Dark Blood Age

Chapter 875: Tenjin


The young four princes were pale and smothered with a long sword, stabbing a nobleman who fled from the side of him, smeared with blood and sullenly said: "No one is allowed to retreat, the offender, hehe!"

Its guards immediately blocked all the escapes of the chariots, slashed the epee and stared at them indifferently.

Their peers are desperately working underneath, and these old aristocrats of Wang Ting are thinking about running away!

"Four princes, let's go! Hey, beaten!" A nobleman rushed over.

"Yeah, Yuejue adults admit defeat, we can't win!" Another nobleman cried and begged.

"If you don't leave, you won't be too late. Your Royal Highness, return to Sun City. We can come back from the beginning. You can rest assured that we only support you!" the third nobleman shouted tremble.

"I don't want to die here, let me go! What are you, even dare to stop me!" A female nobleman carried a long skirt and shouted at the guards sharply.


"All shut up!" The young four prince, Shen Sheng said: "We have not lost, we still have 700,000 lives!"

Said, it personally went to the middle of Gaogang, took over the vacant light left by Meltini, ordered: "Filipino, prepare!"

"Bo, what are you doing?" Mertiny, who was seriously injured, suddenly stopped and turned cold.

"Yuejue, remember that when you laid down the demon squad, there were millions of civilians who worked hard for the empire next to them? Many people don't know why you have to arrange this. For the past 20 years, you have not been exiled. One day is not studying the research draft you left at the Imperial Library twenty years ago. Although you only know a little bit of fur, at least let me understand the use of the millions of civilians you prepared!" The young four princes are cold and cold: "Today, the fourteen brothers must die!"

Meltini is indifferent: "You don't understand. You can't win the freak! Go with me, I promised someone, I will take you back to Sun City safely."

"Yuejue, you have already recognized that you have been defeated. The military power is automatically controlled by me. You have no right to interfere!" The young four princes sneered in a sneer: "Today, the fourteen brothers are not dead. Do you think there is still a chance in the future?忒列,开!"

With its order, a general sent the banner. The flag of the sky in the reserve army squadrons opened up, revealing a huge plain, which was densely packed with people.

They have heavy, long chain shackles, one after the other tied together, and the shackles are dull. Putting all the energy in them together, you can't see the slightest fluctuations, leaving only a weak body.

However, their number is terrible, endless, like the ocean.

Around them, a large number of cavalry cruised back and forth. Who dared to make a little sound, he stabbed himself.

"It’s a rebel!" A male nobleman took a breath: "70,000 rebels!"

At this time, the young four princes gloomyly controlled the vacant light, and the roar of the deadly bursts. Massive vitality has rushed from the 700,000 rebels to the big array.

In the moment of the brakes, Chu Yun’s three blood people were blasted after being promoted, and they died on the spot. Several figures on the opposite side also fell.

Unprepared. Chu Yunsheng did not expect that, besides the vitality of the 200,000-300-strong army he had controllable. Beyond the dead line, there are still a lot more fierce sources of life, and suddenly poured into.

This kind of previous forced extraction, suddenly, in turn, the method of dying the source of life, sinister sinister!

Moreover, there is no effect on the source of life, and only a large amount of money can make the opponents unable to prepare for it in an instant.

Not only can the target in the array escape, but the army of Wang Ting, who formed a large array, will also be severely impacted by this sudden reversal of power and become a victim!

Chu Yunsheng reacted very quickly, immediately used his control of the dead array, cut off the connection between the big array and the blood ride and other targets, and looked up at Gaogang, shouting:

"See how many lives you have! How many, how much do you suck!"

At this point, he can't cut off his connection with the dead line. Otherwise, the control of the dead array will be stolen in an instant. He is not the creator of the dead line, and the faction does not recognize him.

At the same time, the four princes who were under the protection of the high guards in Gaogang probably found that the huge numbers of life that had been drawn from the 700,000 rebels were all vented into the body of Chu Yunsheng, whose face was extremely distorted and his eyes were red:

"See how long you stay! It must die!"

Although it only knows a little fur, it is too long to prepare for this day, desperately pouring into the surviving life.

In the twinkling of an eye, in the 300,000 Wang Tingjun squadron, the knights and warriors fell into pieces and fell rapidly like a plague. Zero-dimensional bursts and smashed!

"Berch!" Meltini turned around, but the body shook abruptly and seriously, pointing to Chu Yunsheng under the high guard, cold and cold: "Even if you kill Hull, it will kill you. You can't get anything at the end."

The four princes said coldly: "I don't believe that it doesn't die, it doesn't even have a cardinal!"

Meltini silently engraved, indifferent: "Then you will die, forget it, I should not come here, do these things that are already tired."

At this time, under the high post, another blood man burst into a zero-dimensional burst, and Chu Yunsheng sank again in the heart, face frosty.

