Dark Blood Age

Chapter 810: Violation

Chu Yunsheng said that it is English, and all the Indians who are waiting to see Chu Yunsheng’s crimes deserve to be able to understand the audience.

I thought that Chu Yunsheng, even if he had the courage to escape, was only arrogant and arrogant. He would eventually be beaten by the night cavalry for mercy, or crushed into mud, like his executioner, a dead man. Cold-blooded animals should have such an end. Everyone is waiting to see this scene of a big heart, in order to solve the bad breath in the heart!

They hate Chu Yunsheng, especially hate the sand, as if Prince Dear could stab Chu Yunsheng to the horse, it counted the hatred of everyone, including the sand that was almost wiped out. massacre.

It is not surprising that there are such thoughts. Although they have regretted that they should not confront Chu Yunsheng on the 7th when the Shaying appeared, the situation is different now. The night cavalry is coming, right by their side, everything has The new guarantee, killing people, is the time to liquidate.

If Chu Yunsheng was not indifferent to seeing death, if he took up his weapon and used his ability to kill a sand shovel, some people might say that it might not be intentional for this person’s burning city at that time. Let's stop the mess. Isn't humanity still dead enough?

But he did not, from the beginning to the end were sitting indifferently watching everyone being bitten and being slaughtered, a finger did not move, ignored the pleading of the people, and accused the female students of indignation against the cold eyes.

Such people, cold-blooded, inhuman, seeing death, only knowing the scum of killing oneself, have a strong personal strength, but there is no shame, no morality, no guilt, no numbness, and no guilt. What else can be used besides harming my own compatriots?

Don't you die?

Everyone is waiting to see the end of Chu Yunsheng's punishment. They even don't want the night cavalry to kill him so quickly, so they don't get rid of it. What everyone wants to see is Chu Yun's pleading for mercy, regretting it. I am pleading for everyone to let go of his scene of a commandment.

by that time. They can then point forward to his nose and humiliate and despise him in a language that will make everyone most appetite.

"Let you kill! Let you cold-blood! You are not very able to kill yourself? Is it not very cold, very indifferent? How is it now! Also scare the indignant female students, you scare one to see!?"

In such a long-awaited encounter, watching the night cavalry under the leadership of Prince Deere gradually came to Chu Yunsheng. Everyone’s emotions are so excited. Tightening his fists, he waited for the moment of imagination to become a reality, and then all rushed to vent their grief and anger that they were burned to death by their loved ones and their wives and children.



next moment. When he finally arrived, it was not Chu Yun’s pleading for mercy, nor was he stabbed to death by a sword. He only took a step forward and said only “Dil. Do you know who I am?”, All the time, everyone was regarded as invincible. The powerful night cavalry regiment, in the moment when he stepped forward, the whole line swayed unsteadily, and even the battle flag of the past aggression was a mess... ...

That step, as if not stepping on the **** soil, but stepping on the most fragile heart of all the cavalry!

This this. What exactly is going on! ?

Why is this happening?

How can he rely on one step at a time to be able to bring everyone's pride - night cavalry, fearless, so that the whole team shakes! ?

In the unwilling and unbelievable eyes of everyone, that hateful and hateful guy. Take another foot again, in the quiet of everyone holding your breath, step on the second step of everyone's heart, this step, the sound is not big. At most, only one dead branch was broken, but the second moment when the foot sound fell. Just just shaking the unstable horses, the fears swept through the whole array like the sparks, and they rushed, leaving their masters, the night cavalry, how to control them, they could not suppress the chaos that they whispered and turned to escape.

But even the cavalry themselves are better than the war horses they have left. If there is not a strict military discipline, even the layman of Amir can see the extreme fear in their eyes, turning around and wanting to go. desire.

That guy, the cold-blooded bastard, how can the night cavalry also taboo him, is it really a human nemesis?

Ina, that is, the female student who just pointed out the angry and angry anger of Chu Yunsheng, at this moment, clenched her fists, unable to tell the frustration, like all the strengths have hit the air, this guy, how can this be! ?

Obviously, there is an incredible skill. Why are you not willing to save people?

In the middle of the 7th, she carefully observed Chu Yunsheng's every move, and saw Chu Yunsheng stumbled and walked away in the gravel. She also heard some rumors about the cause of the incident, so she is In the first wave of thought, Chu Yunsheng may have another cause for burning the city on the same day. Later, when Chu Yunsheng first appeared on the eighth day, Shabu’s rushing into the Shaying group confirmed her conjecture. However, she did not expect that the situation turned sharply. I thought it was the right guess, and I was crushed today.

Although she once angered Chu Yunsheng, but in her heart, she always felt that the human heart is good, there is still a reason to try to argue for Chu Yunsheng - he may not be able to fight again, or injured, or for other reasons, Now, seeing Chu Yun’s step-by-step two-step rush to the night cavalry, showing the incomparably powerful power, this silky sophistry is gone, this guy, it turned out to be a strange cold-blooded animal!

