In a blink of an eye, Little Red Riding Hood came to Changying Territory, and several months had passed.

During this time, she got up every morning to go to work, and when she arrived at the slaughterhouse, she bled, bled...

At first, the people in charge of slaughtering were quite curious about her ability and thought it was novel.

But after a long time, it no longer seemed new to her.

"Valerie! With your abilities, it's a perfect match for you to come to our slaughterhouse. You're a professional! Come, bleed this deer!"

A butcher standing by said jokingly with a smile.

Little Red Riding Hood was already used to their teasing, so she just shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand gently, and the blood rushed out along the wound just cut by the butcher and flowed directly into the bucket.

The reason for making a cut was not that she couldn't make the wound directly, but that it was cleaner and easier to control.

It must be said that after a few months, her control over blood has become stronger.

Since there are tens of thousands of people eating every day, there are also many livestock that need to be slaughtered every day. For example, the deer just now was caught by the hunting team in the forest some time ago and then raised in captivity.

Just like the fish in the fish pond in the restaurant, they are all waiting to be slaughtered.

With such high-intensity use ability, Valerie's control over blood has now increased tenfold compared to when she first came here.

Even the improvement added up over the years is not as good as the high-intensity practice in the past few months.

Even the growth rate of magic power has been much faster.

She even likes this feeling a little bit.

"Valerie, you are also a witch. Why do I feel that your ability is useless except for working in our slaughterhouse? I think you should not think about anything else in the future. You will be happy here with food and shelter provided!"

The butcher talked to her with a smile while removing bones.

But Little Red Riding Hood was very upset.

"Believe it or not, I will drain all the blood from you!" Little Red Riding Hood threatened.

The butcher laughed:

"You are just good at talking. If you could let my blood flow, would you have endured it until now?"

Little Red Riding Hood was speechless. While solidifying the blood, she complained:

"If you hadn't lent me money to buy clothes, and if you hadn't been such a nice guy, I'd have dared to do that!"

The helper came to Little Red Riding Hood with a few buckets of blood that hadn't yet solidified:

"Don't bother with my master, he is just like that. When I pay you your wages later, I will buy you some honey!"

"Honey!"Little Red Riding Hood's eyes lit up. It was so sweet.

After the butcher waited for the apprentice to put down the bucket, he kicked the apprentice away:

"You are the only one who knows how to be a good person!"

Then, he leaned close to his apprentice's ear and whispered:

"You kid, don't be tempted by her beauty. I tell you, she is a witch after all, with a top-notch appearance and figure. Now she is being kept by our lord! She may be transferred up at any time, so don't think about those things!"

The kid said aggrievedly:

"How dare I! I know this truth, so I try to build relationships in advance. Maybe in the future we can be considered to have relationships with the people around the lord.

There are more and more people in our territory, and we may not be able to get any benefits in the future. I am just trying to find a solution!"

"What nonsense! The lord provides us with food and clothes, so put away all your evil ways! I tell you, as long as you work hard, the lord will see it!"The butcher warned his apprentice earnestly.

"As long as you look carefully, the lord can see it! Yes, the lord is a god who knows everything. If I don’t slack off and work diligently every day, whether in front of people or behind people, the lord will definitely know it! Then I just... Ouch, why did I say that!" The apprentice looked regretful. The butcher laughed and said:

"If you promise someone honey, you must keep your promise! The lord hates liars the most! If the lord finds out, you will be charged with cutting off your tongue!"

The apprentice covered his face:

""Okay! Just think of it as bringing colleagues closer together and facilitating cooperation at work!"

He could only comfort himself in this way.

The two spoke softly, but as witches, they possessed basic qualities beyond ordinary people, and their words did not hide anything from the witch.

He didn't care at all about being received by Richard in the castle.

After all, she had expressed her willingness at the beginning, but Richard insisted on letting her come here.

If she knew at the beginning that Richard was trying to keep her company, she would definitely be unhappy, but now she quite likes to hone her magic here. The only thing she couldn't understand was why the people in this territory were so fanatical about Richard?

Especially their worship of Richard, which was simply to the point of superstition.

What they said about Richard knowing everything about the territory was a bit outrageous to Little Red Riding Hood. (abcj) But thinking about how she was clearly not exposed at the beginning, she still... It was Richard who discovered her identity, which did make her feel a little unbelievable.

After all, when she came to the Long Eagle Territory, she did not have any magic power.

And when she was locked up by pirates on the ship for several months, she still used the remaining magic power to disguise her face, and the Red Devil did not notice it for several months.

This is a bit puzzling.

Could it be that Richard's ability can really detect everything in the territory?

If I scold him now, will he know?

But after thinking about it, she gave up. She would rather believe it. If it was triggered by Richard, it would be terrible.

But this would not make them have a fanatical attitude towards Richard, right?

Logically speaking, they should be afraid!

What is the reaction of these people?

Do they completely trust that Richard will bring them happiness and benefits?

She admitted that here It is true that people can have enough food to eat, but what is the point of just having enough food?

It is obvious that Richard’s rule over them is very cruel. He whips people at every turn, arranges them to do high-intensity labor, and confiscates all their property. He often uses harsh punishments, and even has the so-called collective responsibility. This is incredible!

Even the brutal church does not have the so-called collective responsibility. The only thing she has heard of is the eleven-drawing and killing system in the Roman Empire army hundreds of years ago.

But she doesn’t think that is unacceptable.

After all, an army is a whole, and each squad is a small whole.

If one person commits a crime here, ten people will be picked out from the entire team for punishment, in order to let them supervise each other.

