Dark Blood Age

Chapter 854: Heaven and earth reopen, fight again


Prince Hull snorted and shook his head. "Are you kidding? How many of these Guardian knights do you count? I am the most powerful force of the empire. Since ancient times, Can only control the hands of the emperor alone!"

Chu Yunsheng took a table and suddenly said: "I want to be an emperor!"

The rider of the purple gold knight is too good, fast, explosive, fierce and strong, no matter which point, **** horses can not compare, after the thirteen horses of Boutney and other horses come here The new phagocytic ability formed, before the evacuation, sucked a group of ordinary beasts sent by Huer. Although there is no obvious improvement, it still feels different from before, otherwise it is impossible to successfully complete the success. After a third-order ice lock array.

Like the ability to degenerate, the blood family is born to evolve!

This ability seems to be somewhat similar to the way he used his body. The difference is that although he needed a lot of quantity to devour success, it is much less than the blood, and he listens to Botney. They said that they had been wandering in the desert for nearly three months, killing countless pig heads before they swallowed up their potential.

So no matter what, this kind of riding beast called "powering fierce" must be hand-made on a large scale, one star and a half, can not meet the needs of blood riding.

Prince Hull looked at Chu Yunsheng and his eyes were deeply worried: "If you don't say your identity as a **** walk, or if it's not true, you can match me with your ability to approach the cardinal. Maybe there is still a chance to fight. I am fighting, now, I am afraid..."

Chu Yun Shengdao: "What is the problem? Can a country not allow two gods?"

Prince Hull shook his head and said: "God has the distinction between the Lord and the Lord. Among the five kingdoms, except for the land of the Far South, the only god. And the country of the secret is not known, the other three countries have the distinction between the Lord and the Spirit, so unless Your new **** is willing to be the second **** position that the empire believes, otherwise I will not have any chance, but this kind of thing has never been heard."

Chu Yunsheng waved his hand in a "dominant": "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the second **** is the second god. I represent it!"

Still, the filmer must not accept, can you bite him?

The filmmaker was once again "sold" by him.

Prince Hull’s expression is very wrong. Perhaps he has never heard of such a thing. Does walking give the gods a representative? Who is the master of who is! ?

Chu Yunsheng did not pay attention to Huer. Get up and walk down the cart, Wen Luo has caught up. Talking to Buttani.

See Chu Yunsheng. Wenluo was very calm. When asked if there was any injury, he stopped asking more questions and went straight to the subject.

"You said that the sea country and the underground people may have collusion?" Chu Yunsheng immediately listened to the first thing Wenlu said, and immediately raised his brow: "No wonder they can find me so quickly, to the technology of the underground." It’s really easy to install a few spy devices on Hull’s or Bauer’s people. It’s even possible that they have undercover. The mainland empire has been breeding for thousands of years, and it’s still a primitive backward day. I really don’t know how their heads grow. ?"

“The sociologists in the camp have had an analysis. It is generally believed that their social structure hinders the development of technology. In the history of the earth, gunpowder cannons opened the castles of the knights, and they have the opportunity to start the Renaissance and technology. The era of progress, but the knights and castles here are inseparable from the cannons, so that the underground people are far beyond our technology, so their structure has been stable for thousands of years, and it doesn't move!" Wenlu analyzed: "And, I heard that the underground villains have strict technical blockades on the five countries, and the sea country can get help from the underground people. I guess it may be because of the needs of the same enemy."

Chu Yunsheng nodded: "There is a cardinal, the underground villain is to blow the sky out of the mouth, but also a no-brainer, so the cardinal is a cancer!"

Wen Luo looked at Chu Yunsheng with a slightly strange look, as if anyone could say this sentence, he should not say it right.

"I used to be technical, and it belongs to the technical enjoyment. You think, who is willing to have no air conditioner in such a hot weather? Who wants to pass the sentence depends on the squatting, the toilet should basically rely on the hand, and the root smoke must be wiped. "Stone?" Chu Yunsheng complained a few words at the same time. It was over, and the map from the pocket was pulled out. The color was said: "This map is also extracted from you. He said something. I can’t judge it, what news did you hear there?”

