Dark Blood Age

Chapter 859: Big things


"come in."

Chu Yunsheng calmly lived in a chaotic mood, things have already happened, and the news that Shauna brought back is also a big event, they all hit together, and it seems that I can't sleep anyway tonight.

After thinking about it, I didn’t come in by Xiaona, bent down, and I couldn’t help but pick up the cigarette butt, wipe it, and quickly took a sip in the last section of the fire.

"Wang, no, adults, big things!"

Shona just stepped into the door and the first sentence of the opening was very scary.

Chu Yunsheng's hand holding the cigarette buttocks shook, stunned, and coughed a few times.

He was not a person who was not calm. The things he just added, coupled with his expectations of the news brought back by Shauna, were too big and could not be calmed down.

"Adult, are you okay?"

Shauna hurriedly wanted to go forward and hold Chu Yunsheng. Only then did he see a "person" in the room. When he saw his gender characteristics, he couldn’t help but sneak a slap in the face. Ok, obviously it’s not the time to come.

"I'm fine, you continue to say, what happened?" Chu Yunsheng smashed the cigarette **** into a group, and the fire burned the skin, which made him regain his calm.

It is very strange that this yuan fire does not belong to him and can hurt his skin.

Shona hesitated, and looked at the little waitress on the ground.

Chu Yunsheng followed his gaze and found out that he was really faint. He even forgot her, and he waved: "You don't lie, let's go out first, we have something to talk about."

Xiao Shiji responded with a sigh of relief, kneeling down and standing up, holding the wall almost step by step and going out hard. I don’t know if it’s been a long time, or I’m scared.

In view of the extremely uneven clothes on her body, the scene of difficult action fell in the eyes of Shauna, which made him look at Chu Yunsheng's eyes full of wonder and confusion...

"Isn't it a big deal? Why don't you talk?" Chu Yunsheng said with annoyance, but he didn't want to explain anything, and he didn't have that mind.

Shauna quickly regained his gaze, and his look changed. He looked around and lowered his voice. "Our people and the people who are repairing are quick to fight!"

"Our people and secrets are repairing..." Chu Yunsheng repeated the words of Shauna. Halfway through, the brow raised: "What is messy, have you said this to me for so long? Have you seen someone who looks special with me?"

Shona snorted, then shook his head and looked at Chu Yunsheng with some concern.

Chu Yunsheng frowned. I didn't worry, I asked, "You really didn't see it?"

"No, the subordinates pay special attention to the looks of others. There is nothing strange." Shauna did not rush to speak this time. I thought about it and replied in a certain tone.

"That's weird." Chu Yunsheng got up and went to the window. He felt that this thing had to be clarified. He couldn't be confused. He turned and said: "No. You can find it again, add people, all the blood is scattered. Go out and find it, if it is not enough. Look for Bauer and let him dispatch the army!"

Xiaona’s face was bitter, and Zhang’s mouth was opened. She was afraid that she would be reprimanded by Chu Yunsheng and did not dare to speak.

Chu Yunsheng saw that his face was not right, frowning: "How do you learn the Wenluo, have a word to say, can't move? Or everyone is tired to rest?"

Shona quickly shook his head and said: "Adult, no, king, no, your order is that everyone will die."

In order to avoid the conflict with Hull, and to maintain the name of the flickering walk, the blood riders are gradually changing their names at the request of Chu Yunsheng, but in private, they still like to call "king", so always Indiscriminate.

When Chu Yunsheng saw him swallowing again, he couldn’t help but wonder: "Shauna, if you have anything to say, it’s time!"

Shona suddenly slammed on the ground with one knee, and looked up: "Wang, save those babies, they."

Chu Yunsheng coldly came down and said: "Shauna, I did not say, are you allowed to interfere with their affairs?"

Shona shook his lips and gritted his teeth. "When you entered the city, they deliberately took you around the execution ground. You didn't see the execution ground, rows of babies, rows of children, some were five or six years old. They are still tied there, they kill their hands, and the knives are also smashed. They are trampled one by one until they step on a pile of meat, or fall directly from Castle Hill. The screams, and the children who sent a person from the earth can change to a food in the past. This is our earth is not theirs! Wang..."

Chu Yunsheng sat down and waited until Shaw’s mood stabilized. Shen Sheng said: “I don’t have a punishment, but I know, first, they kill not only the Earth, but also their own race. Second, you It’s not human, you can’t turn to you in the third place. Third, you can lick me cold-blooded, ruthless, but I want to tell you, you, me, plus the whole blood ride, no one can save, the five countries kill the baby. Who can you save? Fourth, human beings have their own heroes, they can’t take us, and if we break up the plan and conflict with the five countries in advance, we can’t kill the cardinal of all beings. It’s not just babies who die. Child, this simple truth, do you understand? Fifth, I also said that you can interfere, but the other party must be acquainted with your acquaintances. As long as this article is met, I personally fight for you, who dares Block you, I will kill it first, even if it is Hull, it is a cardinal, I will go to work hard!"

