Standing up and stretching, Richard was stunned when he suddenly saw hundreds of people still standing in the square.

Then he remembered that he had forgotten about them just now.

These slaves did not get the right to allocate houses, and the envy in their eyes was almost flowing out.

Moreover, they did not receive Richard's new order, and they dared not leave. They didn't even know whether the lord specially asked them to watch.

They were all a little sad in their hearts.

They didn't dare to expect all this, because they knew that they were just bought slaves, not native residents here, and perhaps they would never have such qualifications in their entire lives.

Until they died of exhaustion in the salt mine.

Even those slaves who were selected for various skills at the beginning and did not stay in the salt mine, now lowered their heads sadly.

Their identity determines their inferiority.

Richard walked up to them and said:

"A few months ago, in my eyes, those people were no different from you, and their living and eating conditions were even worse than yours in the mine.

Now, through their own labor, they have obtained my promise and rewards.

All of you remember, as long as you work hard for me, you will have everything they have!

In Changying Territory, everyone eats according to their ability, and enjoys everything given by the lord according to their ability!

Remember it all?"

As Richard spoke, their eyes became brighter and brighter, from doubt to disbelief, to now surprise.

They couldn't believe that they could be the same as the natives.

Almost in the blink of an eye, their spirits changed!


Although the voice was not neat, it was very powerful!

"Asimu, come out! Richard shouted.

A man ran out quickly:

"Asimu is here!"

Asimu seemed to be overwhelmed by surprise. He didn't expect that his master would call him out at this time. He immediately felt as if he had been honored.

"During the harvest, you have made great contributions. From now on, you follow me, and you also have a house!"Richard said with a smile.

Asimu was stunned and knelt on the ground and bowed repeatedly:

"Asimu thanks his master for the reward!"

"Get up!" Richard glanced at Hinton behind him,"Hinton, have someone take him to clean up, and then let him learn knowledge from you for a while!"

"Yes, sir!"Sinton nodded immediately.


At night, the stars are shining.

The whole square is full of bonfires, and in the center of the square is a large bonfire.

Even the clouds in the sky are slightly red.

On the edge of the square, the cooks are busy preparing bread and barbecue.

Countless long tables are placed in a circle around the square, and they are full of food.

There are waiters constantly shuttling between the tables and the cooks' work areas to replenish the food on the table at any time.

Some people also took out the wine diluted with water from the lord's warehouse, and then pulled it here one by one with ox carts.

"Thank you for your generosity, sir!"

"Thank you for the reward, lord!"

"Thank you for your mercy, sir!"

""Thank you for your grace, lord!"

Led by the head of the police, everyone kept shouting slogans.

Richard sat on the platform illuminated by the bonfire, enjoying the food on the table with Cinderella while accepting everyone's thanks.

He smiled and waved the big leg of lamb in his hand:

"Well! Is it that the food on the table can't attract you, or the wine in the glass is not dazzling enough? Go and enjoy the fun!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and then, they took the food and started singing and dancing.

"Master, they are so happy!"

Cinderella looked at the people jumping at the bonfire party with envy in her eyes.

"If you are bored, go join them!" Richard took a sip of the wine without water and said with a smile.

Cinderella looked at the crowd, then at the meat and wine on the table in front of her, grabbed a roasted crocodile leg and took a big bite. Her cheeks suddenly bulged up, looking very cute:

"I'll go after I'm full!"

Li Jue found it funny and couldn't help laughing.

The two of them were unconsciously infected by the atmosphere of the scene. They sat on the chairs and chatted, and their bodies naturally followed the rhythm.

"Ali, go! Liven up the atmosphere!"

"All right!" Ali, who was standing aside and shaking, glanced at the knights and attendants around him and waved his hand,"Brothers, let's go, let's set an example for the people and make the atmosphere more lively!"

""Good!" Several people started to cheer, dancing and screaming, and slowly approached the bonfire.

