Dark Blood Age

Chapter 804: Send orders, send troops!

Thousands of sand shoals were getting closer and closer, and a dark, dark body flew out of the dust, and the blame screamed and slammed into the hot air.

Chu Yunsheng took a breath, stepped on the sand with his legs, and held the iron bar in the handshake. His eyes slightly condensed his eyes, and he saw the top of the sand rushing up the volley, then opened it, and the soles of his feet slammed hard. When you stepped on the sand, people bounced like a bow, and the arrow shot out. The iron rod with flames drawn an arc from underneath and slammed the first sand shovel hit in front.


The iron rod hit the body of the satay.

The sand slap "Oh," a dry, dry body split from the middle, split into two, crossed the top of Chu Yunsheng's head, with a burning fire, shooting to both sides.

The front road opened and continued to impact. Chu Yunsheng people slammed into the sand rushing from the rushing sand, and from their middle, they tore open a long fireway.

There are a lot of sand shoals, and the speed is very fast. Chu Yunsheng once handed over their hands on the oasis side, knowing their habits and avoiding being surrounded by them from the sky and the underground, and then they opened the road with the iron rods in the middle position. Open a gap and leave them behind.

The irritated Satay group stopped aggression southward, slaps the dry and bare wings, rotates in the direction, and chases after Chu Yun.

They are used to darkness, their vision is very weak, they rely on hearing to determine the direction of the target, and perhaps the sense of smell. Chu Yunsheng is not sure. When they are extremely numerous, the noise is noisy and the smell is confusing, which makes them unable to list one. The specific location of the target can only rely on the sand line of the leader in front of the most line to send a special squeaking sound to convey the direction information to the whole group of sand shovel. The current front sand swaying and chasing the back of the Chu Yunsheng ass, the huge sand 蛄The group splits from the middle into two, forming a huge "eight" character, the direction of the whirlwind, and Chu Yunsheng is running at the middle of the "eight".

The speed of Sanyuantian is much faster than that of the binary sky, which can make Chu Yunsheng more agile and delicate.

There is not much fire in the body that is inhaled and preserved in his body. Without the support of the element, it must be carefully calculated. In order to prevent excessive use of fire, it has not lost the rough iron bars in his hand, just to encourage himself to control the fire more finely.

The material of the iron rod is poor, and once it is used too hard, it can not support the impact of fire. It will be destroyed. It is currently a good limiting tool.

Killing the sand scorpion, Chu Yunsheng is not in a hurry, there are thousands of people behind him, Hu will only dig their own graves.

Fight against large-scale attack biota. He has experience more than many people.

If you don't have a zero-dimensional cardinal miscellaneous fire, you may want to consider more about how to get rid of the chasing group. They have thousands of them, and they are basically two-dimensional power. It is much stronger than the original red beetle.

Chu Yunsheng is playing a war of attrition. Like the oasis, taking advantage of the sensitive speed of Sanyuantian, with the group of sand scorpions in the desert of the desert, the choice of play is consistent with the filmmakers, without any hesitation, to know the insights and IQ of the film, it is The strategy of Shaying Group is necessarily optimal.

Time, Chu Yunsheng now has something, except that the stomach is a little hungry. Spiritually saved seven days of cultivation and rest, at the peak period.

After running a few laps, the shrapnel that killed the ground, Chu Yunsheng carried the iron rod to adjust the breathing and ran, and from time to time suddenly slammed into the sand smashing up. As the mind gradually became certain, they did not have the strange things that they and the filmmakers encountered close to the cardinal. Otherwise, he had to withdraw. If you play it down, it’s just that the film can’t afford it.

There are counts in my heart. Although the movements on the hands are getting faster and faster, the soles of the feet are more and more flexible, and the returning to the room is more frequent, but the frequency of counterattacks is more and more stable and more and more rhythmic.

The body fire is not much, he will balance the speed of the fire energy from the surrounding into the body and the speed of the swing, or try to have some surplus to maintain his continuous combat effectiveness.

Unlike the Earth, the heavens and the earth here are extremely energetic, and the speed of absorption is much faster. Although it is not as smooth and fast as the camera, there is no rush to overuse the camera and cause disorder in the body.

At the beginning, he had fallen into the predicament on this many times, and his memory was worried. The worst thing was the one that crossed the river tomb.

