It was already late at night, and the bonfire was about to die down. Richard put down his glass and stood up.

The crowd in the square noticed Richard's action and stopped.

The battle in the grove also stopped instantly. The boy and girl with their pants held up came out and stood with the crowd.

"Everyone, are you enjoying yourself tonight?"

Richard's voice rang through the burning bonfire and echoed in everyone's ears.

"Have fun!"Everyone had a smile on their face.

Richard smiled:

"Just enjoy yourself. After all, after tonight, you will have to continue working tomorrow."

No one said anything. They knew it was normal. They felt that having a happy experience tonight was enough for them.

"However, how about we celebrate like this every year? Every year on this day, I will prepare wine and better and more meat, and you can enjoy it to your heart's content!"

"Long live the Lord!"

Ali raised his arms and shouted

""Long live the Lord!"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

What do you mean tonight is enough for this life? I didn't say that! Didn't the Lord say that there will be more meat every year in the future!

New expectations appeared in everyone's eyes again.

"Since it happens every year, this should be considered a festival, what do you think?"

Richard looked at the audience.

Tonight, he hoped to interact with everyone.


Someone was brave enough to shout first, and then countless people followed suit.

"Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving……"

When the voice fell, the leader of the group took the lead and shouted loudly:

"It was the lord who led us to live a good life in the"340s", leaving the cesspool, reclaiming the land, and exterminating witches and fishmen.……"

"Did the Lord take away our freedom? No, the Lord gave us a new life!"

The crowd shouted:

"Thank you, lord!"

Then, under the leadership of the leader, everyone shouted slogans in unison:

"It is the grace He bestowed upon us!"

"Let us have food!"

"Let us have peace!"

"Let us have health!"

"Let us thank our Lord!"


"Thank you, Lord!"


Richard was very satisfied with the people's self-awareness. He also felt that this patron was a talent and could be reused.

After all, after the houses were divided, their living conditions were different from before.

The specific jurisdiction and responsibilities also needed to be re-arranged.

Afterwards, the music ended and everyone went back to their homes.

Richard waved his hand and asked Rhodes to stay.

"Rhodes, how is the preparation for the management system of the new district going?" Richard asked.

Rhodes thought for a moment and said:

"My Lord, our residential area is currently divided into four districts, and only six streets are divided in one district. I plan to set up a management office in each street to facilitate the management of the people. The report is ready. If you need it, I will get it for you immediately!"

Richard waved his hand:

"Not for now, let’s discuss and come up with a charter first, and then you can directly revise the report and give it to me, so as to avoid the trouble of revising it again and again!"

"Yes! Please give me your instructions, lord!" Rhodes filled Richard's glass with wine and bowed his head respectfully.

Richard picked up the glass and shook it gently and said:

"There are six streets, of which the militiamen and their families live on streets 6 to 10, and the remaining less than 200 households live on streets 14 and 15.

The five streets with militiamen's families will be managed by the head of the first ward, Khalil Clayton. The remaining six heads of wards, except for Felide of 4 and Shamari of 7 who will manage streets 14 and 15 respectively, will be divided into two to serve as Clayton's deputies, and the remaining two to serve as deputies for streets 14 and 15, so that they can learn how others manage.

When the population increases in the future, these people will be trained and can be used."

"Yes!" Rhodes bowed.

Richard looked at Hinton and said:

"Are there any students in the academy who are 14 or 15 years old and good at management? Pick two of them and have them study in the morning and learn how to handle affairs with Clayton in the afternoon. Give them some opportunities to exercise.

As for the number of places, let's just give them 4!"

Sinton thought about it and nodded immediately.

"Lord, rest assured, I will arrange for them tomorrow!"

Then Richard looked at Ali:

"What is the male-female ratio among the slaves?"

"About 300 for men and 200 for women."Ali answered immediately.

Richard smiled:

"The response is quite fast, and the homework is well done!"

Ali bowed his head:

"The lord taught me well!"

