Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 146 The Half-Mermaid Appears [First Update]

There are so many people in the castle, just this coconut crab is not enough to eat.

Chunan plans to go into the sea first and then catch some.

The steel tooth tiger roared at him, and seemed to want to continue playing.

Just at this time.

Sudden. A stone was thrown from the left.


The stone flew directly and hit the steel tooth tiger.

Then it landed on Chunan. Chunan looked at the stone as big, the size of a palm.

He couldn't help but be surprised, who threw this over?

And the steel tooth tiger also bounced away from him and looked at the guy who threw the stone.

But just turned his head, and countless stones flew towards him.

The steel tooth tiger is huge, and even if he wanted to dodge, he couldn't dodge for a while, and was smashed all over his body by the stone.


The steel tooth tiger was a little angry, and rushed in that direction.

Chunan quickly stopped him, "Wait, don't go over first."

Chunan looked at the darkness there, within the range that his candle could not illuminate, there seemed to be someone in the darkness, and he heard a heavy gasp.


16 Without the light of the candle, it was impossible to see the man's appearance, and the steel-toothed tiger stopped.

Following Chunan's instructions, he remained motionless and lay on the ground.

And Chunan also walked towards it.

Soon, the range of his candle finally illuminated the area, and he was stunned when he looked at the person in front of him.

I see.

A child appeared in front of him, about halfway up his waist.

Should be around seven or eight years old.

She was dressed in sackcloth, and his face was oddly different from that of a human.

There are thin scales on the face.

Under the light of the candle, those silver scales seemed to be shining with colorful light, and seeing that face was like a dream.


Except for the tiny scales, this man is exactly the same as a human being.

"Fuck, what the hell? Mermaid??"

Chunan blurted out, because the person in front of her, in addition to being exactly the same as a human, has thin scales on her face, which is obviously not a human being.

[Important announcement, Kyushu contestants encountered a half-merman, a half-merman evolved from a fish, a group creature, living in the sea all the year round, hunting other fish for food, and a relatively friendly personality. 】

[The ability of this half-merman in front of me is at D+ level]

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Chunan couldn't help but be surprised again. This seven- or eight-year-old child has the ability of D+ level?

If it was an adult half-merman, wouldn't it be of a higher level.

It's terrifying.

Fortunately, these guys are kinder, and it should be easy to become friends with them.

Chunan thought so.

at the same time.

When this half-merman appeared under candlelight and was photographed, the outside audience also saw it.

All the people were stunned.

"I'll go, my dear, what a beautiful little girl, this little girl's face is still glowing with light, those are tiny scales, isn't the half-merman the mermaid in our legend????"

"Hey man, I feel like a mermaid too"

"Hahaha, God of Chu is blessed again. This race is full of mermaids. It would be cool to take two back."

"God Chu has a god, do you still need these half-mermen? Come and give it to me, I don't dislike it—"

"Damn, I believe in your ghost!!"


Chunan walked towards the child.

The other party seemed to be afraid of him, and took a step back, holding a wooden stick in his hand, "Don't come here, don't come here..."

The fluorescent face seemed to be in a state of panic, and the eyes were as beautiful as sapphire.

And the words spoken are not normal human language.

But because of the forbidden blessing, Chunan could easily hear what she meant.

Chunan quickly stopped and comforted, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

The voice just fell.

The half-merman child was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't expect that she could understand Chunan's words.

"It's strange, you don't seem to speak our language, not our race, but why can I understand you? 35

she asked dumbly.

He also scratched his head, and his long hair reached his waist like a waterfall.

"It doesn't matter, wouldn't it be better if we could communicate? I wanted to ask why you hit my pet just now?"

"Your pet?

The little half-merman asked in confusion.

But soon, seeing the steel-toothed tiger following Chunan, he became vigilant, "Your pet is him? Such a tall beast with a high level, didn't he want to eat you just now?

Chunan burst out laughing.

Good guy, it turns out that this little girl thought that the steel-toothed tiger was going to eat her, so she would take action.

What a kind little girl.

Chunan couldn't help laughing, "Little girl, this is my pet, we were playing just now, he didn't want to eat me. 35

The little girl seemed at a loss as if she had done something wrong, "Ah, then I hit him just now, I didn't mean to—"

She hastily defended.

"Well, as I said just now, I don't blame you.""

"And my big guy won't blame you either. 99

"Isn't it? Big vat."

The steel tooth tiger roared and wagged his tail to the little girl in goodwill.

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said, "You are not a half-merman, why did 500 suddenly appear at the seaside?

Chunan approached the little girl slowly, the little girl let down her guard and showed kindness to him.

"I came here just to catch some coconut crabs to eat."

Saying this, he stretched out his finger and glanced at the big bag that Steel Fang Tiger was carrying, and most of the bag was full of coconut crabs.

The little girl seemed shocked and widened her beautiful eyes.

"Gosh, are these all coconut crabs??

"Of course it is." Chunan felt a little strange, since they were half-mermaids and hunted by the sea all the year round, they probably couldn't have eaten coconut crabs.

Why are you showing this shocked look?

"What's wrong?"

The little girl stared blankly at Chunan, her eyes shining brightly, "You're amazing, you are able to catch so many coconut crabs, in our clan, very few people can catch crabs, basically only warriors can catch them. get."

"Because crabs are the natural enemies of our demigods, as long as they are caught by crabs, their wounds will never heal, and they will eventually die.

This was the first time Chunan had heard such a novelty, and he was quite surprised, "I didn't expect such a thing to exist in this world.

After a pause, he looked at the little girl, "By the way, I still don't know what your name is."

"My name is Eureka."

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