Dark Blood Age

Chapter 803: Need more than just courage

Is this the power of the cardinal?

Chu Yunsheng did not know that his body was still in the realm of binary heaven. The blue flame from the zero-dimensional flame was not released by his power, but from the burning impurities of that strange thing.

He doesn't know what it feels like at the moment, or what should he feel?

His purpose was reached, the Indians went to the night cavalry, and he almost burned out the entire Indian city, killing more than 100,000 people directly!

He still vaguely remembers that in the sunshine era, I saw a photo of a duckling on a duck farm from the Internet, baskets and baskets, furryly filled with a cute little yellow duck, what should have happened at that time. The old man who raised the duck farm had to endure the pain and cruelly suffocate the furry ducklings at a rate of tens of thousands per day.

The life of a duckling is so fragile and helpless in the hands of human beings.

In this way, he seems to have a bit of confidence.

But looking at the stones coming from the sky, he did not hide, was smashed and smashed, and his nose and face were swollen and did not hide. He walked silently, away from them.

He can kill these people in a clean way, but he seems to think that they are right, if he is also jealous.

A woman rushes up, pulls his robes, and shouts something, it seems to be "you still my daughter!"

Chu Yunsheng felt that she was a bit familiar, but she didn't want to know who she was, and then she couldn't hear her sharp crusade, even though his hearing was clear about the movements on the sand dunes.

But I don't know why I feel that the voice of this woman is very small, but he can't hear it anyway.

He pushed the crazy woman hard and walked forward. The footsteps seemed to be a bit messy and awkward, but he felt normal. He didn't want to entangle with this group of madmen.

They are going to die sooner or later, what is the relationship with me? I let them go quickly.

After a while, he came to the high post in the distance and sat down. I took out a cigarette from my pocket, and the hand shake was so powerful that I couldn’t get it, so he fixed it with the other hand, so let it be impossible!

Shake for a long time. Finally, I still clicked. But it seems a bit too stubborn, and he seriously criticized himself like this.

Only the hand was still shaking, and the crumpled smoke trembled.

But still sitting there, pumping one by one. I can't stop, I seem to keep pumping down, and he doesn't have time to think about those headaches, so I don't need to think about it.

The stars in the sky are shining in the sky.

Pumping. Still shaking, let him get angry, open his clothes, reveal his chest, pointing to the sky:

"Come on, come on, I don't want anything, I have to hide here. You are still fucking. Ok, then come on, you make me unhappy, I want to make you unhappy, look. I won't stir you up!"

He seems to be jealous of the sky. It’s the trembling of the chest that I think I shouldn’t have, which makes him hate.



one day,

Two days,

Three days have passed...

Chu Yunsheng did not go. Waiting for the night cavalry, the Indians did not leave. They are also waiting for the night cavalry.

The two sides are now dead enemies, and after the heat wave has been burned, they return to the blue flames in front of Chu Yun’s ascent, and everyone is watching.

The Indians waited for the night cavalry to avenge their hatred, and Chu Yunsheng waited for the night cavalry to stir up the sky.

He wants strength, wants order, and wants to shake his hands under his feet, otherwise there seems to be no good days.

As a result, the Indians were temporarily setting up camps, and Chu Yunsheng was practicing in madness.

The fourth day passed and the fifth day passed...

The Indian liaisons did not return, the night cavalry did not appear, the Indians were still waiting for hunger, and Chu Yunsheng was still practicing in madness.

The sixth day.

The Indians are somewhat desperate. Some people seem to have accepted their fate. They know that they can’t report their hatred. They have gone on and on, and they have been eaten by the pig heads. But the pig heads are beasts, is that person also?

The dead are dead, and the living people will always continue to live, at least in the north, and the Chinese camp can survive.

And Chu Yunsheng, finally broke the realm of Sanyuan Tianhuo!

Six days ago, after the fire of the zero-dimensional tempering consciousness vented the impurity energy from the strange thing, it was always stable, and Chu Yunsheng could gradually control it.

He is taking a path of cultivation that no one has ever walked, so no one will tell what will happen in the future, what to do, everything depends on himself.

The strange thing is close to the cardinal, or, because of his own intervention, has already reached the power of the cardinal, but most of them are impurities for Chu Yunsheng, he is now gradually controlling a part of the fire group, only to understand that these foreign impurities Sooner or later, the consciousness of wrapping the debris of the object will not allow any impurities to exist, that is, the black gas will be pure.

Quenching is almost a month's time. It is actually a kind of cultivation. It is separated from the physical cultivation of the body. It belongs to the category of zero dimension of consciousness. The impurities have accumulated to a certain amount. Today, it will not be released, and tomorrow will be sooner or later.

Six days ago, when he used the fire, he caused the venting of impurities. The power of the cardinal was not completely controlled by his two-day body.

Although at the time of the incident, he did his best to restrain and control, narrowing the scope and power to a minimum, even using a lot of life sources to promote animal fragments and black gas, recalling impurities, tossing back and forth several times. Times, but still killed more than 100,000 people in the impact of a wave!