"Martins' efficiency is too low. I recently sent people to contact several caravans. The next batch of slaves will arrive soon. At that time, we will coordinate with them according to the ratio of men to women. But there is no rush for this matter. You have it in mind.

Wait until the planting season is over! At that time, you can prepare some manpower and build some houses at the salt mine for these male and female slaves to live in. Check them every week, and report those who are pregnant in time. By then, they will be the blood of our territory."

At this point, he glanced at Hinton:

"Hinton should also prepare and strive to have a group of students who can teach children to read within three years."

"Yes!" Hinton and Ali saluted at the same time


A new day is also another new starting point after the harvest of the territory.

Under the wind direction deliberately controlled by Richard, the wheat stubble in the field was burned.

Countless insect eggs were burned to death, and the dust left by the wheat stubble became ash, nourishing the land.

Just then a light rain came, wetting the dry land, and completely blending the ash with the soil, which saved Richard from using his ability to adjust the weather.

Although he didn't plan to adjust it.

After a rain, the land was slightly moist, but not too muddy, slightly softer, and easier to plow and turn.

It saved a lot of cattle power.

In order to speed up the progress, Richard also asked people to add a small amount of extraordinary plants to the cattle's fodder, which was too much in the forest.

As the strength of Richard's militia increased, more and more resources began to emerge in this undeveloped forest. In two days, the land was turned over twice.

Ali received soybean seeds from Richard, which was what they were going to plant next. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since soybean cultivation requires deeper soft soil, Richard had them turn the land over again.

This was also to increase the soil's permeability and drought and waterlogging resistance.

After all, Richard's lord points were not blown by the wind. If there is no need for weather adjustment, it is better not to use it. Save it early so that you will not be embarrassed when you need to use the points in the future.

At this time, the soybean seeds have not been distributed yet, because the next step is to ridge, which is to turn the soil through the interval method, turning out the ridges one by one, so that the upper part is empty and the lower part is solid.

At the same time, the grooves on both sides of the soybeans are also convenient for water to quickly enter and penetrate the roots during irrigation.

In this process, Ali, under Richard's instructions, took advantage of the time of ridge formation to put the bean seeds on the square for exposure to the sun, and the insect eggs hidden on the surface of the seeds were killed by the sun.

During this period of time, Richard has been checking the weather in recent days through the system to avoid rain during the drying process.

Fortunately, there is not much rain in the dry season. The one two days ago was just an unexpected timely rain.

Richard also regarded it as a gift from God.

"Lord, some of the soil ridges have been made, can we start planting?"

At the edge of the square, Richard, who came to inspect the drying of seeds, was stopped by Ali, who nodded and said:

"Let's get started! The seeding equipment I asked the carpenter to make some time ago is in the equipment warehouse. You can go to Rod to get it. After you get it, let the cow pull the seeding machine and pour the seeds in."

This kind of seeding machine is not a high-level technology. Richard grew up in the countryside in his previous life. He has seen a lot of this kind of thing, and he doesn't even need to get any drawings from the system.

When he made it, he made the appropriate wheel leaf size based on the hole distance of 10 to 15 centimeters, which can ensure that about 4 kilograms of seeds are consumed per mu of land.

In the afternoon, everything was ready, and Richard was also on site to check the workers' planting situation.

Fortunately, the tools are simple and easy to learn. As long as someone is behind to support the equipment, it will be fine. It is even easier than supporting the plow. The only thing to pay attention to is the pressure to ensure that it is about 5 centimeters into the soil.

Richard checked the land after sowing. After checking it, he waved to Ali.

Ali was shocked when he saw Richard looking at the place where he had sown seeds. He asked with sweat on his forehead:

"Lord, is there something wrong with the sowing? I'll ask them to stop right away!"

Richard waved his hand:[]

"There is no problem with sowing, but the soil moisture is not enough.���You should be able to plant 500 acres before nightfall. Arrange people to compact the planted land immediately. Don't use too much force, just do it like I did......."

