Dark Blood Age

Chapter 853: Riding the beast


Chu Yunsheng’s heart is very clear. Under the eyes of the public, there are many sea people’s eyes and ears. Even if they are full of dead air, they can’t do complete hiding. The only way is to constantly change positions, keep silent, and act on the plane. .

It is not important to kill or kill Assisi. It is the key to sending the cardinal of the sea state as soon as possible.

He is still a bit emboldened, and the filmmakers can't understand the black gas, even if it is only a little bit, the lethality is extremely huge, and it is by no means that Assisi can resist it.

To blame, it is necessary to blame the Assisi for finding trouble. In order to avoid the attention of the cardinal life to the utmost extent, he did not intend to use the fire of the cardinal, relying on the firepower of the whole body to climb the energy level and send a whistling arrow. Who would think of it? Assisi will use the power of tempting male excitement to stimulate a third energy like a volcano. At the juncture of the bow, the blood that is reflected in the body not only carries the "toxin" of the third energy, but also maintains the three parties. Balanced black gas and debris of the object, after he fell away, the debris of the object returned to the body more than five or six meters, but the black gas remained on the rocket.

Targeted by black gasification arrows, not looking for death! ?

The golden bow was instantly shattered by the devastating effects of black gas, but the arrow has already become a reality. Chu Yunsheng, who failed to control the zero-dimensionality, could not stop it from killing people.

If you can, Chu Yunsheng wants to take it back than Assisi. There is absolutely no need to attract the attention of the cardinal life. It is better to have less.

The black card is not noticed by the cardinal of the sea state. Before it is exposed to black gas, it may not know the existence of black gas. Most likely, the black gas urges the fire energy level to move rapidly, causing abnormal energy fluctuations. And the cardinal of the sea state may be mindful of the jungle war, and was arrested. This point, from the cardinal of other countries did not appear, can be proved.

Asi is the closest person to the cardinal in the world. It may be only a contract from the cardinal. It is naturally the "baby" in the "baby" of the sea country. It is hard to kill her, not only is it not good, but also anxious to the sea. The cardinal of the country, hidden in the air, is under the eyes. It may not be able to run away.

This black gas can not kill the sailor master thousands of miles away, but it is enough to threaten the life of Assisi, the sea country has to give in.

But he still dare not take it lightly. Who can guarantee that the cardinal of the sea state is not to use Assisi as a bait to induce him to speak out. Find his position and launch a devastating blow?

and so. He throws the question of how to choose to the cardinal of the sea state. Immediately change position, on the most favorable terrain, hold the fire knife in your hand, always ready to release the fire of the cardinal, cut the knife down.

When he did not meet the cardinal, Chu Yunsheng would be very worried. Carefully make all kinds of plans, once met, it will be abnormally calm, there is no retreat. Don't back down, feel ready to hit hard!

Time passes by, the river and the river bank are silent, and from the eyes they cast, Chu Yunsheng can even see a trace of prayer.

Very funny, they prayed for the meaning of Chu Yunsheng, even praying that they should not chaos, for fear that they do not know the high-level thick-headed dynasty of the sea state cardinal attack.

These people may not know, what must they go to the Southern Empire?

Fortunately, the blood riders do not have such a look, or else, it is really awful, not afraid to beat, they are afraid that they will not run before they run.

The legs are soft!

Chu Yun did not say anything, but the people on the river couldn’t figure it out, but the cardinal of the sea state should be clear. Soon, I don’t know if it was abandoned, or I didn’t intend to kill Chu Yunsheng. The sailor of the small arrow pulled out of the river and followed the river, first stuffed into the mouth of the beast that was first arrived.

In an instant, the huge sea beast died!

The huge sailor still did not loosen, the black gas small arrow still slammed to the left, so it continued to row across the water, a sea beast jumped out from the bottom of the river, as if dying to die, the sailor crossed the place, leaving a With a floating body, it fills the river until it disappears toward the sea.

It can only consume black gas, only life!

Seeing this scene, I’ve been laughing in the eyes of Asi’s eyes before, and I’m really stunned and horrified. I’m in the direction of Chu Yunsheng’s direction, suddenly bowed slightly and respectfully, reflexively plunged into the water and immediately lost. Trace.

Chu Yunsheng kept his inner beating, and quietly waited for a long time, until even the river began to retreat, only to breathe a sigh of relief, slipping down from the ice-like waves.

Butney quickly greeted him with twelve blood horses, gathered around Chu Yunsheng, and looked alert.

"Get closer!"

Chu Yunsheng nodded and nodded. Immediately, wowed out a large mouthful of blood. When the blood riders showed their worried eyes, they smiled and said: "I am fine, the dead demon's way, take a break. it is good."

He wants to tell Boutheney that they have not shot the sea state card, so don't worry too much. I didn't expect that Xiaona and others were weird and stiff, and they seemed to want to laugh and laugh, but Bouternie frowned and opened his mouth. Say what, finally did not say it.

After a moment of silence, Chu Yunsheng turned over and rode on the horse that Shauna took back for him. He set his mind and said: "Cross the river!"

He didn't want to go back to the north bank of the river, saving a lot of trouble. It is estimated that many people are looking for him at this moment, but apart from Wenluo, there is really no one who can let him have the heart to talk, including Prince Hull.