Wen Luo was a little embarrassed when he was in front of Chu Yunsheng. When he saw Chu Yunsheng took out the map, he understood what he meant. He immediately turned back and said, "It’s roughly confirmed that we are still on earth. I am sorry. I haven’t had time to report to you because"

Chu Yunsheng shook his head: "It doesn't matter, you continue to say, is it what you think, or are the scientists in the camp determined?"

Wen Luojuan’s brow slightly picked up: “I was shocked when I saw this map. I found officials in the camp and organized all the living scientists to demonstrate. After everyone’s mistakes, they agreed that they should be the earth. However, the time is uncertain, and most of the instruments they bring are no longer usable. There is no way to analyze the current era from isotopes."

Saying, she pointed at the map: "Look here, here, there are... There are more than 300 places, all of which are unique to the earth, and we have made a detailed comparison with the geography map we brought. Very small, plus we can breathe freely here, and there has never been a large-scale environmental repulsion. It has been impossible to explain through coincidence, unless God completely imitates an earth as it is! However, the doubt is not without, one is There are three moon satellites here, the size and surface are not the same as ours. Second, the star map in the night sky is wrong. Astronomers have determined that we are in a strange star field."

Chu Yunsheng's geographical knowledge is limited to the profile, which is why he is eager to ask Wenluo. Professional things only the most professional people can make the best judgment. After listening to the story of Wenluo, he is basically sure that this is the earth. However, there are still the biggest doubts that have not been resolved: "Others don't care about it. After they study it, can anyone be sure, or is it estimated that we are back to the previous earth, or are we coming to the future?" Very important!"

Wenlu shook his head and said: "There is no affirmation. But everyone has disputes, mainly because the new environment is completely different from the earth. The physical theory system has been seriously affected. Many scientists are skeptical about everything, when we leave the earth. In the case of the situation, the seven stars fall, after the impact, it may cause the earth to shift, the north and south magnetic poles are reversed, and the American continent is either sunk. Or in the sky!"

Chu Yunsheng's eyes move: "In the sky? Do you mean Tian Yuguo or the moon?"

Wenluo said: "I don't know. Everyone speculates that no one in the camp has ever been to Tianyu. However, if we follow this explanation, we should have come to the Earth after the impact."

Chu Yunsheng thought for a moment, and felt that it was a bit reasonable. It is indicated that Wenluo continued: "So, is there anyone who has a different opinion?"

Wenlu nodded: "Yes, this part of the people has more experts in human history, and the time of the physics expert is irresistible. I think it may be the earth of the past. The evidence is that the biological world here is like many national myths and legends. The creatures in China, including the Chinese mountains and seas. There are a large number of different animal hybrids. They propose that there is a channel of superluminal speed in the passage we enter here, so we can go back to the past, but they are refuted by the vast majority of physicists. One of the physicists even patted the table and said that even if the speed of light exceeds the speed, time cannot be reversed. Time is the process of movement. It can be fast or slow, but it is impossible to exercise. If it is back, it will be done. You can take his head as a urinal."

Chu Yunsheng Xindao, fortunately, did not go directly to these people to discuss, otherwise with his two brushes, I still don't know what the physicist sprayed, but this thing always has to be clear, although he is at the moment There is a general tendency in my heart:

“Have they said that if they find evidence, can they prove to be the past or the future?”

Wenlu once again spread the map: "No matter whether it is the past or the future, there is still a consensus that everyone's opinions are the same, that is, the difference with our time will not exceed 10,000 years, and it should be only within a few thousand years. Otherwise, the Eurasian non-landscape will change a lot, so the first evidence to prove it is here."

Chu Yunsheng was surprised: "Egypt?"

Wenluo "Hm" a voice: "The earliest pyramids were established more than 2,600 years ago, and our time difference is nearly 5,000 years. Their existence or not can basically determine whether it is past or future."

Chu Yunsheng did not speak, I feel a little unreliable, in case it is back to 5,000 years ago? Or, when the seven stars fall, they are flattened?

But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly remembered one thing. In the false monument, Lao You and Afu did not rely on the oldest big pyramid to return to the cold star? He clearly remembered that it was the third plaque. At that time, the Great Pyramid could not be used. If it existed, it would not be simply flattened, and it would still stand in the desert!