Nowadays, the breakthrough is the three-day days of the realm of fire. On the basis of the binary celestial body, the cell structure in the body is transformed into a fire-melt body, and finally breaks into the fire body. In the name, he borrows the awakened person. In other words, in fact, his firepower is far higher than the awakening of human beings in terms of stability and energy level.

Take it now, Chu Yunsheng feels that the sand shovel behind him is not a pure fire attribute creature, the composition is very mixed, but after all, living in a dry desert, the fire energy is still very prominent, but every time with him The iron bars are hard to fight together, and they always suffer, but the number is huge.

But even if the number is huge, it is decided that the sands will not be destroyed. He is calm and meticulously calculates the strength of each step and counterattack, even the direction and curvature of the circle. Take the appropriate action after careful thinking.

He has another important purpose. He wants to use this group of sand rafts to skillfully shape his fire-fighting skills in the past seven days.

There are a lot of combat skills. From the awakened, from the fire, and even from the multi-energy, Chu Yunsheng knows more or less. It is not suitable for him to choose one. So in these seven days, he has been sorting out the fire fighting skills that suit his fire.

Although Chu Yunsheng is not as good as the shadows, but also summed up a lot of things, the war skills, in the final analysis, is a way of using energy, just like a pile of metal and gunpowder placed there, basically no use, at most it is a Land mines, but through industrial manufacturing, become guns and bullets, the power is different, and even different guns, lethality and use are different, not to mention tanks and missiles.

The guns should use the laws of physical laws and so on. The same is true for combat techniques. It also requires the law of energy use. For example, the attacker is a kind of chaotic rule that Chu Yunsheng summed up and put together. In seven days, I used up my IQ and only came up with two kinds of combat skills that suit my firepower.

He tried it when no one was there. The theory is up, but the actual effect is not known. The battlefield has great fluctuations, and there are many disturbances. A good combat technique. Must be accumulated through actual experience. The better you can change.

In the end, it will not work, and the lethality will definitely be a try to know, even if it doesn't work. The experience of failure is also very important!

After the battle stabilized, he calculated the various conditions and the process of urging, took another breath, prepared, and suddenly turned back. The body continued to drift backwards along the inertia, but the iron rods slammed down from the sky.


Very violent impact, but the fire did not spurt out, still concentrated in the iron rod, to maintain the hardness of the iron rod, hard to sink the sand shovel, the dry legs into the sand.

But then, almost immediately after the impact, a bigger iron rod. Burning this burning flame, bombarded from the sky, more than ten meters long, slammed into the sand scorpion group, and slammed the front part of one leg of the "eight" character formation. However, there are only one or two sand shoals for death and injury, and there is no such thing as a substantial killing force.

Chu Yunsheng brows slightly wrinkled, failed!

but. He quickly adjusted his breath and immediately turned back. Run around again, the big move just now, let more Satay know his position, once it is closed, there is no attack to clear the way, he is difficult to break out.

Running all the way, the long sand and dust, while pulling the distance of the Dasha group, once again slowly fire, and on the second lap, they finally restored the formation before the road.

During this time, he quickly summed it up and slammed back again, lifting his iron rod and slamming it down.

The flame stick and the entity are still delayed, and the length is only twenty meters, and it has failed!

No, I have to try again!

Continue to spare a lap, and racked his brains to sum up and reflexively -

It failed again, but it has retracted several meters!

Chu Yunsheng’s perseverance in this area is still very strong. The effect of actual combat and the huge gap between his unmanned tests have not affected his psychological adjustment.

He doesn't believe that the direction is right, why can't he come out!

Of course, if it is not always possible, he should consider retreating. Although the Indians in the distance still have some troops, but they do not say that they have enmity with themselves, that is, the black scorpion group, they dare not come up, relying solely on He alone, the strength is thin, there is no suitable combat skills, there is no body and heaven and earth to suppress the yuan, sooner or later to be exhausted, sooner or later to be caught up.

The retracted few meters gave Chu Yunsheng a little inspiration. I realized that it might not work in one step. It is better to disassemble it. First solve the delay problem of the iron stick entity and the flame stick shape, and take the length problem out and narrow the investigation. Scope, step by step.

Once, twice, three times...

After hundreds of trial and error trials, the problem of delay was finally solved in the range of ten meters, the power is very small, almost killing the sand.

