Dark Blood Age

Chapter 805: Frightened

Chu Yunsheng stood under a big tree in the jungle, frowning at the dark matter that was half-into the block.

Tens of thousands of sand crickets are behind them, and there is not much time to waste. If they want to continue taking away this dark matter, he will have to find another way.

The characteristics of dark matter are magical, basically do not interact with normal substances, just like ordinary class, can penetrate the past without any obstacles, do not feel any discomfort, want to put it with a rope or a backpack, is Impossible, it will slip through without a sound.

There is only a more grand gravitational field that can constrain its position. Of course, dark energy is also OK. This is why Chu Yunsheng is "smashed". He has fire and vitality in his body.

After trying it for a while, there was no good way. The clothes couldn’t be wrapped, and the pockets couldn’t be loaded. I could only hold the edge of it with my own hand and walk with it.

However, as he went deeper into the jungle, he bumped into many plants with dark energy, and was hit by the east and west, and almost disappeared more than ten times.

When I want to think about it, Chu Yunsheng extracted the narrow flame of the fire from the cardinal fire, and the slashing of the knife and the fire was dazzling. With the strong aggressiveness of the "flowing fire", the dark matter was hardened into a nail-shaped embryo. Then use the iron bar to use the reduced version of the stick and shadow technique, and continue to tap on it for hundreds of times, and then reinforce it into a barrel-like dress, put it in from below, and fix it with your body and hands.

This dark matter, I don't know the kind, it is extremely difficult to deform, but it is in line with the predecessors' old sayings in the ancient books. It will take a lot of effort to make this barrel look, although it is rough and ugly, but wins. In its transparency and light transmission, it is also invisible.

For the ordinary entry class, if it does not inject fire, its defense power is equal to zero, but for creatures such as satay, it is another matter.

How to carefully use it to make the most of its effects, Chu Yunsheng has no clue, and can only use this stupid way to take it on the road, but those parts that have been cut off by the "flowing fire" can only be very Unfortunately, it was discarded.

The filming is not around now, and he does not need to deliberately hide the realm and strength. It is the most important thing to break through the four yuan as soon as possible. He knows that there are five cardinals hovering overhead, not knowing what Time will suddenly fall, and there is no way to gain confidence without counterattack.

He thought about a quiet and quiet day, and eventually he would either defeat the cardinal life or force them to surrender. They were in the same hollow, and there was no second way to go.

To challenge the cardinal, and most likely have to face more than five cardinal life at the same time, even if it is in the shadow, it is estimated that the scalp is numb, Chu Yunsheng had to seize all the opportunities encountered, and refine the "flowing fire" Take away dark matter, all in order to prepare one by one, step by step to enhance and attack your own strength.

But then again, the cardinal, he is not not killed!

But if you can use the contradiction between them, rebel or pull over one or two... When you think about this, although it is indeed a very good way, and it is possible to succeed, but his head is big, this thing Yan Lai must have no problem, he has to operate, and he is not defeated.

Packing up the dark matter block, Chu Yunsheng re-attached the "flowing fire" inserted on the ground to the body, waving the iron bars, sweeping away the dense plants in the jungle, opening up a road and continuing to go south.

About a mile later, in the depths of the jungle, Chu Yunsheng met a large force that India fled to the south.

Seeing that he came back alive, many of them were very complicated in their faces.

On the one hand, they have hope that they will die in the sand scorpion group at the time. On the one hand, they have the feeling that Chu Yunsheng can come back alive, which means that they have stronger strength than the Shaying group. Before the night cavalry fails to arrive. It seems that it is a good "reliance".

In a complicated situation, there is a complex mentality. The previous second may be a private venge. The next second, maybe the ally, the change in the relationship between Chu Yunsheng and India, and some foreign imports, although this is not the extreme. But he did not enter and throw stones at him again.

Some scenes are unnatural, Chu Yunsheng is not ready to stay, want to cross these into, continue to move south.

At this time, a 50-year-old man in a suit with a taupe on his skin came in and greeted him. His face could not be said to smile or swear.

