In the Middle Ages, only a very small amount of oriental paper was circulated on the continent, and it was very expensive. Not to mention the common people, even most nobles might not be able to see it in their lifetime.

There are many reasons for this.

On the one hand, paper is an expensive item even in the East at the same time.

According to Richard's understanding of history, even in the Song Dynasty, the great writer Ouyang Xiu once lamented that"the cost of studying is even greater than the cost of drinking." The paper used for official documents of the Song Dynasty government was even more expensive, and some people even made money by"selling waste paper from government offices."

Su Shunqin and Wang Xiangzhi, cultural celebrities of the Song Dynasty, both fell into the trap of"selling waste paper" and were dismissed from office or even imprisoned.

"The consequences of"selling waste paper" are so serious, which shows the value of"paper". It was not until the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty that things changed. Not only did the quality of paper improve unprecedentedly, but the price also began to become cheaper.

The price of 2,000 sheets of"Tailian paper" is only equivalent to a piece of linen, and the price of fifty sheets of high-quality"Dachengwen paper" can only be exchanged for a pound of sesame oil.

In this era, many officials and great writers in the East cannot afford paper, let alone paper that has traveled tens of thousands of miles along the Silk Road and added shipping costs.

Not everyone can afford it.

And from an ideological point of view, the Vatican has been suppressing and despising the use of oriental paper.

Their scriptures are mainly made of parchment and kraft paper, and for daily writing, at most they use sardonyx. (suo) straw paper.

In their view, using oriental paper is vulgar.

Dante mentioned oriental paper many times in"The Divine Comedy", but he was unwilling to write"The Divine Comedy" on paper.

It is expensive and despised by the church, which is the biggest reason why paper is restricted on the mainland.

Richard is naturally not so short-sighted.

He can ignore the influence of the church and use feces to irrigate the crops, so it is even more impossible for him to leave the good paper technology unused and impose restrictions on his own civilization.

This behavior is extremely stupid in Richard's view, so it is not surprising that this It is a barbaric place.

The paper used by Richard's men before was the papyrus here.

The production process of this kind of paper is simple and crude.

Just peel the papyrus skin and cut it into thin slices, then soak, beat and dry it to make papyrus 48 cm long and 43 cm wide. The whole process can be described as simple and crude.

And it does not have any of the key steps in the production process of"Han Dynasty Paper".

The"paper" made in this way can only be a"paper writing medium", which is far from the real"paper".

This is also the reason why papyrus is obviously two thousand years earlier than Han paper, but papermaking is still an Eastern invention.

Because they are not the same thing at all.

The most important thing is that the texture of"papyrus" is thin and brittle, and it is easy to mold and deteriorate in humid weather, and it is not very convenient to store.

Richard, who was used to high-end goods in his previous life, had been sick of using papyrus in the past twenty years of living in the Middle Ages.

After deciding to make paper, Richard directly summoned all the craftsmen as quickly as possible, including the people and many slaves selected.

"If you can make the paper I mentioned, all the people in the territory can get a reward of 1 silver coin. As for the slaves, they can also get 10 housing points. If you collect 100, you can get the right to use the house for 100 years!"

When everyone heard this, their faces flushed with excitement.

Whether it was a reward of 1 silver coin or a reward of 10 housing points, they were all very excited.

The militiamen only got a reward of 3 silver coins a month, and the people in the territory only had food and no income.

Among the 688 households of the subjects, only less than 500 can occasionally use the wages of the militia's family members to go to Richard's store in the community.

The store sells all kinds of clothes, household tools, practical gadgets made by various craftsmen, as well as various foods, meats, and vegetables produced in the swamp.

Even if the militia paid them wages, they would only buy a little of these things occasionally to try them out.

Now that they are involved in this papermaking project, if it succeeds, it will be one-third of the militia's wages!

How can they not be excited. What directly emerged in their minds are the things they have wanted to buy for a long time but were reluctant to pay for.

