Dark Blood Age

Chapter 848: Cloud fly


After listening to Amir’s big secrets of ancient India, Chu Yunsheng did not immediately reply. After thinking about it for a moment, he decided: “If this cultural relic is really as legendary, it is really useful, so, Amir, you Don't leave now, stay here, wait for me to arrange people to cooperate with you, and what kind of method you use to discuss, I only have one request, be quick!"

Amir looked like a hi, immediately said: "Well, we don't have any family property, we don't need to pack up."

Chu Yunsheng nodded, turned around and looked at the Wenluo group who was coming to the front. He looked over the troublesome Xiaohong, and hesitated from the very quiet girl in the middle, and finally fell on the face of Wenluo. The voice said: "I am back, you are ready to march the supplies and immediately evacuate here."

Wen Luo gave a slight glimpse. He didn’t expect Chu Yunsheng to ask her anything. He still spoke in the same tone as before. He blinked a little doubt in his eyes and cautiously said: "Well, basically all are ready, just wait for the mainland. Release Boutheron's explanation."

"That's good, I am the order!" Chu Yunsheng applauded and smiled: "I heard that you suggested that Buttani does not resist?"

Wenlu’s breathing suddenly stagnate, his face paled slightly, raising his hand and smashing a few smashed hair to the back of the white sly ear, reluctantly calmed: “Yes, the situation at the time was very unfavorable. If the resistance is fierce, it may lead to unnecessary death. I advised Butni Gru to not resist and accept the surrender order of the mainland."

"You are doing right, if it is me, it will be like this." Chu Yun looked up at the quiet girl next to her, and when she missed her, she immediately turned back and said: "This is my negligence. Some things have not been explained in advance, and everyone will remember them later. I am not so easy to die."

The hand that Wenlu put down was stiff. Reluctantly smiled and nodded.

Chu Yunsheng shook his head secretly. The girl was too cautious and too nervous. In front of her, she always looked like a frightened little rabbit. How could it be so different from the image in the memory of the fake monument? He has already paid attention to the tone and atmosphere. He did not expect that the cold field could not be said. He had to transfer the topic and look at the other two people: "Hey, the director has found you here? Let me, director, what else do you have?" ”

Yan Xiaohong completely lost the cool color before. With a hint of anxiety in her eyes, she heard that Chu Yunsheng asked her, and asked for help in general looking at Wenlu, who was wearing a red line to lead the shirt, but Wenlu did not seem to see it. I had to say it myself: "Mr. Chu, the previous thing is that I am wrong. I apologize to you again. Please forgive me."

Chu Yunsheng interrupted her: "Hey, if you are apologizing, I have already said that in the past, I don't need it, I don't have to, I am very busy. My people are very busy, no effort and You are idle."

At the moment, Xiao Xiaohong didn't mind Chu Yunsheng's very unkind tone. He quickly said: "This is the case, Mr. Chu. My daughter, who is only 16 years old this year, has been severely depressed since her father died. Recently, The suicidal tendency, I only have this daughter, if she, if,,, me,,,"

Having said that, her eyes are a little red.

Chu Yunsheng secretly laughed and said: "Hey, are you mistaken? I can do a lot of things that you can't do, but I am not a doctor. Are you looking for the wrong person?"

Yan Xiaohong hurriedly said: "No, no, you can, as long as you are willing to say hello to Counselor Bauer, so that I can buy the special medicine for treatment from him. It will be fine. Mr. Chu, I know that you are right. I don't have a bad impression. I apologize again. You hate me too, but I really can't do anything. His Royal Highness is going to order the evacuation. Counselor Bauer, he, he is not willing to help now, I can only ask for it. You, what are you asking for, let me do anything,, really, if you want to believe, you can ask, she knows about our family."

As she spoke, she looked at the girl who was always quiet among the three with a hopeful look.

Chu Yunsheng found that she had been watching herself, her brows stretched from time to time, sometimes locked, and occasionally her eyes showed a hint of color, but in his continuous dialogue, it seemed to be full of incomprehensible confusion.

