Dark Blood Age

Chapter 849: Terrified


"Hit it up!"

Chu Yunsheng calmed down the uneasy war horse, and his eyes were taken back from the horizon. He decided: "How long Hull can't support, the more fierce the game starts, the faster the defeat. You don't hurry, go with us. After the desert, I went to the borders of the mainland countries and separated them to prevent the sea-state army from killing the people of the earth left by the mainland."

Nodded and nodded, hurry up and put the last gimmick: "I almost forgot, the body of the underground man is still there, I am going to move you."

At this time, there was a shrill brake sound from outside the camp. In the dusty soil, a team of gold knights who were incompatible with the earth camps rushed in. Behind them, the anxious and nervous American soldiers followed. Jumping from the truck, a group of more than a dozen people, unloading a beast like a fainting past, hands and feet in a hurry.

"The things sent by Prince Hull arrived, and the difference was made, so that Boutney quickly took the Schnauzer 12 to ride."

Chu Yunsheng took a quiet horse, and was about to pass through the smoke. Wenlu, who was not far away, hurriedly ended his conversation with Amir, turned sideways, and took out a sleek transparent half-ring from his backpack. "Headphones", catch up with: "Boss, this is the translation of the underground villain, there are only three, you can interpret most of the language on this planet, they have some other things, too late to elaborate I will report back to you after the evacuation."

Chu Yunsheng nodded, this time really did not have time to say what the little man's things, watching Wen Luo help him skillfully start a half circle of translucent "headphones", slender fingers on the virtual screen of the virtual screen bursting out Regular halo, sci-fi shows a stream of data, the situation and the oncoming "original" knights formed a very vivid visual conflict, as if with advanced high-tech products suddenly passed through the golden hook horse Cold weapon era...

I received the "headphones" that Wenlu finally adjusted. Chu Yunsheng wears her on the right side of her cheek according to her instructions. The translucent half-ring ring immediately attaches to the skin, like the electrostatic attraction of a certain bioelectric current, and it is also blended with the skin. Embed in and disappear.

Chu Yunsheng couldn't help but touch it with his hands. It didn't hurt or itchy, or the original skin feeling, and he couldn't feel any strangeness. The technology of the underground people may still have a big gap compared to the drow crystal people, but it does have their own unique features. The previous thermostats seem to be based on this unique integration technique.

The function of this thing was immediately revealed. The oncoming Golden Knight saw the Chu Yunsheng and took the beast. I couldn't wait for another American translator who was trying to catch up with the gasp, and the tone was very uncomfortable.

"... finally got up. The despicable sea people. I have never obeyed any treaty. This garbage race should disappear completely from the world!... Why do you want to send me such a prince? The shameful task, I should appear on the battlefield, instead of running here to serve a disgusting deformed person who is stunned by the earth!...Hey, I said that you are a stinky deformed person, really what God walks. ?? Forget it. Look at it, this silly, unpredictable, I don’t understand... I am still walking? I am, the real **** will look at a deformed and stinky race?... They are afraid of you, I can Not afraid. The deformed person is also a garbage race! You too! If it is not a noble Prince Hall, Temple, Hall"

Its eyes suddenly flew in horror, and the body swayed back from the riding beast. The chest was sunken like a huge stone. Under the painful stimulation, the face suddenly became pale, and the sweat went down the inside of the mask. The beads are leached.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Under the impact of the successive sounds, the Knight of the Golden Armor, like a cannonball, hit a whole team of knights after hitting the upper body, and they rushed to the ground and finally fell heavily on the dust at the end of the team, rolling a few laps. I barely stopped, but the horrified eyes were confused. I probably didn’t know what was going on. I tried to turn over and shouted:

"It’s a seaman, the seaman is here!"

But under the clouds and clouds, there was a "huge" burning hoof in the pupils of the camp, and a cold face that looked down, not belonging to the sea, but what it said A stinky and deformed earth man.