She hates such people, but there is no way to punish such people. The sand scorpions "can't see" him. The night cavalry seems to be unable to help him. Isn't the bad guy's villain destined to be a thousand years?

The crowd finally began to be a little scared. Everyone was not afraid of him when he burned half of the city. He was not afraid of him when he confronted him on the 7th, but at this moment, he was afraid. This is not killing God, being a demon, all human beings. Devil!


"You really can't recognize who I am?"

Over there, Chu Yunsheng has stopped and scanned the reaction of the blood riders for a week. His eyes fell on Deere, who was constantly fighting with the will, trying to say a little more.

When the blood riders collectively panic, he is not good there.

Every step of the way, from his heart, there are more and more intense "appetites", a **** war horse, a blood cavalry, in his eyes, it is the most delicious to meet the hungry in the belly. food. If it weren't for his tenacity, I was afraid that it would have been culled, and the sticks and knives were squirted out, and the broom was taken out.

But even then, the appetite still makes him violent. The teeth creaked. The beastly desire turned him to the dark psychological abyss of the cannibal demon. The feeling of horror made Chu Yunsheng very shocked. He could not imagine himself standing on a pile of human corpses, holding their bones in his hands. The horror scene of the fleshy head and intestines bites. What kind of shock will happen!

That is not a person, it is a zombie!

Chu Yunsheng can't be tolerated, but he is even more angry with the people behind the bloodline, but he must now suppress the violent appetite impulses - the number of blood rides is too much, and each one is extremely pure. If the temptation of a big boy is as big as sesame, then they are as dazzling as the stacked mountain of food, and they are shaking.

He must stop and can't go forward anymore, otherwise he can't guarantee that he will be faint and fuzzy, to do things that he can't imagine...

Just thinking about it, it was so suppressed, and waiting for Deere's answer, trying to shift his attention. On the side of the blood riders, in order to overcome the panic in their hearts, they controlled the war horses under their arm, and the collective roar of roaring, the eyes were instantly red. passionate--

If the appetite just was a big mountain for Chu Yunsheng, after a roaring roar, the blood riders made the mountain into a sea, in an instant. Suddenly drowned the Chu Yunsheng mind.


Chu Yunsheng’s will and desire are in a fierce fire, and the expansion of desire reflects on the flesh. The blood swells and is suppressed. The result is that the blood vessels burst straight and rushed into the heart, ejecting a **** smell with astringency.

The blood riders didn't know what was going on. They just ignited the strongest warfare. The people around didn't know what was going on. I just saw Chu Yunsheng's two-step collapse of the night cavalry. How do you feel the cavalry? The group shouted with excitement, and the villain vomited blood on the spot?

Is it... Is there a turning point? The night cavalry turned out to be deliberately weak, and still has strong strength to defeat the villain?

Hematemesis is the last proof!

However, at this moment, although they were excited to think about it, they no longer have to wait to see the end of Chu Yunsheng's mind. They instinctively realized that there was a dangerous air floating in the air, and they all retired.

Still leave here early.

If you want to see the revenge of hatefulness, you will probably catch up with your life. It is better to go to the Chinese camp in an honest way. Living is the most important thing.

When the thoughts move, the crowds are chaotic, turning around and wanting to go, but at this moment, they suddenly hear a voice that is not like a human voice, a beast-like low voice, a hairy hair, a scalp numb The heart screamed fiercely, and the horror was abnormal. I thought that there was another horror creature on the alien planet. Everyone rushed around and looked around, but suddenly found the beast sound, actually came from that person!

I saw him vomiting blood, slowly raised his head, his throat squirming, his eyes filled with blood, like staring at the prey, staring at everyone, and even a trace of **** sneer.

"Oh, the ants are tall!"

A European man fell to the ground and kept drawing a cross on his chest, and his expression collapsed.

"Vishnu Nuo!"

A pious Indian old man, on the muddy land, bowed to the sky.

"He, he, he, what do you want to do..."

Ina’s mouth was stunned, stuttering and unintelligible, as if she realized what it was, the huge horror made her dare not look back.

"I don't want, want, eat, eat, eat people..."

This will, even Amir can see it, and the first **** ride can not feel?

Deere tried to control the war horses under his arm, tried to overcome the panic in his heart, and took out the long sword at the waist. The sword front pointed to Chu Yunsheng and spurred the horses, and the battles and horses behind him smashed high battles, followed by large blocks. The iron armor echoed from the sword, and the tightness of the stringed string of the sword is stretched.

At this time, they also discovered that at this moment, it is not that they are dead, that is, this person is dead, there is no second possibility!