"Ladies and gentlemen, dance and sing. Everyone must be drunk tonight! I have good news for you. We have something good coming up. Whoever dances the best will be given a piece of supernatural flesh by me!"

The people cheered and the atmosphere became extremely heated.

Everyone completely let go of themselves and started dancing crazily.

Some people's long hair was flying, some people were spinning on the spot, and some people were jumping wildly. It was simply a carnival of demons dancing wildly.

At first, they were still going for the supernatural roast meat that Ali had mentioned, but later, no one cared about any reward.

What supernatural flesh, what restraint, at this moment, there was only carnival!

No one chose to save their stomachs. They ate what they should eat and drank what they should drink. They were drunk even with wine without the taste of alcohol.

Or did they make their heads dizzy? Who cares! Just be happy!

Old George shook his legs while adding wine to his glass from the barrel. When he saw the young man wandering over, he immediately raised his glass high:

"Hi! Dear neighbor! Would you like to have a drink?

The young man turned around and handed over the glass:

"Of course, my old friend!"

The two drank the"beautiful" wine, swaying their bodies, with an expression of extraordinary enjoyment on their faces.

Where had they drunk wine before? Not to mention wine, they had never drunk wine diluted with water.

To them, it was not so much that the wine was diluted with water, but rather that the water they drank was added with pure and beautiful wine. The subtle, hazy, and looming wine flavor was simply intoxicating.

It was very much like the hazy feeling of a girl in a translucent gauze skirt in front of them.

It was simply a fatal temptation!

"Hey! Dear neighbor, it seems you haven't introduced your name yet!" Old George shook his head and asked. Before the young man answered, he shook his head to the other side, and the next second he shook his head back and looked at him.

"My name is Manison! What about you, Old George!"Manison shouted casually while dancing sexy.

Old George shouted instantly:"My aunt's name is Old George!"

Then, he looked in the direction of Manison's eyes, and suddenly realized why the boy was distracted.

What a little beauty!

Healthy complexion, regular facial features, deep eyes, although her hands are all calloused from labor, who here is not!

As he looked, a familiar big chest blocked his sight. After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Old George smiled awkwardly:

"Hey, wife! If, I mean if, I just want to check for Manison, do you believe it?"

The woman smiled mechanically and exaggeratedly and shook her head:

"Hey, old husband! If, I mean if, I just want to hold your handle and make you deliver enough goods to me tonight, do you believe it?"

Old George was stunned for a moment:

"Honey, don't be like this, I still have to work tomorrow!"

The woman smiled and took out a piece of meat:

"Look, I just got a piece of extraordinary meat. Don’t worry about releasing it. It won’t delay your work tomorrow!"

""Ah! You must have danced very well just now!" Old George raised his eyebrows.

"That's right! Otherwise, how could I get the extraordinary meat that Lord Ali personally rewarded? Lord Ali is much more manly than you!"The woman smiled evilly.

"Oh! God! Come on, let's forget about our troubles!" Old George surrendered, pulled his wife and began to dance like crazy.

Some people around were happily eating bread, some were eating barbecue, and more and more people were holding hands and singing the folk tunes passed down by the old people in Long Eagle Territory.

Manison imitated the adults and shook the wine glasses in their hands and walked towards the girl in front.


"Hey!" The girl clinked glasses with him,"What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at a painting!" Manison stared into the girl's eyes.

"What painting?" The girl twisted flexibly, without spilling a drop of the wine in her hand.

"《Girl by the bonfire》"

""Wow! That must be a famous artist. Can I ask the artist's name?" the girl asked.

"You have the same name as your parents. I also want to know how they created such a stunning work! They must have been the golden boy and girl of Changying Territory when they were young!"

"You are really good at talking!" The girl laughed

"I also want to ask a question." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ask now! I can’t wait to answer you!" The girl is looking forward to

"Can I ask what the girl in this painting is called?" Manison smiled.

"Her name is Gurubeva, of course!"

