After work, everyone went to the cafeteria in order to receive their hamburgers for the night.

There were no hamburgers in this era, but Li Jue thought this method was good, so a new way of eating hamburgers gradually began to appear in the territory.

There were white bread on both sides, with meat patties, cabbage, and wild vegetables in the middle, and even some maltose on each hamburger.

This maltose is a rare thing, and people can't eat it at ordinary times. It is only available in the official store in the neighborhood.

"What day is it today? Why is there maltose?"Someone asked curiously.

People around shook their heads.

Someone laughed and said:

"Everything is thanks to the lord. As long as the lord is here, no matter what day it is, every day is a good day!"

"Well said!"

Everyone cheered

"As long as the lord is here, I will eat nutritious food every day.~!"

Suddenly, the team became lively.


""Everyone, be quiet, be quiet!"

Someone was standing on a high rock nearby and shouting.

Although the scene was lively and the crowd was noisy, the person shouting was obviously using breathing techniques.

Everyone turned around and saw who else could it be but Charles?

They all quieted down.

"I just received instructions from the Lord. All those who have received hamburgers can go to the bulletin board in the square to view the list. The conscription has ended. Everyone can check whether they are on the list. If they see a name they know, they can also tell each other! You don’t have to go to work early tomorrow morning, just report to the militia training camp!

Those who have read the list, go to the management office of District 1, 3 Street to register, so that no one can find their name!"

After Charles finished speaking, he turned around and jumped on the horse under the big rock and rode away.

The people who stayed there were suddenly excited. Everyone grabbed the food in their hands and ran quickly to the square.

Even those who were too old and did not sign up were unwilling to fall behind. They also wanted to see if their family members and children were on the list.

It felt like waiting for the list of martial arts exams to be announced.

The only difference is that there is no ranking in this selection, only on and off the list.

"Look, the third row, number ten, is my name! It's my name! I'm on the list, on the list!"

A slave jumped up excitedly.

The people around him immediately showed envious eyes.

""That's fine, young man. You don't have to go to the mine tomorrow!" An old lady patted him on the shoulder.

The young man was so happy that tears welled up in his eyes. He wiped his tears with his hand and said with a sob:

"In fact, it's all the same, no matter where you are, you are serving the Lord!"

A five-year-old girl next to him raised her head and looked at him:

"Big brother, you are very conscious! How about we switch, you go to school for me and I join the army for you!"

The young man was suddenly stuck!

There was a burst of good-natured laughter around.

Although they were all serving the lord, everyone knew that being a militiaman would definitely have a better future!

"Little sister, you must study hard, maybe you can become a militia leader in the future!" said an uncle with a smile

"Really? Can girls also serve in the military?"The little girl was curious.

"Of course, there are several sisters on the list this time. They have very good physiques and are stronger than many men, so they were chosen!"The uncle laughed.

"Then I will start to exercise too! And I will study hard! I want to be an officer in the future!" The little girl stared, imagining herself leading a large group of militiamen majestically.

On the other side, there were screams of excitement and drops of excited tears, and the whole square spontaneously began to dance.

For many people, this was destined to be a sleepless night of carnival!


Early in the morning, Richard stood on the platform of the militia training camp.

Before recruiting new soldiers, Richard had already updated and expanded the militia training camp. It was directly expanded into a military base of 80,000 square meters, which is 12 acres of land.

This was built completely according to the training and garrison area of 10,000 troops.

Although there are only 1,200 soldiers now, since Richard has begun to expand the army, it is impossible to expand it only this time.

In the future, the population will slowly increase, and it will be impossible to rebuild the militia training camp every time.

Of course, to upgrade the training camp, if you want to cover the attributes of the entire area, you naturally need the corresponding lord points.

Now that Richard's territory is thriving, he has a lot of lord points. More than a hundred lord points are just a drop in the bucket for him.

"I know you are very excited, but do you think that being selected means that the road ahead will be smooth?


You will go through strict, even cruel training!

In this training, I will see the growth of your willpower and the firmness of your beliefs. I want to see that you are worthy of the military flag behind you and the military spirit flying on the military flag!

If some of you cannot keep up with the training, if some of you slack off or are lazy, you will still return to your original jobs!

But by then, do you think you are just going back to the past?


You will be looked down upon and despised by the people around you!

Answer me, are you willing?"


"I haven’t eaten yet!"

"I am willing to do so!"

Richard nodded:

"Very good! Now, you are not qualified to swear in. You will start training from now on. If you can persist for a week, you will still be here after a week. I will take you to swear in and truly become a soldier of the Long Eagle Territory!"


Everyone screamed loudly, their foreheads bulging with veins!

They finally got this spot, and at this moment, everyone had only one thought: to die rather than be eliminated!

Then, Richard personally arranged the team for them, and then led them to run around the training ground.

At the beginning, Richard did not require them to run in an orderly manner, but everyone had to have enough endurance to run.

"Follow me, I picked you all by myself. If anyone falls behind, it will be a slap on my face. I will let you taste the taste of the whip!

Charles, take a few people with whips and run behind. If anyone falls behind, I will whip him to death!"


The slaves were disappointed when they heard this, but this horrible way of spurring them on did indeed stimulate their potential.

Richard certainly knew the limits of each of them.

He didn't intend to torture them to death.

But many people's self-perceived limits are often not their real limits, and they need others to thoroughly train and stimulate them.

"Remember this! You eat my food and hold my guns, so you have to work for me like hell! Anyone who can't keep up with the training will have to go back to the mines after being whipped!"

Everyone gritted their teeth, and even though their legs were trembling as if they were filled with lead, no one fell behind.

In this way, Richard personally trained them for a week.