At the same time, he was also a little tired and was chased, especially when he was racking his brains and circling around, his spirit and physical strength were consumed enormously, but the problem has not been completely solved, and he must fight the iron.

This is not only a question of combat skills, but also his confidence in the future. Now his cultivation has been carried out on his own. If even one warfare technique is uncertain, others will not say it, and it will certainly be difficult.

Continue to experiment!

Repeated trials!

Continue to summarize, then correct, then modify, and then come back to summarize.

Finally, in the last reflexive slamming, the moment he lifted the iron bar is about to fall, there is a sense of incomprehensibility -

It seems to be successful!

Then he knew where the sign came from. It was a kind of sensation after sweating. He racked his brains and finally figured out the answer. He broke through the level and suddenly opened... These are his It has never been seen before, not only when there is no one in the ideal conditions, but even when it is learned the skills of the predecessors, there has never been!

From the transformation of combat technology in the realm of the gods, to the current combat skills, the difficulties and hardships, only Chu Yunsheng knows that the dust atomization of black gas is not really a self-made combat technique, but only utilized The characteristics of black gas.

A huge flame stick shadow, from the sky, formed a long fire corridor of 100 meters, with the stick body of Chu Yunsheng, suddenly and violently bombarded!

There is no loud noise, but there is a huge energy shock. According to Chu Yunsheng's design, it is almost condensed into real fire, like the world's most fierce, most violent, most aggressive things, at the fastest speed. Kneel down and break into the body of a sand shovel into the 100-meter line. More than half of them are bursting and dying, and the other half are burning.吱吱 painful and screaming. The formation suddenly became chaotic, and it was unclear.

This stick. The first 100 meters of one leg of the "eight" character formation was completely destroyed, and the fire vitality of Chu Yunsheng's body also consumed more than half.

However, he is now pressing the body's fatigue and continuing to test the second type of combat skills. Now his head is very active, and many things may disappear. You must take this opportunity to get his second combat skills.

This warfare technique is a bit more complicated. It is born out of the first warfare technique, and uses the iron stick body to turn into countless fire and stick figures. It draws on the swordsmanship tracking method of the predecessors, so that each stick shadow is solely responsible for attacking a target. To the dead party.

Perhaps it is because it is too complicated, he tried dozens of times. There is basically no power, and the target pursuit is even more chaotic. All of them fail without exception.

However, he also discovered a lot of tips and knowledge that he had never known before, and he urgently needed to summarize it later.

Now there is no time. The firepower consumption is almost as fast, and the spirit and physical strength are gradually unable to keep up with the rhythm. Several times, there is a mess, and the remaining sand shovel is almost closed.

But running can't run away. Can only be solved once with the card machine miscellaneous fire!

This is also the first time he was good, and the cardinal fire was fierce for seven days. Sufficient to release once and burn out the remaining hundreds of satays.

The blue flame appeared on his hand in the next moment, and the others had stopped and were quickly surrounded by the sand.

The flames are jumping like a devil, as if they can't wait to get out of Chu Yunsheng's palm.

This is the repulsion of the impurities to be discharged. He has resisted and is somewhat familiar.

The sand scorpions rushed up, the dry skull-shaped head was getting bigger and bigger, and the screams screamed into the ears...

The heat wave blew and vented. This time, without any hindrance, it spread out without hindrance.

The heat wave is just a sensory feeling. In fact, after the blue flame broke away from the palm of Chu Yunsheng, it disappeared into a high-density energy field. All objects in the field, including the air, were heated and burned. This is especially true for sand shoals, even stone sands are self-igniting into viscous.

From a visual point of view, the satay is a light bulb that is only ignited by invisible forces, like a light field in the energy field, which ignites and burns, and still maintains the original motion when it dies.

After a while, the energy field that releases the impurities will shrink, and it will appear like it has never appeared before. It will re-agglomerate into a blue flame, returning to the body of Chu Yunsheng, and can't see any difference.

Without impurities, Chu Yunsheng can't control it. Once he has drilled into the body and wants to see it, he has to wait until the next impurity appears.

At this time, almost between the electric and the flint, Chu Yunsheng saw two things, the same is a larger group of sand scorpions swept from the sky, and the other is the essence left after the burnt sand Coke quality.