Maybe he can borrow the Great Pyramid and reconnect with the old Afford. Of course, there is no great use in connection, unless the old secluded can come through the Rainbow Bridge, with its magical head and skill, plus his own blood ride. Array, to deal with a card, it should be no problem.

The only question is, is Lao You and Afu still alive? This time and space changes, he is almost confused.

No matter how you try it first, you can figure out the past or the future. If you can really get old and quiet, and face the cardinal, he will be more stable.

"Look, what is that?"

At this time, some of the marching teams suddenly pointed to the far north and shouted.

Chu Yunsheng was shocked and wondered if the cardinal was coming again. This can be very dangerous!

He was preparing to look in the direction in the direction, and the sound that was sharp enough to pierce the eardrum suddenly sounded, vibrating at high frequencies, penetrating and sweeping everything.

The crowd, like the cut wheat, slams the ears in a row and falls down painfully, up to Prince Hull, down to an ordinary riding beast, no exception!


Sharp, shock, like the misplaced channel broadcast, chilling, uncomfortable, noisy, ignoring everything, sweeping everything, from the far north to the farther south, rushing thousands of miles.

Chu Yunsheng suddenly had a pale face, no bloodshot, and was shocked!

This voice, he only heard once, but can not forget until death!

"Impossible! How could it appear here!"

He grabbed the telescope of an officer nearby and endured the pain of almost piercing the meninges, struggling to rush to the high point outside the white rice.

But he only ran less than half the distance, and he fell to the ground with a slamming sound. His head was like a blast of half a pain. The feeling of being inferior to death was repeated all over again, impacting his zero-dimensional space. I don’t know how many times better than that one!

At the same time, he also felt that the three forces in the zero-dimensional space were almost enemies, and almost stopped all actions!

This is something that Chu Yunsheng has never encountered before. Even when the ancient books of the predecessors were in the middle of the battle, it was far less than this moment.

"Who are you? What the **** are you!"

Chu Yun screamed, struggling to get up, then fell, and tried all the power to climb to the high hillside.

He is surrounded by people who are crouching and holding their ears and suffering. There are gold armor knights, gold armored warriors, Americans, and Chinese people, men, women and children, human beings and non-humans. No one can escape!

No one noticed him, he didn't notice others, and there was only one thing that despised everything between heaven and earth:


Chu Yunsheng struggled desperately, desperately and finally climbed to the high point like a reptile on the ground, raised the telescope, and in the lens, he once again saw the sight that had made him unforgettable.

Far north, the top of the scorpio, a huge dark whirlpool, whirls, no light, only darkness, a dark stone is slowly falling in the center of its darkness...

"It's it! It's coming again!"

Chu Yunsheng’s head is blank. The three forces in the zero-dimensional space have been connected with the harsh voices. The fight is unprecedentedly fierce. If both sides are soldiers, they have already stalked thousands of miles and blood flowed into the river.

The dark stone remains slowly descending at a speed that ignores everything forever and constant, and it seems that it has nothing to do with it.

It was not until the sun sank into the horizon that it took a while for the voice to disappear.

The whole world was quiet, and then, the vomiting sounds, but again and again, like the original Jinling City, from the foot of Chu Yunsheng, has spread to the end of the team.

Zero-dimensional return to calm, but has been riddled with holes, "cross-legged."

"How did it appear here? The vortex was light, how was it dark this time?"

Chu Yunsheng was puzzling, and his heart was stunned. He retired from the hillside, halfway, and the last different shape suddenly appeared.

At the end of the quiet world, a loud baby cries, coming from the heavens and the earth!


Soft down on the gorgeous car, Prince Hull, pale, heard the baby crying, suddenly mad and stumbled out, muttered to himself: "The legend is confirmed! The legend is confirmed! The baby was born !"

Chu Yun hurried back to the war horse, and there was a lingering sentence in his head: "...the eternal death, the gods are not destroyed, the heavens and the earth are reopening, and the world is fighting again!"

He looked up at the sky: "Yongzhen is sealing... hate hate... Is the war going to start..."


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