Richard led a group of people, led by the secretary, and headed towards the salt mine.

From a distance, they saw Ali with a dozen people surrounding a place for security.

The rest of the people were still working in the swamps in other areas.

As soon as the unicorn who came with them arrived at the swamp, he began to run to the fields diligently to induce labor.

Richard ignored the unicorn and led his people straight to the salt mine.

“Ali, take them to look around to see if there are any other exposed salt mines!”

Richard gave the order as soon as he jumped off his horse.

After Ali saluted, he immediately led his men to disperse.

Richard observed the snow-white salt mine on the ground, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This is a good thing with huge profits!

In the past, they dug salt wells, took out the brine from the shallow underground, and then turned it into edible salt through various processing.

Now that they have this salt mine, at least in the short term, they will not lack salt. At least from the exposed area, there should be no problem in supplying Changying Territory for decades.

And if the area of the exposed salt mine is not large enough, then it will really make a fortune!

So the first thing to determine now is how big this salt mine is.

“Lord, according to my humble estimation, this salt mine should be larger than the area in front of us. When the swamp was flooded before, a lot of silt was washed over, and there should be some covered areas!” The secretary began to analyze.

Richard nodded:

“Let’s take a look first!”

As he said this, he began to think about some of the knowledge he had mastered in his previous life as an omnipotent keyboard warrior.

While thinking, he looked at the surrounding environment.

He found that there was a protruding highland in the direction of the forest, and the rock highland extended far into the depths of the forest.

He guessed that this place might have been a salt lake countless years ago, and later it became what it is today after vicissitudes of life.

And this salt mine should have been formed in this way.

As for how to confirm this conjecture, Richard’s idea was very simple. He rode directly to the highland one kilometer away.

“You wait here!”

Richard quickly reached the edge of the high ground, and a few meters away from the rock high ground, he directly chopped the soil on the ground with a sword. When he found that there was no harvest, he used his luck and chopped again with the sword.

This time, the soil exploded, and more than a meter below the soil, there was a layer of salt mine!

Richard suppressed his excitement, picked up a salt mine that he had blown out and observed it carefully, then walked to the front of the rock high ground with a few pieces of gravel, and then chopped the rock here again with a sword.

After comparing, Richard was completely excited.

It’s a success, it’s really a success this time!

He looked at the rock high ground that spread to the far distance. Is there any need to find the range?

They are the range!

The method he just used was the gravity exploration method in salt mine exploration.

Using the density difference between the salt ore body and the surrounding rock, he compared the gravity anomaly formed between the two over countless years, and confirmed his previous conjecture.

“Ali, come here! Come by yourself!”Richard waved to Ali who was looking for him in the distance.

Richard smiled and said:

“Take your tools and walk over there along this rocky plateau. Go dig around the protruding part over there to see if there is a salt mine underneath. If so, remember to backfill it and come and report to me!”

Ali looked at the hole on the ground blasted by Richard, and suddenly he was refreshed. He nodded immediately and did what Richard said.

After he left, Richard also filled up the hole on the ground.

After all, it is impossible to dig out all the mines at the same time, so let’s hide them first!

If he can really confirm his guess later, the size of this salt mine will be far beyond Richard’s imagination!

He can’t imagine how rich he will be!

After finishing this, Richard symbolically blew up other places, and didn’t just blow up the edge of the rock plateau.

As expected, there were salt mines underneath.

At this time, Ali also came back. Seeing Ali’s expression, Richard already knew the result and said:

“I understand. You can ask those people to go back and continue to cultivate the land. We don’t need them here anymore.”


Richard took Ali back to the exposed salt mine. At this time, everyone was already looking forward to Richard’s investigation results.

Richard smiled and said to everyone:

“The area is not small. It seems that we are going to make a small fortune. The location I just explored is all over the place where we went to Ali!”

He didn’t tell everyone that in fact, along the rocky plateau, this salt mine is actually ridiculously large.

