Dark Blood Age

Chapter 838: Don't mess around

Chu Yunsheng pupils contracted slightly under the glare of strong light, gathered their eyes and looked at the past. The golden armor was swayed 100 meters away, neat and solemn, and there was no way to see how many people there were in the crowd. A tall, purple-golden ornate chariot, sitting behind a sloppy slap in the arm, sitting on a golden figure like a Saint Seiya, squinting at the left and right sides, with two or three fascinating shadows on the left and right sides, serving Constantly.

Seeing the eyes of Chu Yunsheng looking directly, the golden figure turned to the head and said something. The American who wore a dark suit in a gorgeous chariot raised the white horn in his hand again and shouted:

"Prince Hull said that it appreciates your courage. It wants to know who is the master of both of you?"

Chu Yunsheng opened the broken and sullen radiation-proof helmet and slightly clarified the sudden miscellaneous.

Bauer with the horn is very clear. The golden warrior 100 meters away from the country of the mainland in the south, the "Golden Saints" sitting on the gorgeous chariot should be the prince Hull in his mouth. Chu Yunsheng in the hull hall of the hull has a certain hunch, and there must be something on the ground, but I did not expect it to hit the head when I came out.

In the case of the alien army of the southern land country, the armed forces of the Chinese battalion are not worthy of use. Blood riding and Gru and others do not have a big array. It is needless to say that how can the underground villain be vulnerable? Soon, give up the legacy and escape?

It’s no wonder that for thousands of years, you can only eat under the ground!

“Where is my man?” Chu Yun’s gaze is still gazing, still looking directly at the “Golden Saints” in the credit. It’s not that he doesn’t look at the Counselor Bauer who claims to be the United States. At this time, who can be the master, he naturally looks for Whoever speaks, if it is not the scruples of the southern cardinal life, it is very likely to be watching every move here. He did not want to take care of the "Golden Saints" in the credit, and he would not be able to deal with it.

He is very hungry, and he is very hungry. The two are like hungry ghosts who have just gotten out of the land. They can’t wait to eat a meal right away. They are suddenly stopped here. If they are not worried about the safety of blood riding and Gru, etc. Although it will not open the door to avoid the cardinal life to reach out to pinch yourself, at least safely rushing out can still be done.

But the blood ride must not be an accident. Being a big squad is the only way he can resist the cardinal attack. Even if he is hungry, he has to figure it out.

The golden figure in the credit account does not seem to be angry with Chu Yunsheng’s tone and gaze. It seems to have looked at Chu Yunsheng with a high-spirited gaze, and there seems to be a "unsatisfactory" to Chu Yunsheng. The absolute superiority of the people who appreciate the outstanding people. He waved his hand indiscriminately, recruited Bauer, and said a few more words.

Bauer bent down to show respect, and then ran a white trumpet and shouted: "The prince Hull said that you don't have to worry, as long as you respect it as the Lord, and serve it for life, you can see your people right away."

At this moment. A few gongs of the completed glare were turned on, and the beam of light was irradiated. The thorns of Chu Yun’s eyes were sore, and the golden armor of the hundred meters was difficult to see. This is very dangerous. Once you fight it, you can't see the other party will suffer big losses! Moreover, it is illuminated. It is very uncomfortable like a prisoner.

At any time, Chu Yunsheng will not be in danger for a long time. He stood still and didn't move, not just because of the safety of the cardinal life and blood riding behind the Jinjia people. It does not mean that this group of people can be judged as a prisoner. Under the cardinal, he is not afraid. Anyone, immediately without hesitation, gathers fire, and slashes out with lightning and lightning, forming a half-moon knives, and extinguishing a glare with a fleeting speed.

After a burst of sound, in addition to the lights below the hull on the façade, the lights hanging high above the head fell into the dark.

The remaining half-moon knife flame disappeared like an elf in the top of the cave, and the crowd behind the gold armor warrior made a burst of commotion, which was about to be shocked.

