Dark Blood Age

Chapter 858: Shona is back


The sudden appearance of Chu Yunsheng made the maids in the room slightly nervous. They were not afraid of Chu Yunsheng. They did not know the coming of Chu Yunsheng. The problem lies in the "freak" and let them wait for a safe and stranger. The creatures, though forced to come by orders, can still be "terrible" in their eyes.

This kind of horror, from the strange and deformed shape, has nothing to do with anything else.

Looking at the bare **** after Chu Yun’s ascent, several timid maids suddenly tried to escape, while others were more exaggerated and vomited clearly and audibly.

Chu Yunsheng knows that he can't get on the side of Yushu's wind, but he never thought that someone would not only be scared to run, but also vomit, it is no wonder that Hull wants to send it to him, those waiters. Ji’s eyes are how painful and painful it is.

"Let them go out."

Chu Yunsheng turned to the assistant who led the way, and glanced at the room.

As soon as the words were finished, the man who led the way had not heard it clearly, and the room suddenly screamed!

Accompanied by the screams of the past, the sound of the silk fabric being torn open, brushing the ground, seems to be teared apart by the eyes that he had just swept through.

Chu Yunsheng turned his head again, and suddenly he was wrong. The silk fabrics of more than 30 maids were rudely ripped by more than 30 hands, but the speed was not fast. After he turned the head, he could see two. The half of the silk fabric splits in midair, tearing each side apart.

His initial reaction was that the maids had tore their own clothes, but after a slight gaze, they found out that they were not, and they did not say that they were screaming in panic, from the action they tried to pull their clothes, certainly not they.

But not them. Who is it? Who can invade this room without knowing it and use this means? Daklag, or Hull?

No, they can't do it, no need!

Just the nuances, he felt the third energy beat a little.

Chu Yunsheng slammed into the heart and immediately released the dead body of the whole body. The fire knife also came out, and his eyes narrowed to the extreme. He searched from more than 30 maids.

Either a cardinal. Either this person is mixed in the maid!

It is a cardinal. He can't run now, he can only see the machine, but if not, this person is very insidious. I definitely know that I am bleeding on the river, and I am deliberately using this means to stimulate myself. The purpose is unknown. It is certainly not a good thing.

This person must be found out immediately!

Seeing Chu Yun’s eyes stunned and glanced, and with a long knife in his hand, the guideman next to him was shocked. The maids in the large room snorted and didn’t know it happened. What suddenly stimulated Chu Yunsheng?

Just now they thought that tearing open the clothes was a kind of perverted little trick that Chu Yunsheng played, although it was screaming. At least half of the people’s screams are seduce with a seduce.

Until Chu Yunsheng pulled out the knives, they seemed to realize that they were unlucky. This kind of reaction is not like a small perverted little trick, but more like the special hobby of some nobles. Have to torture a few maids, see the blood can be excited about the big metamorphosis!

Otherwise, what are you so excited about for no reason? There are no enemies in it, just enjoy the golden nest, what can you do when you pull out the knife?

The male waiter who led the way immediately "awakened" and sympathetically glanced at the pale-faced maid in the room. He didn't dare to say a word. He immediately retired and prepared to hide the door. Then how quickly he left, it seems that he was afraid of Chu Yunsheng. The orientation is also a big metamorphosis!


Chu Yunsheng side, frowning.

As time went by, he had basically ruled out the hand of the cardinal, so no one in this room could walk, or else someone who could approach his own hand at any time was sleepy.

The attendant heard the sound of "staying" in the blue sky, his eyes were black, his legs were soft, and he almost slipped out, and his face looked desperate.

The room was even more bitter and hurricane, and only a few of the maids who had seen the "big scene" were still calm, but the body was still shaking.

And Chu Yunsheng's gaze looked at the door that slowly closed on his own, as if he saw the scalp of the ghosts!

Not a cardinal, is it a ghost? ghost?

The male attendant who leads the way is still a short distance from the door, and it is impossible to touch the door, but the door is closed by himself!


At the moment when the door that did not bear the weight and the hollowed out many patterns finally closed, Chu Yunsheng was taut to the extreme. He was not afraid of any ghosts. He was almost killed by the old ghosts, but even the shadow of the enemy. I have seen that the slightest fluctuations in the movements are not felt, and they are more endless and horrible than facing the cardinal!

In silence, there is only the sound of breathing.

For a moment, he thought of a lot, but none of them met and explained the strange events that were happening in front of him.

The time was very slow and the place was quiet, the room was quiet, there was no violent attack in the imagination, and nothing happened again.

Dazzling? Or is it because the fatigue is trapped by the illusion?

Chu Yun raised his hand and sweated. He felt the vitality of the surrounding environment and the body was motionless. The strange thing is that the more calm he is, the more stable and quiet the surrounding world will be, and he will not be aware of anything.

After a few minutes of time, Chu Yunsheng finally gave up, but still very cautiously retreated to the window position, Shen Sheng: "You go out, one followed, one out, do not run!"

This location is the safest, keeping the distance from the people in the house and getting out of the window at any time.

The maids in one room face each other, and the attendants who lead the way think that they are wrong. They can be seen in their weird eyes. They probably think that Chu Yunsheng’s head is indeed a problem.

However, he could legally "escape" and no one would hesitate. The male waiter opened the door and flew out, and fled with the remaining maids one by one.

When they were all gone, the empty room looked even more empty. Based on the purpose of Dolkra’s arrangement of the maid, the lights in the room were very dim and very awkward, with the eyes of Chu Yunsheng. Many dark corners cannot be seen clearly.