But that’s the army!

Why would Richard put the management of the army in the management? On the people?

Moreover, are there any real freemen here?

Are there any tenants?


They are all Richard's slaves!

In addition to being able to eat, at most they are given those strange stone houses to live in, but there is a time limit.

You know, although their previous houses may not be good, at least they can be passed down from generation to generation. Didn't they think about what to do if their descendants have no houses to live in?

In this case, why are they still so fanatical?

So fanatical that she even felt that even if Richard asked them to kill the king, these people would probably do it without hesitation! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is really a bit outrageous.

In other territories, this is completely unimaginable.

And in the recent conscription, these people actually signed up to join the army so enthusiastically.

Aren't they afraid of death?

She felt that it was incredible that Richard had changed the entire system of this territory. There will definitely be a big mess in the future. At that time, all the major territories will come to attack the Long Eagle Territory, and these soldiers will probably die miserably!

But what does that have to do with her?

Anyway, as long as she continues to hone her abilities here, she will still have the power to protect herself if a large army attacks in the future.

Moreover, she really admires Richard's research on food.

She never thought that after using her ability to drain the blood from the meat, the meat would be so delicious! Who cares why they are crazy about Richard!

Anyway, I am crazy about delicious meat, delicious honey, and delicious cakes!

Thinking of this, she worked much faster


After school, many children work with their parents.[]

Some went to the swamp to help pull weeds, some went to the soybean field to help fertilize, some went to the river to help pick fish, and some went to the kitchen to help pick vegetables.

At this time, in the pomegranate bushes by the river, a mother and her eight or nine-year-old child were picking pomegranates.

"Little Nobi, are you studying hard in school?"The mother asked with a smile while working.

"Of course! Teacher Hinton is so good! He taught us a lot of words today. I can even recite the nine laws from memory!"The little boy said proudly, clenching his fists.

"That's great! But, when we're chatting, don't stop moving your hands, okay?"My mother reminded me.

"Yeah, I understand, Mom! You said that we can't be lazy when we work, and we have to contribute more to the territory!"The little boy nodded, and his hands moved faster, picking the pomegranates quickly and putting them in the box.

"Yes! Our lord is the most benevolent lord in the world. He lets us have enough food and meat. Now we can eat vegetables every day that people in the city can't afford. So little Nobi must be obedient!"The mother smiled.

The little boy nodded vigorously, his eyes shining:

"Little Nobi is the most obedient! I not only listen to my mother, but also to my father, the teachers, and even more to the Lord! Teacher Hinton said that the Lord is everything to us, our hope, and our faith!

We must always believe that only the Lord can lead us to a better future and enjoy a happy life!

Oh, sorry, I just forgot to talk while working."

Mother smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter this time, because when we are singing praises to our lord, it's not wrong to pay attention!

But don't use this as an excuse to be lazy when you are working!"

"Hehe, then when I work, I secretly praise the lord in my heart, so it won't affect the movements of my hands! I will never give myself an excuse to be lazy! Teacher Hinton said that only hard work can make us liked by the lord."


In the salt mine, the slaves have been more enthusiastic recently. They work much faster than usual.

At this time, they are just like the subjects who were looking forward to the distribution of houses and the harvest of wheat.

Their hearts are full of hope.

Because their master Richard really opened up preferential conditions for them.

Although those with special skills among them are not qualified to live in the stone house, the sheds they live in are also six people, very clean.

Although they are still in a collective room, there are only twenty people in a room.

You know, in other places, slaves are all crowded together, and they can't stretch their legs when they sleep.

It is said that the more powerful slaves among them have earned enough to move into the stone house and got the house.

Although there is only one person, there are still three or four people who are 20 or 30 points away from being eligible to leave the shed.

This is in addition to Asimu, there are really people who really get a house by points!

Getting a house means getting the status of a subject.

Although most people can't even earn a house point, as long as they work for three years, they can also move in.

In addition to this, there is even the recent conscription.

Once they become militia, they can move directly to stone houses.

This is explosive good news for them.

After all, the militia must be subject to unified management, and the content of their training cannot be told to other slaves casually.

Even their dietary standards and daily routines are all different from those of slaves and subjects.

By that time, although they are not yet subjects, they can enjoy treatment that ordinary subjects cannot enjoy.

At this time, the salt mine has filled in the mine.

The entire ground has been cleared, with a small drainage canal on the left and a forest on the right.

They took scrapers and shovels and operated on the salt surface, loaded the scraped salt into carts, and then pulled them to the refining site one by one.

Wald, the administrator of the salt mine, stood on a high ground to inspect everyone.

Suddenly, a slave ran over

"What is it?"Wald frowned.

The slave said:

"Sir Walder, our salt mine is close to the forest, and there is often broken soil falling from it. Those broken soils are easily mixed with the salt surface and pollute the salt surface. I am worried that it will affect the subsequent refining efficiency!

Should we clean it up there?"

Walder heard this, pondered and nodded:

"Yes, this is not your responsibility, but it is good for production if you can take this into consideration! You continue to work, I will arrange for someone to handle it. For this matter, I will give you 3 housing points, and I will report it to the Lord!"

The slave shook his head and said:

"I have been living very well here during this period. Although the work is hard, it is very fulfilling and down-to-earth! I don't want points. There is no need to bother the Lord for such a small matter. Goodbye, Lord Walder. I will continue to work!"

Walder laughed:

"Don't worry, it's your contribution, you can't deny it!"

The slaves not far away smiled and gave the two of them a thumbs up.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles.

At this time, no one knew that the list of conscription had been determined.

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