First, there is no need to mine it slowly in the future, and they will naturally know what they should know.

Second, he was afraid of scaring them.

But even so, the clerk was still scared.

“You mean, this one-kilometer radius is full of salt mines!” Secretary Rhodes’ voice trembled.

Richard smiled and nodded.

At this time, he was also a little emotional. It was nearly 20 kilometers from here to the center of the territory. This distance can be said to be very close.

If it weren’t for the swamp witch’s entrenched presence, I’m afraid this place would have been discovered long ago, and it wouldn’t be his turn to pick up the leak.

And it’s such a big leak!

After all, this place is remote, and usually no one is bored to dig holes in the wild.

If it weren’t for this exposed salt mine on the edge of the swamp, I’m afraid even Richard wouldn’t know that there would be such a huge wealth here.

Since ancient times, no matter which civilization, mining salt mines has been a huge profit. He also has to thank the swamp witch for helping him guard this land for so long!

“Lord, should we cover this place up first? Or should we let the people come and mine it?” Rhodes couldn’t help asking. Richard came back to his senses and laughed:

“Of course, good things should be used immediately. You haven’t had enough well salt, but I want to try something new! Go back and get some help!”

Rod immediately jumped on his horse with a smile, and followed Richard back with everyone else.

In the distance, a unicorn was giving birth, and suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves. Seeing that the owner had run away, how could this be possible!

Then he let out a long neigh, jumped out of the swamp, and caught up with Richard like a gust of wind, galloping side by side with the warhorse under his crotch. He hummed in his mouth, complaining that Richard didn’t call him!

Richard immediately laughed:

“I thought you were having so much fun that you didn’t want to come back! You follow me back now, and you’ll have to come back again later!”

The unicorn neighed excitedly and ran even more happily, indicating that it was willing to run around!

Richard laughed immediately.

He looked at the little unicorn and was also a little amazed. The little guy jumped around in the swamp, and when he came out, his body was still spotless. It was really a bit strange!

“You like jumping in mud puddles so much, you must have been Peppa Pig in your previous life, right?”Richard finished his complaints and burst into laughter. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of the unicorn, what is Peppa Pig?


In the newly built town, the bell of the school rang slowly, and the students came out of the classroom, stretching their bodies.

This school was specially designed by Richard when the new house was built. The large windows on both sides made the classroom bright and transparent.

As soon as it was built, the students were allowed to enter.[]

Of course, I am just studying here, and I still live in a temporary shed with my family at night.

“Hey, left-handed guy! Let me tell you something!”A gray-haired student just walked out of the classroom and leaned outside the window to greet the boy sitting by the window.

“Gurney, don’t bother me, I’m still memorizing knowledge!” The boy pushed Gurney’s hand away, his eyes never leaving the textbook.

It’s called a textbook, but in fact it’s just the knowledge that the children found on the tree bark and memorized it.

“Gurney! Left-handed people are slow learners and are still memorizing. They don’t have time to listen to you and me!” A female student came up.

“I’m talking about a big event in the territory! Why are you joining in the fun?” The gray-haired Gurney looked at the girl with disdain and said,”Okay, let me tell you.”

When they heard that it was a big event in the territory, a group of students gathered around, and even Lefty’s eyes left the textbook.

“During the break of my last class, I heard the teachers say that the lord had transferred another thousand people to the swamp, as if there was some big project!”

“Another big project?” The left-handed man looked doubtful,”Are you serious?”

“Why would I lie to you? If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet!”Gurney vowed.

The students around him also laughed and watched the fun.

“”Okay! I believe you! But if that’s the case, let me calculate. According to the news we heard from the teacher before, there are more than 4,000 people in our territory, 500 militiamen, 500 people growing vegetables, and now there are 1,000 people working on the big project. If we remove all the students in our school, wouldn’t there be only more than 1,000 people?” said the left-handed man, moving his fingers.

“Among these more than a thousand people, you didn’t tell me that five hundred of them stayed behind to take care of the wheat fields!”

