Dark Blood Age

Chapter 825: Triangular and giant clues


Chu Yunsheng hit Ma Yingkou, want to go straight, go to find Bouterny, see how the blood riders are hurt, this is his only family, but also the basis of the big dream, can not be lost, the camp door The Daguan nobles will be handed over to Wenluo, and she should be a rich second generation.

Who knows that a fat man is in front of his horse's head without fear, if it is not the horse to restore some strength, the explosive power is far better than ordinary horses, this rushing past, not dead or disabled.

"You don't want to die?" Chu Yunsheng held the horse's back, and the body swayed as the horse dragged and moved, watching the fat man who he already recognized.

Zheng and the boat are also very depressed. He thought that Chu Yunsheng would definitely stop Lema, and then he would deliberately welcome his big and small people to turn over. This is a well-known thing. Who can think of Chu Yunsheng? It doesn't seem to mean this, and the horse is ready to go directly into the camp.

Big Brother, good luck, this camp is a family, how can you be your own vegetable garden?

I thought so in my heart, but I didn’t dare to say this. After a few life and death experiences, I was afraid that it would be less serious after being hit by a war horse. After calming down, I am embarrassed to say: "No, brother, this, the leaders think. Make a simple welcome, that, you know, form, form, mainly to express the gratitude of the camp to your brother..."

"If you want to thank you, take some real things?" Chu Yunsheng glanced at the people who showed the smile of the formula.

They seem to want someone to go forward, but they can't erase their faces. After all, Chu Yunsheng still rides on the horse, and there is no intention to dismount. Although Chu Yunsheng is indeed like a "god man", but the secular habits have been long, and psychologically can not adapt, if you immediately squat on the face, only Zheng and the boat who can stay in the lower position can do it.

It’s not that they don’t want to cling to Chu Yunsheng’s team. The key is how to get rid of the law.

Listening to Chu Yunsheng, when I was very up, I talked about the issue of interest. It was very appetizing for the fat man. He immediately excited and lowered his voice. "Brother. You can rest assured that there is me, as long as they have, make sure you want If there is anything, you can squeeze it for you!"

"I didn't see that you still have this ability?" Chu Yunsheng smiled and smiled.

Zheng and the boat found that there was a deep meaning behind Chu Yunsheng’s smile, and he couldn’t help but nervously said: “Brother. What do you mean?”

Chu Yunsheng glanced at him and raised his iron rod in his hand and pointed at the camp. He said with aggression: "This camp is now mine. When I am gone, it is theirs!"

"Ah?" Zheng and the boat stunned.

"What?" Chu Yun raised the body of the horse. Crossing the fat man, said: "You tell them, whoever wants to disobey, I brought the gang of "bone beasts" that they also saw, and they are ready to be bitten!"

Don't think about the inexplicable tears. I don’t think about the situation of the destruction that happened to me, but Chu Yunsheng’s mood is not bad. Although it was dangerous and almost failed, it eventually smashed the giant, gained the dead air, got the zero-dimensional force, eliminated the danger, especially the time that was temporarily not threatened by the cardinal. When entering the camp, it was actually A rare joke:

"Close the door, let go!"

He is a joke, but no one is joking. This is not the earth. As long as there is power and strength, it is the paradise of the ambitious family. He can lay down the head of the giant. Whose head is bigger than the giant?

He said that he was unconcerned. Although he did not know who he was, he did not know who the "beast" was. On the spot, someone believed it and his face was pale. The **** after the war of the giant was still there. At this time it is the least valuable thing.

It is difficult to guarantee that this man who does have capital shackles will not wash the camp!

Finally, some of the most senior people were surrounded by one of them. One of the big-bellied men with eyes was very difficult and unaccustomed to say: "Mr. Chu, I represent..."

Zheng and the boat also rushed over and hurriedly introduced: "Brother, this is Deputy Secretary Sun, this is Director Zhou, this is Director Zhang, this is Secretary Yue..."

"Do you know my name?" Chu Yunsheng said strangely.

"This, He Ning told me." Zheng and the boat replied with some concern. He is really a bit sorrowful. If he doesn't want people to know his real name, he and He Ning will be finished. .

Chu Yunsheng nodded. After arriving at the planet, he rarely told others his name, but he did tell her when he was chatting, and he would no longer ask, no big deal.

"You don't have to say anything anymore. I just said that this camp is now mine. When I am gone, it is yours. If you have any opinions, I will find someone to talk about. I have no opinion to go to Ms. Wenluo." Yunsheng looked up at the crowd, aggravated the tone, and looked cold.

