【There is a corruption incident in your territory. If it is not handled in time, it will affect your governance performance! 】

Richard was stunned. Corruption incident?

Who is so desperate that he dares to be corrupt in my territory and even alarm the system. He is really a bit bold!

But speaking of it, the system can be so considerate that it can even issue prompts for such things. It is unreasonable not to praise it as a nanny-type system!

For a while, Richard had a better understanding of the reliability of the system.

While sighing in his heart, he was looking for the target.

After all, the entire Changying Territory is so big, it should not be difficult to find.

Richard rode forward, his eyes constantly observing every suspicious person.

After passing another intersection, he suddenly saw the tax officer Harvey holding a large box and walking slowly towards the door.

There were servants helping him move it.

And there were a lot of things on the ox cart behind him.

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately felt that there was something wrong with this person, so he rode forward.

At the same time, the system’s prompt also came in time:

【After some searching, you have found the person involved in the corruption incident. Please make your own decision.

“”Harvey! What are you doing!”

Richard’s cold voice came out faintly, without a trace of emotion.

Harvey was startled by Richard’s voice, and then put the things on the ground, smiled, and saluted Richard very naturally:

“Tax Collector Harvey meets the Lord!”

“I’m asking you a question!” Richard said coldly.

Harvey was stunned, then smiled:

“To answer your Lordship’s words, these are some simple dried meat, food, furs, and yes, some clothes.

I am preparing to move these things into the house.”

“Really? Where did you buy these things? You bought so many, can you use them all?”Richard knew that it was impossible for him to buy these things, so he said this just to see Harvey’s reaction.

After all, he could say so naturally that he wanted to move into his house, and the system explained that it was a corruption case, so the biggest possibility was that Harvey had already found an excuse for himself.

However, Harvey was beyond Richard’s expectations:

“Why buy it? I collected this with my hard-earned money from taxes!”

Richard almost laughed when he heard this.

“Is this all you collected?”

“Of course not, most of them have been transported to your castle. These are my parts. What are you doing here, Lord?” Harvey seemed to not understand why Richard kept asking about this matter.

“Your part?”


“According to the management, part of the tax revenue will be given to you, and this part will naturally belong to your subordinates.” Harvey looked up at Richard with confidence.

As the two talked, everyone stopped.

The guards standing nearby couldn’t help but cast their eyes over to see what was going on here.

“Lord Harvey seems to be in trouble. Do you think the lord will punish him?”

“It shouldn’t be that serious, right? After all, Lord Harvey has always been like this. Many years ago, when Viscount Harken was in charge here, he also acquiesced to this situation. This should be Lord Harvey’s reasonable income, right?”

“It’s hard to say. I just don’t know if there is anything else besides these. I heard that Lord Harvey’s work was not recognized by the Lord before, so I’m afraid he will cause trouble this time.”

“Lord Harvey is in trouble, but he is unlucky to be punished for not doing his job well. After all, the Lord did not specify the specific extent of the investigation order.”

“Don’t say anything. The lord is very powerful. Be careful not to let him hear our conversation, otherwise we will be in trouble too.”

Richard naturally heard the guards’ whispers, but he ignored them for the time being, but he still felt a little unhappy.

The military discipline of this era is lax, and they dare to whisper while standing guard.

Damn, in the previous life, even the slightly more formal security posts did not dare to be so presumptuous. In this regard, he will have to standardize the rules and regulations for them later. It’s not that he deliberately tortures people, this is the most basic requirement.

But for now, he still has to deal with the corruption.

Richard found it difficult to understand Harvey’s attitude.

This is directly and openly embezzlement, and he even thinks this is normal?

It’s really rotten to the bone.

Generally speaking, corruption in any position will inevitably involve a line.

What goes up will follow, and it is true.

As Harvey’s only direct superior, Richard naturally couldn’t investigate from Harvey upwards, that is to say, the people under Harvey were not much clean.

Richard’s answer to Harvey’s words was very simple, and he directly whipped him in the face with a horsewhip.

Harvey’s face was immediately slashed with blood, and he screamed in pain

“Lord, spare my life! I don’t know what I did wrong!” Harvey cried.

Richard said coldly:

“I have said it again and again, everything on this land belongs to me. Only what I give you is yours. Are you deaf? Or are you tired of living?”

Harvey’s head suddenly buzzed.

Of course he remembered Richard saying this, but he just thought that it was said to the people.

Moreover, as the only tax officer in Long Eagle Territory, Richard would not easily remove him, let alone blame him for such a”small matter”.

His face was aggrieved and his eyes were full of incomprehension.

Like the guards who were whispering not far away, he also thought that maybe he had not done his job well before, so the lord deliberately made trouble for him.

He felt a little regretful, but after thinking about it, he didn’t deliberately go against Richard. He really didn’t expect that this very normal procedure would be difficult to blame, or even whipped.

Richard ignored it.���He said to the knight servant who had been following him:

“”Catch him! Confiscate his property!”

Harvey was stunned for a moment!

He realized that Richard really didn’t intend to give him a chance to live.

Before he could react, he was immediately pinned to the ground, his hands were tied, and he was thrown onto the oxcart that contained the things he had embezzled.

After a while, the crying of women and children came from the house, and the knight servant who was confiscating the property came out with a small package.

“”Reporting to the Lord, these are the valuables found in his house.”

As he spoke, the knight’s attendant opened the package.

Inside were a few gold coins, a piece of magic steel, and a piece of mountain copper.

Magic steel and mountain copper are both extraordinary materials.

“If I remember correctly, there is no magic steel even in the castle vault, and there are only two pieces of mountain copper. Is this the small portion you took?”

Richard said, without waiting for Harvey to explain, and directly ordered his subordinates:

“Take him away and lock him up!”

“Besides, you guys have been following Harvey for many years and have taken advantage of me, Long Eagle Leader, right? Before tonight, go find the clerk and explain your problems. If I find out about it later,……”

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