"Beautiful name! I also want to ask……"

Before Manison finished speaking, his lips were blocked by something soft.

After a while, the two separated, and Gurubeva hugged Manison's neck and whispered in his ear:

"Don't ask, let's go over there and I'll tell you slowly!"

She pointed to the grove nearby.


"Who else!"

Amy took off her shirt and waved it wildly above her head.

Next to her was the militiaman who had just been knocked to the ground by him.

"I'll do it!"

Yoseph laughed and came forward.

Then, the two began to wrestle!

The men around them cheered wildly.

"Come on Captain Amy!"

"Captain Joseph, fuck him!"

Someone laughed and said:[]

"Who wants to bet with me? I bet Captain Amy wins, and if she loses, she drinks!"

"I bet with you!"The members of Team 2 were dissatisfied.

In a blink of an eye, Team 1 and Team 2 started betting against each other.

"Hey! Little Jamie, who will win from your three teams?"One of the team members shouted.

The man called Little Jamie looked at both sides:

"I can't represent Team 3, I personally support Captain Amy!"

Someone stood up and shouted:

"Brothers, I'm from Team 5, I'll be the host. Those who support Captain Amy stand on the left, and those who support Captain Joseph stand on the right!"

"Why are you the host?" Someone laughed and made fun of him.

"No matter which side wins, I will drink, okay?" The man from Team Five laughed.


Then everyone quickly split into two camps, one side was Amy's cheerleading team, and the other side was Joseph's cheerleading team.

The atmosphere became more and more lively, and even many people in the territory began to gather around and join the two camps.

After all, the militia was also selected from the people in the territory, and everyone knew each other.

The outside of the field was lively, and the two people in the field were also in full swing.

The two kept changing their pace, changing their own support points, and pushing or pulling with their arms, trying to destroy each other's balance in order to find the opponent's flaws.

At the same time, they had to stabilize their bodies to avoid being knocked down and suppressed. The two were deadlocked for a long time. Suddenly, Joseph seemed to see an opportunity. He saw that his strength suddenly released and retracted, and he firmly seized the opportunity while Amy was looking for balance. He turned around and gave Amy an over-the-shoulder throw.

Amy reacted very quickly. Her legs were bent in the air. She stabilized her body the moment she landed. Almost before her feet touched the ground, her hands were ready. At this moment, she suddenly pulled Joseph to the ground.

Amy pounced and tried to hold her down. Joseph was quick-witted. He slammed his heels on the ground, creating two pits and pulling his upper body out! The fight between the two caused cheers from the surroundings!

Amy slapped the ground with her left hand, and her upper body led her feet to follow. She caught Joseph's left hand, but Joseph just turned sideways and stood firm again. The two returned to the anxious state at the beginning. The hourglass on the side soon reached the bottom. As someone knocked the wooden stick in his hand to announce that the time was up, the two ended up with no winner!

"Host, what do you say?"

"Haha, since none of you have lost, of course I will drink! Two cups! Are you manly enough?"The host of Team 5 laughed.

Everyone was also happy. They did not let the host drink alone, but raised their glasses together.

When they put down their glasses, they found that the light around them became colorful.

Looking carefully, they found that each of the small bonfires had flames of different colors.

As for the big bonfire, it was even more outrageous. Flames of various colors merged together, which was incredible.

When they were looking for the reason, they finally found the witch Cinderella.

Cinderella saw that her achievements were discovered by everyone, and she immediately opened her arms, showing her elegance:

"Dream world, do you like it?"

"I like it!"

Everyone cheered

"Then let's dance!"

Cinderella threw a handful of sand into the air over the bonfire.

The sand turned into something unknown in the air. When it was burned by the flames, it suddenly burst into a sky full of colorful stars, which was magnificent.

Everyone was intoxicated and dancing.

Not far away, Richard looked at everything in front of him, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he picked up the wine glass and drank the last glass of wine tonight.

Cheers to the future!

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