Dark Blood Age

Chapter 845: Dignity of the empire


Falling from the sky, Chu Yunsheng rushed back to the side, seeing that he was trying to put the **** into it with an aluminum pan, glanced at it, flew again, and greeted the falling ball, grabbed him. Continue to move forward, passing through the flying Tianyu people, and flashing straight into the gorgeous Hulk, who did not know what principle to float, put Baoer aside, one word at a time:

"I will translate it to you immediately. There are a group of creatures in the sea coming from the north. The sea has already flown through the jungle. Some of them are extremely powerful. They can't stop people who add Tianyu. If you don't want to die, you can quickly withdraw!" ”

After many encounters today, Bauer finally became unsettled. He didn't think about what creatures came from the north, and immediately translated it to Prince Hull.

Prince Hull locked his brow, just now, he was suddenly returned by Chu Yunsheng and returned to his own action. The palm of his hand was still clenched on the hilt, which was about to be afraid of Chu Yunsheng. Also "guilty".

When he heard Bower’s translation, Prince Hu’s eyes changed slightly, and he quickly whispered a few words to the purple gold knight behind him. The purple gold knight climbed out of the cave, and his beast was like The ability to fly the wall, relying on the claws can quickly climb up from the bottom of the cave along the straight hole wall, the speed is not weaker than the Tianyu, followed by the gorgeous car appeared outside the cave.

When I got the order of Prince Hull, I immediately screamed and rushed out in the lightning, igniting the dust of the earth, and soon disappeared, and the speed was amazing.

In the cave, due to the relatively small space, the knights of Prince Hull could not open and went to the ground. Only truly demonstrate their strong strength, especially the most elite purple gold knight, like the lightning in the Guards.

Chu Yunsheng looked in his eyes and did not stop it. Prince Hull always had to personally confirm that he would be relieved. It was impossible to be scared away by one sentence. Those who can be called characters would not blindly follow other people, even this one. Others are not self-proclaimed by the walking of God.

However, Chu Yunsheng was interested in the beast riding under the purple gold knight of Prince Hull, and it was extremely fast. The body is flexible, more unrestricted by the terrain, strong and fierce, except for the endurance and unknown, all other external conditions can be seen far beyond the earth's horses. If you can combine them with **** war horses, blood riders who are limited by speed bottlenecks are not even more powerful. He Yan is not a big success! ?

thus. He is even more determined that he must go to Sun City. The statement in the cave will sooner or later spread to the ears of the cardinals of all countries. Even if they believe, a **** that has been disappearing for a long time can not live for too long. A cardinal can not withstand the temptation of the contract. It’s very dangerous to take risks and try to take away the contract that doesn’t exist at all.

This possibility is very big, and there is a very mysterious jealous relationship, even though Chu Yunsheng has declared that he has no contract. But this is not the key. The key is that if there is any, the cardinal of the five countries does not want to be cheaper than other countries. It is rather that I can’t get it, you don’t want it, you can’t get it, you can’t get it, and you can maintain the original balance. It is the best situation. Once the balance is broken, it is the most terrible. You don’t have to wait for the different gods in Chu Yunsheng’s mouth. The old enemy can let himself destroy the family.

In addition, the gods are terrible, but since Chu Yunsheng has said that the gods did not give him a contract, if it is true, it shows that in the eyes of this god, Chu Yunsheng’s status is not high, far from being compared with their cardinals. Perhaps in a short period of time, avoiding the eight-day patrol new gods blown out by Chu Yunsheng, they will not be shot by themselves, but they will not shoot, it does not mean that there is no way to do things, to kill a life that has not yet achieved the cardinal. The army of the five major countries and many masters are not white!

This is exactly where Chu Yunsheng is most worried. The cardinals should no longer have too much movement in a short period of time. This is something he can presume, but the most greedy about the contract is not the cardinal. It is all the countless lives that want to break through the cardinal divide and thus rank at the top. Their scruples about different gods are much smaller or even less than the cardinals. How can they fight against other countries? Maintaining their own theocracy is their most respected belief. There is no psychological pressure to kill the different gods Chu Yunsheng, but they will be openly encouraged and yearned, and they are considered to be great honors.

