Dark Blood Age

Chapter 837: The gift of Prince Hull


Chu Yunsheng has never been concerned about this aspect. After the darkness came, the hardships were heavy and the road was overwhelmed. In the days of precarious, it was better than the image of the difference. The aunt outside the city could treat him as a thief. A chase. [High quality update.] (百书斋baishuzhai.)

But once he is out of the sword, it is the peak of the five races, the **** of the drow, and it is also moving.

Today's request is simply not to become a pile of sarcoma, and when it is true, it feels concentrated on the depth of hunger in the stomach from the whole body.

Hungry, so hungry!

Itching, swelling, and then, it is hunger, and every corner of the body seems to be asking for food from him.

However, unlike the itching, it was in his expectation that all the high-energy foods were prepared.

I also woke up and pulled out. After a short break, I can kill them. I don't have to keep them.

Under the shock of the distraction, Chu Yunsheng quickly peeled off the wrapping paper and devour all the food, until he was about to finish eating. He suddenly reacted and rushed up and said: "Fak, You also leave me some!"

Chu Yunsheng sent the last piece of chocolate to the entrance, picked up the crumpled cigarette case next to it, fumbled to the Flint lighter, took a deep breath, and suddenly felt so comfortable, glanced at the dip in the wrapping paper. When he was so depressed that he spit blood, he pointed to a corner: "Give it to you, over there."

After three days of unconsciousness, the same thing is that the food has not risen, and the body shape has risen a lot. The demand for food is no less than that of himself. If you don’t eat anything to supplement energy, you can’t afford any fighting power with an empty stomach.

After rushing out of this door, the main force has to be different. Who makes him big?

Seeing the corner, there is another pile of food. It seems that I don’t feel bad about it. The huge palm grabbed half and was directly inserted into the mouth with the wrapping paper. He wanted to peel it, but the fingers were too thick and the operation was inconvenient.

Then, the other half was pushed to Chu Yunsheng, and while spitting the wrapping paper, he was vague and succinct: "I will eat half of it, and the rest will eat, when I rush out. I don't want to be You are riding on your head."

Chu Yunsheng looked at him strangely: "The energy needs to be balanced. Your degraded people will suddenly become half a time faster, and the weight will increase a lot. Where does the added part come from?"

The stranger looked at Chu Yunsheng more strangely and said: "You don't know? Our degenerate brothers really have no status! The **** scorpion is the pro-son!...ok, ok. I said, I said, at the time of the earth We need a specially formulated pharmacy. After coming here, the dark energy you said gradually replaced the pharmacy. That's it."

Chu Yunsheng nodded. This is quite plausible, and said: "In ancient times, when the technology was not up, did it depend on eating people? Just like the flesh and blood of the monster was absorbed four days ago."

I pulled out a different piece of paper and spit out a piece of wrapping paper. After exposing the problem of Chu Yunsheng, I was surprised: "We have been here for four days? No, we have to hurry out, and Gru may be insane!"

"They have to be anxious and rushed. They have come in and come in. In fact, I have not heard any movement outside for four days. So, after four days have passed, the dust is probably settled outside. I don't care much about this meeting, I need to take a break." Chu Yunsheng did not and politely, eating half of the high-energy food one by one, he now needs food more than the difference.

When these foods go down into the stomach, temporarily relieve the pressure of hunger, the tension in the body is finally revealed, although he is cautiously using only half of the red liquid, but the densely populated cells crowd Press together and bring strength and strength to the body at least two or three times before!

What would it be like if you injected all 12 red liquids into your body? He didn't dare to think, because it was not the torture that people could endure.

Just half a red liquid, he has felt that as long as he is full, when there is no constant temperature wire, it may not be able to compete with the whole body.

"Do you mean Gru, they gave up the rescue?" The clenched fist clenched the big fist of the basketball: "I don't know Boutney, but Gru definitely won't, as long as I don't know if we are dead or alive, he is If you fight hard, you will bring your brothers back!"

Chu Yunsheng smiled and said, "The fact is that no one is coming."

Pulling apart for a moment, low: "Maybe, they have not found a safe rescue plan, after all, the monster inside..."

Chu Yunsheng ordered another cigarette and handed it to him. He said, "Forget it, how do you fight the monsters? You are as clear as I am. They organized the army to come in and raided. There is no problem at all, and it is not the kind of bullets that can’t be killed outside. ""

The gaze suddenly turned cold: "I believe in my family, they are not the shameless nephews of the blood family! But if... I will handle it by myself, I won't let you do it."

Chu Yunsheng smiled and shook his head and said: "I don't seem to have killed anyone? Deere, I let him go. To be honest, this world is not faithful, loyal and loyal, I have long been tired, basically nothing. Feeling, don't be so excited, how big is it? As long as you live better than anything, and this is not that simple."

