Dark Blood Age

Chapter 855: Regardless of race, one does not stay!


In the territory of the mainland, in the south of the town called Mizhixiu, the rain drenched the day and night, and it gradually became fierce in the afternoon. The heavy raindrops hit the earth like drums intensively, hitting the face. On the top, it hurts a lot, but it brings a touch of coolness, as if it indicates that the hot summer is coming to an end, and the cool autumn footsteps are getting closer and closer.

On the upper door of the town, I don’t know what caused the bell to close the gate. In the rainy days, the voice was boring and rushing, which made people feel uneasi.

A group of tattered people lined up and rushed into the city gate. The soldiers in black raincoats read aloud their names. Most of the people who were read the names were dull, and they should be stunned. A person who is not very safe, always asks the soldier to ask a sentence: Is there something to eat?

The answer was often just an expressionless look, then I saw the indifferent soldier with the water dripping on the brim raising his neck, slamming to the side and shouting loudly: "Next, Gern. Aiboerjia !"

The person who asked asked to walk away and mutter something in his mouth.

A few elderly people, sitting under the corner of the wall, have dry fingers dig the mites inside the rot of the edema on the edema, and then carefully put them in glass bottles, or chew them directly in their mouths. Smiling in amazement, while staring at the gates of the city, several policemen who were beaten by the military police tried to **** the rogue of the woman in the arms of the woman.

"You are going to die! Rotten things, I will pray that God will **** him to bless you!" The hooligan fell out of a one-eyed man wearing only a big trousers, spit a **** water, toward the army The police cocked the middle finger: "All the **** rotten, rotten!"

He glanced at the old undead who smirked at him under the wall, turned and walked inside, his eyes moving. On the other side of the gate, next to the corpse, in addition to a few zombies, the green light sneaks around the corpse, a little girl about five years old, wearing a dirty look almost Not coming out of the red tattered clothes, broke free from the hands of a thick man, ran to the corpse, and pulled out a body of a boy about eight years old.

Her age is too small, her face is yellow and thin, and there is heavy rain outside. Did not take a few steps, the thick man with furry hair on his arm took her back.

The little girl struggled desperately, her hand opened and she cried.

The man took her to the team, just Panasonic. The little girl madly ran to the body of the little boy and still pulled it. I fell a bit. Falling in the mud.

There were a lot of people waiting in line at the door, and the one-eyed hooligans watched the man holding the little girl back and forth again and again. The little girl struggled again and again to use various opportunities to rush back into the rain, trying to pull back the little one. The body.

One-eyed hooligans can see that this little girl is an Asian, and there should be no direct relationship with that stout man. After waiting for a while, he felt that it was time to go forward and talk to the man. How to say, no matter what you want to do, what God can't see, how can you see it, and the interests are all.

There are still a few steps to come. The middle-aged man also saw him. He immediately stood guard and grabbed the little girl’s arm tightly. He was screaming with a one-eyed sigh. Why, do you want to swallow it alone?

He was just preparing for the first two steps, and he saw a middle-aged woman crowded from the front. It was a white man with a bit of a blessing and short hair, but it was a healthy golden yellow. Seeing a little girl. The little corpse that rushed to the rain again and again, covered his mouth, kneeling down, stroking the little girl's dirty hair, and said slowly, "Dear, he is dead, we can't take him. Go in together."

The little girl seems to be able to understand some of the meaning of this sentence, crying and shaking her head, trying to separate what is in a language that cannot be understood by one-eyed, and it seems that she does not recognize that the little boy is dead.

"Dear, we have to be brave? My brother is dead. He went to heaven, where God will take care of him. You have a fever. Come with us..." The short-haired woman stood up and stunned. For a moment, the middle-aged man with her arms around her hurriedly held her, and the hand was loose, and the little girl flew out.

One-eyed hooligans sink the fierce light in his eyes, put on a normal look, put his right hand into his pocket, hold the dagger in his hand, stare at the couple’s food bag and the little girl, quietly approaching the past .


The filmmaker did not die, but it looked like he was dead, and there was no more glory in his eyes.

It doesn't know how many times the little girl ran over, the rain hits it and it doesn't feel pain, and it doesn't feel cold, just like it.

This time, it really is going to die, but what about it?

There seems to be nothing special to fear or excitement, and, in fact, there is no such little girl, it has already died, and it can't live today. It has indeed been forced into a desperate situation by Chu Yunsheng.

Day after day, night after night, can not fall asleep, can not move the ball, relying on the little girl to talk about the rotten food back from the West, just barely alive, but can not stop slowly sliding to the abyss of death.

It no longer thinks about anything, and no longer angers. Suddenly, I feel that I have never been so calm, just like this.