If Chu Yunsheng continues to stay in the jungle, a person is okay, easy to hide, and easy to fight. If you take the blood ride, you will wait for the endless pursuit and assassination of all parties in the Ming and Qing dynasties!

Before the big battle failed, there would be not many blood rides to die in the hands of these people. Chu Yunsheng is a big loss, they are all the main force to deal with the cardinal in the future!

Those who can stop these people are currently only Prince Hull and His Royal Highness, and the Tian Yuzu Chu Yunsheng will not go. The Tianyu woman who was stabbed in the day is a big hidden danger, plus the advantage of the mainland empire. What you need, going to Sun City is naturally the best choice.

When eating a steamed bun, Chu Yunsheng thought about these follow-up arrangements. The situation was urgent and everything was in full swing. The two female officials from the beginning to the end did not have any thoughts about them and they were entangled in the unrest. After that, he stopped eating in a vigilant manner and discovered a tsunami-like attack from the north in advance.

Chu Yunsheng has never seen such a war, and with the sea water invading the land, the place where it passes is actually a vast ocean! How do you fight this?

The Tianyu national army has an air superiority that is not affected too much. The military of the mainland country can be a land force. How can it meet? I am afraid that I have not seen the enemy yet, and I have been drowned by the sea from beginning to end.

He didn't want the blood ride to follow the Hull Prince's smashing in the sea, and he immediately returned to propose a retreat. The hero did not eat the loss in front of him, but he ran away and watched the speed of the sea, and he decided not to be able to ride the cavalry, and he I don't believe that seawater can flood the land without restrictions. There is always the limit of distance. Otherwise, is this planet not the ocean of the ocean?

However, for a short while, the purple gold knight has not yet returned. A sentinel knight with a flagpole has been in charge of the beast. After the order, he has been in front of the big car of Prince Hull. He said a bunch of urgent words.

"Well, it is the main army of the sea country. We are really not an opponent." Bauer's face changed and immediately whispered to Chu Yunsheng.

The military is in a strong situation, Chu Yunsheng should not be promised, but Prince Hull did not know whether it was negligent, or intentionally, never avoided or supported Chu Yunsheng, and did not stop Bauer’s translation.

There were several people in the mainland state camp who were also wrapped in the golden armor, surrounded by Prince Hull. After listening to the information, they talked about it, and Prince Hull’s eyes became cloudy. It was very different from the time in the cave. At this moment, the horror, anger and gloom in his eyes always had strong hatred, and he said a lot of excited words.

"What is it talking about?" Chu Yunsheng found the anomaly of Prince Hull and asked Bauer.

Bauer doesn't seem to want to translate this passage anymore. Pretending to look at other places, but forced by Chu Yunsheng pressure. I have been questioned. I had to look at Prince Hull and see that it seems to have been unable to take care of it. It was very whispered: "It is swearing, and it is another prince of the mainland empire. It really has a candidate to inherit the throne. I told my aides: I didn't have the hope of inheriting the throne. I couldn't threaten its status. I didn't expect it to remain unreliable. I always wanted to put me to death. What do you say now?"

Chu Yunsheng heard the fainting. I don’t understand: "What is the relationship between the military forces in the north and the struggle between them? Is it true that the prince who wants to kill Hull has colluded with the sea state?"

Bauer shook his head. "I don't know too much about this. This is a dirty struggle in their courts. The relationship between blood and history is extremely complicated. Our intelligence department is still collecting and sorting out this work. What is known is that the public can see things. Some time ago, the mainland empire and the sea country broke out in a local conflict in a seaside city. With the intervention of high-level figures from both sides, this small conflict has become the fuse of many years of conflict, and it has become increasingly fierce. The main army is ready to fight, and later it happened. It is said that the land is erupting here. You should know that the two sides immediately agreed to withdraw troops. The Northern Expeditionary Force of Prince Hull was a small part of the main army from the time. It is estimated that it did not expect that the sea country has openly torn the agreement and turned the main force to retreat in the sea. The whole army has come here. There is no main army of the mainland empire. Prince Hull wants to compete with others. The legacy must be defeated, but it was brought to the emperor's life. It was so retreating. It is also a crime of death. So, I think, it feels that it should be someone. He framed. "

Chu Yunsheng did not expect it to be so complicated. These things have nothing to do with him. It is about the fact that Prince Hull is currently in a state of concern. But now he can use Prince Hull to contribute to the sea and it will not. But to persuade it still has to try, it is too worthless to die here for a shit.

