What kind of method is this?

This scene made everyone stunned.

The Lord in front of them added a hint of mystery in their eyes.

You know, the magic method of space collection is a legendary existence.

On the entire continent, they have never heard of anyone with such ability. They even doubted whether such ability only existed in the storybooks.

But now he actually appeared in front of them alive, and he was their Lord. This scene of the reappearance of the myth stunned them directly.

On this day, the shock that the Lord brought to them was really wave after wave.

On the other hand, their Lord seemed to be very accustomed to having such an ability and was not surprised.

So, are we really people who live in the same era as the Lord?

As a knight squire, even if the seed of life has not been bred, it can be said that he has embarked on the extraordinary road of this world. But no matter how they look at it, they feel that in front of the Lord, they are more and more like mortals looking up to gods.

When they came to their senses, the Lord had gone far away


At this time, the people in the distance who had already resumed work were discussing what had just happened while working.

“My lord is so scary. He is so young, but he has such powerful abilities. The spider monster had no ability to fight back at all. He is too strong!”

“Yes, today we are all thanks to the Lord! If it weren’t for the Lord, we might have been eaten! You didn’t see how miserable the people who first woke up the spider died!”

“I saw it too, the bones turned black, it only took a few seconds! It was horrible!”

“I am from the same village as those guys. The village chief asked me to go with him to get the tools. We walked a little slowly, otherwise I would have been one of the dead! The lord really saved my life!”

They continued to work while talking.

According to Richard’s instructions, some people were working on the seedlings in the fields, and some were reclaiming the fallow land. Their movements seemed to be faster than before.

I don’t know whether they were grateful for the life-saving grace or afraid that Richard’s knight sword would hit them hard.

That was a sword that even the big spider monster couldn’t block. They didn’t dare to gamble whether they would anger the lord.

The people who were responsible for other work farther away were only slightly frightened before, and did not face the storm directly, and the work progress was basically not affected too much.

At this time, they were still doing their own duties.

Some were transporting manure, and some were driving livestock, busy numbly and mechanically.


Richard did not return to the castle, but rode his mount to inspect the transformation of his territory.

While inspecting, he opened the space warehouse to check the extraordinary pet egg he had obtained earlier.

【Detecting the host’s attention, would you like to ask if the host would like to start hatching the pet egg now? 】


Richard was a little worried about whether he really had to take it out and find a suitable place to hatch it. He didn’t expect that the system actually had a special after-sales service?

This must be used!

“Start hatching!”

As Richard gave his order, a faint light suddenly lit up on the pet egg, flickering like breathing.

The three words”hatching” also appeared on the description of the pet egg.

I just don’t know how long the incubation time is.

It doesn’t matter, it’s just a bonus, just go with the flow.

If you know the time, the waiting process is always tormenting, but if you keep a calm mind and let it go, when it breaks out of the shell, it will be a surprise.

Richard is very good at creating opportunities for himself to enhance his emotional value, which will make him live as happily as possible.

It can be regarded as a good mentality to find joy in suffering in this difficult environment.

After operating all this, his attention quickly shifted from this aspect to look at the working people.

Looking at the busy scene of the entire Changying Territory, Richard couldn’t help but think about the future development plan again. He began to plan. Food is the first necessity of the people, and eating is more important than anything else.

When all the preparations are ready, the first thing to do must be farming.

This is also the instinct engraved in the soul of every Oriental.

Especially when he has a batch of extremely good seeds obtained from the system, if he does not plant them, it feels like a waste of opportunity like a rich man who does not return home and walks at night in fine clothes.

In terms of investment returns.

Imagine the feeling of planting a seed and harvesting hundreds of grains. Even after deducting the time and labor costs, it is a hundred times the profit!

It makes people feel excited just thinking about it!

There is nothing more profitable than this.

There is no need to do things like doing business.

In this backward Middle Ages, doing business is a joke.

The different tax policies of each territory alone can make people feel like heaven and death.

The simplest one is that some lords decree that anything that falls on his territory will belong to him.

And these lords will dig holes everywhere on the roads in their territories.

Of course, it is still unclear whether they even have roads.

Normally, the lords of each territory in Central Europe have the power to mint coins, so the currencies are not unified among the territories.

But what is good about this world is that at least the currency is unified into gold, silver and copper coins. Richard is not sure about the reason for this, and he doesn’t know if it is a result of the characteristics of the fantasy world.

But even so, the same gold coins in different territories have different inflation situations.

If it were the information age, such a situation would obviously be a perfect business opportunity.

But in this era, communication is inconvenient, and the territories are different due to the different abilities of the rulers and the changes of lords. , which will inevitably lead to large market fluctuations and insufficient timely information acquisition.

You heard that a certain place has strong purchasing power for silver, so you travel a long distance to purchase goods. When you arrive, prices may have risen, and it is hard to say whether you will lose all your money.

Not to mention that there are also robbers, and these robbers are not necessarily real horse bandits. Even if you go to find a place afterwards, you will most likely face the local territory rules, and even inexplicably confront the lord of the other territory.

With Richard’s background and strength, he is naturally not afraid of ordinary people, but an elephant is not willing to fight a group of mice, and it is annoying to death.

In addition, there are occasional extraordinary creatures in the forests and wilderness of various places, which brings great risks to merchants.

So Richard didn’t consider it directly.

In the future, the stall will become bigger and bigger, and he can’t always solve everything personally.

So it is more important to set the right development direction and strategy at the beginning.

As for the business situation of Cinderella’s father, he also had some understanding when he chatted with Cinderella.

Near the royal city, the money earned is the money of the royal city nobles and citizens.

As for the goods, the business he runs buys the goods from the merchants and then sells them to the royal city.

This kind of small business, like an ant’s leg, relies on the savings accumulated over a long period of time.

Richard really doesn’t like it.

Of course, he doesn’t like this business, not the money in Earl Tenniman’s hands. He should blackmail.

To be able to afford the title of earl, I’m afraid it must have been accumulated for at least three generations, right?

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