When the little girl cried again into the rain curtain, pulling the arm that it could not feel, the filmer looked at the raindrops falling from the sky, and sighed deeply without a word.

It wants to tell her, let's go, let me stay here quietly.

But it can't make any sound, it can't move.

This is Chu Yunsheng's kid and the helplessness it has smashed. This feeling, it has not been realized for a long time.

When the "哔" sound came from the north, it suddenly understood where it was wrong and where it was unlucky.

It is not a battle of God's respect, nor a battle with Chu Yunsheng, but it should not be curious to come here, want to find the legendary things.

It has lived for a long time, has seen a lot of magical things, and found some ancient and distant traces on some corners of the planet, and went to the Kingdom of God to take a look. See the legendary world.

But here is definitely a whirlpool, a quagmire, a place of death!

So it still wants to tell the little girl, but unfortunately it can't fly anymore, and it can't be separated from it. Otherwise, even if it is the relationship between the Lord and the servant, it will take her away and take her away from this rotten smelly. local.

The big rain is also unclear.


"Through this plain, there is a small town. Let us have a rest."

Bauer jumped down and didn't know where to get the Hummer, standing on the green Qiupo, pointing his finger to the north, and introducing to Chu Yunsheng, who was riding a horse.

“How far is it?” Chu Yun rose.

"If you don't take a break, you can get it before dark." Bauer looked down at the map.

Behind them is the desert. In order to get rid of the sphere of influence of the sea country early, all the way to the army has arrived here.

Whether it is the people of the mainland empire. Still the earth. The interest is not high, the hot weather and the desert climate make everyone look at their heads and languish.

But the real reason is not this, but no one wants to say it. As if to say it will increase the pressure invisible.

Prince Hull does not seem to have much thoughts to flirt with its new waitress. The legendary myth and legend that it tells seems to have given it a lot of psychological pressure.

Dull enough to describe this tired team.

The war horses that Chu Yun was promoted made a spin. Looking at the innocent grasslands in the north with a telescope, silently, just after they entered the transit of the mainland empire, they received the first news in a station:

The mainland empire has a thousand miles to expedite the book, killing all the newborn babies, regardless of race, one does not stay!

Hull’s team had no babies to kill, but they were put on the shelf, but they were more worried about the situation in Sun City, because otherwise, it still could not receive any other news.

Putting Bauer out, Chu Yunsheng recruited and reappeared, and returned the map to him: "After the grassland, we have to be separated. Now the situation is changing rapidly. I don't know what will happen in the future. One step."

I didn’t care to say anything: “I didn’t ask Miss Wen if I knew it. There were only two speculations. The result was a hard one, and God would have a painful egg to imitate a planet?”

Chu Yunsheng supported the knife handle: "In any case, you should pay attention to this matter and see if you can find any evidence, but be careful and be safe first."

He laughed and said: "I don't care, but you are."

Chu Yunsheng frowned and wondered: "What happened to me?"

I looked at Budney and Miss Wen very well, not right, and the little girl who went to Tian Yuguo. Didn’t you like someone else? Don’t really come out with internal injuries! Up, Fake, the chick in the sea is really, really, hey, I like that taste!"

Gru, who was next to him, suddenly said with a disdain: "That is a blind man!"

Chu Yun raised his eyes to the north, his eyes deep and calmly said: "Different, this is the first time I have seen the real prairie in my life, but unfortunately there is no rose."

Differentiating and saying: "What?"


Chu Yunsheng screamed, and the horse plunged into the endless grassland, held the handle, closed his eyes, raised his body slightly, and breathed deeply, letting the horses rush.

Weeds of half a person, with wildflowers, spread around him...

"Glass, can you hear the sound of my heart? Are you okay? Is our daughter still okay? Remember that I said that I want to take you to the prairie, why is it that I am alone?"


The horse gradually stopped, Chu Yunsheng opened his eyes and smelled a fragrant air, as if she saw her wearing a white dress, standing in the grass, smiling like a flower.

He looked at her and smiled slightly.

"Have you been here..."

"Well, I have to plant a rose in one place."


Behind him, the knight roared, and the armor was staggered, and the sword was light, with a **** suffocating temper, and everything that he "sees" was smashed.

The galloping cavalrymen sneaked past him one by one. Chu Yunsheng held the reins and looked up. Then he glanced at the empty grassland with only the breeze. Unconsciously, the eyes were wet, and for a moment, he took up the horse. He screamed heavily, and turned back to the lonely group to catch up with the gradual ride, running like a torrent to the north.

In the queue, the Knights of the Golden Knights shuttled back to the next row of orders: "The Prince's Palace ordered, speeding up the emergency, not staying, before the dark, camping to repair!"


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