“Yes, so there are only 500 people left looking for food? Even if we add the militiamen who are participating in the hunt, it’s still a little too few!” said the gray-haired Gurney.

“I was thinking of this question as well. I think we should help find food after school!” Lefty suggested.

Everyone immediately thought it made sense.

It must be said that although Lefty was a slow learner, he had never fallen behind in grades due to his hard work, and he still had a good appeal among the students.

In no time, they arranged who would notify other classes, who would go to the forest safety zone to find wild vegetables and mushrooms after school, who would be responsible for climbing trees to find nuts, and who would help mend the fishing nets.

At this time, the head teacher’s voice suddenly rang out:

“.You can go and help, but if anyone can’t recite the homework tomorrow, don’t blame me for punishing you to stay behind!”

Everyone said that they could recite while working.

Xinton shrugged: Just be happy.

I have to say that the little guys are still good. They know that they have to serve the lord.

Xinton feels that his education career is taking off!

Me! The dean of the Royal Academy of the Eagle Empire! Bester Xinton!

The next moment, he suddenly drooped his face.

I feel that I have to improve my knowledge, otherwise with this elementary school level, I am afraid I can’t be a principal in the future!

There seems to be a book seller in the caravan. Save some money to buy books?


At this time, Richard didn’t know that his men had already set their goals to become the deans of the Royal Academy under his command in the future!

From the center of the territory to the swamp, everyone was busy.

Some were chopping trees, some were building bridges, some were laying stone slabs, and some were transporting food and tools for mining salt mines.

Richard had decided to station these 1,000 people here!

“Quick! Quick! Quick! Everybody run!”

“You over there, don’t just stand there, right! I’m talking to you! Bring us some vines, the longer ones, we’re going to tie the wood of the bridge together!”

“Please get a few people over there and help clean the branches of the felled trees. We don’t have enough manpower!”

“You guys, take your sickles and cut as much hay as you can! We’ll need it for the roof later! And we’ll have to deal with the vines and mud! Well, there’s mud all over the place!”

“Everyone in the Eighth Squad, work harder! We must level the twenty kilometers of road today!”

“Hey, you can’t think straight! You don’t fill a hole with soil, but you plan to dig a layer around it. Your home must have been very clean two months ago! The feces have all filled your brain! Fill it up quickly!”

More than a dozen leaders of the leading groups were frantically directing their men according to their own division of labor.

Although the scene was chaotic, everything was finally carried out in an orderly manner.

Richard was also busy explaining to Ali the precautions for mining:

“The living shed will be built last. First, a 20-meter-square shed will be built on the exposed salt mine. I need to ensure that when mining the salt mine, no rainwater will come into the pit when digging down! Do you understand?”

“Yes, Lord!”

Ali quickly wrote on the wooden block.

“Also, find me the person who was previously in charge of refining well salt. I will tell him the method of refining salt mines and let him be in charge of the operation! Remember?”

After a series of instructions, Richard finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no other way, he couldn’t help but be anxious.

As the saying goes, if you don’t go out when the morning glow appears, you can travel a thousand miles when the evening glow appears. If there is a morning glow in the morning, it will probably rain today. If we don’t start working today, I’m afraid the construction period will be delayed for another day. With such a large salt mine and such huge profits, if Richard doesn’t get it in his mouth, he will dream of working with his subjects at night.

The premise is that he can sleep.

Richard looked at everything in front of him and felt helpless. There were still too few people! It

‘s not that he didn’t want to mobilize more people, but it was really that other places couldn’t draw any more people.

There was no way to regulate this.

Now the only hope is that the merchants will come quickly!

He needs people, a large number of people!

The number of people in the Long Eagle Territory at present, in his previous life, was just the number of people in a northern village.

He wanted to do something a little bit, but he thought there were not enough people.

Richard was speechless and wanted to curse his mother. He only hated that his system was not a taming system, otherwise he would directly recruit all the monkeys in the forest!

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