"You, you, I am the Cavalier! You dare, I am the Prince's Hall." In his angry eyes, there was a panic of fear at the last moment, but the sound stopped!

The burning horseshoe fell heavily on the stunned pupil under the mask, and stepped over again and again until it was stepped into a mass of meat sauce, mixed with the mask of the gold armor, and the flesh and blood was blurred.

Chu Yunsheng violently stretched over the horse's head, and even the man took the horse to the body, his eyes showed a strong violent murderous temper, and forced the remaining Golden Knights, Xiao Xingdao:

"You listen well! Prince Hull will send you over, then from now on, I am your new master! There are no more unruly people. Like him, there is one to kill one, and one group will kill nothing!"

The translation machine of the underground man is indeed unique. It can not only clearly and accurately translate the words of the knight, but also use the principle that the sound is transmitted by the air vibration, and the words that he said will be "modulated and demodulated" into the mainland. The language of the country is clearly transmitted by the translator.

The Knights of the Golden Armor who recovered from the chaos of the chaos saw Chu Yunsheng’s knight who stepped on them with extremely cruel temper and **** way. The horrified eyes were hidden under the mask and looked at each other. At this moment, no People talk, but no one changes.

Chu Yunsheng cold face, pulled out the fire knife, the flame rushed to the tip of the knife along the bottom of the knife, the legs slightly pinched, twitching the horse, the horse slowly stepped forward, one late approaching the remaining gold armor :

"Ask you again, I heard it clearly!"

The air suddenly became tense. Although no one still spoke, no one still tried to counterattack. The breathing of the Knights of the Golden Knights suddenly became restrained, and the horses that felt the dangerous atmosphere were more and more uneasy. The turmoil, the whole team of people are quietly quiet.

Their eyes look at each other, as Chu Yunsheng is getting closer and closer, revealing a burst of tension, and the frequency of viewing is getting higher and higher.

Chu Yunsheng no longer speaks, silently raises the knife. From the end of the team of the Golden Knights to maintain an abnormally constant speed, step by step to drive the horse to sink to the front of the last gold armor.

The cold and violent gaze, the sound of the horseshoe, the burning flame, the burning flame, the **** marks that burned all the way, and the sharp swords that can be killed at any time, together, the tremendous pressure generated Let the knight tighten to the extreme, breathing heavily and stagnation. The eyeball quickly switched between Chu Yunsheng and other golden armored knights, and the right hand slowly touched the long sword at the waist, but suddenly stopped hard, the body seemed to be straight like an electric shock, and the empty right hand suddenly changed the trajectory. Lift it up and lift it up. Then hit the chest armor heavily. Hearty:

"I am willing to work for the adults!"

The last moment of its unexpected move, the first to make a sudden sound, is like the first dominoes to push down the extremely urgent atmosphere, with Chu Yunsheng slamming a horse, accelerating, like the wind through the entire team. The sound of all the gold armor knights hitting the chest with their right hand went up and down until the end of the queue.

"Who is the deputy knight!?"

Returning to the front of the Cavaliers, Chu Yunsheng, wait until the sound subsides and sweeps back and forth. Shen channel.

"Walking adults, I am an assistant knight. We don't have a deputy knight. According to the regulations, when the Cavaliers are not there, they will handle general affairs from their lower posts."

A gold-haired knight on the height of Martha walked out of the queue and replied nervously.

Chu Yunsheng looked at it and actually couldn't see anything. Except for a pair of eyes, they were all wrapped in gold armor, and the habit of looking at it.

Killing their heads, casually referring to the individual as a knight, such a thing, he has done it before, the effect is not really good, the **** civil strife is an example in the immediate vicinity.

However, the Golden Knights are not blood races. The situation is completely different. They still belong to the system of the mainland, but they are only temporarily adjusted to him. In this case, it is better to carry them in accordance with their rules and order to save more trouble.