He did not know the above situation. He initially judged that the military gods of the mainland countries were insane and prepared to go with him. He did not hesitate to kill hundreds of thousands of Wang Ting army and used their funeral to break his control over the dead line. Forcibly poured into the source of the sky.

Chu Yun’s eyes are cold and cold, and his current situation is not good. Although the massive source of life does not pose any threat to his zero-dimensionality, but here is not a node, he has absolute control, and suddenly rushed in too much, he If you are distracted and rushed to Gaogang, as long as there is a gap in the control of the dead line on the way, the remaining blood ride must die.

But staying here doesn't move, it's not the way!

Between the urgency, Chu Yunsheng slammed, and finally completely let go of the restrictions on the spur of the fire.

And, for the first time, actively and fully accelerate it, let it skyrocket, and force the card source!

Fast, the action must be fast!

Kill all the people on the high post, including the **** of the army!

original. He planned to destroy the front of the fire before the fire was completely washed out. Otherwise, with his current physical strength, he could not withstand the burning of the cardinal fire, and he would once again be unable to move.

This is the biggest reason why it has been dying at the last minute to restrain the fire.

He pondered the study of the realm of cultivation to today, and he has roughly explored a lot of things. His zero dimension is too strong, and the borrowed body can never keep up with its powerful pace, the cardinal fire that comes out of zero dimension. Far above the limits that the body can tolerate.

If he is an ordinary fire-powered cardinal that strikes the four-day realm, there will be no such problem. The ordinary fire-bending machine cannot have such a strong zero-dimensionality.

He even speculated that even if he used his pure body to transform his body to reach the peak of Sanyuan, he might not be able to withstand the power of his own zero-dimensional!

I am walking a path that no one has ever walked.

In the long run. This is not a bad thing, it indicates a more powerful possibility, but from the point of view, this is not a good thing.

Because, at any time will face 瘫痪!

Of course, he had already thought of a way that was not a solution before, but he could not use it on the battlefield at the moment. It is ready to come in handy when it comes to finding a safe place to hit the cardinal.

But now, he must let go of the restrictions, using all the firepower of the fire infinitely close to the cardinal, using his first combat skills in the desert. A long distance through a long distance, solve the high post!

With his understanding of the energy level, only the fire of the cardinal can be done.

The next moment, the flame burned completely on him. Rapidly flying to the peak of infinity, like an incandescent sun.

The wilderness is empty. The heavens and the earth are rushing into the air, rushing into his body, the speed is fast, and even the momentary vacuum around the moment.

Later, the far-reaching places of the heavens and the earth were poured in, and Chu Yunsheng was centered to form a huge invisible vortex.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth are fiercely distorted!

The huge energy tides fluctuate, causing the clouds above the sky to change color. The hot fire gas evaporates the water vapor on the wetlands, and rapidly blows up the upper reaches of the kilometer. Where the hurricane is cold and the temperature suddenly changes, it quickly condenses. Forming large and large clouds of rolling clouds.

They are heavy and heavy, and the stars are closed, and there is no limit to the sun.

The army of Wang Ting on the ground, the still alive, looked at the sudden sky vision with horror, and the horror was overwhelmed, and the nobles on the high guard looked at the four princes with awe and fear. They thought That is the power of the heavens and the earth brought by the four princes to extract 700,000 rebel lives.

This is not only the Wang Ting aristocrats, but also the 700,000 rebels in the back of the military squad. They have the same idea. They have a natural fear for the four princes who are taking their lives.

This moment is like a demon coming to earth.

But there are people who understand, Meltini stops, does not leave, looks indifferent: "can't go."

The cyan heavy armor also stopped, and the eyes in the gap between the cold helmets quietly looked at Chu Yunsheng, rising like a blazing sun.

The face of the young four princes was twisted and stunned, frantically running the suspended light, and frantically plunging into the 300,000 military array.

"I don't believe it! I can't lose!"

On the top of the sky, Chu Yun, rising with flames, rises like a lightning bolt, and countless streams of fire and flames fly out of the sky, whistling together, if the stars are like a river, they condense into a knife of the sky, long as a fire dragon Huge like a mountain!


The sword of the cross is open to cover the darkness of the sky, the dark clouds roll over and roll, and the sky is shining. The flames are behind, the blade is in front, the cardinal source is shining in the sky, and the sword is swayed with the sword , 斩 to Gao Gang.

The sound of Thunder hit back in the sky and sharply broke the ear.

The fiery heat wave pours the ground, the air tears, the dust burns fiercely, and it is full of cloth!

The wind swelled, sweeping the earth, thousands of troops, hitting the sand, shooting the grass, flying the trees, the mountains lit, and the four fields boiled!

A royal aristocrat, surrounded by the burning dust, stared at the horrible sword of the sky, muttering: "Frosius, the wrath of the gods!"


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