In the eager pleading of Xiao Xiaohong, the girl screamed very hard: "Auntie, I don't know if I remember correctly. It has been a long time."

When I heard Xiao Xiaohong mention her name, Chu Yunsheng brows a slight movement and suddenly said: "Licence, have we not seen it for many years?"

He said, he also actively reached out and gently shook the girl, it looks natural.


The girl seems a bit too late, but it is still very quiet, as if there is nothing in the world or things can interfere with it: "Do you know me?"

Chu Yunsheng nodded, smiled lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and each of the following words seemed to be the most important thing: "Before, it should be the second-floor study room of the library, often next to you." ”

The color in the girl's eyes appeared again, and the tone was slightly ups and downs: "Is it really you? Sorry, I am really embarrassed, I have never been sure. After all, it has been a long time, the change is quite big, I have never known. Your name at the time."

Chu Yunsheng no longer speaks, his heart is like a stone, unusually cold, he wants to know what he knows now, amazingly similar appearance, amazing and similar experience, even the second floor of the study room is the same, similar life, whether it is consciousness Will it be similar? And what is behind it?

Chu Yunsheng didn't know, but he had a headache and a headache. But at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. He squeezed a smile and said: "It doesn't matter, I can't even recognize myself now, and the land may have been beaten. Are you going with us?"

The girl shook her head, as if the old classmate was talking about the old, and she always made a joke. She said: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful now. I still remember that you suddenly didn't come to the library. The world evaporated. I’m gone, I’ve been wondering for a while, right, and I’ve seen you once in the six canteens. It’s almost like I’ve never recognized it, it’s a bit like it’s now, it’s a bit messy, unlike before, I think You may have something. If you want to ask you, just wait for a while at the entrance of the cafeteria. A friend has said two words, then you will disappear again. After that, you have not seen you again until you graduate. I think it’s amazing, the school is so big, and I haven’t met it once.”

Chu Yunsheng was a little shocked. It was entirely his own experience. He had been self-defeating in front of a girl who was basically a parallel world. The boy who had been attached to the sturdy car with the beautiful car and could buy out his life for several generations disappeared on his own. In addition to the slutty before going to sleep, I imagined that this countless male classmates could be obscenity. The girl is in her arms, destroying her heart-wrenching silence and conquering the world of her private boudoir. Let the boy who can buy him for a few years hide from the Maserati to cry.

It is a pity that after all, it is obscenity, and after waking up, it is a dormitory with four people who are kennel-like and have no air conditioning. The gap in reality is still as far away as the Pacific Ocean. However, he still has a little pride in his heart. He thinks that he can show his skills after graduation. Even if he is faced with the reality of IQ, he will not be Einstein, Bill and Xiao Qiao. At least he has to open a BMW. Mercedes?

With this idea in mind, I squandered in the Internet cafes the youth that will not be in a hurry in the future. Then I saw this unattainable, bright goddess-like girl in the six canteens, and the boy who was as good as ever, wearing his cheap big pants, his mood at the time was something that the girl could not understand now.

What can he say now? The dog went to ask the boy and what happened to her? Still more to ask if I am going to chase you...?

The woman who really knows his life in this life has left the world. And took away all his life and all his love, he could not say anything.

But it was a fool. After listening to the conversation between the two of them, I could understand something. On the side, Xiaohong couldn’t help but smile, and kept secretly touching the waist with a hand-held t-shirt. Helping Chu Yunsheng to ask for a request, but I have never received a response. I have to bite my head and say: "The original Mr. Chu and us are really classmates. I have heard similar rumors these days. I still don't dare. Ok, it turns out to be true, and there is such an interesting past. Now I can meet again in a foreign land that has left the earth. It’s really a fate. It’s really not a good thing to say. You may not know, the aunt’s mom and dad are ......"

