Dark Blood Age

Chapter 856: Crazy growth


Bauer lost his face. He boasted of Haikou, saying that as long as he did not rest and hurry, he would have to rush to the town to repair the town before dark. As a result, in the middle of the night, he saw the black bricks of the castle in the moonlight. wall.

In detail, you can't completely blame him. Who can think of it, but did not meet in the desert, but in the middle of the grassland, their exhausted remnants encountered a large-scale pig-headed tribe.

On the first sight of the two sides, based on the historical reasons of the two sides, the two sides did not say, the arrangement was also saved, and immediately squashed, and the energetic pig-headed people played an extraordinary fighting force, which was the first to be put on the gold armor. Playing the falling water, and even Bauer’s elite US troops were crying and crying, until Huer and Chu Yunsheng sent out the purple gold knight and blood ride, and then gradually stabilized their positions, and finally ended up with a tragic victory.” Floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

The irritated Prince Hull was in anger, beheading all the pig heads, surrendering, not surrendering, old, young, strong and able to be slaves, all exhausted, one does not stay, not worthy of the "tyrant" Discouraged.

This is the team that escaped from the brutal pursuit of the army of the sea, rushed out of the jungle, crossed the desert, crossed the prairie, and kept accelerating. At the moment, méiyou rested, fatigue and scarcity went to the extreme, and then passed the pig head. Such a toss, in addition to the most elite Zijin Knight and Chu Yunsheng's twelve blood ride, other ordinary golden armor and blood ride, physical strength and jingshén are seriously overdraft, sitting on their mounts are obviously faltering.

The other people were even more unbearable. At the moment when they saw the city, they immediately fell down on a large piece of land, and they refused to stand up again and again.

In the face of this situation, fierce like Prince Hull is helpless, only to let the noble Zijin Knight temporarily serve as a small soldier. Get into the secret to repair the city.

Once and for all, when the aristocratic vassals of Miyuki repaired the news, they threatened to push away the maidservant or the stolen mistress, and hurriedly climbed up from the bed, meticulously wearing the unique features of the mainland. The big but complicated dress, when you ran to the Hull "big camp" on the ground, the sky was bright!

"Who can you tell me, will the Leica people appear in the territory of the empire? And it is under your eyes?"

Prince Hull sat on the high Chinese car, his voice was very dull, and his face was chilly. In the front of the car, the squadrons collectively smashed and buried their heads deeper and deeper, almost completely on the muddy ground after the rainstorm.

"The Leica tribe of more than 3,000 people wandered unscrupulously on the grasslands of the empire. Where are you?" See no one dares to speak. Prince Hull’s feelings of being uncomfortable and boring were even worse. He finally screamed: “Are you all terrible?” Wang Ting raises you. The land and population that you have inherited from generation to generation are meant to hide from you. In the castle, all day long, the mistress is slutty!? Your knight is so scared that even the door is afraid to come out!?"

An excitement, it accidentally turned the vassals into the weakest deformed person, and Chu Yunsheng sat next to him, close at hand, and the fire that had just risen and stunned, and he waved his hand. A sigh of relief sighed: "Dow Cragg, you are the city owner, talk about what is going on?"

Among the many vassals, an old man is at the forefront. The body still has a strong female scent. It’s just that the woman just crawled out of the pile and it’s too late to clean. I heard the name of Prince Hull’s name. The old body trembled a bit, and even directly stunned the past, like It’s a dead dog, yyàng, falling down in the mud, and the body is pumping...

“Waste! It’s all waste!”

Prince Hull’s anger just subsided again, and he patted the purple desk on the side of his body and stood up violently. “There are some rots and shime for you! The empire’s nobility still has Shime hopes!"

Those who are familiar with Prince Hull are zhidào. It is really angry now, and it is angry, it means that there are people, many people have to be unlucky, to die!

With its privileged identity, this remote little difāng does not need to hide the anger of ziji.

In the moment when it stood up in anger, all the people of the mainland empire, from the nearby Ji Ji to the far-away Jinjia warriors, all sincerely, even the Purple Knights rolled over and squatted in the mud. in.

The vassals in front of the Chinese car once again stunned the past half of the people, and the rest of them were able to maintain their thinking ability. They all shivered, and they were all helpless.

A shijiān, stinking, but méiyou dare to lick the nose, Bauer and others do not dare, all bowed and said nothing, fǎngfo silently waiting for Hull's thunder wrath on which unlucky.

Especially the new waiter who is closest to Prince Hull, fǎngfo yijing saw the dying predecessor of ziji, the weak body can not even faint, her zhidàozijiruguo fainted, will certainly alarm the prince of the prince Then she kěnéng was the first person to be executed. She could only suffer and support in this horrible atmosphere. It was only a little effort, and it was sweating.

