost their lives in the next moment, two moments.

From the rifle mouth melts red, to the whole body burning, but only between the blink of an eye.

At this time, Chu Yun rose to the ground.

The gas waves suddenly recovered, leaving the horrified soldiers who burned to the ashes and burned seriously, and the clothes caught fire.

The death toll has soared again.

But this time, no one dared to shoot any more, and then dared to scream something. The commander in the distance, looking at the half-destroyed force, could not help but follow the remaining dozens of soldiers. Subconsciously took a step back.

The air wave continued to gather, and a small jumping flame gathered under the left hand of Chu Yunsheng. It was like an elf, cheering and fascinating, and at the moment, no one thought it was cute.

The other side noticed that Chu Yunsheng’s right hand was slightly trembling, and the blood dribbled down the fingers, but in midair, it was burned by high temperature.

More careful people can even find that the iron rods held by Chu Yunsheng are constantly shaking, and it seems that the next moment, they will not be able to hold them.

But even then, no one dares to come up and try Chu Yunsheng is really not able to hold the burning iron bars.

Which scene just happened is really amazing!

More than fifty guns, how many bullets are there in the full magazine?

Only when this person fell together, the smoke was gone!

More than 50 people, the number of people in the whole half of the company, how many can now climb up?

This is beyond the cognitive range of the ability of the pig head monster and the night cavalry. The devil-like person will make the heart fear.


Chu Yunsheng took a step forward and said it in Chinese.


His second step seemed to be difficult to get out, and then he said in English.

Everyone didn't know what he was saying, and he looked at him with some stunned.

"Run! Don't want to die, run quickly! How far is it, how far!"

The face of Chu Yunsheng seems to be awkwardly snarled. The left hand is violent and violent, and it seems to be holding the little blue flame.

Everyone still didn't react much, and they used eye contact to communicate with each other. They seemed to be discussing or asking what to do.

Chu Yunsheng’s mouth suddenly spurted a blood arrow, but in the air it burned into a flame. It was difficult to say one word at a time: “I can’t control it. If you don’t want to die, run quickly, don’t go!”

At this point, some people finally realized that something was wrong. First, foreigners turned their heads and rushed to the distance. The remaining Indian soldiers looked to their commanders.

"Remove first!" The commander bit his teeth and turned and fled.

Seeing that the commander slipped, the dozens of soldiers were not fools, and they hurriedly followed the retreat.

One second,

Two seconds,

Three seconds,


Chu Yunsheng's eyes are getting more and more red, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and the blue flames suspended in the palms are becoming more and more glamorous.

He stepped hard and hard toward the earth wall and wanted to leave the city as soon as possible.

But after ten minutes, he couldn't even cross the half-step, and the blue flame finally lost control again.

The overwhelming heat wave swept through his body, and in a twinkling of an eye, the entire Indian city was swallowed up.

The tents were lit, one person was burned, and one inch of the land was melted.

The flames spread out like the ocean, and all the creatures in this place, whether human, a dog, or an indigenous creature, are all caught in a sea of ​​fire!

Cry, scream, cry for help, in an instant, in every corner of the city, with a cry of despair, everywhere running.


The tent was burned, the chariot was melted, the earth wall was destroyed, and the charcoal-like bodies were densely huddled like black trees on the black scorched earth. From afar, they still maintained the action before death, forever Solidified in place.

There is only one person in it who is still alive, that is Chu Yunsheng.

Time passes by bit by bit...

The heat wave swept through and suddenly shrank again. Before returning to Chu Yun, it was like a happy elf jumping, with the death of countless lives, and the body of Chu Yunsheng.

All the people who rushed out of the warehouse, whether they were Indians or foreigners, stared at him with blood.

In the charcoal corpse, there are their loved ones, their husbands, wives, children... In the scorched earth, they have their food, and they have everything they have to survive.

The fire burned the city, the life was burned, and the anger and hatred of despair and burning were burned.

The young mother who once wanted to use her body to exchange Chu Yunsheng for food, stared at the daughter who had only one step to escape the birth of the day, the body that had been burnt to the poor, to the poor, the feet and the scorched earth Condensed together, his hands open, it seems to still hold the mother's hand, and her little right palm is indeed in the hands of her mother, just disconnected.

The young mother did not faint, she silently picked up a sharp stone at the foot, step by step to the person who took her daughter's life...

Countless people rushed down the hills, picked up the stones, and smashed them like raindrops...

Although I know that moths are like fire, I can't stop the courage at the moment!

The mayor’s eyes were full of tears, and the black-stained face pierced a turbid tear. He looked at the sky and yelled. He wanted to ask Vishnu, why did he give everything, but he wanted to let go. The devil, let everything be burned in the end! ?

The inspector at Gate 3 looked at the man in the corpse in a dull manner and then prayed to the gods. Is this the punishment after greed? His old mother died there forever.

Auntie Vulcan, isn’t it a singer to remove the darkness and save the world? Why should we abandon us?

The persevering general, with a trace of blood red in his eyes, exhausted the strength of the whole body, his fists slammed on the military car cover, the old skin cracked, the blood flowed out and printed on the green wagon:

"Go to Prince Dear!"

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