Chu Yunsheng interrupted her again in a timely manner: "Hey, Director, you have too many words! The special medicine is not a big deal. Waiting for Bauer to send someone to Hull, I will let them go back and tell you Say, can you be your own thing? Wenluo, I still have something to talk to you alone, you should first talk to the Indian, Xu, I did not guess wrong, you should go with the director Tian Yuguo? Today is tight, I can’t talk to you more. I will go to Tian Yuguo in the future. I still need to find out more about some of the situation at the time. If you can help me find other students, thank you very much. I have to make sure."

The license nodded and said: "Okay."

At the moment, I am already ecstatic, Xiao Xiaohong, and I can't help but bend down and thank you: "Mr. Chu thank you, thank you very much, you can rest assured, I will do my best to help you with your business. I have time to come to Tianyu. I have to sit at home, my mother is my good friend for many years, we have nothing to say..."

At this time, Captain Shauna took Chu Yunsheng's original horse and said: "Wang, you left the things outside the cave. We only got back this iron rod, that transparent piece is in the mainland. The country."

Chu Yun picked up the iron rod and skillfully inserted it into the horse's back pocket. He stepped on the horse and said: "It doesn't matter, I will find Huer to come back. Are everyone else ready?"

Shauna said: "Boutney took the marching materials that everyone brought to Miss Wen to prepare. It should be almost finished. Degraded people are a little troublesome. They want to use their stretchers to carry people who can't walk."

Chu Yunsheng said: "You don't care about their affairs, I have other tasks to give them."

When Schonner nodded and left, the permit was also rushed to the large helicopter that flew to pick them up after Xiao Xiaohong’s repeated thanks to Chu Yunsheng. Wenlu was still talking with Amir quickly, and the camp was in chaos. The chickens flew before the escape.

"This girl is very good. Have you chased people before?" The aluminum pan with the **** was still holding the hoe, and he took one to Chu Yunsheng, and said carelessly.

"Emotions in this camp are full of rumors, I don't know alone?" Chu Yunsheng took over the hoe, squatting in his mouth, sorting out the knives and utensils, and then eating and saying: "I used to read the book." Her boyfriend is Kai Maserati."

“Maserati?” said dismissively, “Is it expensive? Garbage truck.”

"You **** you have money and have the ability to eat gimmicks!" Chu Yunsheng looked at a helicopter flying in the distance and said: "You are like her, you don't understand."

"Do you understand? How do you know that you must be her boyfriend when you open Maserati?" I took a sip of water and handed it to Chu Yunsheng, scorning: "You really don't understand."

"Turn off your ass?" Chu Yun picked up the water bottle, his hands were busy, and before and after the adjustment, added a bit of an urgent atmosphere to the camp of the smoky wolf smoke, and finally took out the iron rod, saying: "No time for you. Create a good weapon, this is the first thing you have to hold, but it is a pity that the white monster in the grave. You can’t go in with the war. I hope there will be a chance in the future."

"What is the use of this little stick?" Pulling his eyes wide and looking at the iron bars in his hand, he said: "This is only the case. Fortunately, I got a body and gave it to Gruillo." The most combative and the most injured people use it, and others will find a way later."

"Of course it is useful, it will definitely be useful for you!" Chu Yun rose up, hesitated for a moment, emptied the dandruff in his mouth, Shen Sheng: "Extracted, there is something I didn't want to tell you, but,,, After you have dispersed, besides you must pay attention to the little boy who is less than ten years old, if I say that if I don’t necessarily meet it, the chances are very small, I may never meet it, and there is another person. I am basically similar. If you really meet, don’t be alarmed, don’t worry, go to Sun City and tell me. This iron rod is the proof of the fear of your confusion. It has mine. The power of the body can only be stimulated, I have a very bad feeling..."

A huge impact sound came from the north and interrupted Chu Yunsheng. The edge of the sky and the land was like a sunset glowing with a red halo.

The original chaotic camp was like a fixed still, and all looked at the red clouds in the north side of the sky. The white clouds were fanned out by the fans. Then they woke up and the camp was full. The chickens and dogs jumped in chaos.


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