He really didn't have the time to wander here. In addition to seeing the **** riders' injuries, they sucked so much dead air, and they needed to gather together. They also had to check zero dimensions. There are many things to do.

A few heads and brains are a bit ugly, but there is no way. Zheng and the boat are even more embarrassing, but there is some excitement. This is the big tree. The real big tree is tight, but it is more secure than anyone else.


Chu Yunsheng looked over the top of his head and wanted to find a position for Butni and others. He found that there was a girl in the crowd who was a bit familiar. He stumbled and found that she also looked at herself and her eyes were suspicious. Yunsheng is extremely sensitive, and the number of times he has been fooled is much more, and he will always be suspicious.

But he couldn't think of who he was at all. Maybe it was just a superficial overlap of a certain memory. Everyone who has this kind of thing often has forgotten it. He took a ponytail and got into the camp.

After he left, all the people, including Zheng and the boat, moved their eyes to the girl, and all the moves in Chu Yunsheng were in their eyes. I heard that she seemed to recognize Chu Yunsheng. However, she later denied it. Now it is once again proved that it is not a hole in the wind. Many people have quickly moved to think carefully...

As soon as I entered the camp, the tragic and dignified atmosphere came to the fore. A large number of soldiers’ bodies were moved back to the family to identify them, and they were broken into pieces, which could not be picked up, and burned in a wall.

For these sacrificed soldiers and officers, Chu Yunsheng is still respectful. If he is like them, he may not dare to fight for fear like death, or even fight for life, just die, use human life. Fill in the time.

People who have long-lasting British spirit, no matter when, where, or when they are, are admirable.

I went around the corpse and came to the temporary medical point. I didn't see Bounety. I expected to go to rest, but I saw Wenlu who was also looking for him.

She is also smart, knowing that Chu Yunsheng will definitely come here first when he returns, he has been waiting here.

"The message is OK? Is that huge cave we saw?" After listening to the news brought by Wenluo, Chu Yunsheng frowned.

"There will definitely be no mistakes. I have already confirmed that the giant has climbed out from inside. Many soldiers have seen it with their own eyes. Several people are here at the medical point. In detail, I can arrange for you to ask them personally. Wenlu is still a professional look, nodded.

She is really smart. Not only does she guess that Chu Yunsheng will come here, but also guesses what Chu Yunsheng cares most about, and also finds witnesses at the medical point.

Chu Yunsheng shook his head and said: "I will not ask them. I will directly find the members and scientists of the expedition team. In the end, it is a spaceship or a relic. This is to be clear, can you find these people who are still alive?"

Wenlu glanced at the door of the camp. "As long as they cooperate, there will be no problem. Otherwise, we are so confused now. We are foreigners. We have black eyes and no one. There is no way to find someone who breaks up as soon as possible."

Chu Yunsheng has come down from the horse and walked toward the place where the blood was healing. He walked and said: "The fat man at the door is called Zheng and the boat, let him assist you. I just told them that from now on, this camp is Ours, when are we waiting for us to be theirs, you don't have to be afraid of them, obstructive, thorny, all handed over to the disparate to deal with, in the troubled times with heavy code, I can't wait for them to slowly ink. ”

Wen Luo did not express any opinions on this. Chu Yunsheng sometimes spoke very well, sometimes it was very strong. He had to be serious and sincerely told to pull out the difference, although he would definitely say that this kind of dirty work is done by the old man. ? But it will definitely do.

"If you want to go to the cave to see, I suggest to contact the American camp in the north. In any case, their technology is indeed advanced." Wenlu thought about it and changed the subject.

Chu Yunsheng thought for a moment, did not make a decision immediately, only said: "They may not want to see me... This thing will be said tomorrow, first figure out what is inside."

Whether it is a relic or a spaceship that crashed three thousand years ago, Chu Yunsheng wants to see it. The giant has been locked in it for so many years. The cardinal life on this planet has not been discovered. There is definitely something wrong there, and the seal giant The triangular shape is like a pyramid. Maybe it has something to do with the earth. You can find clues, including clues from the giants.

In addition, the concept of time that Wenlu mentioned three thousand years ago also made him pay special attention.

With that said, Chu Yunsheng was preparing to drill into the tent, and when he heard a noise outside, he and Wenlu looked back and saw many people pointing at the sky nervously.

Because the tent obscured the line of sight, Chu Yunsheng worried that the cardinal life had come, and immediately took a few steps to the side. Then, following the directions of those people, I saw a flying aircraft flying far away. The shape he had seen once, hehe appearance.


Staying up late and coding a chapter, I wish you all a happy Children's Day, this month, the fire will definitely add more, everyone will have a monthly ticket, don't keep it, vote for the fire!

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