Dark Blood Age

Chapter 808: Cardinal gaze

Although I don’t know what happened in front of me, causing people who have passed through the stream to roll back, but the tens of thousands of people cannot persuade to stop at once, the front is blocked, and the people behind are still speeding forward to escape. The two people collided fiercely together and were all over the stream for a time.

On this torrential stream of different planets, Amir saw the real **** scene of the first mass murder after the humans arrived on the planet - the time of Chu Yunsheng, although there were many dead, but apart from The corpse was horrified and shocked, but there was no blood flow into the river, a terrible cry of the earth, and a mourning scene.

In the moonlight, more and more people are horrified to see the grotesque animals in the dense jungle, huge, small, fierce, gentle, countless, and some of them are on the road. However, some have never seen it in my life.

These animals are not all carnivorous species, and some are only mild grassy species, but at this moment, the group is desperately trying to escape in the direction of the creek, as if there is something deadly behind it, and the torrent of running can also put the body on the body. The weak humans trampled to death!

On the east side of the creek, the humans who crossed the stream were almost in the blink of an eye, and they were drowned under the irresistible hooves. The screams before being trampled were not heard. The human ears here are all shaking. The ground kicks.

The people who responded screamed and turned back and ran, trying to push the crowd behind them, trying to squeeze out a road and leave the extremely dangerous creek.

More and more people are trampled to death, stepping into meat sauce, the flesh and blood of a place is blurred, the black-skinned animals rushing to the human body, splashing water in the stream, rushing to the other side of the stream, human hooligans Blood flows down the stream and the broken corpse, and a long red blood band is struck in the jungle on the strange land far away from the earth.

Sporadic gunshots began to sound, and then wait until the fauna smashed the stream. Most of the humans were going through the creek, and several teams were loyal to the soldiers who were desperate to resist. Under the leadership of a dark-skinned sergeant, a row of machine guns along the tidal flats was desperately shot, trying to block the rushing fauna in the east of the stream, even if it was a **** with a bullet and a fire net. The animals there are shot with humans. Also do not hesitate.

Bullets may not be able to kill powerful creatures on strange planets. They may have a pain, perhaps feel resistance, but they still do not look back and continue to trample on the dying human beings in the stream. But this is the biggest rebellion that human beings can do when they are slaughtered by heterogeneous lives. Just like the country that Chu Yunsheng was born more than a hundred years ago, facing a powerful intruder, he can only hold a big knife and The red scorpion gun sorrowfully rushed to the whistling machine gun position...

Such resistance is powerless. It was even useless, but Amir, who was next to Chu Yunsheng, clenched his fists, clenched his lips, and shivered slightly, and then saw tears in his body as he walked over the soldiers’ bodies. However, it seems that Chu Yunsheng suddenly discovered that these groups of Indian soldiers, composed of low castes and even untouchables, were oppressed by the caste of the two great Aryan descendants of the Brahmin and Kshatri. There is still a touch of blood, stirring in the sky above the strange planet.

However, Chu Yunsheng did not pull out as Amir hoped, and defeated the rushing beasts who passed through the stream, still sitting quietly in the same place, looking up from the red blood stream like hell. open. Shooting into the sky, then turning to the direction of the more south, hiding behind the night, looking for that gloomy and powerful as if to look back and forth at the desert and the jungle.

at this time. The climax of the death of the last survivor of the Indian camp was finally opened, and human beings were compressed back to the last piece of the retreat. Once again, there is an abnormality in the dense jungle.

The **** and primitive predator killing on this strange planet broke out the most dripping scene in the food chain. If you look up at the stars, on the earth thousands of light years away, people inadvertently look at the stars, Among them, this one flashes the night sky, beautiful but ordinary, even the stars that will not be discovered or noticed, but how can you know the cruelty and chaos under the starlight? What is the relationship between distant life and your own life? Perhaps all the creatures on this planet are extinct, and it will not affect their own sneeze.

But now, it is closely related.

The black pressed sand scorpion was drilled from behind the fauna, flapping its wings, like an ant, swallowing from the tail of the fauna.