This thought just emerged. At the end of his gaze, there was a sudden burst of dark flames without warning. He was once again shocked by Chu Yunsheng, and almost followed the window!

Before the flames appeared, there was no trace of fluctuations!

Do you want to arrange a haunted house for yourself? I heard that there are often ghosts in the ancient castles of the nobles.

Chu Yunsheng’s head was cranky, and he hoped that it was a ghost of ghosts. With his strong and strong nerves, even if there was no black gas, he could use it to suppress it.

At this time, another corner slammed. It seems like something has been knocked down!

Chu Yunsheng, who was nervous and nervous, immediately pursued the source of the sound and flew his eyes away. Before he saw what it was, he was suddenly stunned by the dark flame that suddenly flew to the corner.

It seems that the old secluded is not so strange, right?

Until now, he hasn't even seen the shadow of the other party, and he has been surprised by all the time! It is impossible for the cardinal to have any traces.

In the dark corner. Under the dark flames, finally a pale, bloodless face came out...

It looks really scary. Chu Yunsheng was crying coldly. Instead, settle down and see the Lord, he will have a way, whether it is a man or a ghost, is a kind of life, do not believe that even the fire of the cardinal can not burn it!

Since it is directed at myself. There is no need to say anything nonsense. When even a fire knife is fired, people are ejected like an arrow, and they are savagely stunned by the white face under the flame.

"Walking adults!"

Chu Yunsheng's knife has not arrived. The shadow itself slammed down and screamed on the ground.

"you are?"

Chu Yunsheng listened to the sound a little familiar, the body has approached its head, the tip of the knife is almost pointing to the top of its head, as long as there is a slight change, the flame on the blade can immediately swallow its head.

"Slaves, slaves are His Royal Highness, and are given to the adults..."

The shadow of the earth snarled and stuttered, and in the end, the body shook even more.

"He lift your head!"

Chu Yunsheng frowned, and it reminded me that it seemed a bit like.

The strange thing is that it looks very strange, it is clearly its own head, but it is like another force holding its chin to lift its face.

"How come you are here? Isn't it all for you to go out?"

Chu Yunsheng first thought of Hull’s ghost, but immediately vetoed it. At that time, this little waiter was almost killed by Huer. It’s not a fake. Otherwise, Hu’s acting and mentality are terrible, and Hull is completely There is no need to find trouble now.

However, I still feel that there is something wrong with it. I can’t think of it for a while.

"I am afraid, can't walk... I am walking, I beg you not to kill me, I will wait for you seriously... You have to be a little dissatisfied, my family will be executed by His Royal Highness, they can't go... ...please you..."

Xiao Shiji said indecently, and kept beheading, and she could see that her miserableness was completely frightened.

Chu Yun was speechless when he was promoted, but he found that although the flame did not attack him, he did not extinguish it. He did not dare to care. He took a few steps back and said: "Get up, don't go out of my sight."

"The slaves don't dare, the slaves are waiting to serve you." Xiao Shiji stunned his head.

"Call you up and get up!" Chu Yunsheng retreated back to the middle of the room, and the fire knife was still clenched.

Xiao Shiji took a moment and climbed a few steps forward. He stood up carefully and did not dare to look up at Chu Yunsheng. It was very urgent, as if Chu Yunsheng coughed, she would be ready to squat again at any time.

"Wait!" Chu Yunsheng always feels that something is wrong. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "How do you still wear clothes!?"

He finally felt that something had been wrong, and the other maids in the house were torn apart, and the little waitress was still intact, and he could not help but sink into the heart. Is it really she made a ghost?

Xiao Shiji was shocked and slammed into the ground immediately. He said in a panic: "I, I will take off immediately, take off immediately...", and my hands and feet confuse my clothes.

Less than a moment's effort, Xiao Shiji's clothes hurriedly finished, the naked smooth body swayed slightly on the ground, and the soft tail was tightly clamped under the body, apparently already tense.

"Wait, I am not letting you undress." Chu Yunsheng found that his head is not enough, what is going on?

At the same time as he said this, the thin clothes piled on the ground actually flew up, and the speed was still slow, covering the body that was naked to Xiaoji.

Xiao Shiji did not dare to move, the clothes fell on her, and the strange scalp was numb.

"You take it off again..." Chu Yunsheng suddenly realized what was happening, and the voice became uncertain, and he tried to talk.

Hearing that Chu Yunsheng’s head was broken, he said that he had to take it off. Xiao Shiji did not dare to hesitate. He immediately reached out and pulled the clothes that had slowly slipped on his own.

"Let's wear it again... Wait, don't move!" Chu Yunsheng looked in his eyes, and his heart was inexplicably frightened. Can't he manage Xiaoji Ji thinking that he was confused or his head was completely broken, repeating.

This time, he clearly saw that the clothes slowly flew again, covering the back of Xiao Waitji.

"Take off again... wear it again... take it off again... wear it again..."


I don’t know how many times, Xiao Shiji’s knees are numb, and Chu Yunsheng’s head is screaming and finally slamming the fire knife in his hand, licking the cigarette on his body, taking one and sending it to his mouth. A mess.

The lighter has not been pulled out, and the cigarette butts will show a red light, a smog of smoke, and it will ignite!

His hand slammed and slammed out with electric shock:

"No, I am a god!!"

At this time, knocking on the door and vocals came out of the door, and Shauna returned.


Hey, the name of this chapter is a bit of a title party. There is no way to drift the fire. If you point the question, there is no suspense.

This chapter has been coded last night. In order to correct the schedule, there is no time to modify it. I just came back to fix it, so if there is no accident, there is still a chapter tonight.


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