Dark Blood Age

Chapter 876: Chaoyang is also like blood


Under the slashing knife, the people on Gaogang were surprisingly quiet and stood still and no longer tried to escape.

They already know that they can't run away.

The group looked at the huge blade of the whistling pressure, waiting for the moment of death.

No one has worked hard to grieve the deformed person, and no effort to blame the four princes, everything is late.

Meltini is still indifferent, as if he is indifferent, it is life and death and not in the heart.

The cyan heavy armor is still quiet, and the eyes under the cold helmet reflect the burning dust of the mother-in-law.

The four princes also calmed down, and his eyes were full of helplessness and embarrassment.

The entire Gaogang was like a dead and quiet, only two black guards suddenly moved, and the body was sharply blocked in front of Meltini, and the gaze of the sword was shining. Li Mang!

The first black guards rose up and rushed to the sky without hesitation.

The second black guard took out a slender white stick, pointing to Chu Yunsheng, his lips squirming, but no one heard what it was saying, only Chu Yunsheng, who was accelerating the fall, heard it saying:

"Earth man, take back your knife, you can't kill this person behind me, you can't afford it."

Chu Yunsheng in the slamming slammed cold and pressed the blade heavily.

He never thought that in the cruel killing, the masters of life and death will hide in the enemy of the killing, and must wait until the end to come out.

There is one person here, no matter who it is, if he can kill him, he will kill him!

Can't kill now, actually abolished words? It seems that only they can kill themselves, they can't move them a hair! ?

The blood ride was almost destroyed by the whole army. Today is the cardinal. He will also take down this knife and take a bite of blood!

The knife of the sky is cold and violent. The black guards flying to the sky quickly took a piece of flat metal hexagonal block from his arms and threw it into the sky.

Immediately, the sheet metal on the six sides of the sheet stretched fiercely, spreading the sky above the high post at the fastest speed, and then extending downwards, covering the four sides, completely covering the people in the high gang in the cover of the honeycomb general casing.

It has just completed the extension, and the whistling screaming of the sword is slamming, and the thunder is slamming on the high hill!

The long hot blade cuts in and the earth trembles fiercely. In a moment of tearing, a dark gap between the bottomless abyss, appearing straight on the earth of the corpse, stretching from the wetlands to the grasslands.

Numerous corpses have fallen into the dark and deep ditch, and there are Wang Ting's army. There are also rebels, following the flames that fall into the deep bottom. Dropped.

Only in the middle of the high post. Like a breakpoint in two straight lines, the lone bridge on the deep ditch is still struggling.

However, the metal square cover of the honeycomb grid was suddenly shattered under the bombardment of the cardinal source fire, and the fragments were splashed and fluttered.

The first black-clothed guard with a square cover shattered his bones, and his knees were heavily slammed on the ground. The skull hangs down, and the blood flows into a line from the forehead to the scorched earth. Life and death are unknown.

The Hengtian Giant Knife disappeared with it, and only the flames that fell into the abyss in the gap between the two ends proved that it had existed.

but. At this moment, the people on Gaogang did not have the joy of escape. From the beginning of the war to the present, the situation has changed sharply and again, and the level of thrilling is more than the limit that many people here can experience in their lifetime. In spirit, it has already arrived. The edge of the crash.

"Yuejue adults, its weapons have been broken, the power of the gods is also consumed, unable to fight again!"

The second black guard, watching the ice in the desert, looked at the figure in the sky and looked at the broken blade in his hand.

"Do you think I am afraid? Even if it is the current state of the gods, if I don't care about death, why bother?"

Meltini smiled coldly at it and turned to the Four Princes: "I am leaving, can't you go?"

The young four princes, face Shen Su, took the sword back to the sheath, and resolutely said to other Wang Ting aristocrats: "Since it has been unable to fight again, order, let the reserve cavalry to kill it and its attendants! Tell the reserve army only Winning is not allowed to defeat, bring their bodies to see me, and fleeing away! We return to Sun City, first to the throne, then re-armed, annihilating Hull!"

At this time, the Wang Ting aristocrats realized that this crisis was really lifted. Very few of them knew the vague origin of the two black guards around the moon, and saw the second black guard standing in the original. The ground did not move, probably after the break of the Yuejue, a black guard would block a knife like the wrath of the gods, and the other should not go anywhere. At this time, the opportunity is not gone, when is the time to go? ? Let the reserve army go to work with the freak!

The cyan heavy armor finally glanced at the shadow of the sky, pulled the reins, turned the horse, and prepared to leave.

