Dark Blood Age

Chapter 823: Boom, sorrowful

Is that the legacy of the image that it was before the "death"?

Thinking of the loss of the giants, the body will return to the appearance of decay, Chu Yunsheng emerged such an idea. .

He had heard before, after the death of a man, the imaging of the fundus would stay in the last eye before closing his eyes. Could it be that this huge strange thing has just been unaware of it, because it lost its dead air and directly returned to its last moment before dying?

As its eyes gradually became clearer, Chu Yunsheng became more and more sure of his own judgment, because it was a desperate and mournful look, but also a burning-looking look. He was familiar with this, not war dead, but It is the death of a ghost, not willing to let go of the enemy's anger and hatred!

Well, what it said before "death" is extremely valuable, and maybe it can reveal a lot of secrets!

"...Boom, the spirit is so arrogant..."

The voice finally came out clearly.

"What do you mean?" Chu Yunsheng can only hear the syllables clearly, but he doesn't know what it means. He hurriedly said: "You are a foreigner, what are you talking about?"

"Fuck, to it, Laozi is also a foreigner!"

Chu Yunsheng was a stagnation, but he forgot this, but he suddenly reacted again and said: "No, not the ear!"

He immediately turned back, and he found that many people looked at it strangely and strangely, and some picked up their ears and let go, an incredible look.

"Boom, the spirit of pressure, the ambition, the pressure, the sorrow, the sorrow, the pressure, the sorrow, the sorrow..."

As the frequency of the huge lips squirming increases, the sound becomes older and clearer, bigger and bigger, clear, solemn, solemn, and distant people have already heard it.

And the golden triangular body in its forehead is already standing upright, and as the magnificent sound slowly rotates, it emits a golden awn.

Chu Yunsheng behind the cold sweat DC. He thought of a terrible possibility - the soul!

The filmmaker used it when he killed the war!

At this time, as if to hit his heart, the soldiers who were rushing to the giant body to prepare for the blast were suddenly stunned.

Chu Yunsheng looked up and saw that the huge epee that was originally quietly inserted on the earth was trembled with the sound of "Boom! Spiritual pressure..." in the giant's lips. Countless ice cubes It was splashed by the shock.

It is a sound, it must be a soul!

Chu Yunsheng wants to stop this, but there is no way.

"Boom, the spirit of pressure, the ambition, the pressure, the sorrow, the sorrow, the pressure, the sorrow, the sorrow..."

The sound from the giant's squirming lips is getting louder and louder, and it is getting more and more urgent. It seems to be pressing.

The epee not far away follows the syllabary vibration more and more intense, and the cracks appear on the ice seal, and the squatting down is like a thousand ditch.

Chu Yunsheng jumped up and waved the fire knife and shouted to the soldiers: "Fast blow it! Blow it!"

He understands that the enemy in the eyes of the giant is not his, but the vast expanse of warships. The last words he said are not the last words, but the sound of the spirits!

It was before the "death", the last counterattack of grief and despair was the last moment of its death before death.

"Boom, the spirit is cozy!··························································

At this point, a sound of the sound of a sudden, more and more rush, more and more high, but always solemn and grand, and heard all over the world!

There is no direction, like ringing from any place, surrounded by everyone's ears, all in all directions are the power of the air!

The soldiers did not have time to place the explosives. They directly lined up the open tanks and bombarded the giants. At this time, everyone was afraid that the giants would come back once again.

After the fire and smoke of the sky, the giant's body was blown into countless pieces, no longer want to be as indestructible as before, but the ubiquitous sounds continued to sound, and the waves were higher than the waves, like an endless stream. Fanyin.

The epee finally shook all the frozen ice cubes under its call. The huge sword body screamed at high frequency, and the rust snowflake was generally shaken, revealing the silver-white sharp swordsmanship of the ice and cold bones, standing in the heavens and the earth. between.

Chu Yunsheng bitterly bit his lip, and the sound that forced him into his head made his face more and more gloomy. He had no way to get rid of his last head. The fire of the cardinal could not burn it at this moment.

There must be a way, there must be a way, looking at the huge sword that Qingyue Changming sighs straight, Chu Yunsheng tells himself that he must be calm, to calm down, come up with a solution!

"Boom, the spirit is cozy!··························································

The giant's squirming huge lips are getting faster and faster, and the screaming giant sword seems to have heard the long-awaited call, violently vibrating, and the sword is deafening and eager to fly.

The cube in front of his head is also spinning at a high speed, throwing a golden light, and pushing it into his head, as if to replay the scene when it was drilled into its head and sealed it.

Chu Yunsheng's face was a little pale. This is a long-standing spiritual battle he had never known before. He replayed in front of him. He didn't even break the cardinal. He could think of it.

He knows better if the sword is flying out under the call, what will happen! ?

Feeling that the broken bodies still poured out of the dead air, Chu Yunsheng suddenly realized that he had to stop sucking the dead air immediately, not only not sucking, but also forced back the dead air, forcing the giant head and the body to thoroughly Corrupted and ruined!

It seems to be the only way to survive.

"Boom, the spirit is cozy!··························································

I couldn’t wave my mind out of the camp. I passed through Anduru, who was still hesitant to continue to retreat. I swept through the distant scorpion, crossed the desert and the sea, and spread out infinitely, echoing in the vastness. Between heaven and earth.