The cavalry began to attack under Deere's sword, and the bowstring was pulled to the extreme. The battle flag flew again on the slaughter.

On the opposite side of them, Chu Yunsheng also shot out like a sharp arrow, disappeared in place, and countless whistling arrows fell behind the afterimage.

Whether it is the original ordinary human or the blood riders. Only then found. The real speed of this person has reached such a terrible situation. I can’t see exactly where he is.

When he reappeared, a **** ride only felt a gust of wind over his head and looked back. I saw that Chu Yunsheng had fallen on a high ground behind them, holding a cavalry's neck in his hand and dragging himself to struggle with his side.

In this scene, countless people will not forget that the villain continues to be as low as a beast. The open mouth was getting closer and closer to the neck of the frightened cavalry, and anyone knows what is going to happen in the next scene.

The exclamations and the crashes are one after another in the ordinary crowd. The brutality of Satay may make people mourn and let them lose their family members, but it is also limited to this, and the scene of people eating people will happen in front of them. The last line of defense in the heart of everyone, as if the future is completely hopeless at this moment.

Here, people have become beasts! What is the future?

It reacts differently to ordinary people. At this moment, the blood riders are afraid of the natural enemies of Chu Yun. At this moment, they will be killed in the enemy's mouth in the face of their own kind, and they will be eaten bloody, and suddenly become a sad force like a rabbit. Don't use Deere to cheer them up, and the crowds will turn around and rush to Chu Yunsheng.

Few people can still notice at this moment that Chu Yunsheng is close to the fierce contradictory confrontation in the eyes of the struggling cavalry. Although hunting and appetite have prevailed at this time, the resistance to try to suppress desire has not stopped.

But go on like this. He really wants to eat people, and he is still alive.

It must be suppressed!

Chu Yunsheng swept the iron rod. The fire was turned into a flame, and the first column was rushed to the blood to ride and fly. The eyes crossed the flying figures and looked at the ordinary people in the distance. They thought of a way that was not the way.

It is impossible to control the instinct impulse of one's own body, and the will is stronger. Some things can't be controlled. For example, some kind of physiological desire opposite to the appetite at this time, that is, the gods can't hold back. !

There is only one way to suppress it, and that is to stir up the three forces in zero dimension. Only they can kill it without any effort, and the way that is motivated is that he can’t enter zero dimension now. only one--

First stimulate the third force that is the most irritating!

The change of the third force triggered the stimulation of material debris and black gas. In the new balance, the appetite was suppressed by the way. Although it was a drink and thirst, it was only like this.

His gaze quickly searched the crowd and locked a beautiful figure. He couldn't tell who it was. No matter who could stop it, this bite would be bitten, food, animal and killing together, heart lost. He didn't know if he could return from the "abyss" and become a person again.

The hands seem to have been conscious and never listen to the brain command. "I don't want to give up the poor cavalry. Just like a child grabbing a candy, I can only hold him, from the top of a crowd of cavalry." Once again, the wind swept over and accelerated to the beautiful figure. Before you bite it, you must first "bite" the soft lips that seem to at least stimulate a little bit of third strength.

Even as he kept on, he kept forcing himself to imagine: that is the glass, that is the glass, that is my Liuli...


It is a pity that it is not even the original female student who accused him, but a woman who Chu Yunsheng did not know, and gave him a woman with a very dangerous feeling.

But Chu Yunsheng can't change people, because this person is the best choice he can find. Her body seems to contain something that can definitely stimulate the third energy, and he doesn't think so much, he is full of brains. Change her into Liuli, the whirlwind is usually rushed, the iron rod is thrown out, and the blood ride behind the big piece of chasing after flying, get the time of action, twist the head of his own, and vacate a hand firmly He hugged the woman and slammed it down...


The woman wants to struggle, or struggle is not, she can completely destroy this male creature with one finger, but she has no way to do it.

Although this ambitious animal did not reach the level of the cardinal, it is difficult to kill him under the cardinal attack. The power of the cardinal can be used to immediately expose herself, so that the five major axes can find themselves appearing here, especially in the sky garden. Everything she has done will be abandoned.

She did not expect to rely on her own special premonition to decide to come here, to hide the shape, originally intended only for an important purpose, and to take a close look at the newly-opened invading creature knight, but did not expect it. Seeing to be "infringed" by one of them!

If you let the people of Tianyu know that they are in the floating city, they are regarded as the goddess. So they try to break free but there is no way to break freely in the arms of an unusually ugly alien male creature. I don’t know how big it is to pick up. The frenzy is coming.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Now, her piece has never been touched by any man, and even the soft lips of Ayers King are coveted, and they will soon be bitten by this ugly alien male. "She must hurry to find a way to get rid of this dilemma, absolutely can't let it happen, otherwise...

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