The handsome knight around her sneered into the sky: "It’s also an idiot if you are strong! I really think that I am invincible!" Then, I don’t go back to the heavy armor.

At this time, the figure closer and closer in the sky suddenly threw away the broken knife in his hand, and the hand was gripped and shouted:

"Sword is coming!"

This voice is not big, but it is very clear, as if everyone can hear it, especially the high horse, Chu Yunsheng has been riding the horse, "excited" in it, I thought that Chu Yunsheng is calling it, immediately Yang The beast hoof is usually rushed to Gaogang.

Sword is coming!

Chu Yunsheng hangs out his hand, the sky is empty, the sky, the wetlands, the grasslands, the deep ditch... The fires of the scattered waves of the swords of the heavens and the fires of the card, and the source of the card are like the orders, they are already out. However, miraculously once again gathered from all sides and whistling, condensed in the right hand of Chu Yunsheng, and cast into a sword of fire.

As bright as a light sword, radiant!

"It turned out to be...re-recalling the power of the gods of the collapse and fall! Treasures, go!"

The second black man's look suddenly changed, lifting the white stick in his hand, and the feathery white floc was erupted like an umbrella.

Meltini turned his head, his eyes showing a shock, and the cyan armor moved slightly, and the handsome knight around her face was stiff.

The Zijin guards immediately surrounded the four princes behind, unlike the previous killing of Hull. Facing Chu Yunsheng, the young prince was very calm, even if Chu Yunsheng was far better than Hull.

Most of the royal aristocrats have not yet rode on this occasion, and they are scared at the foot. They have been carried on the ground.

Liar, big liar! Doesn't it mean that it can't fight again? Doesn't it mean that the reserve army can clean it up? ? Driven by the fierce, the people of the temple are all liars!


In the sky, there was a scream of screaming.

Chu Yunsheng volley flops, the body is upside down, the head is in front, behind him, like a bullet, suddenly rushed to Gaogang.

In front of him, the incandescent swords are lined up, and the swords are turned into the high posts. The sound of screaming, broken in succession.

Then, these incandescent swords that went hand in hand, quickly surpassed the fire sword in the hands of Chu Yunsheng, in front of the sword. Suddenly contracted and became a sword. An aurora flashes. Go and go.




The four aurora sparkling swords screamed and screamed out, and Chu Yunsheng then slammed into Gaogang, and the horses flew.

He must shout out to strengthen the spirit's high concentration. This is not a real sword-style warfare technique. It is a combination of his predecessor sword style and his own combat skills, in the case that the body has been exhausted. In order to control the power, summon and use the remaining cardinal fires to create the sword of fire.

The fire knife has shattered, mostly because it cannot withstand the true cardinal source. It is made of **** from zero-dimensional quenching and is not genuine.

There is also a small part of the reason that the black-clothed guards throw out the honeycomb cover, which is the cardinal thing, the real cardinal life to create something, which is more integrated with the cardinal power, and the batch of rotten armor on the purple gold knight completely Not a common language.

A person who has a private source of life has a cardinal secret to send people to protect things, and his heart is unclear.

Chu Yunsheng claimed to be walking by God, killing it, and being justified!

Of course, he does not need this name to be justified. This sword and the filmmaker have no relationship with half a cent.

The black-clothed guardian white small stick at the top of the flying floca-like hemisphere opens, the first sword-style bombardment feather white spherical, black clothing guard mouth spit blood.

The second sword style arrived in an instant, and continued to bombard the origin, and the black guards spurted the blood.

The third sword style had almost no impact at the third time. The black guards were full of flesh and blood, and they were shaped like a late.

The black guards loudly at this time: "False people, you will regret it!"

The fourth sword whistling, the milky white sphere shattered instantly, the pieces spread, and the aurora sword flickered, passing through the body of the black guard, with the flying blood, pointing to Meltiny. .

"grown ups!"

The first black guard was probably not dead enough, and the flying body rushed to stop in front of Meltini.

Sword gas through it to penetrate it, continue to move forward!

The shielded guards formed a layer of straight-line defense, high-energy swordsmanship and massacre, shredded together with their bodies.

The crowds of death smashed up and down, and the entire high post was devastating.

Chu Yunsheng fell heavily on the horse who took the initiative to find a suitable position for a long time. The huge inertia put the knees of his front legs on the ground, and the buttocks picked up high, almost throwing Chu Yunsheng forward and eating a dog.