Not to mention that it is obviously a pit now.

Who thought that he had not yet moved, and the temple of Luo Yu of the Tianyu family flew over and pulled him to the side: "Do you want to persuade Huer? Although it is the traditional sphere of influence of the sea, it has been affected by the mainland. The emperor’s emperor will not shrink back."

She said so, obviously knowing the approach of the sea state army, the ability of the Tianyu family to fly into the sky, the speed of response should be faster than that of mainland China.

Chu Yunsheng frowned, and there was something in Luo’s sentence. Deliberately adding a phrase “here is the traditional sphere of influence of the sea country”, it seems to imply what.

The mind-sensitive Chu Yunsheng immediately realized that there was a problem. He said to himself: "Since it is a traditional sphere of influence, Prince Hull should have known for a long time, why should he still obey only a small number of people?"

Luo Yow smiled slightly, as if the purpose had been reached, he would no longer speak.

Chu Yunsheng turned his mind for a moment, and he guessed that the palace struggles were intertwined with various complicated conspiracy. The day of the expedition of Hu’er Prince, I’m afraid that there will be a scene today. Since I still want to come, I must have a plan. Counting, it is estimated that I want to make a loyal but atmospheric image of being loyal to the emperor, but the anger and hatred that I have just revealed are not false in my heart, but I have not opened myself, it must be artificial. Show it to yourself.

It’s really a capable person. In an extreme time, using Bauer’s secret translation, he succeeded in thinking that he expressed a lot of hidden intentions, and even caused it to be an image that he had to fight back. He’s not seen, he still thinks about how to persuade him. Does it hurry to retreat?

The most unsatisfactory, it can also take Chu Yun to a side of its camp to take a step further.

However, the wise man can not only one of them, Chu Yunsheng stared at the seemingly smarter Luo Yarn with a sneer, until she stared at her scalp and did not dare to face him.

Nothing is better than Hull’s prince, His Royal Highness, in the presence of Chu Yunsheng, has always had a dark injury. He is always imaginary. He is so stared by Chu Yunsheng, he can’t walk, he can’t talk, he’s not angry, and he’s depressed. I admit: "Yes, I want to provoke your relationship with Hull, so I will do it."

Chu Yunsheng no longer looked at her. He found a very interesting thing. Prince Hull couldn’t understand the purpose of Luo Yow’s quiet conversation with himself at the moment, but his eyes were not stunned and poisoned. Even Luo Yow doesn't seem to care. These smart people can think of a lot of steps in the next step. Chu Yunsheng is not as good as himself. He really doesn't have the energy to think thoroughly. Otherwise, he doesn't know how many brain cells will die, but ultimately he may not be able to Hole through everything.

As long as the blood rides on his hands, he has no scruples, and you are intriguing, and the situation changes!

"Do you really want to fight?" Chu Yunsheng returned to the front of Hu'er's big car, and hurriedly rushed up. In addition to the prince Hull's waiter, there is no second person to board this gorgeous car. Directly, Bauer and others were shocked.

It seems that without translation, Prince Hull understands what he is saying from Chu Yun’s attitude and tone, waving his hand and laughing: “The dignity of the empire cannot be trampled!”

After Bauer translated, Chu Yunsheng found a new cup from the car and poured a cup of Huer Prince to enjoy the "wine wine". Just now, the **** was eaten more, and it was very uncomfortable in the scorpion. More than half of it, I found it a bit sweet and spit it out.

"Do you know that you are ruining the most expensive drink of the empire? You spit out this point enough to meet the hard work of a mainland civilian for decades!" Prince Hull said faintly, its gaze Turning to its army, there is no scruples to say: "However, their value is only reflected in this point, for the sake of this wine, the people you see now, the most loyal warriors of the empire, too Will be such a value, today, all the country is here!"

Chu Yunsheng gave birth to a chill, but soon disappeared. Looking at the two female officials who had rushed from the opposite side and wanted to apologize to him, they put down their glasses, but there was a hint of sadness in the cold: "My country is no longer there. I just want to keep my people alive and I can live well."


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