Dark Blood Age

Chapter 809: Deere, do you know who I am?

^Shaying group collapsed.

The night cavalry fiercely launches a wave of subsequent shocks from behind them, but the sands that rely on animal instinct to hunt for food can not stop the ferocious cavalry group with militarized organization even if there is still a strong single advantage. Impact, especially these cavalry are not ordinary into the class, their strength, speed and complex and difficult energy are far more threatening and lethal than bullets.

Once collapsed, the huge group of desperate sands suddenly rushed like a sand, perhaps somewhere, they can also converge into a cluster that makes most lives tremble, but at the moment, they are completely scattered and large. In the chaos.

They are not "dead brains" of fire warfare, have the instinct to hunt, but also have certain organizational capabilities, but it seems that they have lost the highest organizer - such as the "anthill" core.

They possessed a powerful single force, but they collapsed under the impact of a group of less than a thousand night cavalry. Even if they saw Chu Yunsheng in this scene, they could not help but feel the singularity and contradiction of the essence of power.

Below the cardinal, the strength of the unit seems to never be able to defeat the strict group organization. For example, the history of war into the category, or the dark ages later, it seems to be a bumpy truth, just as he himself has owned The peak strength of the first entry is also the same under the siege of the Wohai River, and it is almost dead.

Therefore, he couldn't imagine the cost and cruel sacrifices that the five races had faced when they faced the drow of a single, powerful and unimaginable cardinal.

That is not a sentence to go on and on, can not describe it!

Although according to the inside story known to Chu Yunsheng, the successive dying and disappearance of the Zall Star into the 13th squad and the relationship between the five ethnic groups are not great, but they have survived for so many years and can still live, still suffering. It’s still a miracle to look tired and find a way to resist.

The firefighters entered the unyielding iron bones, and the icers entered the stunned bird's suspiciousness. The multi-energy family never had the bottom line of blackmail... probably only in this way can it survive.

This also illustrates the power of the cardinal life from another aspect, and the distortion of the five families for survival!

However, breaking through the cardinal is to break the balance. It is conceivable that if there is no contractual restriction, what will it look like?

Chu Yunsheng found that the third blame is also somewhat reasonable. The cardinal, like the nuclear bomb in the sunshine era on earth, is a threat, a kind of balance, which represents order, and even has a trace of the third. Said "peace."

However, the price of this order is the race of the cardinal, forever and ever suppressed above the head of the race without the cardinal. The fate of the suppressed race can only hope for the pity and need of the cardinal.

The spirit that can give the contract and mysteriousness has never been seen before, has become the most cautious controller of casually playing various life races. I am happy, come to "you have merit" and give 13 contracts; Unhappy, within 100,000 light years, the music of death is played everywhere!

It's no wonder that when you fall into the shadow of being bullied and run by yourself, you still see all life except garbage itself, which is low life.

Chu Yunsheng is also the only life that has seen the spirit and is still alive. Even so, he has never seen the true face of the spirit. According to the disdain, if you really see it, you will die at a glance. To kill the spirit, but to bear it, the original guardian on the flood boat, a guardian of a fake body, is enough to let many blood families faint, without exception.

At this time, looking at the sand shovel that swiftly rushed away and the night cavalry that gradually gathered up, Chu Yunsheng couldn’t help but have some aphasia. He could toss the shadow of the gods even in the eyes of the cardinal life. The pressure on the cardinal is overwhelmed by the pressure of the cardinal. Instead, the cavalry he personally created can be relaxed and unscrupulous.

What is this called?

The power of this thing is really contradictory.

It’s really a thing, a bit of tofu in the brine, and a mouse to kill the elephant.

... General Salman is still not dead, so Chu Yunsheng has some accidents. Amir is very happy. I really don't know who is between the mayor and the military.

In the array of cavalry, Lema slowly pulled out a heroic knight, and General Salman stood on the destroyed armored car, "cheer" talking about something.

From time to time, I turned around and looked at the direction of Chu Yunsheng. General Salman probably scolded the "fierceness" of Chu Yunsheng. He didn't point a finger, his voice was very low, and the surviving wounded were lost and lost. The crying of the intimate screams, with the ears of Chu Yunsheng, can not hear a lot of noise to hear what they are saying.

In fact, I don’t have to listen. I’m definitely talking about him. India’s entry into the present is the first “culprit” and will not be easily let go.

But no matter whether the knight is Deere or not, they decide how to deal with it. Chu Yunsheng can finally see Ai Xier and so on. If there is any problem in the blood family, it can also come out.

If it came to Deere, Chu Yunsheng still admired his courage. Within one blow, he burned most of the Indian city. If the messenger sent by Salman did not deliberately conceal it, Deere also Dare to come with a blood ride, or if Salman is his relative, or if he does not cringe.

When it really should be the sentence of the king flag, charge to death!

