Dark Blood Age

Chapter 846: Falling down and fighting against death without fighting


"Sorry, I am really embarrassed, we..."

Yan Xiaohong's gesture was very low, and he couldn't help but bend down and apologize. In his tone, he did not see the usual bureaucracy. The attitude of Chen Yudi felt that it must be from the internal government.

Rao is like this, Lin Shuangyi standing next to her still feels dissatisfied, there is a trace of anger in his eyes, although his strategy in the cave is not as expected, but at least with Chu Yunsheng There is no sense of evil in the party, and the work in the later stage can still be done slowly.

I don’t know how the director who has always been calm has suddenly become immature! In today’s crisis-ridden environment, it’s not only rough and rough, but also the official power, but it’s a mess. It’s a sin that the young man is offended, and the situation that is still good is suddenly dimmed. Just because she was eager to get the private things of special effects drugs, she destroyed the interests of all the people who had left the country, including Lin Linyi.

If he reported this truthfully, the big man behind Xiao Xiaohong might not be able to hold her in the current situation.

This young man is not only the person who Tianyu wants to get, but also has the background of killing two voices. Lin Shuangyi is keenly aware that this young man will be one of the core of the future changes, at least This is true for the Earth.

After learning about the passing of the incident, he immediately decided to apologize with Xiao Xiaohong, and he did not leave Xiao Xiaohong with a little face and room.

Some people in the heart of Xiao Xiaohong are a little boring, and they are even more unhappy. I heard that Chu Yunsheng, a Chinese who thought it was a small Luo Luo in her eyes, turned out to be an important figure in the Chinese camp legend to cut down the giant head. She knew that an apology was inevitable. She does not resist this, but she does not have to go immediately. The depths are high for a long time, but it is not all face-to-face. The key is to immediately apologize, and then should your authority be placed there in the future? Subordinates and colleagues should look at themselves with that eye?

An apology is a must, but it is not appropriate to find a private occasion in public, even if it pays more in other areas, such as giving her younger needs more within her authority, as long as Not in public. Who can know? Maybe after a transaction, everyone can become a friend, and it has become a merit of their own trip.

Lin Shuangyi forced her to apologize immediately, and she sneered at Lin Shuangyi to attack her prestige. But she had to come, Lin Shuangyi was the first person in charge of the trip. Commonly known as the top leader. From the rules, she can't take the lead in destroying the rules that everyone follows. She has always been a regular person, but she is secretly prepared to let Lin Shuangyi not get down. Some language skills can be used within the rules, and it will not be used again. Offended this young man.

Xiao Xiaohong, who has got rid of her daughter's special effects, is a smart-minded woman. Self-confidence, with the ability to play this game in the palm of his hand, Lin Shuangyi, who is from the civilian population, is gloomy in this respect, and her temperament and wrist have a more atmospheric advantage. It is Lin Shuangyi who can't learn and can't compare it. It's all about the high-level and high-level vision of the individual.

However, when she saw Counselor Bauer’s unconcealed entanglement with Chu Yunsheng, she saw that Joseph Yasuo seemed to be afraid and afraid of Chu Yunsheng, and then saw the tolerance and connivance of Chu Yunsheng by the prince Hull of the mainland. Until Chu Yunsheng was on the gorgeous car of Prince Hull without any hindrance, without any invitation, he arbitrarily and unduly swayed the valuables and wine of Prince Hull, even in front of it. Prince Hull spit out a little bit of imported wine, and she immediately realized that Lin Shuangyi was not in the pit, and certainly not helping her. She must immediately apologize because she and Lin Shuangyi thought Chu Yunsheng Even the most stern words and attitudes have been said: my country no longer exists!

Yan Xiaohong can not care what Hull Prince thinks about this sentence, and even can not care about why Chu Yunsheng himself wants to say this, but she can't care about the idea of ​​His Royal Highness, who is now their asylum seeker and trustee. It is related to whether they can survive on this planet and maintain the same power as on Earth. If the people of Tianyu believe that they can no longer get the approval of this young earth person who is most likely to be valued by this planet civilization. As a result, some of their "confidence" has plummeted, and a series of consequences will be unimaginable.

