Dark Blood Age

Chapter 806: Who is the master?

For the first time, Chu Yunsheng’s life found that he had a day of “hegemony”.

In just two sentences, no more than fifteen words, a living person can be scared on the ground, and the other party has never looked back.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation. This theory Chu Yunsheng still understands. His expression is dignified. He walks up to the big boy and picks up the dry branches of the ground to cut the boy's skin. After careful observation for a while, he probably has a heart. Judge.

The boy was blooded and had a **** peculiar smell, but this silky smell was slightly different from that on the earth. Chu Yunsheng would not see it for a while, but could only see it as a variation in the mouth. After all, the earth at the time was closed.

But this is the variation of the silk, so that Chu Yunsheng has the instinctive impulse to kill him, and he probably also because of this silk variation, seeing himself as a natural enemy.

If you want to know more about what is going on, there is only one way to kill the faint boy who is in front of him and **** his death and life.

Of course, killing only one is not necessary, and perhaps killing more, in order to touch a little context, but Chu Yunsheng has no such plan for the time being. He is not a mad person who wants to improve his strength. It is also because of the heavy casualties caused by burning the Indian city. It is not uncontrollable. Fortunately, he is also a personal class. He has improved his strength and recovered himself. There are many ways to do it. There is no need to do extreme things that have lost the bottom line.

Amir did not have a big boy who was afraid of the natural enemies of Chu Yunsheng. He hurryed forward and took a slap in the face, using some first-aid methods to wake the boy.

Chu Yunsheng stood on the side and waited for Amir to awaken the big boy. Considering the deeper problems, I also thought of some things, and some questions still have to ask him.

The origin of the blood family is not clear, especially after the filmmakers said that, Chu Yunsheng has a layer of haze in his heart, always feel that there are things that he did not see behind.

He is used to guessing the other's intentions by empathy. If you put yourself in the perspective of a big boy or even a whole blood group, what should you do when you face yourself? What action will be taken? Then the intention behind the creation of the blood family is clear, and it is not necessary to know who it is.

The instinct of natural enemies is that you live and die. An unbreakable link in the food chain.

The cat eats the mouse perhaps for taurine, but the cat that has not been exposed to the mouse, how do you know that there is taurine in the mouse? How do mice know that cats will eat themselves, but dogs are nosy?

Although Chu Yunsheng has not been able to call his parents for his biological achievements, he also knows that there is something in this world called heredity.

The survival information of the food chain breaks into the genetic imprint.

Those who can do this, Chu Yunsheng knows, can count on their fingers, but there should be no Cao Zheng and others, they still have no ability. The problem is here, and the words on the blood are obviously what they wrote. Is it forced? Or they don't know at all?

These problems, Chu Yunsheng does not have to consider for the time being, the cardinal is not broken, the spirit is not born, knowing and not knowing who it is, is the same, increasing troubles and worry.

What he wants to consider now is the attitude of the entire blood group. A little boy who is not very successful in blood is so sensitive to him, a truly elite blood ride. If you meet yourself, do you still recognize yourself as a king, or an instinctual natural enemy?

The answer is obvious, and you don't have to think about it. The heart is separated from the belly. It is Chu Yunsheng himself, facing a person who is extremely instinctive and needs to “eat”. Even if it is a shadowless person, he is not the same as you are dead, but there is no sense of security for a moment.

Can rats eat cats? Chu Yunsheng does not think that there is nothing impossible, the big boy is too weak. So I dare not resist. If the number of mice is too large, it is very powerful, and there is only one cat. I want to know with my ass. What will the smart mouse do for my own safety?

If you throw a person into a tiger cage, he will think that the tiger has been used to beef, and if he has "feelings" with humans, will he not eat people?

The important thing is not whether the tiger will eat people, but because human beings are born with the fear of the tiger, or they can be re-individually caged, or they can kill the tiger when they are armed with weapons. Otherwise, who will dare to go all day with the tiger. For the companion! ?

Chu Yunsheng can think of so much between one time. First, it is related to the unclear origin of the blood family. First, it is related to many of his own experiences. He has to use the worst people to speculate on others and use the worst plans to think about how to solve the problem. The problem.

This is not as simple as saying that he said "you are afraid of what, I will not eat you".

Since things have already happened, they must be resolved early, and they will only get worse and worse. Whether it is the work experience of the Sunshine era or the experience of the dark period, Chu Yunsheng knows this well.

He decided to stay with the Indians for the time being and act with them. If the blood ride is coming, the first one to be sure is the Indian, and he will be able to meet them in the shortest possible time.

Under the efforts of Amir, the big boy woke up and opened his eyes to see Chu Yunsheng standing under the tree. The first reaction was still to run, but he was pulled by Amir.

"I know that you are afraid, but you can rest assured that I will never hurt you." Although it is not useful to know that it is said, Chu Yunsheng is still "guaranteed", otherwise, there is no way to communicate.

The big boy wouldn’t dare to run, but he slammed Amil’s hand, as if he had seized the straw, and refused to let go. He looked at Chu Yunsheng’s movements in a panic and vigilant manner, as if he was afraid of Chu Yun’s next moment. It will come up and bite yourself like a beast.

Chu Yunsheng feels that he is still asking questions directly. He said: "Who is the night cavalry?"

The big boy looked at Amir and got the encouragement of the latter. He swallowed his mouth and spoke with a strong Indian accent. "I only know what Wang Qi is going to do. I am not sure who is the master."

Wang Qi?

Chu Yun raised his gaze and asked: "Is Dil's position in the night cavalry?"

The big boy nodded. "The prince at that level, we can't get in touch. However, I heard that some night cavalry is very disgusted with him and talks a lot privately."

Chu Yunsheng asked: "Which part?"

The big boy thought about it and said with uncertainty: "I am in a low position in the night cavalry. It is not too clear. There are many factions in the world when they seem to be on the earth. The contradiction has existed before. Now it is fierce. Listen. It’s still dead, but it’s suppressed, and it’s not going to make trouble.”

Chu Yunsheng thought that he might indeed be too low-level. He couldn't figure out the battle above. He found out the key and continued to ask: "Will you join the night cavalry, but also declare a new oath, loyalty to the undead king?"

The big boy nodded and shook his head again. Some people said that they were swearing, but I think it should be a form. Now people who are new to it rarely hear the legend of the undead king, and when they swear When I mentioned one or two sentences, I was curious to ask about it. It seems to be a taboo. Few old cavalry are willing to talk."

Chu Yunsheng frowned and said: "Who are you loyal to you?"

The big boy said naturally: "Wang Qi is going, Wang Qi moves, and the whole battle will follow the charge. The order I got is this."


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