Chu Yunsheng wants to stop absorbing dead air, but this is not something he wants to stop. The bodies can no longer carry dead air. They can only go out, but they can't enter, never go back, even if Chu Yunsheng refuses. Absorbed, they will also dissipate in the heavens and the earth.

Chu Yunsheng, who was forced to do nothing, never had such powerlessness, and looked at the dangerous pressure, but there was no way.

"Boom, the spirit is cozy!"

Suddenly after a loud sound, the giant sword of the humming shines a dazzling light, pulls out the earth, and leaps in the air. The huge sword body is like a bird spinning, and the atmosphere of killing sweeps the world.

Everyone was shocked and trembled. Suddenly, it shrank into an aurora sword. It seemed to condense the supreme power. In the eyes of everyone, it was straight into the sky and broke away.

"Boom, the spirit is cozy!··························································

The long-lasting sounds were still scared and white, and one by one, looked up and looked at the sky in a panic. I don’t know when, the aurora sword that broke through the sky would fall and destroy everything.

Chu Yunsheng also carried the sword, while frantically forced to return to the air, while turning his body and looking at the sky, searching for the shadow of the little sword, he did not doubt that it would definitely fall, and when it fell, it was the countdown to death.

This is the battle of the spirit!

The cardinal is also unstoppable.

In the head of Chu Yunsheng's head, a blank death came too fast, and he could not make an effective fight.

Time passed by, very slow and very slow, and the breathing became heavy. There was silence on the earth. Everyone turned and looked for the sky. Everyone waited for the horror moment when the little sword fell.

In the silence, suddenly someone pointed at the sky: "Look!"

Countless pairs of eyes suddenly looked at it, but nothing was scared out of a cold sweat, and they were all nervous.

The man shouted in amazement: "It’s dark!"

At this time, all the talents, including Chu Yunsheng, found that the sky was getting darker and faint. It was obviously in the morning. It was clear that the weather was clear now, but now it was dark and dark.

It’s very dark, it’s less than a little while after being discovered, and the people who are slow to respond also feel the abnormalities in the sky. The timid people are shaking slightly, swallowing saliva, and nervously looking The sky is like what shadow to find.

"Look at the sun!" someone shouted.

People have become scared birds at the moment, and the horror scene beyond nature has already made everyone stunned, and this is even more frightening.

I saw a burst of "Boom, the spirit of pressure! ... Boom, the spirit of pressure! ·········································································· The weaker it is, the only thing left is the blood red and red blood.

The infinite darkness and darkness in the sky is like two black curtains, gradually closing in the vast sounds, completely obscuring the last trace of blood redness!

Sky, earth, darkness!

Only the burning giant's head squirmed with continuous sounds.

The wind swelled, the black curtain layer was laminated, and the sky thundered and thundered, like hundreds of millions of Jianguang flashing, roaring, roaring during the flashing!

The sound of the sound is all over the world, and it is against the sentient beings. Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is only one loud sound:

"Boom, the spirit is cozy!"

In the sound of awe-inspiring sound, countless people can't help but kneel down. They don't know why they want to kneel down, but they can't control the panic and fear of the heart.

In the distance, Andiru wants to suppress the fear of his heart, but he can't press it. He can feel the shudder on his apex, but the body always seems to have something that made him suddenly strong for a while. Between the two forces, in less than a moment, he sweated, and eventually he could not rival the grand voice, and his back was bent deeply.

The underground people on the rafters farther away have already slammed into the ground and trembled.

On the southern border, the army against the hustle and bustle, fearing the sky under pressure, the atmosphere does not dare to reveal a half.

Countless cities, countless creatures, shudder and horror, looking at the dark rolling sky, layered pressure, as if waiting for the advent of death.

The cardinal old man of the country of the South wants to resist the sound of entering his head, but finds a despair.

Above the floating city, the beautiful woman of the Indian female student’s eyes is floating in the sky, arms folded in her arms, and praying in the dark sky under the roar.

The rolling dark sky, layered, the earth began to tremble, the mountains began to tremble, the people were swaying, as if the end of the day was coming, a pair of big hands with large hands covered the clouds, with a suffocating sense of oppression, closed up, shrouded the whole Heaven and earth, the momentum of collapse and collapse is close.

Between the heavens and the earth, in the darkness of the top, it seems that there is only the vastness of the world: the bang, the spirit of pressure!

Chu Yunsheng looked up at the last glance of the end of the sky, sighed, calmly sat down on the huge head, put the fire knife in front of him, close his eyes, do the final struggle, exhaust all efforts Pumping out the deadness in the huge head.

Since you haven’t gone back, just take it away and take it out. It may be able to really return to the moment it “dead” and let it really die...·····

The battle at the cardinal level is already difficult to write, and the war scene at the spiritual level is even more difficult to write. For example, some of the cultivators are from Zhuji to Da Luojinxian. You are still hitting me with a punch. I am fighting for you. But I understand very well that this thing is very painful to brain cells, and the imagination needed is no less than re-conceiving a new story.

If the fire is not updated, it will be more effort on the quality. This chapter was a good first draft last night. It was carefully revised today, and I hope that the mood will satisfy everyone.

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