They were three groups, five groups, and climbed to the larger animals. In a blink of an eye, they ate a large, living animal into a pile of white bones.

The speed of the sand shoal group is extremely fast, and the fauna of the black pheasant has not even completely passed through the stream. On the side of the east bank, it is caught by the tail, and it is covered with black pressure until it is bitten and died. .

Like the locusts, they sweep all living and dead creatures, relying on hearing and smell, and all life here will be the object of their prey.

At the same time, in front of and behind the human team, a large number of sand shovel emerged, madly screaming at the crowds of horror, people suddenly rushed back and forth from three directions, the roaring fire of the army and the torn The sound of machine guns has only become a fierce movement to stimulate the sand. In the spread of fire, large swaths of humans fall down, screams, and eventually lose their lives, as well as the flesh.

In the almost desperate pleading eyes of Amir, Chu Yunsheng seems to be the most iron-hearted person in the world. He does not know what to do. If he does not know again, if it is shot again, the suffocating eyes from the south will be suffocating. Will you find him? If you only look at the energy fluctuations, where should the energy level limit of the shot be?

He must judge it as soon as possible, because he always has to shoot, always fight, even if it is not for the eyes of Amir and others, he has to kill the sand scorpion to break through.

How to shoot and not be seen by the eyes from the South has become a crucial issue!

Otherwise, once it is discovered, the strike from the cardinal is not comparable to those of the sand shovel. Under the sweeping of the sand shovel, perhaps someone can survive with the omission of sand shovel, and under the attack of the cardinal, Almost no one has any chance of living, including himself.

These things, Chu Yunsheng can't make a clear statement with Amir. They don’t even think that if they shoot, they will attract even more cruel slaughter. Even now, sitting here and relying on luck will not have a chance!

The frenzy of death has gradually made the Indians desperate. More and more people are learning the actions of Chu Yunsheng and Amir. Sitting on the ground in a crowded life. Like non-violence and no resistance, I hold my mouth, control the fierce and undulating chest, and look at the dead compatriots not far from the outside. Also looked at Chu Yunsheng, who had been like a god.

Their eyes are puzzled, pleading, and more hopeful. They don't know such a powerful Chu Yunsheng, why did they dare to rush into the Shaying group just outside the dead city of India. Nowadays, they sit here silently and watch their large tracts of land being slaughtered by the sand scorpion without any reaction.

Clearly capable of saving them, why are they not willing to shoot? Is it to retaliate against whether they used to attack him with stones, or to punish them for a few days of confrontation and cold eyes? Or, is this Chinese person a cold-blooded animal?

Thus, as the ferocious sand scorpion gets closer and closer, more and more people die, and Chu Yunsheng always has an indifferent expression, which has finally aroused the "anger" of some people.

They glared at Chu Yunsheng and hated Chu Yunsheng for seeing death. Some people even decided to wait for the sand rush to come up, but at the expense of their own lives, they must also create a movement, lead the sand to the Chu Yunsheng, and hold him to die!

A female student with a narrowly distracted neckline is under pressure from the extinction situation of a pebble. Finally, I couldn’t stand the indignation of the blood, and rushed to the front of Chu Yunsheng, and the head of the finger Chu Yunsheng rose to the face. What is rushing and shouting loudly...

Immediately after following her, there were several students and young people of almost the same size. Surrounded by impulsive, violently blame, because it is too fast, the situation is extremely tense, can only hear a few words, such as "you killed so many people" "why see death can not save" and so on.

Their courage at this moment is extremely surprising. The great fear in the face of Shaying is intertwined with the courage of Chu Yunsheng, and it is so strange and unreal.

But they didn't know that Chu Yunsheng had been going on for hundreds of times, and they had been intensively and hurriedly raising the energy level on the iron bars one after another, and the spirit was highly concentrated. His eyes fixed on the south, almost slamming on the edge of the cliff and quickly tempted the gloomy and powerful look.