"So, you come to me, I can only tell you, if there are acquaintances of yours, you bring people to save, and you don't have to worry about repairing your face. I will deal with it. If not, hand it over to Bauer. This is what they should do."

There are still some words, Chu Yunsheng did not say it, and Shauna was the first to follow his blood family. He did not know how many people he had killed before. He should have killed a lot of people, and he would not understand the babies who have no self-protection ability. The children are killed by blood, he can understand, but the emotions should not fluctuate so much. This is two things, and the mainland countries are not only directed at the people of the earth, unless they are killed by Shauna.

Shona really sighed and said the truth of the matter: "Wang, you said that I understand that we all have countless lives on hand, and there is no qualification to blame others. The pig head kills humans and kills more into the sea. I am not too shocked, I am used to it, what day is the world not dead?

But whoever is born and raised by their parents, listening to the crying of those parents who are heartbreaking, are not concentrated yet on the sound of the babies and children who are going to be executed. I hate not the mainland Chinese, but the people of the earth. The scum, robbed the children of other people to send to death, in order to get a rough food. Still not human?

I am also a father. The child is still in the camp of the old blood family. Life and death are unknown, so I can understand that the parents were taken away from the children and watched as they were killed. But there is tremendous pain that can't do anything, so. I killed a dozen of such people in one fell swoop. Especially the first scum found, I used the war horse to trample on his head with the method of the mainland country. The child I gave to the military police, but her adoptive father has been killed by this scum, and sooner or later she will starve to death. Kill.

I know that's not something I can manage, we are your men. Without your order, we are not moving, except for killing a bunch of scums, facing the parents who are rushing to ask us. Looking at the mainland Chinese to kill a baby child, we are also indifferent, the sword is not sheathed, the horse does not hoof.

But, but"

Speaking of this, Shauna hesitated for a moment, seeing that Chu Yunsheng did not speak, he continued:

"But it may have been scared by our **** cold eyes. The golden knight who executed the execution of Hulk’s purple gold knight is also gracious to us. I don’t know why, I will not continue to kill, and I will withdraw. Who wants them to withdraw, let those parents think that they are afraid of us, all go crazy and generally grab people, because we are, the Golden Knight did not dare to kill, when the first baby was robbed, The people in the city were rioting. Now they are intimidating Bauer’s US army to fight for them and to retrieve all the babies and children. I saw that things are not right. I quickly came back and found that the city owner closed the banquet door in order to entertain Huer and you. No one can get in, and the outside is going to fight, and the big guys inside don’t know."

"So, Wang, now is to send everyone, there is no way to find someone, you sinned against me, I got rid of things."

"Wang, there is another sentence that may offend you what you just said. I don't know if I can say it?"

Chu Yunsheng looked at him and said: "Say."

Shona took a breath and watched carefully: "Wang, after World War II, there was a passage that was widely spread. Today, I am thinking, if they kill the baby, we don’t care, we will kill the earth tomorrow. No matter, then, in the future, they will kill us. Who else are we around? Even if they are blood, if they want to supplement the same kind, they have to look for it from humans."

Chu Yunsheng looked at Xiaona in a strange way, silent for a moment, said: "It’s like this, it’s not going to intervene, Hull should come to me soon, so you and I are both big and old, sure. If you don't handle this kind of thing, you let Wenluo come, and I said to her, let her handle it."

Shauna answered, stood up, and quickly retired. When he went out, he also looked at the little waitress who was not at the door, and his eyes were complicated.

Chu Yunsheng pondered, the man did not find it, did he feel wrong, or was it in the wrong direction? It’s like that outside, and for a while, I want to find out again, I’m afraid it’s really impossible.

This is also a piece of his heart disease, can only temporarily suppress not to think, but immediately in the head of the strange event, wave after wave, Rao is injected red liquid, energy can not keep up.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and a tearing silk fabric on the ground flew into his palm with a fragrant smell. This feeling is really strange, no need to take any effort, just think about it, move it. Thoughts, you can control the object at will.

The key point is that without fluctuations in vitality, it means that there is no use of vitality to achieve the control of the space of the object, otherwise he will not be so surprised. In the past, he would have the ability to "power", in the eyes of ordinary people, too. Incredible.

But without using the strength of heaven and earth, you can realize the arbitrary control of the objects around you. In his influence, this is really the extraordinary ability of the gods!

He even has a breakthrough in the cardinal, how can he have it?

Even the cardinal, he has not seen this ability in several of the meetings he has seen. Whether it is the third or the five-state cardinal here, there may be no movement before the shot, but there is generally energy after the shot. Traces of fluctuations.

How come you suddenly have it?

He pushed the time back, not before entering the city. There was no banquet after entering the city. It only came after entering the room, and it only appeared after the third energy was touched.

He also touched the river, and it turned out that he was normal along the way.

Therefore, the problem must arise between the touch on the river surface and the second touch after entering the room.

He thought about what happened during this period. There are only two things that are suspect. Other foods such as Dokrag should not have any big problems!


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