"Hello!" The English, which is still standard, greeted Chu Yunsheng: "I can't think of seeing you again. My name is Amir, the father of Weissen. When we were in India, we had seen one side." ""

Chu Yunsheng stopped and did not remember that he had seen his impression, and he did not know what he wanted.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng did not know his doubtful expression, Amir smiled and explained: "The young person you were hurt at the time was my child. After receiving the news, I went to the scene to meet you. ""

Chu Yunsheng's brow slightly wrinkled, and he played well, but it was damned to death, and the death was not enough. It was completely different from the situation of the woman.

Does he want to come to his own account? But looking at him is not like, I don't know what he meant, Chu Yunsheng continued to look at him without talking.

The man named Amir was a little panicked by Chu Yunsheng. All the entrances here have seen how Chu Yunsheng destroyed the city. How to enter the Sasha group and how to live back, the things have gone so far. Hey, the mood is gradually calming down, and more and more of Chu Yunsheng is fear.

"I am on behalf of the mayor, I want to talk to you, don't you know if you have time?" When he was nervous, he used a respectful word and asked cautiously.

Chu Yunsheng looked at him carefully and said: "What are you talking about?"

Amir pointed to the side, made a gesture of asking, and looked at the nearby civilians. He said with sincerity: "Or else, let's go over there, we need your help, you can ask for conditions, we try our best Satisfy?"

Chu Yunsheng brows and jumps, glanced at him, his eyes snarled: "I hurt your son. In the circumstances, he could not escape. It is equal to killing your son, facing the enemy, you Still have to talk to me?"

Amir looked like a sigh and sighed: "My own flesh and blood, even if you don't get it, how can you not feel bad? Actually, I don't really want to think about it, not only him, but also a little son and a daughter. Being burned to death, the youngest son is my favorite and most sensible, but life always continues, and hatred can only make it fall, and I also heard you let us go quickly, I don’t blame you, It’s strange to blame that it’s their destiny, the fate of the arrangement, or else, why aren’t they escaped?”

Chu Yunsheng did not know if he really thought so, or did he deliberately say to himself? I always felt a little unbelievable, especially when I heard that he had killed two sons and one daughter.

Amir does not seem to want to continue on this topic. He came to the jungle in the side. He had observed the time of Chu Yunsheng’s seven-year-old, and knew some of Chu Yunsheng’s habits, he took out a pack of prepared Indian cigarettes. Handed over, said: "You also know that military supplies and daily materials are basically burned out, there is nothing good."

Chu Yunsheng did not pick up, not afraid of poisonous or something. It was not so much. It felt a little awkward. He said straight away: "If you have anything to say, those things that you eat are not far from here."

Amir took a sip and spit it out deeply. The voice was a little depressed: "We are finished now, there is no food, no drugs, no supplies, and the army is in a mess. We can only go to China in the south. You are China. In, there is a powerful and magical power. If you are willing to protect us, we may still survive."

Chu Yunsheng looked up at him and said: "You are not afraid of things happening before the Nine Miles?"

Amir shook his head and said with a smile: "If you are suffering from torture, starvation, death, or being cruelly eaten, I would rather have the soul to return to the earth without much pain."

Speaking, he seems to add a touch: "Maybe, we should not leave our hometown."

Chu Yunsheng also shook his head and said: "Don't you have night cavalry protection? No need for me."

Amir sighed and whispered: "You may not know that the night cavalry is powerful, but they support the generals, the mayor...the general's idea is different from ours, if not his tough policy, many Things may not happen, can you understand this?"

Chu Yunsheng naturally understands that he has seen too many things in the fight. At the beginning, Jinling City was so chaotic, and the insects were under the city, but they never stopped.

Amir continued: "If you are willing to protect us, the mayor is willing to provide you with all the conditions we can afford."

He didn't bargain because he felt that the male entry didn't seem to agree, and they didn't have the bargaining power.

Chu Yunsheng does not promise, mention the stick, ready to go: "I will not protect any entry, followed me will only be unlucky."

He said the truth, but Amir did not think so. See Chu Yunsheng to go, and hurriedly said: "Indeed, we have no high-end food, high-grade tobacco and alcohol, but we also have the most beautiful India in the world. Miss, please think again..."

When he said this, Amir felt that his dignity was lost, but he still clap his hands. Behind the jungle, a 16-year-old girl wearing a yellow sari wearing a veil seemed to hear the signal and hurriedly stood. Come out, hands clasped together uncomfortably.