Before they roared, he had already tried thousands of times, superimposing energy levels layer by layer, and the sweat had already covered the back and forehead, densely like rain.

When they heard their roar, Chu Yun’s brow slightly wrinkled, regained his gaze, and glanced at them coldly. If not the female students’ spitting stars would splash on his head, he would No time, no heart to sweep over.

He has no obligation to explain to them, and they can't understand the power and scorn of that look.

But the coldness of this eye was cold and cold, with the fierceness of Xiao Xiao, and they immediately closed their mouths. Although they were still angry, no one dared to point his brain to spit and spit, because all of them know that he is also Killing is more ferocious than the sand.

The pieces of the crowd were bitten under the sand shovel, and they fell in the pool of blood, getting closer and closer, traversing the whole crowd, killing them, and even having a sand smashing the head of an adult with a **** flesh, standing excitedly in the body. The high-pitched group screamed at the head, and the sorghum’s voice screamed as if they were the masters of the world!

The dark arrow that has been breaking through the air, flashed a silver arc in the moonlight, smashing its torso silently, piercing its body, and Ying Jin’s kinetic energy nailed its high-pitched mind On the ground, the arrow feathers still trembled.

Chu Yunsheng raised his head, Amir looked up, and the female students who closed their mouths looked up. All the Indians looked up and looked in the direction of the sharp arrow, in their pupils, the dark jungle. In the raindrops, there are countless arrows, and the sound of the collision of the nails gradually sounds. From far and near, the hoof sounds are repeated, and the earth trembles slightly, like a horse galloping, one after another a tall and heroic human knight. Out of the darkness of the jungle, revealing a stupid figure, behind the battle flag flying, hunting like blood.

Among the pools of blood, the surviving humans looked at the compatriot cavalry from the back of the sand to another massacre, and the sight was blurred and burst into tears...


In the far-flung southern land, among the heavy shackles, the golden crowned old man who had been shot by Chu Yunsheng’s black gas and pierced the space, slowly recovered his “eyes” from the north, and opened his eyes with disappointment, waving his hand gently. The warning water curtain from the deep bottom of the northern ocean was scattered. After the water wave disappeared, a feather floated to his front. The content was a warning, followed by two warnings with different forms but the same. , like an appointment.

The Golden Crown veterans were somewhat annoyed to scatter them, and they pondered for a moment. After a while, he returned to God. It seemed strange that he never received the fifth warning - the one from the extreme south.

On the floating city outside the garden, the beautiful woman with light feathers came to the high-hanging balcony, overlooking the fairyland-like city behind her. The fine-grained dark gold armor was behind her, and the striped collar collar came in a heroic mood. The land continued: "...the five-axis treaty of the year is now a waste paper that everyone can step on.... However, some strange, this old guy has nothing to drive out to stimulate the little things? Is there a worthwhile purpose for the country’s risks?"

The beautiful woman supported the railing and locked her brow: "These are the five major things to worry about. You have to do so much... I just have some hunch, and the war seems to be coming..."

The person was slightly shocked: "The second racial war?"

The beautiful woman shook her head slightly: "If it is, maybe it's better... I'm afraid it's not, I can't tell, it might be worse..."

The person came to silence for a moment: "You are still thinking about the disappearing contract?"

The beautiful woman suddenly smiled and looked back at the human: "If it is not dead?"

People come to disdain: "If you don't die, it's a waste."

The beautiful woman said in a strange tone: "I have been thinking about it for a while, is the contract really disappearing?"

The brow jumped and seemed to realize what she was going to say, and said subconsciously: "Isn't it gone?"

The beautiful woman shook her lips, as if she had made a great determination, and there was a trace of horror in her eyes: "At the time, we only saw the impact of the cardinal, but did not see it, and finally did not find the contract, so I felt that the contract was missing. But we never thought about it, if there is no contract from beginning to end?..."

The violent hand trembled in the hand, a chill rushed into the brain from the spine. If there was no contract, it hit the cardinal, but in the end it did not die. Then... the person came out and blurted out: "Kill it, you must kill it." it……"

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