A large part of the entire Indian city died in the earthen surrounding, and many people died under the wall. This wall could not stop the pig head monster, but blocked the last escape route of the people inside, many After the death, the man still maintains the posture of crossing the wall.

In order to avoid such a thing happening again, he understood the problem and realized that he must improve the realm of the body as soon as possible to keep up with the realm of cultivation in zero-dimensional consciousness. Otherwise, the next time something happens, I don’t know when it will be!

After sweeping through the air, I found no shadow of the seal of the animal, and I could not feel the existence of the seal. I wanted to come to the strange thing and die.

It’s enough to think about it again. The black gas has always been destroyed and swallowed. Or if there is nothing to break, it falls in the hands of the seal of the animal. The cardinal has not yet arrived, and naturally it cannot live.

But the black gas seals seem to annihilate the consciousness of that thing and bring its power back. In order to integrate into their own zero-dimensional consciousness. So I had to temper it.

That is close to the power of the cardinal. Chu Yunsheng now understands a bit. If it is not his consciousness that breaks through the first limit, I am afraid it is not as simple as quenching. If you can't make it, you will be rushed directly!

It is normal to die in an instant.

However, Chu Yunsheng still did not understand why there was a fire, which had the ability to cure the firewood monsters. According to the truth, the wood property was the first.

Is it because of the fire of wood, the fire can only temper its wood strength?

The wooden property Chu Yunsheng can be felt. At that time, he had the feeling that he was touched by the rebirth of his own body during the quenching. This was related to the zero-dimensional multidimensional extension and seeking the sense of existence, so he felt it in the first time.

But for the cultivation of this field, he basically has two eyes to touch the black, and all of them rely on the subsequent summaries to go step by step.

In the zero-dimensional consciousness, there is still further tempering, or cultivation, and to what extent. Chu Yunsheng did not know, but he can now feel the accumulation of impurities, and things will not be repeated six days ago.

Moreover, these have the cardinal level of impurities, and now also become his strongest weapon to temporarily replace the black gas and the object sword. The fire from the zero-dimensional cardinal is not necessarily stronger than the legendary three flavors!

In the past six days, in addition to drinking some water, Chu Yunsheng basically did not eat anything. Relying on the strength of zero dimension, barely able to support it. But if Axier and Buteni don't come again, he is ready to go.

He didn't want to say anything to the Indians, but he wanted the young mother to say something, but once she saw the desperation that she was smashed, the feeling that Chu Yunsheng hated was coming again, so he didn't past.

On the night of the same day, Chu Yunsheng saw that the woman looked at herself and then left. When she left, her eyes seemed to be buried in despair and something more.

He dreamed of his daughter that night. When he woke up the next day, he understood what was in the woman's eyes. What was it?

She will come back to find herself, yes, it will.

On the seventh day, the day of God's rest, the night cavalry still did not come.

Chu Yunsheng raised the iron bar and looked at the desert. According to He Xiaoning's inquiring news, most of the night cavalry activities were in the desert. Looking for it there, there should be no mistake.

Seeing him stand up and go, Indians and foreigners not far away stood up. After seven days and seven nights of silent confrontation, they seemed to be exhausted.

The excitement, hatred and courage seven days ago, the suffocation of hunger and the environment, all swayed by Chu Yunsheng, who did not go with the original will.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng finally has to leave, many people’s first thoughts are not to stop him, but to finally breathe a sigh of relief, so that they don’t have to end up with such endless confrontation.

The Indians still admit their fate. Here is the new world. They are always dead. If it is not because Chu Yunsheng is a human being, but also a Chinese, if it is a pig-headed monster, perhaps they will leave earlier.

People can easily forgive a biting beast and even defend the beast, but never easily forgive a biting person, but there seems to be nothing wrong with this.

At this moment, looking at the back of Chu Yunsheng's departure, more people began to pray for the dead, hope that they will be born to Brahmin.

But the shadow of Chu Yunsheng suddenly stood in front, slightly tightening the iron bars in his hands.

People not far behind are getting up and looking amazed. Some people secretly exclaimed that it was the night cavalry. Some people frowned and did not say a word.

Soon, in the eyes of the people, in the military telescope, on the desert horizon on the horizon, there is a flood of black-scarred crawling creatures. The speed is extremely fast, just like the marching ants. Stay, swiftly swept over.

"It's a desert python! I have seen it from the ground. I have seen it, like the dead wood, it will eat people! How can it be more?" Someone seems to recognize it and shouted.

"It's over, it's fast!"

"What do you do? We can't run them?"

"Look, that person!"

The fierce sands of Wuhuan swept through the dry desert, igniting the dust of the sky, rolling into the torrent of water and approaching the unmanned one, still standing in the original Chu Yunsheng.

Those who used to smash through Chu Yunsheng with stones, seeing that Chu Yunsheng will be overwhelmed by the black sands of the black scorpion, suddenly discovered that it is not just courage to really face this moment...


Comrades, for the poor me who stayed up late, vote for a recommendation. You don't need to spend money. All you need is a login click, and I will be happy for a long time! Amen... (in prayer)

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