Time was like the waste pit outside the forge, which was gradually filled up, emptied and taken away. Three days passed. It was taken away several times, and several three days passed.

On this day, there was finally no new waste in the waste pit.

At the same time, a cheer came from the forge.

“Quick! Go and inform the Lord! Our 500 breastplates and helmets are all ready!”

Then, a 14-year-old blacksmith apprentice rushed out of the forge and ran towards the Lord’s castle.

“”Is it built?”

Richard heard the report and slowly stopped practicing.

With the title of Heaven’s Destiny, his strength has increased rapidly, but even so, he still does not slack off in his usual practice.

For him, the system can only be an auxiliary. Although this auxiliary is a bit powerful, he cannot slack off.

Good practice habits are what really belong to him.

“Let’s go and have a look!”

Richard led his men out of the castle.

In the forging department, Richard looked at the neatly arranged finished products in the warehouse.���These breastplates and helmets nodded secretly.

He reached out and took out a few, tapped on them with his fingers, and judged the quality of the breastplates and helmets by the sound.

Richard sighed softly, just barely qualified!

When the blacksmiths on the side saw Richard sigh, they were immediately frightened and sweated profusely, and knelt down directly.

Richard glanced at them and said:

“Get up! The stuff is qualified, just barely qualified, but this is not your problem, but the existing smelting technology is not mature enough.”

Several people were relieved.

Then, Richard ordered people to send these things to the militia training camp.

“In addition, five hundred previously forged spears were also sent over!”



In the militia training camp, everyone is training as usual

“Cheer up! The Lord has scheduled the attack on the Swamp Witch in the next few days. The more you sweat during training, the less blood you will shed on the battlefield!

If I see anyone’s movements not standard or not keeping up with the team today, don’t blame me for not including you in the report of your military exploits later!”

Charles led the militia in the training camp while shouting and commanding everyone.

Helen kept patrolling around the team, her sharp eyes staring at everyone so hard that their backs ached.

At this moment, a team of horse hooves sounded, coming from far away.

Everyone knew that the lord had come, and they trained even harder.

After all, in this territory, only the lord can ride a horse with a group of subordinates.

If it was just a single horse hoof sound, there might still be a knight’s attendant passing on the order, but if it was a team, it must be the lord.

Richard didn’t mean to show off with a group of subordinates, he didn’t need it.

Now with his prestige, even if he came alone, no one would dare to fart.

The main thing is that there are subordinates following, and they can be assigned to do things at any time.

There is no way, it’s not like there were mobile phones or walkie-talkies in the previous life.

“Charles, assemble, let them come over!”

Richard jumped off his horse and gave the order

“”Yes!” Charles shouted immediately,”Everyone, stand at attention! Look to the center! March in step!”

“Stand still!”

“Report to the Lord, we have assembled!”

Under Charles’s skilled command, everyone stood in front of Richard in an orderly manner, and Helen also stood up straight on one side.

Richard looked at everyone, nodded and smiled:

“Very good! You are in great spirits! It seems that the results of the two months of training have not been wasted.”

Hearing his casual praise, everyone was excited!

After all, this was the first time they were praised, and everyone was excited, as if they had won a great honor!

Richard was their god, and getting Richard’s recognition was everything to them!

“I said last time that the beginning of this month is the time for us to attack the swamp witch. In my territory, Richard, no other forces are allowed to exist, not even witches!

And you are the weapon I use to protect my home and my people and deter the villains!”

As Richard finished speaking, Helen immediately led everyone to shout:

“Swear allegiance to the Lord until death!”

“”Swear allegiance to the Lord until death!”

The shouts shook the earth and sky. Birds in the distance were startled and flapped their wings. Farmers working in the fields also looked sideways.

Richard waited for their voices to die down and continued:

“Today, I will distribute these equipment and weapons to you. You will have one day to adapt to these equipment, and then rest for a night. We will start the battle tomorrow!

Do you understand?”


The crowd was excited!

These people had seen the equipment a long time ago, and when they heard Richard say that he would send it to them now, everyone was so excited that their eyes were about to pop out.

“I ask you again, are you afraid of fighting witches?”

“No fear! No fear! No fear!”

“Very good! Then prepare for battle!”

“Wherever the lord’s whip points, that’s the direction we attack!”

However, the figures of the crowd still did not shake at all, and it was obvious that they were already a well-trained and disciplined team.

Because they had seen blood with Richard before, and later defeated the tree spirits countless times in the jungle, they no longer had that kind of fear and cowardice.

They were already a unit with certain actual combat capabilities.

Soon, as sets of equipment were distributed, when everyone stood in front of Richard again, they were neatly dressed, and they were already a 500-man spear reinforcement unit!

As the owner of the militia training camp, Richard naturally knew that they had already comprehended the spear tactics, and one day was enough for them to rehearse and familiarize themselves with it.

More importantly, they were just familiar with the weight and feel of the new equipment.

With the strength attributes that each of them now possessed, these were not a problem

“Charles, take your men and walk around the territory and show them to my people!”


The troops set out immediately!

Richard wanted to let the people see the might of this army and increase their confidence.

Wherever the army went, everyone was excited.

“So impressive! We have such a powerful army, and we will be safer in the future!”

“I saw my husband, he was right there in the middle, holding a spear, so majestic!”

“My son was in there too and I found it too!”

“That person over there is my neighbor. He is really different now than before!”

Everyone was very excited.

【From bronze to steel, you have demonstrated extraordinary dominance and built a force with certain combat capabilities!

Facing the threat of the swamp witch, you acted after careful consideration and did not intend to retreat!】

【In your planning, you have ushered in a primary battle, please make all preparations as soon as possible! After all, the enemy will not always wait for you in the same place! 】

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