And housing points are the beginning of a dream for slaves.

Although Richard was in a few days ago They were told in the square that they would have a chance in the future, but when this opportunity would come was still unknown.

They had even prepared themselves mentally that it would be good to live in a stone house in a few years, but now the first step of the dream came so soon, it was really unbelievable for them.

Then, Richard taught them the various steps of papermaking, including the selection of bark, and the 11 processes of soaking, chopping, steaming, beating, etc. in the specific process.

Let them start preparing.

Afterwards, everyone immediately followed Richard's instructions and went to the forest to find usable bark under the escort of a dozen militiamen.

During this process, Richard drew the steps of papermaking in detail on papyrus and taught it to Asim.

"Lord, I have never been a serious craftsman before. I just made some small things. I am afraid that such an important job will ruin your business!"

Asimu was very frightened. Richard smiled faintly:

"Since you are following me, you must experience and bear these pressures. I am optimistic about your brain. Sometimes wild methods can work wonders. If you think you can't do it, then go back to the salt mine!"

Asimu quickly knelt on the ground and took Richard's blueprint with both hands:

"Asimu is willing to serve his master!"

"Very good!" He patted Asimu's shoulder and said,"Don't worry, you just need to supervise their progress and inform me at any time. Of course, if you have better ideas, you can also try them in production, but don't reject other people's methods, even if they seem wrong. Sometimes, mistakes may produce different results, understand?"

Asimu nodded, not quite understanding:

"Asimu must keep his master's teachings in mind!"


During this period, with the increase in population and affairs, Richard has begun to slowly try to delegate more things to more people.

The main point is to trust people.

Anyway, the current projects are nothing, even if they fail, there is no big loss.

At worst, we can just change the person in charge.

But in general, everything is still relatively smooth.

In a month, with Asim's reports again and again, Richard continued to see the improvement of papermaking progress.

Although there were some detours, such as insufficient soaking, poor steaming time, wrong drying environment, etc., but in the end, the experience was finally summed up.

Although the quality of the paper is not very good, it can only be regarded as ordinary straw paper, but it is enough for normal writing.

At least it is much better than papyrus.

Richard did not break his promise, and the rewards were distributed, which caused a carnival among the craftsmen.

And the other people were naturally envious.

Later, Richard asked them to speed up production, and at the same time asked them not to stick to manual work, and try to produce suitable tools to improve efficiency.

After all, these people are craftsmen from all walks of life. Together, they have endless experience and methods, and soon they have a variety of matching tools.

And every once in a while, they will modify and update the tools according to their usage.

Paper is also produced at an increasingly faster rate.

Richard also quickly put these papers to use, whether it is to teach the people to read or for government communication, they can't do without this paper.

【You have promoted the use of paper in your territory, which is a very wise move. It will play a crucial role in your future economic, political, cultural, artistic and technological development!】

【The discovery of papermaking will promote the development of your production methods, cultural heritage, and the entire society!】

【Wise leader, you have unlocked a new building, the paper mill. After unlocking and designating it, the papermaking efficiency of your territory will be improved to a certain extent! 】

Just after sending a stack of paper to Hinton, Richard heard this prompt, and his face was immediately happy. He directly clicked on the territory map.

Without saying anything, he designated the large papermaking workshop as the activation point of the paper mill building.

At the same time, he ordered a plaque to be made with the words"Changying Paper Mill" engraved on it.

So far, the papermaking business has been completely on the right track.

The next step is to wait for the craftsmen to adjust the equipment of the paper mill to the current technical bottleneck, and then they can be transferred to produce other things.

And these equipment can also be handed over to some slaves to operate, and only simple training is needed, and several of the craftsmen can be asked to provide technical guidance for the factory.

Good steel should be used on the blade, and he can't let these technicians completely become production personnel.

In the following period of time, Richard received several caravans.

In addition to the Heim caravan, there were also some other caravans.