So she did not hesitate to apologize to the young man immediately with the most sincere and most apologetic tone. In any case, she tried to save something. She realized that this young man would not give her any chance of private contact, otherwise he Will not board the prince Hull's cart, unmistakably declare his position, if this eyesight is not there, she also mixed up the power field for so many years, in her eyes, to anyone at this level An open move will not be a noisy, all have deep meaning, including the previous conflict may be the trap that the young man deliberately want to draw a line with them, unfortunately, she stepped in.

Unexpectedly, this person is young and has such a deep heart, but why should he do this? Isn't joining Tianyu Country a better choice? Doesn't he know that in her power system, what can be obtained with his status and ability much more than Bauer's system?

Under the expression of Miao Xiaohong's sincere expression, she couldn't help but be suspicious. If she couldn't understand why, she secretly looked at Chu Yunsheng with her eyes and wanted to see something from his expression changes.

She didn't know that she really "snapped" Chu Yunsheng. The reason why Chu Yunsheng was drinking and drinking, except for nothing to scare and scare Hull Prince, it was really because Shantou had eaten too much and was stunned. The people around him didn't dare to approach him. The only place where you could get drinks was the luxury car that Prince Hull pulled.

This is probably something that Prince Hull did not expect. It may be that Chu Yunsheng is also declaring and positioning it. It contains profound meanings. For this reason, it has not stated it clearly, deliberately bypassing the translation of Bauer. With some words about what people value, I would like to pass on Chu Yunsheng's official recognition of Chu Yunsheng's identity and status.

The only thing that can understand the truth is to divorce, because he is also stunned, knowing what is the most difficult thing for the two to solve now.

In the apology of Xiao Xiaohong's low reputation, Chu Yunsheng threw the bottle of Prince Hull to the "eyes to wear", holding a large aluminum pan filled with steamed bread. With a sigh of relief, the rest of the drink was drunk, and then the smudged mouth was wiped, making Xiao Xiaohong very depressed as if she was treated as air. "Is there still? Another bottle , Fuck, this tastes really good!"

There is a bit of Chu Yunsheng who appreciates it. Although the language is vulgar, his mind is very fine. Just like now, he will not follow the gorgeous car of Prince Hull. Prince Hull can tolerate himself. But certainly can not tolerate other people stepping into its restricted area.

Chu Yunsheng smiled and ignored him, and came back with a bottle, when Prince Hull opened the bar? Then I said to Xiao Xiaohong, who was interrupted and stopped talking: "I don't need your apology. You are not qualified enough, and you can't hurt me. I have to say it. I also said that the six-pot **** is for a life of Luo Yarn. She should not feel a loss. At first she was prepared to use a shoe for the life of the eight-domain patrol angel. Not to mention the other things, I can't give you what I want, and you can't give it to the royal family. The sea-state army will arrive in the blink of an eye, and see that they are all roots. I will establish your immediate evacuation. Don’t send the soldiers’ lives, no one is easy, not worthy, and can’t beat. Of course, you can If you don't listen, you must be loyal to the Tianyu people to let them die and no one stops."

His words were very explicit and very cold-blooded. Xiao Xiaohong couldn't answer. Lin Shuangyi also screamed at the brow. Some things were not decided by them. If you want to fight, you can only listen to them, and send them to death. And it has to be rushed to the people of Tianyu.

The earth's army is no more than the mainland warriors under the feudal enslavement system. This topic goes on again, and then speaks louder. The soldiers heard that they were causing dissatisfaction within the army. Yan Xiaohong and Lin Shuangyi immediately wisely stopped the dialogue, even if they did not Stop, Counselor Bauer also wants to interrupt, the military on his side has come to ask if he is going to retreat immediately, they do not want to die for Prince Hull.

Chu Yunsheng is also talking about it here. Bauer and Lin Shuangyi have decided how to do it. He has nothing to do with him. He does not care. This is what the future Kiko is going to do, and he will not be able to do so.

After the sip of the wine, he proposed to go to see Botney and Gru and others. This request, in the expectation of Prince Hull, immediately led the way to the original Chinese camp. It has no time and Chu Yun for the time being. Further talk about what is going on, and the main force of the sea country is going to be in the blink of an eye. It is necessary to make some arrangements and disposals with the staff.

In the prisoner's circle set up by the gold armored samurai in the camp, Chu Yunsheng saw the gray-faced Gru and other degenerate people and the **** riders who were in sharp contrast with their spirits.

