“”Thank you, Master!”

Cinderella said happily.

Seeing everyone’s attitude towards her and seeing the title Richard gave her in public, Cinderella felt unprecedented respect.

Amid the screams of the whole audience, many people cheered and danced while discussing excitedly.

After this period of getting along, the people in the territory are no longer afraid of witches. They even have a lot of intimacy with witches.

They feel that witches are indeed not as scary as the legends say.

It may be because of the shadow brought to them by the witch Duran incident many years ago, so they always think that witches and witches are terrible people, cruel, evil, bloody, and inhuman.

Although Duran did not kill anyone among them at the beginning, but killed many water ghosts, but later heard that she also became a swamp witch.

Her subordinates also commanded A large number of monsters.

These people are naturally afraid.

For many years, they have been living in panic.

The reason why they did not flee from the Long Eagle Territory is, on the one hand, because it is remote. If they escape, they may encounter monsters on the road and have no chance of survival.

On the other hand, they live like pigs, without any hope for the future. There is no difference between being alive and being dead.

So they just give up and don’t bother to care when the swamp witch comes to invade the Long Eagle Territory.

What they don’t know is that it’s not that the swamp witch let them go, but that they have no value to the swamp witch.

With that little time and energy, the witch would rather go deep into the forest to find something that can improve her strength, and maybe even find a way to restore her youth!

But the swamp witch’s behavior, As ordinary citizens, they naturally didn’t know.

So when they first saw Cinderella using magic, they had a horrified reaction.

Some even thought she was the swamp witch in disguise. It was not until they had been together for such a long time that they finally understood that not all witches are evil.

Moreover, now that they see witches can be hired as consultants in public, they all have a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Do they think they have a chance to be noticed by the lord and have a position in the future?

The lord has always called them pigs, but in fact they have also seen it.

Although they have been hard during this period, they have been well fed and well clothed, and toilets can be seen everywhere in the town, with springs flowing next to them. After using the toilet Use a wooden ladle to scoop some water to flush the filth down, and it will flow into the biogas pool below.

Now they have become accustomed to the clean and sanitary environment, and they are absolutely unwilling to go back to the way they were before.

Previously, when they heard Richard say that he hoped to treat them as”people” in the future, they felt it was out of reach.

After all, let alone in front of Richard, they felt ashamed even in front of those knights and attendants.

But now that they see that a witch with a bad reputation can also be given a position by the lord, they finally feel that Richard’s previous words are not so far away from themselves.

This is the effect of recruiting talents without any restrictions.

Everyone’s motivation was raised at once.

Decided to work hard, and fight to the death!

The change in the mentality of the people was immediately noticed by Richard.

【The loyalty of the subjects has been detected to be increased. The current overall loyalty is 95.】

【Current population growth rate 100%, work enthusiasm 100%!】

【Since you have exceeded 90 points of loyalty for the first time, your territory will be boosted, with a population growth rate of 105% and work enthusiasm of 105%, which will last for one month.】

【Extra attribute of excitement: The yield of your current crops will increase by 20%, and this effect will last until the current crop is harvested!】

【Reminder: The loyalty of your subjects is about to reach the limit. After reaching the limit, the subjects will gain an exciting effect and increase more values. Please continue to work hard!

Richard was overjoyed when he saw this.

The rate of population increase has exceeded the normal value. The extra 5% means that people are willing to have more children, which also means that the mortality rate of newborns will be reduced!

And the 20% increase in production of 40,000 acres of wheat is equivalent to planting more than 3,000 acres!

The output of more than 3,000 acres of land has been increased for nothing. It’s so cool!

I felt the joy of harvest in advance!

And all this is not over yet.


On the other hand, Cinderella’s mood reached a peak because she felt unprecedented respect.

If the image of Richard in her mind before was like a god descending from the sky, tall and kind, making her love and respect him very much.

Then Richard at this time has been completely imprinted in her soul, and even every bit of her magic is jumping for joy because of Richard, and her eyes are full of endless love. At this moment, even if Richard asked her to die, she would not hesitate and would not think about why.

As long as it is what Richard wants her to do, she is willing to risk her life to complete it!

No one can stop her dedication!


【It is detected that the loyalty of your subordinate Cinderella has reached 110%, and you are awarded the title: Destiny!】

【Your current identity in the Lord System: Lord of Destiny! 】

Richard suddenly heard the system’s prompt sound in his ears. Hearing this, he was stunned:

“Lord of Destiny? What does that mean?”

【A lord with the title of destiny can gain destiny experience points as the members of the territory become stronger, and his strength will be enhanced synchronously! 】

Richard’s eyes lit up.

Is this the lord mode? As long as his subordinates improve, he can improve infinitely. And such a panel also determines that his subordinates will never have more power than him.

It means that he will never be afraid of any rebellion!

But he suddenly frowned and asked:

“So if my subordinates are killed, will my strength be affected and reduced?”

【The lord enhanced by the destiny attribute is not affected by the casualties of his subordinates. Even if his subordinates die, the lord’s own strength will not be reduced!

The strength enhanced by destiny to the host is determined by the process of the territory members becoming stronger. This strengthening process cannot be controlled by you.】

“In other words, even if all my subordinates died, my strength would not change? If I recruit another subordinate, and the new subordinate’s strength improves, my strength will still improve at the same time?”

Richard asked this question to know whether he needed to let the remaining living subordinates make up for the”lack” strength.

【Yes, host! 】

After hearing this, Richard felt relieved and asked again:

“What can Destiny Experience be used for?”

【Destiny experience points can be used to extract various skills to improve yourself more reasonably!】

“Very good!”

A smile suddenly appeared on Richard’s lips.

This system is really useful.

It brings him a lot of surprises every time!

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