"What is your name?" Chu Yunsheng regained his gaze.

"Walking adults, the name of the post: Tuton. Monsercroft..." The Knights of the Golden Knights uttered a long list of words, with a hint of inferiority and pride in their eyes and tone. hybrid.

"Mound?" Chu Yun raised his frown, and the pronunciation of this name really makes people say it? However, this is the meaning of transliteration and understanding. Where they may mean the rich and the rich, and then the name is not related to the matter. Immediately, according to the principle of progressive advancement, he said: "From now on, you are the knight!" ”

The Knights of the Golden Knights glimpsed and said: "Adult, you can't be the Cavaliers in your next position."

Chu Yunsheng slightly frowned: "Do you have enough ability? Or is it prestige enough?"

"No, it has been more than ten years since I took up the post of the Cavaliers. The specific affairs of the team are the next job." The Knights of the Golden Knights seem to have some enthusiasm and sigh.

"Why is that?" Chu Yunsheng said: "Is that you dare? Or do you think I can't use it?"

The Knights of the Golden Knight heard the words, and they looked tight and hesitated. They hesitated and said: "There is no such thing as the next job. Although there is a noble name in the next position, it is still a civilian. According to the imperial system, non-nobles can not be the full-time knight. ”

Chu Yun’s eyes sank and he didn’t understand the meaning of its words. At this time, the translation of the earphones from Wenlu’s wearing the underground headphones, and the “transparent barrel” with the underground ancestors’ ancestors came over. Interjection: "Boss, it means, it is an illegitimate child, and I guess, it should still be exposed, the surname has to be given to him, but the identity of the nobility is absolutely impossible to catch, or else the face of the nobility is lost. Where is it? Old Europe is all such a bad thing!"

The earth language spoken by the dissident, the gold armored warrior can't understand, but its eyes are indeed full of inferiority that is obviously lacking in strength.

"What is messy!" The north side of the sky is getting bigger and bigger, Chu Yunsheng is a little anxious, waved his hand and pointed to the whole team of knights to the "mound": "I only ask you, you are the knight, they are not satisfied." you?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunsheng unexpectedly saw that the popularity of the mounds was very good. The other knights were also very kind to their eyes. Even after the mounds came out, many knights seemed to be worried about it. What happened to it, but when the question was asked, the knights were collectively silent, and no one stood up and said that Tutton should have been a knight.

"The good intentions of the adults, the lowering of the heart." The Knights of the Golden Knights sat on the riding beast and bowed and said: "It is the incumbent who feels that the knight of the non-nobles is incredible. The identity of the civilians cannot be surpassed. This is the world. The law."

"The law of heaven and earth is constant?" Chu Yunsheng slightly stunned, did not expect this person to say so.

Although he did not want to break the tradition of the Knights of the Golden Knights, causing unnecessary trouble, but did not want to be forced to change their mouths, and the prestige of just killing one person was suddenly lost.

This strange thing is really speechless, killing a knight who has a noble identity. In the final reaction of Tuton and others, it is estimated that the aristocrats in the mainland do not care, but let a civilian surpass the nobility. Maybe it’s a big thing for them. If you don’t see it, even other knights who are also civilians can’t accept it.

After a few moments of silence, Chu Yun looked up at the northern horizon of Wang Hongxia, and came up with a peculiar way. He immediately decided: "If this is the case, you will continue to be your assistant knight." turn. Again: "However, you will not have a new Cavaliers in this Cavaliers!"

After that, without waiting for the new reaction of the Golden Knights, he ordered again: "Mound, you immediately call the other gold armored samurai left in the camp, in accordance with the agreement between Prince Hull and me, let the large forces first evacuate. You then went with me to join Prince Hull."