"It's my order, so that everyone will not resist." Seeing Chu Yunsheng's incomprehensible eyes, Butney seems to have not yet emerged from the shadows. As always, in a deadly tone, she immediately explained and admitted.

These days, she can't eat well if she can't sleep well. She has no bottom and full of worry, but she has to be strong in spirit. In front of other blood rides, she will show her confidence that Chu Yunsheng will come back alive.

In these three or four days, every hour, every minute, every minute, she is bitter, time goes by, there is no news at the cave, hope is getting more and more, every day is more difficult than the day before, if The final news is that Chu Yunsheng and the death of the alienation, she does not know how to face the desperation in the eyes of the blood riders who have no way to go.

In addition, there is another place where she is more afraid but unable to talk to anyone. On the day of the **** chaos, her beliefs and hopes have collapsed once. If Chu Yunsheng died, then she The new beliefs that have been painstakingly built up will inevitably collapse again. In that case, she has decided to choose suicide and leave the world that has completely confuse her.

Therefore, if Chu Yunsheng listens carefully, he will find that in the deadly voice of Butney, there is a sense of relief, happiness, and excitement that she tries to restrain but can’t restrain. In order to cover up these emotions, To avoid them, they must be revealed, and she has to finish it quickly with the simplest and shortest sentences.

Chu Yunsheng did not die, her fragile freshman's faith was saved, and she could no longer suffer a collapse.

So when I saw Chu Yunsheng coming back, she was not as excited as everyone else. She didn’t want to stand here. She just wanted to find a place where no one, like all ordinary girls, crying happily, then Dry your tears and re-open your smile and beauty.

Perhaps this is not the last time she cried, but she realized that in the future, she might never cry again!

Because Chu Yunsheng smiled back to her sight, she suddenly had a feeling that the "that page" in her heart finally turned over, like the lost youth, beautiful, reminiscent, unforgettable... ...but it is gone.

It has nothing to do with Chu Yunsheng. This is her own freshman.

Chu Yunsheng was very careless and didn't realize that she had any abnormalities. His attention was all on the body of the nose and face. "Well," there was no other expression, so he was very excited and excited to see him. The blood riders suddenly became nervous and did not fight. It was indeed very shameful and embarrassing. In particular, they professed to be the blood confidants of Chu Yunsheng. It was not as intense as the degrading people’s resistance. In the blood family, there are strict orders from above that can not be killed. It is estimated that Gru and others are now a dead body.

The fear of being blamed by Chu Yun has always plagued some blood rides. Except for the nerve strips and some **** rides, the rest of them always regard pride and honor as the blood family is better than the degenerate. The essential difference, at this moment can not help but blush, like wearing a big shame hat, do not dare to confront Chu Yunsheng, although if they come again, they will still obey orders, choose not to resist, but does not mean that they do not feel shame now. Sometimes, the psychology under the pressure of survival is so complicated. While one can't stand the shame, while silently accepting the shame, it seems contradictory, but it does not contradict each other. It is no exception to the blood family that is superior to ordinary human beings.

As the 12th blood riding squad leader, Shauna, who was in charge of Wang Qi, finally could not help but try to explain to Boutney: "Wang, they were many people at the time, Wenlu suggested us."

He is not trying to shirk his responsibility for not fighting. There are many reasons for not fighting. But the excuse is, after all, an excuse. Shame will not become glory. He just does not want Butni to bear all the responsibilities, but also I don't want to sell Wenluo, but I will bring the dirty water to Wenluo, but I will focus on "we".

But immediately, Butney interrupted: "The order is mys, it has nothing to do with her, she decided nothing, Gru did not listen to her."

"Wen Luo? Where did she go?" Chu Yunsheng looked around and everyone else was all together, only one Wenluo.

I didn't expect him to ask this question. The first Shauna who took out Wenlu immediately shrank back. When his eyes fell on Gru, this time I found the opportunity to be arrogant and despise the blood, even though the body was like a pig. However, he couldn't help but show his disdain in front of the **** family. The former coach who had been very good, even shrank back, as if it was a gunpowder bucket, it would be better not to touch it.

Wenluo is an ordinary person. Chu Yunsheng has always been with her. It is inevitable that everyone has private versions of the sayings. This kind of thing, even the most stupid Gru seems to be suspicion.

Finally, Butney stood up and said: "She accepted the invitation and is now working in the temporary ministry."


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