At a critical juncture, it suddenly jumped up, snoring with a guilty conscience, and killed a bodyguard.

Chu Yun raised the reins and held the fire sword that was about to disappear.

Through a layer of blood-slurry, smashing through a personal head, rushing to the front of the most important people on the high post, they are already bloody, and are being heavily guarded by the remaining guards. With.

Chu Yunsheng recognizes who is who, he only knows Deere and the person wearing the cyan heavy armor.

At this moment, the sword-style swordsmanship has disappeared, and Deer is in the war, bloodstained, life and death, and she, holding a green mang cold sword, a blood hole on the shoulder armor.

Chu Yunsheng looked coldly at her, the fire sword in his hand had dissipated, and the four swords had exhausted its limits.

The guards in the guards are also staring at Chu Yunsheng. They are also the first time to see such a freakish person like a demon in such a close-up. They have prayed that it hastened to go. Some have already collapsed. Those who died in the country are also ready to surrender.

They don't know why Chu Yunsheng must risk falling out of a dog to eat, and he is riding on the battle. His nerves are numb quickly, the toes at the end have no sense of touch, and the control power is used to the limit. The vitality in the body is even more consuming, and the combat power is not even the horses that are so engraved.

They only know that Chu Yunsheng is a "devil" with a horrible face.

Chu Yunsheng took a quick step forward, and the opposing guards suddenly rushed back and forth, and even looked out of despair.

Chu Yunsheng went one step further, and one of the guards, who was not too old, almost rolled out and threw himself on the ground, fainting.

Chu Yunsheng war horse took the third step, a nobleman suddenly jumped up and said: "Don't kill me, I surrender!"

Immediately, a large number of guards and other nobles immediately turned their attention to it. In the panic, it was not carefully discerned that the eyes were not all murderous, and many were expecting, encouraging it to bravely say something. It was frightened, and quickly and chaotically with a cry of crying: "I, I, just, casually, casually, talking..."

Chu Yunsheng sneered, and looked coldly at Ai Xier, screaming, turning the horse's head and rushing away.

The nobility and the guards suddenly softened.

No matter why the freak didn’t kill them at the end, they never dared to move again. At this time, who would jump out and say, “It’s no longer able to fight again.” Even the four princes, some nobles vowed to return to the sun. The city must also take him off the throne!

More crucially, a large number of senior military officers were killed in the Jianguang, and the command system was completely paralyzed. Can you bring the remaining remaining troops back smoothly? This has become a big problem at the moment.

The war horse stepped out of a long enemy blood line, and ran from the high post. The **** man with broken arm held the broken Wang Qi and followed Chu Yunsheng, and went all the way north.

Chu Yunsheng did not meet West and Hull with only nine people left. They were separated by a long distance. There were a large number of soldiers killed by Wang Ting in the middle.

In addition to the numbness and rigidity of the body, he also felt that at least two of the cardinal forces are desperately coming!

It is necessary to quickly get rid of the scope of Wang Ting’s army as soon as possible with a lot of dead air as a cover.

"Wang, Botney's body was found!"

"Wang, the bodies that I can find are found, everything else, all..."

"Wang, we only have seventeen people left."


Chu Yunsheng's body became more and more rigid and took over the horrible body that a blood man sent him. He put it in front of him and said nothing, his eyes were cold.

In the red sun in the morning, in the **** wind coming out of the grassland, Chu Yunsheng held the body of Butni, and the leopard behind him was holding the blood-stained king flag of hunting, and nearly two-thirds of them would die. The 300,000-strong army of Wang Ting was left behind and crossed the land of seventy rebels.

Along the way, the knights who monitored the rebels took the initiative to open a road, and no one dared to step forward.

There are still a large number of rebels who have not finished the suicide war, and watched silently.

In the golden army of the North of the Gully, the shadow of the warfare that flutters in the wind, the shadow of the eighteen blood-stained, is like a bright red in the golden ocean, galloping in the road that the enemy has let go.

The sun is also like blood.


"Well, what happened to you?"

"I'm fine, but after a while, I may not even say anything, but I have already arranged it. You can do one thing for me according to what I said."

"You said, I will die when I die."

"That's not necessary. When I got to a safe place, I found a tin box from the bag behind my horse. I checked it. It is still there. There are twelve red syringes wrapped in soft, one of which has only half. If you live, use that half to give me an injection."

"I understand."

"And, remember to tie me up before the injection, tied to the stone, or the tree, but it must be secure."



"Well? Strange..."

^(To be continued...)

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