But she soon discovered that the person closest to His Royal Highness was not her, but the deformed person, frowning, standing up silently, and quickly left the stinking range of the royal car, from beginning to end. Méiyou explained the sentence to His Royal Highness Prince, and the poor little waiter was scared by his actions and his heart jumped out of his chest.

Not everyone understands the power of the scene that happened on the river, especially those who have nothing to do with the life circle. They are unclear and have no interest in caring.

Therefore, in a certain aspect, with the little waiter yiyàng, Chu Yunsheng who left the big car did not understand it. How was the "famous name" of Prince Hull even more fierce than the cardinal of the sea country?

These people are scared, and the urine is flowing out! Looks like, the original eight did not have this ability.

When it comes to ignorance and murder, Hull can't match the number of tails in front of these guys. It is a slag.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng went down, Bauer lowered his head and whispered in a very small way: "Before the Northern Expedition, Prince Hull executed a more corrupted eleven castles in the name of delaying military aircraft. The vassals, **** whole body corpses are reflected in the heads of their respective castles."

Chu Yunsheng looked at Huer and looked at it: "I didn't see it still has such a big ambition? Unfortunately, I guess the mainland empire is lingering into the bones, and it can't be saved. However, there is a cardinal, it is no longer bad. , can also be maintained, Huer in this life does not kěnéng have shime counted."

Bauer smiled awkwardly and didn't dare to talk.

"Wait..." Chu Yun rose back to God: "You told me this, would you like me to stop Hull?"

Bauer whispered: "Mr. Chu, the temper of Prince Hull, you are zhidào. Once you get angry, the confession of a place is not enough for it. The problem is that these people are not bad and we are not shimeguānxi, Cut them, the secret will be chaotic, Hull prince does not matter, it patted the **** back to the Sun City. The unfortunate people are secretly repairing thousands of people of the Earth, and now you can stop it. It is."

Chu Yun did not think about it. Immediately refused: "This is the duty of your officials. Not mine, you can't do it, and naturally there will be others to replace you in the future."

Bauer showed a disappointing look, but his eyes flashed a little, and he whispered carefully: "You, you mean you will not interfere with the politics?"

Chu Yunsheng discovered this. This sentence is that Bower has spared a thing that the big bend really wants to ask. The safety of the Shime refugees is just a fart!

In the cave of the past, he found that Bauer and Lin Shuangyi's expression was very weird. It turned out that he was afraid that he would sit in the name of the **** of two-tone gods and reproduce the dark history of the theocracy to interfere with the customary rights. It is not as good as the current situation, and each recognized the Tianyu aliens as the "master", at least the protection provided by others. Nor does it interfere with the internal power situation of the Earth.

It is really the worst of méiyou, only worse!

Chu Yunsheng could not help but sneer, Shime did not say.

The cold sweat on Bauer’s forehead immediately smashed out, his face pale, and he almost didn’t learn the prince of Hull’s priest.

Huer’s yijing had a purple gold knight who was arrested and prepared for execution. A vassal finally struggled to yell at Hu’er:

"His Royal Highness..."

"...Sun City's order, dare not to obey, the castle is cleaned up, the town is being cleaned up, all the babies are executed, the most southern part of the repairing place, the ethnicity is arrogant, the barbaric is unreasonable, and many people against Wangfa , have to shrink the force to give priority to the Sun City command."

"And, and between the grasslands and the desert, a deformed cavalry has recently emerged, known as the night, and looted everywhere. We have insufficient strength and have not been able to win several times. However, they are not in conflict with the Leica. Jiliè, so we want them to kill each other on the grassland, wait until the necessary shihou, we will..."

"His Royal Highness! Your Highness!"


Huer was indifferent, his brows were not lifted, but Chu Yunsheng raised his brow.

Shona brought the horse to the horse. He shook his hand and re-boarded Hull's Chinese car. He said a word and finally succeeded in supporting the hard work. The poor little waiter Ji stunned the past:

"People can't kill, I have something to ask them."

Huer turned his head and looked at him calmly. Chu Yunsheng thought that it was said by ziji that his face could not be hanged in front of many people, but there was no way. These vassals said that it was too late, he would have to wait half a step later. Their heads are changed to difāng.

Unexpectedly, Huer actually turán laughed, and really moody, of course, Chu Yunsheng does not care.

"So, he said that the Earthman cavalry is also yours?" Hull is as keen as ever.

“Before it was.” Chu Yunsheng felt that there was no need to elaborate on it. This is a headache.

The map involves the earth, the black monument brings war and murder, the situation is changing rapidly, he always wants to take countermeasures, the old secluded can not come or no shadow, the hands are not emboldened, and the sun city has to become a small wife, let alone The voice that opened the breath with a big battle.

