When they arrived near the castle, Richard, who was riding on his horse, waved his hand at the few people:

“Go! Bring me some clean furs, and keep my spoils from gathering dust!”

“”Yes! Sir!”

Several knights’ attendants had fanaticism in their eyes.

After giving his orders, Richard did not enter the castle, but turned his horse around, ready to personally supervise them in dismembering the crab spider.

After all, Richard was full of distrust of them.

He knew very well that this was a barbaric era, and everyone from top to bottom was full of vulgarity, meanness and deception.

Even though there were so many people supervising each other, who knew if there were any unwritten rules among them, and everyone would tacitly take a little, and he didn’t know how many spider leg hairs would be left in his hands.

So he had to watch it in person.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

【Congratulations, you have defeated the crab spider. You will receive commendation from the system and generous rewards!】

【Since the crab spider you defeated is of the extraordinary type, you will get three times the kill value, and at the same time get a pet egg, which can hatch a super pet! 】

Oh wow!

Richard’s eyes lit up.

“Three times the killing value, and a super pet?”

He looked at the system panel, and saw that it clearly displayed his current killing value: 42!

In other words, an ordinary crab spider has about 14 killing points.

Compared with the 3 killing points of killing an elk, it is much more.

And this crab spider is not only an adult giant crab spider, but also a mutated super creature!

Killing value, after all, is linked to the strength of the prey!

42 points, cool!

Richard directly added all the physique this time.

Physical fitness brings about an extension of life and the body’s ability to resist blows.

To put it bluntly, the blood bar is directly doubled, and the life span is also increased a lot.

If this goes on, won’t he be able to live as long as a vampire?


And the super pet egg brought him an extra surprise.

An super creature that is in tune with his mind, whether in the wild or in the territory, can do a lot of things for him, which can save him a lot of troublesome matters that need to be done personally.

Look forward to it.

【From humble beginnings, you have overcome the first obstacle on your journey with extraordinary strength.】

【You have demonstrated your absolute ruling power in front of your people, and the loyalty of the people has been slightly improved.

Richard looked at the system panel, and with a thought, the territory mode data appeared in front of him.

The loyalty of the people in the territory has indeed increased a little. Although the overall loyalty is still at the stage of [wavering], it is not far from the next stage.

Richard looked at the loyalty information of the Long Eagle Territory.

【Territory: Long Eagle Territory.

Overall loyalty of the people: 71 (at the third loyalty stage, please keep working hard).

Loyalty attributes: current population growth rate 75%, work enthusiasm 75%】

“It’s not very good. The population is decreasing and the enthusiasm for work is not rising. It seems that there is still room for improvement!”

Although he said so, Richard didn’t care about it at all. Everything was as planned.

According to the description on the system panel, the details of the comprehensive loyalty are divided into four stages:

[Unrest] below 25, [Infidelity] between 26 and 50, [Swaying] between 51 and 75, and [Loyalty] between 76 and 100.

The overall comprehensive loyalty is currently 71, which is only 5 points away from the [Loyalty] stage.

As long as the next stage is reached, population growth and production enthusiasm will no longer be a problem, and this step is already at hand.

At this time, the system’s voice continued to broadcast:

【Congratulations, you have unlocked a new territory building: Militia Training Camp!】

【Your training camp will bring you a well-trained peasant army. You can improve the personal military quality of your people here and make them your soldiers with limited power! 】

What the hell, soldiers with limited power.

Richard was a little speechless.

Okay, at least it’s a good start.

Everything is going in a good direction.

I hope this militia training camp can make some of these pigs look a little more human.

And this militia training camp seems to have a lot of potential to be tapped. Richard plans to go back and study it carefully.


As Richard received the system information, his mount stopped again on the previous battlefield.

“No need to salute, hurry up and do your work!”

Seeing Richard coming, the knights’ attendants who were originally planning to salute quickly lowered their heads and continued to work.

This kind of delicate work is not something that those people can do.

To become a knight, at least you have to have a certain grasp of the basic knowledge of beast anatomy and material processing, not just knowing how to fight.

With Richard’s supervision, these people worked much faster.

Soon, everyone dismembered the giant crab spider.

“”Sir, there are twelve fangs, two spider pincers, two venom sacs, eight spider legs, the carapace that you cut in half, and the crab spider meat.”

Richard looked at the things they had sorted and nodded with satisfaction.

These things are all very useful materials.

Fangs can be polished and made into spider fang daggers.

Before attacking, crab spiders usually apply venom on their pincers and teeth. Over time, the venom has long been infiltrated. Once such a dagger is used in combat, it will surely kill with one blow.

The pincers have the same effect, but these pincers are much longer than fangs and can be made into long knives, which can also kill with one blow.

Spider legs can be made into long spears.

As the main motor organ of crab spiders, spider legs have been strengthened by them for a long time and are very hard.

The reason why they were cut off by Richard was because Richard’s attack was too fierce and swift.

Just like Richard holding a knight’s greatsword, after using the knight’s breathing method, he can also cut off another greatsword of the same quality without any injury.

So this spider leg Being injured by him doesn’t mean the material is bad.

As for the carapace, it can be made into armor. The carapace of extraordinary creatures, in addition to being hard, is much lighter than other equally tough metal materials. It is a good thing.

And spider meat can naturally be used for food.

These spider meats mainly come from the muscles on the segmental branches and the”muscles” on the head. These are all present on normal small spiders, but because they are too small, they have no value.

On a giant crab spider, it is quite impressive.

The most important thing is that as the meat of an extraordinary creature, in addition to basic nutrition, the energy contained in it can also enhance a person’s physical fitness.

And muscles are the essence of the body’s energy.

The venom in the poison sac is even more useful. It can poison any weapon and make it undergo a qualitative change.

Richard patted the shoulder of the person who reported, looked at everyone and said:

“You did a great job. Go back and ask the clerk to record it. I will reward you when the monthly salary is paid!”

“Thank you, Lord, for your generosity!”Everyone bowed their heads.

“”My Lord, where should we deliver your spoils?” someone asked, bowing.

“No need!”

Richard said lightly, then he stretched out his hand and waved it, and these things disappeared in front of everyone and were taken into the system warehouse by him.

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