I sighed and sighed: "I actually want to know what you have experienced? Sometimes it is special, sometimes it is everything."

"If one day I want to talk again, you can come to be an audience." Chu Yunsheng looked at the difference, his eyes became more and more surprised, and finally he laughed and said: "Now, wait for me to restore my strength, I must I will give you a black stick!"

"Stick? What do I want to do with the stick?" Unexpectedly, I don’t know how Chu Yunsheng suddenly pulled on the stick.

"As a weapon!" Chu Yunsheng tried to resist the smile. For a long time, he didn't want to laugh like this. The more he wanted to laugh, the more he wanted to laugh.

"Weapons? What do you want to say? I don't need weapons." The wrinkles were frowned and serious.

"With the stick as a weapon, you can be a master now!" The smile on Chu Yun’s mouth was finally concealed.

In the past, it was a bit of a beast, but it was not obvious, but it didn’t even have a tail. It’s good now, not only how high the two are. The key coma for three days and three nights, directly became a gorilla!

Give him a stick, isn't it a master?

This is the real **** restore!

It is not stupid to be different, but the mind is very thoughtful, but sometimes it is difficult for the hero to be short-lived in the face of Chu Yunsheng, but he can’t beat it, but he’s not too good, especially when Chu Yunsheng emerges one or two Chinese words from time to time, let him know clearly. Know that it is playing tricks on yourself. But I can't help it, I don't understand it!

After a long time, I wondered for a long time, and secretly asked Wenlu, and immediately hated to bite.

Chu Yunsheng seems to have a lot of fun, and he decided to explain to him: "Master is the student. A magic in China..."

Suddenly interrupted him: "Do you want to say that you are the teacher of the students?"

He doesn't think it's ridiculous. If Chu Yunsheng is willing to be a teacher, he not only doesn't mind, but also wants Gru to be a second-time student. Chu Yunsheng's knowledge in some aspects is obvious to everyone. It cannot be overstated to describe it.

But the most likely candidate is Butni, Chu Yunsheng has always been a favored blood family.

Chu Yunsheng was stunned by his life to say what he wanted to say. He said with a smile: "I have a heart to rely on the Buddha, but his old man probably can't cover me."

Forget it, you don't understand it, but you can give it a nickname. Chinese Kung Fu knows? Just know, all martial arts masters have nicknames, you can call Master, or Goku. Very image, I promise that people in the camp will understand as soon as they hear it. ”

"Master brother. Goku?" Uncertainly remember these two sounds, decided to go out and then ask Wenlu to ask, of course, he is definitely not going to use Chu Yunsheng, it is obviously playing these two A nickname, looked at his hands, body and the shadow reflected from the sword of Chu Yunsheng, said: "I think King Kong is good, more in line with me."

Chu Yun said without a word: "Do you still want to find a golden beauty to accompany you to climb to the roof to fight?"

This will be Chu Yunsheng's all English, but how can we know the true meaning of "" in China, immediately nod and agree with the face: "Well, the body must be hot, it is called romance!" ”

Chu Yunsheng threw a cigarette butt, stepped on his foot, and did not mind the feeling of staying on the ground. He took a shot and said: "Don't dream of Wukong, leave!"

But I did not expect that he had just stepped out of the way, almost did not slip a head, and looked down with a flashlight, only a layer of greasy dirt on the metal floor.

He also looked at the ground with astonishment and hesitated and said: "I heard that there is a trick in Chinese Kung Fu to wash the ribs, are you?"

Chu Yunsheng smelled and frowned. "You see more movies in martial arts? This is the fat that has been squeezed out. The black spots that are gathered together should be locusts. Don't you know that there are at least tens of thousands of locusts on people." No wonder so itchy..."

His last sentence was very low, and it was not the real reason, but the excerpt was clearly heard, and suddenly he felt that there were countless locusts in his pores drilling into the hole, itching and extremely disgusting...

"Dirty? We don't drill on the earth." Chu Yunsheng didn't know how to remember the words he had heard. He put up the flashlight and put it back in the protective cap. "Go!"

Pick up the remaining eleven semi-red liquids, stuff them into the protective suit and tie them. You can't enter zero dimension. This thing can't be tried again, but when the zero-dimensional is completely controllable, the cube is used to isolate the senses of the outside world. If you scrutinize a straight rotten meat, you will inject it all in one breath, and he will not feel itchy again.

After collecting the good things, finally take out the triangular prisms, indicate that the exaggeration is ready, and erect a gesture to insert the triangular prism into the depression above the door.

At the same time, the gestures moved and rushed out.

Chu Yunsheng followed the sword and followed the debris door. He needed to block the siege for two to three seconds, so that he could have time to recover the triangulation.

Upon exiting the hatch, a black shadow slammed up outside the door and slammed into it.

