Dark Blood Age

Chapter 824: I have to practice a big array.

In space, a sword swayed through the wind, flying from countless directions, heading toward the front planet, above the atmosphere, densely packed, layered together, forming a hollow sphere, tightly ventilated Surround the planet.

They are not swords, but they have sharp and sharp swords, shielding all the sun and moon stars, and quickly spurting toward the planet below, and the swords are standing like clouds and seas, and the coldness is cold.

Under the vast sounds of the earth, the thick sword forests that are like the mountains and the mountains are all over the world. They pass through the atmosphere and scream out sharply. The cold and cold swords stand like a mountain and point to the same position - the center of the planet, with the breakdown of the planet. The power, one by one, vying for the edge, suddenly shot.

The sky is dark and dark. In any place on this planet, the scorpio is pressed like a heavy discus. The oppressed people can't breathe, as if in the next moment, the scorpio will hit the earth, and the whole world will be landslides.

The swords of countless battles are on the top of the head, and the voice of the whistling sound is enough to make the face of the camp as dead, and the sound of the sound does not sound solemn, but it is like a **** devil.

Spirit-level life is much higher than the cardinal life. So far, I have not seen other cardinal life on this planet to stop the giant's head, which means that they cannot accurately know the exact position. In the speaker's rhetoric, It is found that the existence is true, and most of the positions determined are false.

Sitting down and forcing a calm mind, after absorbing a lot of dead air, Chu Yunsheng faintly resonated with the sound of the sound, I don’t know if it was because of Lingfeng.

The sword light that is stabbed in the sky is close to the ground. He suddenly stood up.

In the fear of other people screaming at the head of the giant, Chu Yunsheng went into the flame caused by his own knife. Step by step on the same huge pyramid-like triangular slope, the body shape is getting smaller and smaller, and eventually disappears like an ant, but in the next moment, he gradually descends from the top of the pyramid with the size of the ant. Big, until it returns to normal size, comes between the eyes of the giant.

The singularity is like a dream. Let the people near the camp raise their eyes, the heavens and the earth are in the dark, and the flames burning here are bright enough to make the magical scene clear.

I don't know what he is doing, but everyone is hoping for a hope, just like when I heard the horn.

In fact, Chu Yunsheng did not know what he was doing. Before he got up, he had enough confidence to absorb the death of the giant before the sky was falling. Let it die completely and die.

But in the resonance of the sound, he feels that the giant urgently needs his own "help" to resist the pyramid-like triangular, which may have failed in the long-awaited battle. It’s a re-enactment, perhaps because he doesn’t know where it’s now. Involuntarily "walked through" the pyramid and came to the giant.

Under the circumstances that have been grasped, Chu Yunsheng really does not want to do this. He is a person who does not like adventure, and can slow down. Already standing here, you can only do it according to your feelings.

now. He feels that he is a giant, the giant is his own, and everything is like a move.

Under the sealing of the triangular body, the three-dimensional space of Chu Yunsheng and the three pieces of force such as the object fragments suddenly come forward, and with the giant zero-dimensional force, the pyramid-like triangular prism finally fades sharply. Rapidly dimmed, narrowed down and fell behind Chu Yunsheng.

Then Chu Yun raised his eyes and the giant closed his eyes. The black-squeezed sword in the sky came to an abrupt end, hovering over the heads of all people, many people had closed their eyes and died, and some were more than Chu Yunsheng. The fierce person, after the disappearance of the fear, rushed up to get rid of the giant's head, although he knew it might be sent to death.

At this time, I felt that the giant's zero-dimensional force was swallowed by his own zero-dimensional space and dissolved by the black vortex. Chu Yunsheng did not know when it was a tear in the fiery flame.

In the end, he mentioned the fire knife in his hand and smashed a few knives. He turned his head and stopped looking at it.

The head of the giant has been broken into seven or eight pieces. The fire of the cardinal will burn them in the next second. The overlapping layers of the sword cloud over the sky will disappear with the moment. The nearest beautiful woman in the floating city is watching. The light of the sword near the tip of the nose turned into a star-like light and passed away with the wind.

She thought that the **** of the sky had heard her prayers, intervened in the attack of the alien gods, became more pious and grateful, and continued to squat for a long time.

The cardinal old man of the southern country decided to go to the temple immediately, gloomy face, and let the king withdraw the army. He judged that there was a **** who interfered in the war that might involve the cardinal war, but he still did not know which side the **** stood on. ? He needs to go to the temple to try again and see if he can get a little revelation. However, it has been a long time since the last thousand years that there is no **** of the gods who have lowered miracles and gods. I wonder if he will hear his voice this time?