Chu Yunsheng looked at Amir Road: "When you treated foreign countries like that, you should think of such a glimpse. Now you have to make up for it by sacrificing a girl. Do you think it works?"

Amir groaned: "You may not know the truth of the matter. The generals have a good relationship with the night cavalry. The night cavalry will also recruit suitable soldiers in the city of India. The generals strongly recommend India to apply for the advantage of India. In order to deal with you, the generals have already sent in to contact the night cavalry. You don’t know that the night cavalry, Prince Deere and the generals are closely related. He is very influential in the Night Cavalry Corps. It is said that Wang Qi will seriously refer to his opinions, so they will definitely come in. They are very powerful, and they have a lot of money. You only have one entry. If you encounter it, you may suffer a big loss. However, we also have some information. The recent contradictions in the night cavalry are getting deeper and deeper. If you like, I can find someone to come in and tell you in detail. It may be helpful to you. The entrance is the mayor’s insertion to the general and was selected by the night cavalry. Over."


Chu Yun rose to the beginning and stunned. Before the Nine Miles, India entered an angry threat to him. They went to the night cavalry and let them wait, so they didn’t know who India was in, he thought about it. Which one of Eich and Butney made this decision.

But now I’m listening to Amir’s saying, but I can’t think of any important name. This pronunciation can affect Wang Qi, that is, Ai Xier and Buteni, it must be a big thing, but he is not racing. impression!

After a while, he frowned and quickly recalled the experience of the blood family, only to gradually recall a memory from the memory.

Is that Deere?

Was the body that was originally borrowed by Jacob himself to become the pig that the pig head entered?

Chu Yunsheng vaguely remembered that the entry was very reluctant and his perseverance was extremely strong. He was beaten like that, and he was dying. He still wanted to save Ai Xier, and he seemed to have a relationship with Ai Xier.

For his memory, Chu Yunsheng is just like this, but there is no more.

Is the two-in-one relationship restored? How else can influence decision making? Can the Indian generals be so emboldened?

Chu Yunsheng has no interest in the private life of Ai Xier, Butney, etc. As long as he is not confused, the **** rotten life, like the one on the yacht, he does not want to control.

However, if Qian is involved in the decision he has made, and it is a blatant violation, it is a very serious matter. He has killed and cleaned up the blood race once, and can kill it again and clean it up again!

Listening to Amir's reference to the contradiction within the blood ride, Chu Yunsheng stopped, no matter what, or first understand.

Amir saw it and hurriedly took another hand. A fifteen-year-old boy, his face was tight and his eyes ran over in a panic.

At the moment he approached, Chu Yunsheng had an absurd feeling. It seemed that he had a feeling of instinctively trying to kill him, drawing all his dead and life.

This feeling has not been seen before. It was also the first time I met the blood family on Earth, but there is absolutely no such strongness. At most, I feel that I am full of life.

But now it's totally different, just like a cat seeing a mouse or a fish, the strong motives and impulses seem to be born.

At the same time that he felt this way, the big boy seemed to be aware of it too. His body was covered with a sigh of relief. The eyes that looked at Chu Yunsheng suddenly seemed to encounter enemies! Turn around and want to run!


Didn't use Amir to talk, Chu Yunsheng himself sinks, he has to figure out what is going on.

The magic is that he shouted like this. The big boy not only did not accelerate to escape, but stayed in the same place, as if he knew that the death period would be the same, he was shaking, but he did not dare to move. He turned his back to Chu Yunsheng. A pair of slaughtering appearances.

Amir was also frightened by the unusual actions of the big boy. How did this good thing become like this?

He didn't come, Chu Yunsheng had to go by himself, but every step forward, the boy's shoulder was even more trembling, his breathing became extremely chaotic, and his face looked desperate.

"What are you running, I won't eat you again!"

Chu Yunsheng saw his first feeling, although it was true, but he was quickly suppressed by him. How strong is his zero-dimensional consciousness, that is, the third force can not toss a trick.

I didn't expect him to say this subconsciously. The big boy was stunned directly on the ground, and he was scared to faint! (To be continued)

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