Every day, they were trained to death. At night, everyone had to soak in the hot water provided by the kitchen for an hour. A lot of blood from extraordinary creatures was added to this water.

These things are good for body building.

While strengthening their physical fitness, it also speeds up muscle recovery.

After waking up every day, they felt that they were in great shape.

But every time, Richard could accurately grasp the limits of each of them, squeeze out the last drop of energy from them, and then have someone throw them into the hot water pool to soak.

At the same time, in a short period of time, their discipline was improving, their quality was improving, their running was getting more and more orderly, and the sound of their slogans was getting louder and louder.

In Richard's words, this is fucking reasonable!

On the morning of the eighth day, Richard came to the high platform of the parade ground as usual.

At this time, Charles was arranging the team below the stage.

"Report to the Lord! The new soldiers of the Long Eagle Territory have been assembled. Please give instructions, Lord!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After the formation, Charles turned around and saluted.

""Stand astride!" Richard said to Charles


Charles turned around and gave the order, and then the recruits' feet all stepped in unison.

When Charles walked aside and turned around, Richard finally spoke.

"That’s right! After seven days of training, none of you fell behind, and now, you finally have some of the spirit of my Changying Territory Militia!

Some of you were sold as slaves and came here.

Some were born as citizens here. Some were once citizens of Hongyun Territory, Black Stone Ridge, Volcano Territory, and Bat Territory, and voluntarily came here to become slaves of Changying Territory.

However, when you came to this training ground and this military camp, you are no longer slaves, no longer ordinary citizens, but a glorious Changying Territory soldier!"

Everyone listened to Richard's speech quietly. Although they did not react, a flame seemed to be ignited in their eyes, and they seemed to feel a kind of...���Unprecedented pride and honor

"You may be doing this for honor, welfare, strength, or personal future. No matter what you are doing this for, now you have become a soldier of the Long Eagle Territory!

0 Asking for flowers

Those so-called honors, welfare, improvement of strength, and personal future, just throw them all aside. I will give them to you, and I will definitely give them to you, but they are just incidental!

You must forget everything and only remember one thing, that I am your fucking master! []

Without me, your honor, welfare, and even everything, are all bullshit!

All of this is given to you by me, and I can take it back at any time!

You only need to remember one thing, to meet all my requirements of you! Be loyal to me! Lord of the Long Eagle Territory, Richard!"

"From the moment you become a member of the Changying Territory Militia, you are part of the Changying Territory Armed Forces, a brick of this armed city!

You don't need to have your own will!

Remember this: Soldiers, obeying orders is their first duty!

Even if you are burned to ashes, I will let you see this sentence from the cracks in your bones!

Have you all remembered it!"

"Remember this!" the crowd shouted.

""Charles, lead them to take the oath!" Richard ordered.

Charles immediately walked out of the team and stood at the front of the team. Then, he raised his right hand instantly.

At the same time, everyone started to shout out the oath they had memorized long ago:

"I am a soldier of the Long Eagle Territory Militia. I swear: obey the leadership of Lord Richard, the Lord of Long Eagle Territory!

Perform all tasks without distraction!

Obey orders! Strictly observe discipline! Not afraid of sacrifice! Practice hard to kill the enemy! Improve my own military strength! Always be ready to fight!

Defend Long Eagle to the death! Defend Long Eagle to the death! Defend Long Eagle to the death!

Defend Long Eagle to the death!"


"Very good! From today on, you will officially become a soldier. Coincidentally, today is the day you take the oath of enlistment, and it is also the day we ring the bell every month!

However, although it was only a training period before, I will still give you food and salary.


Richard shouted, and then slowly walked down the platform

"Here!" Charles came out immediately.

"Where are the veterans? Don't they want their salaries anymore?" Richard glanced at him.

"Report to the Lord! We have assembled and can march over here immediately!"Charles shouted. Richard nodded:

"Let them come over, starting with the veterans, and give them money!"


Char was also very excited on the day of distributing money.

Especially every time the money was distributed, Richard would personally distribute it to them.

This feeling made all the militia know that their benefits all came to them personally from Richard's hands.

There is no doubt about the absolute loyalty to the army!

Richard also learned this trick from Yuan Datou. Although it is crude and backward, it is very useful.

Yuan Datou was a minister in the late Qing Dynasty and had a job in the court.

But for his own future, he not only joined forces with Cixi to do���Guangxu, and also sold out the Six Gentlemen of the Wuxu Reform. Originally, it was just a matter of Kang Youwei's death, but because of his betrayal, all six people were killed.

Later, he was promoted all the way, and his official position and power even exceeded that of Li Hongzhang when he was alive.

In this case, in addition to using various means to win over officers and insert confidants.

Even the soldiers' ring money was distributed by himself.

In this way, the soldiers only knew Yuan Gongbao, not the court.

Yuan Datou, as a minister, could achieve such an effect with this method, let alone Richard.

In addition, every time Richard walked in front of a soldier, he didn't need to look at the list, and directly called out the other party's name through the system prompt.

This scene made everyone feel that the lord had him in his eyes.

Although they didn't know what it meant to die for a confidant, but now they felt this way in their hearts!

In the place where they originally lived, let alone the lord, even the tax collector who collected their taxes every month might not be able to remember their names!

After the money was distributed, everyone looked at Richard with a blazing fire in their eyes. Even if Richard asked them to fight with the extraordinary creatures at this moment, even if they knew they would die, they would accept it!

How can we repay the kindness of Bole? Only death!


After leaving the military camp, Richard began to think about other things.

He looked at the sand table map made by the craftsman according to his instructions and fell into deep thought.

He wondered whether he should turn into a robber and go to several nearby territories to rob a group of people.

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