Chu Yunsheng bent over and picked up the triangular body that fell on the ground. Its golden awns disappeared, revealing a crystal-clear body. There is only one cigarette case, which is in the hand and the finger is pinched. It will show dense and complicated patterns as the water waves pass.

This thing can actually put the giant under the cardinal, it goes without saying that it is also a powerful character. I can't beat you, I will pull you down to my level and then defeat your attention. Li likes it very much, but unfortunately I don't know how to use it. It is estimated that this look is also embarrassing, so I have to lie in my pocket and say it in the future.

Seeing that the difference is not far from the strange look of himself, Chu Yun went up and inserted the raging sword into the scabbard, looking for his iron rod, under the cardinal, or stick makes it convenient.

He can understand the mood of the moment of distraction. Just now, there is still a lot of people who have not slowed down the scene of the destruction of the world. Looking at the glaring sun in the sky after the smoke disappears, many people even wonder if they have a nightmare?

But Chu Yunsheng, who cut the head of the giant and held the triangular body in his hand, had to admit that he was not a dream. He couldn’t say himself in illusion and reality, and he couldn’t calm down. The situation is almost finished, and it is estimated that many people are afraid to fall asleep tonight.

Chu Yunsheng’s psychology is extremely powerful. Don’t say that he was killed. He is himself and he has done it himself. He just doesn’t want to think about it, and he doesn’t want to recall it. It’s very repressive, and he jumped over with a big nerve. Anyway, he is still alive, and he will be alive.

"Are you a human?" The question of distraction directly asked the biggest question in his heart at the moment.

"I am not, are you?" Chu Yunsheng glanced at him and asked him, saying that he should be more like a person than a disparity.

"I don't mean this, I mean..." I don't want to give up and live in Chu Yunsheng, and ask him, he is too tickle to know.

Just now, Chu Yunsheng sat down calmly, then stood up and walked on the "pyramid". Then he walked down and chopped the giant's head and expelled the dark sky. It was so shocking and incredible.

In fact, the strong power of reality is also strong. I believe that as long as efforts can be made, for example, Chu Yunsheng has a big knife in his head. He is not so shocked. The key is that Chu Yunsheng’s performance is too strange, stand up and go up. Going down... they are all very illusory, completely untouchable.

"What do you think is the person?" Chu Yunsheng stopped and said: "One by one... Forgot, you are a foreigner, I mean... forget it, the trick is not a philosopher, two A big old smoker who makes a knife and a gun, talking about such an esoteric question, don’t you feel a little loaded*?"

"Installing *?" The repetition of Chu Yunsheng's last sentence is very stunned. There is no way, Chu Yunsheng will not translate these two words.

"I found that you are very gossip recently!" Chu Yunsheng finally found his own horse, and rode up, said: "What are you doing? Just being so tossed, we should be safe for the time being, let the blood ride and your brother We are rushing to recover, I have to train a big battle!"

"Gossip? Toss?" Unusually twisted for a long time, suddenly roared: "Fuck, do you dare to speak English? Do not speak Chinese, will you die?"

"I went to see a person. You asked Wenluo to find a person named Zheng and the boat in the camp. I just saw him, it was a fat man." Chu Yunsheng stopped paying attention to him and patted the horse's ass. Go out.


To the north, Anturu John, who is full of collapse, has a trembling in his calf, but he is very proud, because the inner strength makes him unyieldingly fight the horrible devil's voice to the end, although he does bend over, but in his heart The spine is always straight.

At this time, I saw Chu Yunsheng single riding in the direction of his rushing, and immediately made a nap, and his speech became stuttered: "Fast, fast, get on the helicopter, go, go!"

Several American soldiers looked like they had just recovered from the horror and panic. They heard Anturu’s eager tone and didn’t know what happened. They thought that the big thing was not good, even if they didn’t ask, immediately Lightning into the helicopter, igniting, starting, and flying at the fastest speed.

After a while, Chu Yunsheng rode the horse to the messy place they left. He looked at the helicopter that had turned into a black spot on the horizon. He was very surprised: "What are you doing so fast? Don't you want Ji Ziyi?" Or am I feeling wrong?"

"It should look like an American helicopter. If you are a Chinese, if the Sixth Age is a Chinese, you will be vying for the future..."

"But this courage is too small, and can't be compared with the Sixth, or because there is not much experience? I don't want to send it to you, then you are waiting to be mad at other Kiko candidates."

Chu Yunsheng, who is eager to take out Ji Ziyi, originally wanted to observe it briefly. When zero-dimensional control is available, Ji Ziyi is given. Whoever thinks that this person is running faster than a rabbit, missed such a good opportunity.

When he rushed back, he saw the officials at the entrance of the camp from afar, and he was looking forward to seeing a "warm welcome" banner.

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