As he spoke, Richard stepped lightly on the soil.

"There is a tool specially used for compacting soil in the warehouse, it is the one with a square wooden board under the wooden stick!"

""Okay, I'll arrange it right away!"

Ali nodded and was about to turn around when Richard called him again.

"One hour before closing time, arrange for someone to fill the ditch with water, and be careful not to water the unplanted plots!"Richard ordered,"Go!"

""Okay!" Ali left.

Soybeans need to be pressed after sowing. The main purpose is to promote the seeds to absorb water and germinate, and to increase the emergence rate. Only when the soil is humid, it is not necessary to press. Although the current soil experienced a light rain three or four days ago, it is now obviously too dry.

If the humid land is pressed again, the surface is prone to compaction, which will affect the emergence of seedlings.

In the following days, some people were plowing the ridges in front, some were pushing the seeder in the back, some were responsible for pressing the soil, and some were responsible for watering and sealing the canal.

Everything was in order.

Planting in the afternoon of the first day Five hundred acres, and two thousand acres were planted on the second day. On the third day, more land was available for planting, and more oxen were freed up for plowing. Twenty thousand acres were planted that day. In the following two days, the planting volume increased explosively every day.

Finally, after seven days, all forty thousand acres were planted with soybeans.

Richard sighed slightly, thinking that there were still too few people.

It took seven days to plant forty thousand acres of land, which was somewhat slow, but even so, it was already the highest efficiency at present.

This was even though a group of caravans came in the middle and sent more than six hundred slaves to compact the soil. Such efficiency can only be achieved when all of Richard's subjects participate in the planting.

It seems that the purchase of slaves has to go on.

I hope that the two caravans behind can send more.

After watering the last piece of land, Richard stood on a high place and took out the Horn of Plenty from the space.

The vicissitudes and long voice quickly resounded throughout the territory.

The next moment, bursts of rustling sounds suddenly rang out in the 40,000 acres of land.

This is the sound of plants growing.

But the subjects didn't know, and thought that the lord asked them to plant the eggs of some monster, and the horn sound now was the ritual to awaken the monster.

Everyone was scared. Far away from the fields, trembling all over and not daring to move.

I just hope that when these little things turn into monsters, they will only eat soil and drink water, and never eat them!

However, the next moment, everyone was surprised to find that new sprouts had sprouted in the soil.

While they breathed a sigh of relief, they were also shocked by the miracle before their eyes.

Thousands of people knelt on the ground at the same time and bowed to Richard who was standing on the castle and blowing the horn.

The sound of the horn made the plants sprout, and Richard thought it was very reasonable and scientific.

When the sound waves are transmitted to the plants, it will cause tiny vibrations in the cell walls, thereby affecting the metabolic process of the plants.

��Different frequencies cause different degrees of cell reaction. Low-frequency sounds inhibit the metabolism of plant cells, while high-frequency sounds can greatly stimulate the metabolic process of cells.

Pleasant music can stimulate plants to produce more hormones and secrete more growth hormones to promote their growth.

Richard played with the horn in his hand, and his mind was distracted for a while.

He ignored the crowd and did not continue to give them tasks.

After all, he had already told Ali what to do, and when Ali came back to his senses, he would naturally whip these people for him.

As for him, there were more important things to do.

That was papermaking.

Now the situation in the territory has made initial developments, and all aspects are gradually on the right track.

It's time to put papermaking on the agenda.

Finally, he looked at the germination rate of 40,000 acres of land through the system and confirmed that it reached 100%, so he put away the horn of abundance and walked downstairs to find those craftsmen.

Although they didn't understand papermaking, as craftsmen, these people's brains were more or less active. If they knew the principles of papermaking, they could slowly try different formulas.

Of course, there are ready-made recipes in the system, but if you want to use the existing materials in Changying Territory to make it, it will definitely cost some points.

Richard doesn't mind this, but even if you know some recipes, the existing technical support cannot be optimized.

You can only try slowly and see how far you can go.

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