I don't know why Shahao always runs to the south. Like something in the north is expelling them. Chu Yunsheng can't guess, because it can be a cardinal master!

And his greatest danger is the cardinal life. From the oasis, he knows that he is being stared, and it is sooner or later to find it. He must be strong and powerful during this time!

The speed of the sand shovel is fast and the time is tight. Chu Yunsheng immediately releases the fire energy that is refilled by the flame energy field in the body. With the strength of the energy field contraction, the essence of the thousands of sand scorpions is absorbed and gathered. Together, the package is wrapped in a very high-density energy field that is about to be restored into a flame. Using the fire of the cardinal, a knife shape is rapidly tempered.

After a dozen seconds, the energy field was still irresistibly shrinking under the counter-control of Chu Yunsheng, but Chu Yunsheng finally took a slash from the cluster of nearly incandescent hot field. The sharp narrow knife, the blade is dark and bright, smooth and mirror-like but not reflective, without fire, but it seems to be everywhere, dignified and pure.

Because the direction of the twitch is reversed, the contracted high-density energy field seems to slide from the tip of the knife to the tip of the knife. It is like a light overflowing, forming a blue flame that jumps on the tip of the knife, as if a whole knife is coated with a layer. Deep dark gloss.

The sand shoal group on the horizon will arrive for a while, Chu Yunsheng will not dare to stay again, and the left hand will attack again. The remaining impurities in the high-density energy field will not be finely controlled according to the shape of the fire, and roughly form an ugly The rough scabbard inserts the blade that looks like a perfect piece of art. When the blue flame enters the body, it immediately turns around.

With thousands of Satay scales, he can also try to rush over, tens of thousands, just don't want to want it.

However, with this knife refining the knife, Chu Yun thought, the withdrawal should not have much problem.

He had been fighting for a long time, probably for a night, and when he returned to the starting point, the Indians had already run out.

At this time, the sky is also a little bright, not far from sunrise.

Chu Yunsheng inserted the scabbard into his waist, carrying an iron bar, speeding into the jungle and rushing to the south.

Halfway, he encountered several people who seemed to have lost the team. He climbed from a jungle trail, and Chu Yunsheng followed, but did not expect that the few people passed without hindrance. He seems to have hit something.

Transparent, invisible, as if floating in the air, faintly drifting with the energy of the vitality, ordinary human beings can pass, but he can't.

Chu Yunsheng’s mind suddenly came up with a word - dark matter.

He has been practicing for so long, and his life is the first time to "see" to pure dark matter, and it is still such a big chunk!

This is a very uncommon thing, which is extremely useful, especially for the use of metaphors and weapons. As mentioned by the predecessors, weapons such as weapons of more than four days are mostly drawn from various types of pure dark matter... ...


In an ancient city in the desert, it is full of flags of hunting and flying.

Behind a low wall, stood four figures.

Buttani clenched his hilt in his hand, his eyes fixed, and firmly said: "I don't agree. Now the desert giants are out of control, and the whole tide is flooding. It is not wise for us to save the Indian city now. It was Deere’s private matter, and it had nothing to do with the entire cavalry regiment."

The woman in front of her did not disarm, even the mask was not removed, just moving her eyes from Bounetney to the side of the teeth.

"Don't look at me, I--" I don't know why, he is not afraid of Chu Yunsheng, but he is a little scared that this chick is up, and the tone suddenly screams: "I mean, save a few An Indian, really no need, even if you don't consider the person's original account, you have to consider our own security, right? I know Deere has a lot of weight in you, but --"

His voice ended here, because he found that when the woman said that the gaze was a little cold, he could not help but shudder, and said that he would not go first.

The gaze behind the mask did not continue to move to the last woman with black hair, but straight back, step forward, to see where the flag is waving, faintly said: "Transfer, ready to send troops, tonight before dark Must arrive in the city of India in full!"

Butney bit his teeth, faintly removes a trace of blood on her **** lips, and suddenly raises her head. It seems that she has been waiting for this day. Cold voice: "You violate the command of the king, I will no longer listen to your command, we The vows will be-"

At this time, the woman turned her head and looked at her quietly. After a long time, the sound seemed to make Butney feel that even in the hot desert, she was cold: "If he is not the king of immortality?"


Staying up late the day before yesterday, I fell asleep halfway through last night, this chapter that I got up this morning, there is still one more tonight.

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