To put it bluntly, there is actually a person who is more suitable than the old one, but don't say that you can't find it right now. If you find it, he will not dare to try it. He will definitely kill it first. This person is a shadow person.

Therefore, he can only pay attention to other aspects, relying on others to rely on ziji, such as the mirror of the soul that Indian Amir said, perhaps Dil really zhidào how to use this thing, ruguo can use it to regain the body of ziji It may be that there will be a turning point in zero dimension, and the cardinal will be broken as soon as possible.

Hull waved his hand indifferently: "If this is the case, leave them to live for a few more days."

The Purple Gold Knight retired. The vassals in one place turned from the dead door, and all of them were soft in the mud.


Eat and rest.

In the early morning, when entering the city, it was very confusing and very grand. In order to make up for the impression in the heart of Prince Hull, the vassals, especially the elderly Dao Craig, used the strength of feeding, and all the family’s bottoms were smashed out. The carpet was laid all over the front of the prince's car, and the knights in the city were all sent to reflect the prince's imperial power. To express its heart of sincerity.

A large number of human beings at the gate of the city were driven together. People crowded people and forced back. Because there was no shime thing, many people thought that they would be executed by aliens. I burst into tears.

It was not until the throne of Prince Hull and the flag of the squadron with the counselor of Bauer that the defeat of the squad would appear in the sight, and people were weeping and happy. Furiously flocking to the front. Waving his arms toward the Counselor and shouting loudly.

When Boutney and others, who were dressed up as well as the rumored night cavalry, appeared, they stunned the secrets of the warriors and thought that the night cavalry had struck.

Shona and several other blood horses that are very good, and the gentleman and the purple gold knights are behind the throne, attracting a lot of young girls and screaming hungry. Throwing countless eyebrows and flying kisses, I only hope that they can notice ziji and escape the low-lying and suffering of refugee status.

They don't zhidào who is sitting in the gorgeous big car, but can make the mainland aristocrats in the castle in this town mean to kneel. As soon as the difference is accompanied, the inevitable status is extraordinary, and the knight who is qualified to follow this gorgeous car guard is naturally noble. I have not seen those purple gold knights who have never looked at those secrets to repair the nobles. What?

Some people are even excited to start planning an exotic encounter in the heart, especially the pretty people, and when Botney catches up with the gorgeous car from the end of the team, the **** body is wrapped in the heavy armor. Vibrant, not zhidào along the way to make many people stunned.

On the corner of the town gate, a little girl who was pushed up the stairs, happily said to the little boy of pángbiān: "Little brother, they are so powerful, weird people are afraid of them, we must grow up like them yiyàng ,good or not?"

The filmmaker who was wrapped in a coat and smuggled into the town was caught in the hands of an American couple. His heart was full of complexities. He wanted to tell the little girl to go to the person sitting in the most gorgeous car, as long as When that person sees you, you are completely safe.

But it can't move, can't say it.

It is very strange ziji yijingtongguo Lingfeng gǎnjiào to that person, that person is shime also méiyougǎnjiào to ziji? Is his zero dimension big problem?

It is even more bizarre, in that person clearly yijinggǎnjiào to cross the cardinal obstacles, for the power of the shimeméiyou cardinal?

How could this be? The gap for the shime cardinal disappeared on him? He clearly stated the contract of méiyou.

Wait, his spirit is growing, crazy growth! ! !

This horrible speed, in addition to the two gods and the mysterious person who only glanced at him, it was the first time I saw it!

This shihou, a sly face across the rest of the light, a dipped dagger slammed into the waist of the man holding it, connected with seven or eight knives.

Blood, sputtered out, the woman’s screams screamed.

The man fell heavily on the ground, the crowd was in chaos, but the screams were drowned in the cheers of the earthquake, and the recent military police had not heard it.

"To shut up!"

The owner of the dagger wiped the woman's neck, took away their food bags, and stunned her little girl in her arms and sighed in her arms: "A child can Go to the castle for a food reward, you don't go, I don't want to go hungry!"

The woman wanted to hold the little girl until she died, but she quickly lost consciousness and could no longer hold back.

The little girl screamed and screamed and beat the master who was biting the dagger. She was slap in the face, her cheeks were red, and her mouth was flowing out of the blood, but she was uncharacteristic. She never looked at the little boy in the coat and seemed to want to hide in protection. It is not detected by the bad guys.

The filmmaker is somewhat indifferent. It wants to "close" the eyes and let everything end like this, but it is not shidà, it finds that ziji is just laughing at all the rest of life to urge the spirit seal...

^ (To be continued.)

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