In the castle, Cinderella took the witch’s notebook and read it while thinking about the knowledge in it.

Her left hand was fiddling with a piece of unknown substance. In her palm, it turned into a golden and soft thing, then into a semi-fluid state, and then into a black hard block. Now it has become a beautiful diamond-shaped stone with silver reflections…

When she was thirsty, she scooped some juice from the wooden barrel next to her. This was the juice that the unicorn extracted from the fruit when he was idle in the castle.

Two or three hours have passed, and it is still icy, as if the temperature is kept constant.

Cinderella envied the unicorn’s ability very much. In her opinion, this is really incredible, and it is beyond her understanding of magic.

But this is a talent, and the unicorn can’t teach her, just like some people’s voices are born to be as gentle and moving as larks, while others need to get up every morning to warm up their voices and practice hard for many years to do it.

This kind of thing can’t be envied.

With the rest of the past few days, Cinderella’s magic has almost recovered. She really wants to go to the mine to see and do something for her master.

But Richard told her that she must study at home, saying that sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. If she learns more about the secrets of material conversion now, she will be able to help him more in the future.

Cinderella understood this truth, but still felt a little regretful.

However, Richard also told her that the 20-kilometer road from the castle to the salt mine is now being leveled. When the workers are done, he will send someone to inform her and let her go to petrification.

Thinking of this, Cinderella was a little excited and hoped that the workers could work faster.

As long as she could go to the scene, she would have the opportunity to meet her master by the way.

For her master, she is willing to humble herself to the dust!

Tired of studying, Cinderella put away the unknown substance and the witch’s notes in her hand and put them on her body, slowly walked to the edge of the castle, and looked at the scenery of the entire Long Eagle Territory.

The view here is excellent, and it is also a place where Richard often comes.

From here, you can see a very large range, and you can see 40,000 acres of wheat fields.

At this time, the wheat fields are already green, and the long wind blows, and the waves of wheat are as beautiful as the deep green sea.

As Richard expected, the rain that was foreshadowed by the morning glow finally fell, but it was just a drizzle. Even if you stand in the rain for a long time, your clothes will not get wet.

So Cinderella was not in a hurry to go back to the room.

The rainy Changying Territory is another scene. Under such a filter, the color of the wheat field has become lighter, as if it really looks like the color of the sea.

The people who are still working in the fields are like fishermen on the beach. Every time they bend down to pull weeds, it is like catching fish.

She knows that these are all the master’s property. As long as it is related to Richard, she can watch it for a lifetime and will never feel enough.

Due to the arrival of rain, the people who were still diverting water for irrigation have re-blocked the gaps in the canal.

Then they also joined the ranks of weeding. When everyone gets together, even if they are not lazy, they can’t help but find some topics to talk about, and there is always someone who can’t help but speak first.

“Speaking of which, I still can’t believe the changes here since the Lord’s arrival!”

Someone started it, and everyone laughed and joined in.

“Of course not! To be honest, I was just a slave before, unlike many of you who are tenants and free men. I never thought that the arrival of the lord would make me equal to everyone else!”

“Haha, equal enslavement, right?”

“Don’t let anyone hear what you say and complain that you are dissatisfied with the lord’s arrangement!”

“”Don’t! I didn’t mean that! But to be honest, I was really scared at that time! At first, I really thought I was going to be enslaved and exploited, and I thought he was a very scary and terrifying lord. I didn’t expect that our situation is getting better and better now!”

Everyone smiled when they heard his explanation, and didn’t bother with this man.

“Was it scary before? I think the Lord is still scary now. Although the Lord is very harsh, I heard that someone was castrated today! But at least for me, the results that the Lord brought us are all good!”

“It is just that we are much busier now than before. Think about it, now we have many things to do every day, and we have no time to rest all day, but before we could occasionally be lazy! And before, after finishing work, we could find a place to sleep, bask in the sun, and scratch the lice and fleas on our bodies. Haha, compared with now, it is much more relaxed.”

“Catching fleas and lice? Catch one now and show it to me? Everyone is much cleaner now! But you are not completely right. Some people go to the mountain to pray after work every day. The mountain on the west side is trampled by them so much that no grass grows!”

Everyone laughed again.

Then someone sighed:

“Compared to the days now, we were just like pigs back then. No wonder the lord kept calling us pigs. I didn’t understand before, thinking that this was just a habitual way for the adults to call us, but now I can probably understand it. We were pigs back then!

Someone laughed and said:

“Do you think we are no longer pigs now? The Lord is just changing us, making us less like pigs little by little. But the Lord also said last time that we have not yet reached the requirements!”

“I guess we’ll have to wait until the wheat is harvested. By then we’ll move into our new house and we won’t be pigs anymore!”

“Your ideas are still too young. I think there should be something else. I feel that the lord has his own plan. As long as we follow it, we will definitely be able to change it!”

The man before despised:

“I’ve been talking for so long, but you still don’t know the answer. You just open your mouth and refute me. Wait until you figure it out yourself, then you can say that I’m young!”

“What you said makes sense, but I don’t really understand it. You said that in the past we worked hard all year and still couldn’t get enough to eat, but now we still work hard and can get enough to eat? How is that true?”

“That’s right, at that time we had to pay taxes to the lord, the king, and the religious deacons would also come to ask for money. The money we had left was not enough to live on! Even if we were hungry and full, we would still be in debt for a long time!”

“Isn’t it much better now! Although the lord has taken away our property and land, and made us serve him, and whipped us like a spinning top, working from sunrise to sunset every day, and even forced us to learn to read at night, we can still have enough food to eat!”When everyone heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Someone suddenly looked at one person and said:

“Old George, wasn’t your family quite rich in the past? You didn’t lack food and clothing back then. I’d like to know what you think of the present?”

