Dark Quest: Only I Can See Hints!

Chapter 147 Offer the Treasures [Second More]

"Eureka is a very nice name, my name is Chunan, or so, I have a lot of coconut crabs, I can give you some."

Eureka was a little excited, "Really? Are you really willing to give me coconut crabs? This is a very precious food. 35

Chunan said honestly, "Of course, it's something precious to you, but for me it's just a matter of raising my hand."99

Eureka is very grateful, thank you again and again.

Next, Chunan greeted the Steel Tooth Tiger and took 10 coconut crabs to Eureka.

And also found her a big bag so that the coconut crabs would not hurt her.

And Eureka also took out the most precious treasure box and gave it to Chunan, "I don't have anything else, but this thing was found when I was catching fish in the sea.

With a shy smile, he continued, "There may not be any good treasures in it, but these are all I have, and this is my most precious gift for you.

A treasure box the size of a palm was shoved into Chunan's arms, and then Eureka left with those coconut crabs.

Her body is very small, but for some reason, when she lifted those coconut crabs, she seemed to have no effort at all, and her strength was really great.


Then disappeared into the darkness, Chunan looked at the treasure box in his arms and laughed dumbly, it was a wooden box, and it didn't look very precious.

And it's not huge either.

Don't know what's in there baby?

Chunan opened it directly, and then the golden light flashed, and a bright bead appeared in the treasure box.

[Sea Extract Pearl, this pearl is produced by 100-year-old mussels and is extremely precious. If you apply it on your face, whether it is burns, scalds or disfigurement, it can become extremely smooth and has beauty effects. 】

【At the same time, you can also take it orally to adjust your health. Note: You must grind it into powder when you apply it internally!】

Chunan was surprised. He didn't plan to sell something good, but he didn't expect it to be a peerless treasure.

The effect of pearls produced by century-old mussels is indeed very good.


Only 10 coconut crabs were used for such a precious thing, Chunan felt that the little girl Eureka was at a loss.

"For this pearl, 100 pounds of coconut crabs are not enough for her. She's at a loss.~"

"The little girl has a good character. I don't want her to suffer. Let's go, Datong, let's go and find out if we can find their tribe, and then compensate her with some other good things."

The Steel Fang Tiger agreed with a groan, then leaned over in front of Chunan.

Chunan collected the bead and rolled over on the back of the Steel Fang Tiger.

The steel-toothed tiger ran wildly into the darkness ahead.

However, after walking for a long time, along the seaside, there was never a spot where there was a candle.

No tribes were seen.

Continue to look in another direction.

Still not found.

At this time, the prompt sounded.

[Walking to the south, there is an island where there is a tribe of mermaids. 】

[Walking to the north, there is a caravan's station there, I advise you not to go there, because they have nothing good, and they are very good at lying! 】

【Walking west, you will find a coconut tree, there are many coconut crabs under it! 】

Chunan glanced at the prompt.

With all his attention on the first prompt, he turned to look south.

Under the candlelight, the sea is still sparkling, but where is the island?

Chunan smiled knowingly, no wonder he didn't find the demigod tribe along the way, it turned out that they lived on the island.

Centaurs are amphibious creatures that can survive in the sea for a long time.

But Chunan can't do it, and the Steel Fang Tigers can't.

So there is no way to go further south to find the tribe of demigods.

but one

Chunan did not give up the idea.

When he plans to go back, build a big ship.

For him now, it is not difficult to build a big ship, he only needs to buy the drawings for building a big ship, and then use wood, steel and other required materials.

In addition, there are a lot of servants in the castle, so it can be built in just one day.

"Let's go, steel-toothed tiger, let's go back and build a big ship, and then go.


Chunan went back and found a school of fish on the way back.

Got into the water and caught some big fish.

Several large bags are full of big fish, tied to the body of the steel tooth tiger.

One person and one beast walked towards the castle.

The steel tooth tiger ran extremely fast, shortened the time by half, and returned to the castle.

at this time.

The night had passed, and it was already more than six o'clock in the morning.

Everyone woke up.

The maids in the castle made fires, cooked meals, and many others started training.

And at the gate of the city stood two women.

The two women stood on the city wall respectively, looking into the distance, looking back at each other from time to time, but this gaze was also sparks of lightning.

It's like it's going to be a fight in the next second.

And they also exuded the aura that strangers should not approach, so that other women did not dare to go up.

The two remained silent until they heard the sound of a beast running in the distance.

The two talents looked there in unison.

Under the bright crystal lights, Chunan was seen riding on the tall steel-toothed tiger.

""came back. 39

"Finally home.""

The two women said in unison.

Then their figures flashed and disappeared directly in place, and then they appeared on the left and right of the city gate and stopped in front of Chunan.

The steel tooth tiger noticed that someone was approaching, and the terrifying aura suppressed him, and he stopped immediately.

And leaned down.

Chunan looked at the two people blocking the road, it was none other than Reina Sling and Hela.

At first, when he was in the distance, he saw Renasling and Hela standing on the city wall, as if they had been waiting for a long time (Lee's).

A warm current passed through Chunan's heart.

Although these two goddesses are relatively cold, they treat themselves with sincerity.

I don't know how long they waited on this wall.

Chunan felt a little distressed, "Hella, Reina Siling, why don't you go back to the city entrance? It's so cold standing on this city wall with the cold wind blowing.

"Is it freezing, let's go."

Chunan rolled over, dragged Hela with one hand, and walked towards the city wall with Leina Siling in the other. After a while, he walked into the castle.

When we got to the castle Chunan, the trouble started.

Renasling and Hela are not in the same room, one is upstairs and the other is downstairs, it would be better for him to go to which room first?

And Reina Siling and Hela also said coquettishly, "I was really cold just now, I've been waiting for you for a few hours, let's go to my room first.

"Don't go first, my room."

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