Chu Yunsheng subconsciously sneaked to the side, joking, being hit by the weight of the black shell monster at the same time, even if his physical strength is greatly improved, it feels bad?

Quickly remove the three prisms and smash into the arms, and two pale monsters have been thrown above the channel. Chu Yunsheng squatted and turned back to the sturdy hatch. The body shot like a sharp arrow, hard and hard. Go up. The breakout had to be hard, the passage was so small, there was no room for vacillation, and he also had this physical capital.

The blade ran across the middle of the pale monster, and smashed it into two. Chu Yunsheng, who was filthy blood, followed the blade and walked through the middle.

Four days ago, he could also do a knife to open the pale monster, but it would never be as easy as it is now, and he would use all his strength.

Try it out. He seems to have returned to the possession of strength and armor, left and right, suddenly courageous, less than a moment, the foot is already a corpse. And he was also stained with blood.

The medicinal properties of the red liquid have probably not fully passed. The mouth that was caught by the monsters in the chaos is also recovering quickly. Although it is still itchy, it is nothing compared to before.

Responsible for the black shell monster's detachment, finally came a violent, like a gorilla, he violently tore the black shell monster into two. The fierce **** kept the body still on one side and strode to the end of the passage.

“It’s more like King Kong...”

Chu Yunsheng secretly screamed and launched his own flexible body and stepped on the ground. Stepping on the wall, like a chaotic arrow, the narrow passage, and the bulldozer-like detachment left the body of the road, and re-entered the huge cabin where the container rack was placed.

"and many more!"

See Chu Yunsheng to run in the direction of the gap. He shouted and said: "I am going to get something, I can't just come here with empty hands."

Chu Yun a little thought about it. I agreed, and the channel just rushed over, and their fighting power has increased a lot. As long as they are not surrounded by monsters, they will use their horror to exhaust their physical strength.

"What do you want? I will take the underground ancestors container!" Chu Yunsheng immediately divided the work, said: "I can be as fast as possible, I am now more and more hungry, let them go today, wait until they have enough to eat and then annihilate They are old nests."

"You wait for me!" Pulling up and picking up a container jar: "Take your knife to open the bottle!"

Chu Yunsheng didn't know what he was going to do. He went back and ran with a knife to open the bottle, and went through the wrong way and rushed to the container rack for the cold star.

In less than a moment, the singularly held container cans strode back and it seemed to contain dark things.

"What?" Chu Yunsheng killed a pale monster and kicked the container of the cold star to the front of the disparity. He said: "This is also for you."

At this time, there was no nonsense in the exaggeration. While picking up a container canister: "I have put a black monster's body back, maybe it will be useful to Gru."

Chu Yunsheng did not say anything about this. When the knife tip sank, he killed the past in the direction of the gap.

Before reaching the gap, they did not encounter the demon resistance of the monsters. Several sieges were also forced to kill by the two.

The monster on the top of the sky was still coldly watching the two people on the ground.

"You drilled first, I blocked!"

Chu Yunsheng saw the two containers can safely plugged in and waved the knife.

This is an established arrangement. The process of reinstating the person is very dangerous. If you fail, you will die at the last moment.

Fortunately, the monsters were probably killed by the two of them. For the time being, there was no madness. After the disintegration disappeared into the gap, Chu Yunsheng smashed the closest monster and turned back to the gap. It slipped straight from the gap.

It was basically safe to store the cabins of the giants. The monsters were too big to be drilled.

Taking advantage of the nose that had just hit the edge of the gap, Chu Yun quickly swept a circle, no trace of people coming.

Waiting for the re-degeneration to become a gorilla-like appearance, the two people are becoming more and more hungry, and they don't want to stay for a moment. Follow the road that came, they ran all the way out of the hull.

He took the knife and walked in front, and pulled two containers and jars. He followed the water as a waterman. The two men went back to the giant wall on the fourth day after coming in.

But the two of them were still not standing still, and a glare of glare came from the cave. A row of glare lights hit the wall from the sky, and a pair of searchlights gathered on both of them. Suddenly, Chu Yunsheng and The singularity lifted his hand under the huge metal wall to block the glare, like the two prisoners who were waiting for the gun.

Under the far light, a row of glaring gold nails, strangely watching them do not know where they suddenly came out.

After a period of chaos, as if someone was quickly confirming something, behind the light, a tweeter came:

"I am the Counsellor of the Northern Army of the 6th Regiment of the United States. I am very happy to see that the two are still alive. All of you have been captured and conquered by the Hull Prince of the Great Six Empire, but Prince Hull appreciates your ability. As long as you swear to the gods and serve it for life, honoring it as the Lord, Prince Hull is willing to give you great glory gifts as its personal lifelong servant."


Sorry, it’s even later, this chapter is filled yesterday, and there are still two more today.


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