The Counselor Bower holding the white horn was also a bit stunned. He probably didn't expect Chu Yunsheng to dare to do it under such circumstances, and it was still very powerful.

The golden shadow that was still very "and pleasing to the eye" was heavily snorted. It seemed to be able to appreciate Chu Yunsheng's "not inferior", but dare to take up the weapon and provoke its will, it would probably not be tolerated. It must be taught. , denying how to tame?

It didn't talk to Mr. Bower any more nonsense, turned his head, waved his hand and ordered the warriors directly.

The front row of gold armored warriors immediately pressed down the gun front, and brushed the pressure to push forward.

Chu Yun stepped back and stepped back and said: "You don't want to shoot, things are more complicated than what you see, you can't make big noises, or else we can all live today, I will deal with them."

I really don’t understand the difference. It’s okay to say that the self-sacrifice of the person caught by the other person can make sense. But even if he and Chu Yunsheng lived today, they can’t understand it, but Chu Yunsheng said so, he Can only nod, some things, Chu Yunsheng does know more than them.

The first row of gold armored samurai marched on the ground with a neat pace, with a handle spurs smashing together, flashing cold, and the sides of the edge were wrapped out of a ride on the same golden ride, the beast of the squat Wrapped in the armor, you can't see the concrete appearance, but it is far stronger and fiercer than the earth's horses, and the eyes are full of wreckage.

Unlike the awakened people in the dark period, they are the army, the order is forbidden, and the pressure is far from being comparable to unorganized awakening people.

But Chu Yunsheng is not Bauer. This cold-armed army has no effect on him. When the gold armor is about 30 meters away, he will take another knife and use him to iron in the desert. The flames created by the stick for the test body formed a large cross-cutting flame and hit the golden warrior who came forward.

The knife flame swept up the ground, suddenly flying sand and stone, whistling in the whistling, blinking over the blank area, came to the front of the gold armor, slammed on the gun front of the gold armor.

After the sniper's sound, after the fire of Mars, it immediately spread to the four sides, hit the four walls and domes of the cave, and then bounced back, and the echoes of the echoes creaked, and the top of the head slammed down the fine sand.

Chu Yunsheng did not expect a knife to kill the gold armor, he just got out of the hull. There is not much convergence of the body's vitality, just a little more trial, but when the gold armor is still in a good formation from the Mars flames step by step to continue to approach, still could not help but be surprised.

Their pike weapon and gold armor are very weird, and the material is absolutely unusual. Although he uses a small number of fire elements, it is definitely a real-life ternary mid-level realm. It can only be accepted by one kill. However, the knife flame melted on the gold armor along the tip of the gun. It’s a bit of a surprise to just make a little bit of gold, but it doesn’t affect the way they move on.

However, his surprise was far less than the golden shadow on the gorgeous chariot. After the emergence of the sword flame of Chu Yunsheng, it immediately slammed the enchanting shadow of the surrounding service and stood up from the chariot. Even two steps forward, to the outside of the gorgeous car.

Its every move is in the observation of Chu Yunsheng, and suddenly there is a thought in his heart: Since this person is a prince, the warriors under the guards must be elite, will they have weapons and gold. Are all made up of the power of the nation? Even the cardinal in the south?

This may be there, depending on the status of the prince, if it is the first heir. It is more likely.

A row of gold armored warriors had approached the front ten meters, and the gold armor knights on both sides were completely closed. They did not seem to care about the attack of Chu Yunsheng, and there was no order from the chariot. Will never stop the attack.

In the distance, Bauer raised the white horn and wanted to say something more. He tried to calm down the hot scene. The most unfortunate was not to let the cave collapse like a collision. All of them must be buried in the earth, and those who are stunted may be fine. He and other people on earth could not survive, but his reaction was far less than the speed of both sides. He also had a mouthful in the future. Chu Yunsheng, a hundred meters away, rushed out like a sword.