Having said that, Chu Yunsheng himself can't do this. He has always been a cheaper one, but he is definitely the first to be safe. Be careful, never lose face, ignore the honor of not eating, the dress I have never hesitated when I died.

The sand rafts are retreating, and there will be no danger around the moment. The gaze of the suffocation will temporarily disappear, and the blood ride will come. Chu Yunsheng is not in a hurry for this half-time. I want to see these blood rides. Can you recognize yourself? If you can't recognize it, he will not be anxious to name himself. He can take the opportunity to see who is the problem. The natural killing of the killing should not be ruined. It’s a good thing to see it.

Carrying the iron rod, Chu Yunsheng first turned his gaze to the south, settled down, and gradually found that the gaze was somewhat familiar, and then carefully thought about it, and it was very clear. On this strange planet, he was only close. There is only one contact with the cardinal life, that is, the source of the grain gold in the south, where the black gasification sword penetrates, the sight can only come from there.

But which country it belongs to, Chu Yunsheng does not know, must be clear as soon as possible, but also have a preventive measure, not to encounter the wisdom of this country when there is no jing.

This matter, India’s entry is not expected. They know almost nothing about their own affairs. Just look at Aishe Buttani, they are not clear, they can’t do it, go north again, China’s entry. The big camp may have information in this regard. Anyway, the South can't go for a while, but it can't go. Of course, there is no need to go again - blood riding has already been found.

To solve the problem of the blood family, he is ready to install the North. In addition to inquiring about intelligence, he also counts on the news that the fat man and He Ning can help him get the energy block. In addition, there is a more important thing that has been felt from time to time. In the zero-dimensional, the guardian handed over to Ji Ziyi, if there was no intermittent xing to the north, so Chu Yunsheng was very surprised and very puzzled. According to the truth, Ji Zi could not appear so fast, how could it be stupid? What about it?

Whether or not, do you want to give a sense of Ji Zi, always have to look at it in order to make a decision and rest assured, in addition to the oppression of the cardinal, this matter is barely counted as a major event in his mind.

The conversation on the side of Salman came to an end, and the formation of the blood riders has also been opened. The left and right wings are faintly surrounded, and the intentions are unobstructed. Chu Yunsheng does not care. It seems that General Salman is still there. The Cavaliers concealed something, or else, how could they force the front to force forward instead of relying on the speed advantage of the cavalry?

It seems that I feel the tension in the atmosphere, and the entrance around Chu Yunsheng, especially the female students who just pointed to his nose and roar, just walked away with a strange look and stood in a faraway place. It seems to be a gratitude to see the sadness of Chu Yunsheng.

That is, Amir is also somewhat embarrassed. His wife and children are even more nervous. Chu Yunsheng saw it and gestured to the female student: "You don't have to stay here, I am with the night cavalry. You guys don’t have to come in, go there."

When his voice fell, Amir’s wife suddenly became a big man, waiting for Amir to speak, and immediately took his son and daughter to hide far away. Amir said: "Sweep, or, I will go and Generals talk?..."

Chu Yunsheng shook his head: "I have nothing to do with them, and you really have nothing to do with it. If you don't fight it, or you don't fight it, you'd better take the family to the north, don't watch the fun here. Will die."

The Amir family was almost killed by himself. If he didn't take the initiative, Chu Yunsheng didn't want to contact him. The feeling always made him very upset, but since he touched it, he didn't want the rest of his family. This point is also fully confessed here. After that, I added another sentence: "I will go to the Chinese camp. If you live there, we may have the opportunity to meet."

Amir said that he is also an official. He can hear the meaning behind this sentence. As long as his family is alive to the Chinese battalion, Chu Yun’s suggestion is that he will still take care of him. Otherwise, he will enter Indiatown in India. What he did, after the Chinese battalion, what treatment will be suffered, Chu Yunsheng, even if he does not have the ability of this body, it is also a Chinese, naturally has this ability.

At this time, the knight who talked with General Salman was coming to this side. Amir didn't dare to say anything, and realized that this was not something that a small director could adjust and hurried away.

When the British Knights rode over, they pushed up the mask on the helmet and revealed a handsome face even if the aesthetics of the East entered. The gods were cold and looked coldly at Chu Yunsheng.

When he was about to approach Chu Yunsheng's side, he suddenly changed his face, and the cold God suddenly became extremely nervous. It seemed like every haired hair was upright and horrified, and his eyes swept through his eyes. Suddenly, but soon it was a strong murder and unyielding war.

"Do you recognize me?"

Chu Yun sank and frowned. I don't know if the other person recognized himself. He recognized the other party. It really was that Dir O, and the face that was beaten by her own flesh was restored so well.

"Dill, do you know who I am?"

Chu Yunsheng did not have any intention to force, only asked this sentence very seriously, and then took his iron rod to take the initiative.

His movement, the next moment, in an instant, the **** ride of the nightly cavalry, especially the first column, screaming and screaming, extremely uneasy, for a moment, the formation was chaotic, the flag was chaotic...^


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