To the south bank of the river, the cardinal of the sea state has not come back, and other cardinal machines have not appeared. Chu Yunsheng is completely relieved, and he wants to hit the black arrow that he is beating himself for the time being.

The cavalry of the mainland empire followed up one after another. The eyes that looked at Chu Yunsheng suddenly became a little dodgy, and they dared not look straight. One or two familiar purple gold knights shouted respectfully. "Going adults", no longer mention the words "Earth Man", and "False Man" has completely disappeared.

In less than a moment, Prince Hull also came up. His arrow's injury seems to have just been dealt with, leaving a trace of incompleteness. He saw Chu Yunsheng, silent for a moment, and said in a complicated tone: "Come up and sit in the cavalry. Insult your identity."

Chu Yunsheng glanced at Wenlu, who was still behind, and turned from the horse. Stepping on Hull’s gorgeous cart, flipping cigarettes in his pocket, said: “We don’t have as many rules as we do on Earth.”

Seeing Hull no longer let Bauer translate, he took a look at Tuton in the Cavaliers group, and guessed that he had already "informed".

Prince Hull keenly caught Chu Yunsheng's gaze and smiled faintly: "You don't even care about this little means." He said, it paused and said: "Maybe, you really don't understand us, though. It is said that the individual fighting power cannot replace the status of the nobility. But you have exceeded the limit of this power. The ordinary rules no longer apply to you. After today, you will probably replace Assisi and become the closest cardinal between heaven and earth. The first person."

Chu Yunsheng finally found a cigarette. Sit down: "I don't like this title, don't mention it later."

Prince Hull shook his head and said: "This is not something I can decide. Everyone here has seen it. You will soon be famous for five countries!" He said, it paused again, Shen Sheng said: "I think, this is also Normally, you are the one chosen by the gods, the world of the cardinal. Shouldn't it be too far away?"

This sentence reveals that it has already identified Chu Yun as the identity of God's walking. Chu Yunsheng smiled and said: "Have you ever seen a cardinal like me? But you can rest assured that it is a cardinal. I will abide by it. You and my agreement in the cave, I hope that you can strictly abide by it, don't let me down."

Prince Hull fixedly looked at Chu Yunsheng and said, "You are the most strange earth person I have ever seen."

Chu Yunsheng glanced at it: "You have never seen a few earth people in the United States? Don't think that Bauer can represent the whole earth, and that is the idea that they are obsessed all day, than my wonderful people. More!"

Prince Hull smiled and said: "I really don't understand why you have so many complicated countries. The country is much more, the voice will be more, it will be chaotic. I think you must be chaotic. There is no day in the conflict. ""

Chu Yunsheng was calm and silent, waiting for Wenlu and others to come close, smoking and taking a breath, and the third energy riot was not two times. He was used to it. Nothing big, just calm down.

"However, when I say a suggestion, the power of the cardinal is terrible. In fact, your realm ability should be clearer than me. If it is not necessary, don't provoke it well." Prince Hull played with a wine glass and his eyes were slightly moved. Said casually.

"Do you think I want to provoke them?" Chu Yunsheng lost his cigarette butt, took a sip of the new waiter who didn't know where it came from and gave him a full drink. He looked at Huerdao: "Including you, you are not looking for I am in trouble, I will not sit here."

Prince Hull’s new servant shivered a little, and Yu Guang trembled and looked at Prince Hull, fearing that it would be irritated by the disrespectful words of this person.

Her fears are superfluous. Prince Hull’s mood seems to be very good. He can’t see the sorrow of the important death of the old man. He stretches his hand and slaps on her buttocks that are nervously tailed and pushes to Chu Yunsheng: "Axis does have the ability to seduce men, but look at your **** spray... If the last one sent you is not enough, you will bring it back, wait until Sun City, how much you want! ”

The waiter was very scared, and she was so eager to know what to do. From the inside, she didn't want to serve a deformed person without a tail. She had nothing to do with the cardinal. She would rather stay with the moody Hull, but at all It is not her turn to be the master.

Fortunately, Chu Yunsheng immediately replied: "I have no interest in people with tails."

Prince Hull glanced, frowning: "That is good to let Bauer from them..."

Chu Yunsheng immediately interrupted it: "You are a prince who is outside, the old emperor is dying, can you only pimp the heart?"

Prince Hull smiled bitterly: "You don't understand, I can't sit on this throne. The old aristocrats in Sun City mostly support that person. It doesn't matter. The key is the seven kings...you will see me later. You. I can fight for the best seal. According to the empire's blood system, even if the person sits on the throne, he must also give me the seal from the mother's house, but he does not want to give it to me, so I hope that I am the most. It’s gonna die.”

Huer did not get the throne, Chu Yunsheng really did not care, the key is whether you can get resources, so the closure of the land is very important, immediately asked: "What special place is there in the land?"

Prince Hull pointed to the guardian knight on the side of the car and said: "At least 30% of the armor they wear is from the seal of the seal. Even if it is not made, it is also a tight thing. If it is sealed, it will be rich." And the bustling degree there is no less than Sun City!"

Chu Yun was disappointed and pointed to the riding of the beast of the Purple Knight. "If you don't ask for it, can you seal it to a place full of such mounts?"


There is still a chapter right away.


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