Far away, the speed is very fast, Bauer only feels a flower in front of him, the sound of two consecutive metal crosses is heard, there is no flame, there is no Mars, only two broken guns are thrown high in the air. At the same time, two gold armored samurai flew out, and a figure of people broke through the line of defense of the warriors and went straight to the chariot.

Bauer’s head screamed, and he couldn’t believe his eyes. The two broken guns made his heart seem to be shackled and unable to breathe. The rifle used by Prince Hu’s Guards was cut off. Now! ? A few months ago, he clearly remembered that the Guards had entered the headquarters unscathed in the artillery fire of the Marine Corps and captured a general!

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng was flying alone, Baier subconsciously looked at the golden shadow on the chariot. Seeing that it seems to be unmoved, this is a little more reassuring. I think it will be held, or else it will be The Chineseman entered the chariot, and his counsellor became an accomplice in an instant, and he must die without a burial place.

The gold armored samurai and the riders on both sides probably did not expect Chu Yunsheng to rush out from the encirclement, and the high-pitched guns made them incredible. After all, they faced weak alien aliens instead of The old opponent, stunned, immediately reversed the gun front, and the rides on both sides rushed to catch up.

Chu Yunsheng knows that their goal is to be their own, so they are not worried about the difference. After rushing out of the ranks of a row of gold armored warriors, the backhand is a knife, using the second firepower, behind him, gold. On the top of the samurai and the rider, there was a stalk of flames that resembled the size of the raging knives, and they were entangled with them, and he himself continued to accelerate toward the chariot.

Just now he did not use the combat skills, only the fire knife was full of fire, and the guns of the gold armor were hard and confronted. Their weapons may be made by the cardinal, but his sword is also the fire of the cardinal!

At the same time, two long guns were broken. It can be seen that even if the armored warrior's weapon was made by the cardinal life, it was probably only a defective product or a batch product, which was far from the real cardinal weapon.

The distance of 100 meters, the moment, the responsibility of protection, the remaining unarmed gold armored warriors have erected rifles, to do a good defense, probably because of the light enemy, they did not have time to organize a long-range attack, rush In the middle, it can only passively defend, hoping to withstand a pause time, let the back guards quickly form a counterattack to curb the incredible raids of this earth man.

Chu Yunsheng's speed is too fast, far beyond their expectations, even if their old rivals, in addition to the Tianyu strong, rarely can achieve this speed, so have to.

Again, they unexpectedly, Chu Yunsheng did not collide with them, hard to rush over, with the amazing elasticity of the red liquid after the transformation of the body, in the distance from the gold armored warrior a long gun, he jumped From the wave of swords, the defenders quickly responded by throwing out the row of long guns. The gusts generally flew over the gunpoints gathered by the gold armor, and the momentum was forced to the magnificent chariot. A large number of broken guns behind him, like the destruction of the destruction of the visual organs of all people.

Under the chariot of the expensive chariot, more than a dozen of the last purple-golden heavy-helmet knights surrounded the chariot tightly, and then looking at Chu Yunsheng's gaze was already deeply shocked and incomprehensible, without any indifference and contempt.

But they have no meaning of retreating. Chu Yunsheng wants to kill the people in the chariot, and they must fight with them.

The flame was pulled out from the top of the fire knife and then shrunk back, making the mask of the Purple Knight knight particularly clear.

Counselor Bauer’s calf was a little soft, but he was not afraid of it, but the golden shadow on the chariot was in the chaos of Chu Yun’s ascendant dance, and it was like a broken bamboo. Before, there seemed to be a bit of tension. Even subconsciously reaching out to hold the hilt of the waist, Bauer turned black. He suddenly realized that instead of kicking a hard board, the aliens kicked the hard board. Of course he can't run away.

Bauer took a little courage and made the final struggle. He even forgot that Chu Yunsheng was close at hand, and he didn’t need to use a horn again. He still shouted with an intermittent suffocation:

"You, don't mess around, your people are in our hands, if Hull is out, they can't live." (To be continued)

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