Through various purchases, the current population of the territory has finally exceeded 6,000.

As for the new slaves, they naturally had to go through a series of disinfection processes.


In the salt mine, countless slaves were moving in and out to carry the salt.

Richard rode over to inspect his property. Ali heard the news and came to accompany him as soon as possible.

"How is the situation in the mine recently?"

Richard threw the horse to the servant beside him and walked forward.

Ali immediately smiled and said:

"The salt blocks that were soaked by mud and water have been cleaned up, and backfilling and waterproofing have been done. The salt mines here are relatively dry, the slaves' bodies are no longer corroded, and the work progress is much faster."

Richard nodded:

"Tell me more about it."

At this time, the two of them just arrived at the refinery, and Ali said:

"During this period, many new slaves have arrived, and our equipment has also increased a lot. The progress is much faster than before. At this rate, we should be able to produce 20 tons this month."

At this point, Ali suddenly hesitated.

Richard immediately said:

"What? Is there something you can't say?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ali scratched his head and said awkwardly:

"In fact, if the progress of collecting salt mines can be faster, our refining speed can keep up."

"You can report this directly. I will transfer people from other places. The speed of salt refining must be guaranteed first!"Richard said directly. Ali sighed:

"Lord, you don't know that the mine is already full. Even if we add more people, there will only be a dozen or twenty. If there are more, it will be a hindrance."

Richard nodded:

"Then I understand, come with me!"

Then he took Ali to a high ground, looked at the vast plain in front of him and said:

"Remember when we first discovered the Salt 637 Mine, I asked you to dig a hole over there?"

Ali's eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously:

"Of course I remember, this salt mine is really huge, so huge that every time I think about it, I lose sleep, worrying that it will be discovered."

Richard smiled:

"With our current strength, we are not afraid of any territory, even those big territories!"

More than a month ago, all the five hundred militiamen were comparable to formal knights, and some had even reached the second-level knights. Amy and Joseph were two of them. The original four knights, under Richard's uninterrupted guidance and the continuous cultivation of extraordinary items in the forest, reached the bottleneck from level three to level four. Hinton even reached the middle stage of level four a few days ago.

As for Richard's own strength, he himself didn't know how strong he was.

Each territory is a small vassal state.

There are forces that can be comparable to Richard's territory, but they are getting fewer and fewer.

Even if some big territories know about Richard's salt mines and want to attack, when they know the strength of Richard's soldiers, they will have to consider whether they can bear the consequences.

Especially if Richard turns around and leads his men into the forest or mountains nearby, then no matter who gets here, they must be prepared to accept the sneak attack of five hundred knights and several senior knights.[]

Even if Richard's men didn't leave and fought head-on, whoever dared to attack would win a miserable victory and they wouldn't be able to defend the salt mine.

They would only become someone else's wedding dress.

So Ali didn't feel surprised when he guessed that Richard might want to develop the salt mine as a whole.

"Bring out a thousand new slaves and have them clean up 10,000 square meters of salt surface first. Then we can directly open-pit mine and seal the salt mine."

Ali's breathing quickened when he heard such a big move, and then he asked:

"But Lord, last time we dug more than a meter before we saw the salt surface, what should we do if it rains and accumulates water in the future?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his head:

"I was confused! Lord, you can call the wind and rain, and you can change the weather. I overlooked it for a moment."

Richard shook his head:

"You can't always use your powers. Remember the abandoned canal that drained the swamp? Dig a ditch west of the salt mine. It doesn't have to be too deep, just enough to drain water. Lead it to the dry canal over there.

I'll ask Cinderella to come over and help with the petrification."


Soon, the salt mine became busy again.

Richard came to check the salt mine this time, but he was just passing by to deal with it. More importantly, when he was bored today, he flipped through the territory map given by the system and saw an iron mine deep in the forest.

He wanted to take the unicorn with him for a field investigation.

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