Old George laughed, revealing a mouthful of white teeth on his tanned face:

“Although you were my tenant before, I didn’t bully you much, did I? My rent is much cheaper than others, you won’t find fault with me now, right?”

The man picked up a pile of weeds on the ground and threw them on the ground, then walked towards the field while waving his hands:

“I don’t mean that! I’m just curious!”

Several people around him also asked him to speak.

Old George smiled and stopped refusing:

“All right! Then I’ll tell you! Speaking of which, the lord has taken back all my property and belongings, but to be honest, if I were given a chance to choose now, I would probably choose the life I have now!”

“You used to be a person who didn’t have to work! Can you really like your current life? If you say nice things, then (bidh) it’s meaningless, George!”Someone didn’t believe it.

George glanced at him:

“If there is a choice in front of you now, one is to go back to the past and give you my identity and property, and the other is now, which one would you choose?”

Everyone was stunned. They really hadn’t thought about this question, but after thinking about it, they finally said that now is the best.

George smiled and said:

“That’s it! Now you believe that I sincerely support the Lord! In the past, our territory had few resources and people were too lazy, so even if I had some money, it was not easy to eat meat. You all know the dangers of the forest!

Now it seems that I have lost my things and property, but now I eat better than before. You used to be hungry, but now you look at each other, you are all strong. I won’t be surprised if there are a few fat people among you in the future!”

“Yes, we can still eat meat every now and then!” Someone nodded and said,”But what bothers me most now is that I have to learn literacy compulsorily when I go back home at night, which is really a bit overwhelming for me!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Yes, it’s fine if the children study, but why do we have to study too? If this were in other territories, wouldn’t only the nobles have the qualifications? I can’t understand why the lord would do this!” One person sighed in agreement

“The master has his own reasons. No matter what the use is, at least we now have the opportunity to enjoy the things that only nobles can learn elsewhere. This is all the master’s favor!”

“Yes, this shows that the master has unusual ideas. Although he calls us pigs, he is really good to us and gives us the opportunity to come into contact with different levels!”

“Speaking of this, have you read the agricultural book that the master had someone compile some time ago? I can understand part of it now. Think about it, if you have the opportunity to read other books that record skills and knowledge in the future, can you learn more?”

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt that this was the truth and nodded.[]

“That’s so true! If that happens, I might even be able to learn the Knight’s Breathing Technique!”

“I don’t want to think about the breathing method anymore, but if there are records of hunting techniques, then I can join the hunting team. The people in charge of hunting will have meat to eat every day!”

“We have come this far, and you still think it is so simple. Be bolder. Can we learn how to build ships and how to manage people through the knowledge in the books? Then we will have a chance to become a lord’s favorite.���Talents!”

The more they talked, the more excited they became. They began to have dreams and hopes for the future. This was absolutely impossible in the past.

Just like what Richard often said, a person’s attitude determines his height.

If you don’t dare to dream of becoming president, you may not even be able to become a small lord.

And now, under the influence and change of Richard, these people’s thoughts have begun to change.

From a group of zombie-like pigs, they have become a group of people with dreams.

Although most of them may not have the opportunity to realize their dreams, this change is a change in the atmosphere of the entire Changying Territory.

Only when this new style is established can it serve as a benchmark for those who join the Changying Territory in the future!


The weather was good, and it drizzled for three days, which did not delay people’s work and thoroughly moistened the earth.

Although it was just a drizzle, as the atmospheric pressure decreased, the nutrients in the water became insufficient.

The fish in the river began to surface, looking for oxygen.

So this kind of weather is also a time for fishing teams to have a good harvest.

Early in the morning, a group of people in charge of fishing on the river were holding fishing nets and casting nets, and the scene was very lively.

People on the shore kept transporting the fish back for processing.

At this time, one of the fishermen turned his head inadvertently, and suddenly stared at the river in a daze.

The next moment, the man immediately shouted:

“”A big ship is coming! Everyone, run!”

In this era, owning a big ship means that you are definitely not a commoner. If you are not a river pirate, you are a slave trader. Once they are captured, they will never have such a good life in Changying Territory.

So everyone immediately closed the net and ran away.

“What’s wrong with you! This weather is perfect for fishing. If you don’t want to live, don’t drag me down with you!”

The guard who was working near the center of the territory saw them coming back and immediately scolded them.

Although these people were usually managed by the twenty or so team leaders that Richard had chosen from among them, the guard’s jurisdiction was not small at the comprehensive level. Especially when they were obviously working against common sense and passively, the guard had the right to hear the news and report it to the higher-ups in a timely manner.

Otherwise, it would be dereliction of duty and they would be dragged down by the guards below.

Those people quickly told the guard about the situation, and the guard turned around and ran away when he heard it:

“You wait, I’ll report to the militia!”

In this kind of special situation, the militia is usually informed first. While the militia takes precautions, Charles or Helen will consider whether to report to the lord.

After reporting through layers of reports, Richard, who was far away in the mine, quickly received the news. He immediately rode up to a high ground and saw a large ship slowly approaching.

The ship’s waterline was very deep, and it should be loaded with a lot of things.

Richard checked through the system, marked the large ship in the distance, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party was a neutral force to him, and the owner was Martins, the head of the caravan who came last time.

At this time, Ali also rode up on horseback, and Richard directly ordered:

“That’s a merchant ship. Let’s get some wood over there and find a place with deep water to build a simple dock for temporary berthing!”

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