In detail, the knight sent by Prince Hull has the meaning of "monitoring" the blood ride. This point, Chu Yunsheng also understands. Just like the other mainland Chinese who came to him immediately, Hull’s so-called singer and the **** of her, but he didn’t care, let the prince Hull put a snack? And, no matter what, these people have other good uses in other aspects, at least those who are in front of them in the United States no one dare to pretend to Wenlu and others.

"Boss, you are really embarrassed to start, it is estimated that this guy will die when he thinks that you can understand it." After Tuton and others took the lead, the name of the flesh and blood that was stepped on was removed. The knight’s body turned back and sighed.

"You saw the scene of the sudden killing of the prince Hull in the cave. This nation is probably the one that believes in it. Besides, it is unscrupulous and everyone has heard it. It directly provokes the bottom line of our future identity in the mainland, and does not kill. It, this Cavaliers will be more arrogant in the future, I really think they are to monitor our master!" Chu Yunsheng said coldly, there seems to be a violent murderous gaze in his eyes.

One thing, he did not guess wrong, Prince Hull may be a little jealous of the gods he boasted, but the more down, the less the jealousy, the knights of a district dare to say those words in front of him, provocative It is not an accidental and individual phenomenon to even openly question the bottom line of his identity with the blood riders in the mainland.

It seems that Chu Yunsheng’s eyes are fierce and fierce, and the cheeks are stiff and stiff, and the topic is removed: “Hull should not be so stupid, knowing that you are not good, but also sending such a madness and not knowing. Are you guys at the end?"

Chu Yunsheng nodded, worriedly looking to the sky and the clouds of the clouds said: "What do you mean, I understand, he is not stupid, should be too smart? Although I can not understand the complex between them I’m struggling, but I understand the truth. If a person is so clever and why he is in his own control, then he is not smart, and sooner or later he will have a big event. Huer’s crisis is heavy, but he still has the heart to come to me. It’s hard to see, it seems that it also thinks that it controls the whole situation, thinking that everything is in its expectation... However, I hope that I think more, these people’s heads are more savvy than one.”

Suddenly asked, "Can you shoot?"

Chu Yunsheng glanced at him and smiled. He said in Chinese: "I am a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect myself!" Then I paused and looked at the transparent container in the hands of the divorce, and turned back and said: "This thing Give it to Wenluo, she will handle it."

Nodded and looked at the underground ancestors in the container, but the eyes were a bit complicated.

Chu Yunsheng has been prepared to leave the horse. He wants to see the war in this world. What is it like? Seeing strange expressions, frowning: "What? Is there something else? When did you become like Wenluo, what?"

The difference was not as counter-attack as before, and his face was more cautious. He took a roll of white thick cloth from his arms and handed it to Chu Yun. "This is the map that Miss Wen has prepared for us to spread out. I just took it. When I got there, I took a quick glance and asked her if she couldn’t wait. Did you see something strange?"

Chu Yunsheng took the map with suspicion and then unfolded. The thick cloth was indeed a precise map. From the ocean to the land, from the south pole to the north pole, the labels were very clear. It should come from the information of the underground people. The country estimates that it does not have this technical capability.

“Is there any problem?” Chu Yunsheng glanced a few times. Except that there was only one mainland on the map in the southern hemisphere, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

Pulling up the brow, Shen Sheng said: "You look at it again, turn the map upside down and look again, you don't feel strange?"

There was a thunderous thunder in the north, and Chu Yunsheng impatiently turned the bottom of his hand and said: "What's so strange? This is not the earth, what a strange planet will look like. Maybe, if you want to say something, hurry up and say, I don't have time,,, etc. What do you mean? Impossible! How is it possible??"

This map with only one land suddenly became more and more familiar in his eyes. He couldn’t help but be shocked and looked at the sinking water.

On the horizon, countless Tianyu people spread their wings and flew away from the battlefield. A large number of helicopters were black spots like one and then one took off. Above the white clouds, the fog was in the air, and a floating fairyland-like city was looming.

The entire northern sky, like the mythical heavenly soldiers, returned to heaven.


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