The body is not imprisoned at all, but the body has a strange desire, like a traveler in the desert who is about to die of thirst, suddenly seeing a clear spring in despair, or like a frightened, hungry and cold baby longing for his mother hug.

The instinctive impulse was a hundred times stronger than her desire for blood.

The black shadow chains wrapped around her arms again and locked her legs, but her body gave birth to a wonderful sense of anticipation, as if her body and soul were waiting for that moment to come.

The chains tightened from the void, pulling her into a large character shape again, but her knees were kneeling.

The wonderful desire became stronger and stronger, and Jessica couldn't help but gasped for breath.

Jessica's condition made Raven's scalp tingle.

What the hell is this?

Young Master is just biting you now...

"I'll just bite you, hold on!" Raven said something that didn't make sense, but he didn't realize that Jessica, who was turning her back to him, was already flushing.

As soon as Raven touched Jessica's head, Jessica's head turned to the other side as if unable to support it, revealing her slender, fair neck again.

Or in a coma?

Lei Wen didn't care so much, he gently moved his head over, and Lei Wen's breath and tongue were concentrated on the neck.

At this moment, Jessica only felt that all the sensations in her body were concentrated on this point, and she felt a sense of longing that could not be vented, as if what followed was not severe pain, but a kind of extreme happiness.

Unknowingly, Jessica gasped. The trembling of the body intensified, and even the slender waist like a water snake twisted slightly, as if this small movement could relieve the emptiness from the soul.

Raven was so embarrassed.

Does the temptation of the shadow source really have such a strong effect?

If you really bite it down, will something weird happen?

Raven's stagnation made Jessica unavoidably anxious.

The reservedness of being a woman controlled her reason at first, but as the time when Lei Wen stopped moving, the disappointment in her heart began to torment Jessica's soul repeatedly, and she finally couldn't help shouting: "Raven! I was wrong! I know I lost! Give it to me! As long as you can free me from that bastard Gulton. I'll do anything!"

Well, since the beauties have said so.

What the hell, I've heard about vampires biting people and sucking blood all day long. Now he has turned into biting a vampire by himself, and he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

well! Just bite!

Without further hesitation, Raven bit Jessica's neck.

The delicate taste came again, how should I put it, it was a bit like biting a jelly. Icy and tender.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——" Jessica was like a swan shot by an arrow. He raised his neck high, and the chained body showed a strange and charming curve.

Once the longing for the shadow source bursts, it will never be peaceful until it is satisfied. The Blood Duchess' body bound by the chains kept convulsing, but on the contrary, her mature and sexy face showed an expression of intoxication and excitement.

For some reason, Raven saw it.

Seeing the place where he had bitten, all the bright red blood flowing through the neck arteries to Jessica's brain was quickly stained black like a shadow.

The spasms intensified, with great magnitude. Raven could barely bite.

Raven knew that if he let go at this moment, Jessica would definitely die.

As a last resort, Raven hugged Jessica from behind, passed his right hand around his right shoulder, wrapped around Jessica's neck, and held Jessica's left shoulder with his palm. The left hand passed under Jessica's left rib and hugged her toned and flat stomach.

Jessica was in pain and confused.

The blood of the vampire, which is the source of life, was quickly drawn away. This bad feeling dragged her to hell.

On the other side, after Raven's shadow source power filtered her blood. The power from the origin of the world gave her a greater pleasure.

The sweetness of that power cannot be described in words at all.

Jessica opened her mouth wide and let out high-pitched moans.

The waste expelled from the body by the power of the shadows becomes a foul-smelling black grease. Flows from every cavity in the body, from the corners of the eyes, ears, nose...

Lei Wen instinctively felt that something was wrong, he had no choice but to think that this thing was poisonous, so he didn't dare to call Karin, so he had to call Laila for help.

Lyra's avatar arrives.

"What's wrong?"

Raven loosened his left hand slightly, making a wiping motion.

Lila understood immediately, but she was about to use water magic, but Raven stopped her.

Laila wakes up: this is the realm of shadows, water magic might not be appropriate.

Seeing that the black sweat might blind Jessica, Laila had to use the most primitive means to clean her eyes with a clean rag.

Jessica was already very weak, and she didn't even have the strength to breathe. No matter how much water she drank, it would turn into sweat within a short period of time. The whole body is like being fished out of the water.

But obviously, the transformation of Jessica's body has come to an end.

Raven could no longer see any trace of bright red blood in Jessica's body.

The blood was a grayish black stained with shadows.

At the same time, due to the large amount of black oil being discharged just now, the dry skin regained its vitality, and the whiteness and tenderness seemed to be better than before.

Jessica found herself gradually sober and calm.

She found that her eyes were brighter, her breathing was easier, and her limbs began to be full of strength.


"Gu——" There was a loud sound in her stomach, and Jessica blushed instantly, as if she understood her situation from the source of strength, and the mosquito groaned: "Raven...Master, I Well, I'm just a little hungry. Can you let me go first..."

It was only at this moment that Lei Wen realized that he was too nervous and reported too tightly just now, and his posture was a bit awkward.

It's okay to let go now.

Raven didn't even know if Jessica was a vampire now, because after being transformed by the power of the shadow source. Jessica is more of a shadow creature than a vampire.


What a joke!

What Lei Wen did just now was obviously the first embrace of the original version of the shadow. From this moment on, Lei Wen has absolute control over Jessica, he can live if he wants her, and die if he wants her. This kind of control from the source is a million times stronger than Lei Wen's control over Melissa with the Styx oath.

After all, if the world is destroyed, Styx can also be finished.

However, this kind of control from the source cannot get rid of even a hundred multiverses.

Raven had just let go of the shadow chains. Jessica fell, and Laila scrambled to catch her.

"Thank you...God Laila...Master Raven, can you give me something like shadows? I'm so hungry!"

Lei Wen blinked, and finally gritted his teeth, showing a bit of shadow divinity.

As soon as Jessica absorbed it, she immediately felt full.

" satisfying."

The physical exertion was too serious, and the eyelids kept fighting. Jessica said drowsily, "Master, let me sleep first."

What else could Raven say? I can't say anything, so I can only leave first and give this place to Leila.

After Laila cleaned Jessica with water magic, she left Jessica to sleep alone.

At the same time, a furious voice came out in Baladi's collar!

"Who! Who took my Jessica! Bastard! Don't let me find out, I will never let you go!"

When Jessica wakes up. It is already the third day.

Almost the moment she opened her eyes, Jessica recalled everything that happened before.

It's terrible. What the hell is going on here?

I still remember that I couldn't hold back and came to challenge Lei Wen to see if Lei Wen, the so-called god-killer at the peak of legend, was really that strong. You know, the last time she couldn't show her true strength and was beaten away in the ring battle, this made Jessica angry for a long time.

Looking back, I wanted to find Lei Wen to settle the score, but found that Lei Wen always seemed to be surrounded by a few goddesses, and there was no chance at all.

Then there was a joint operation against Raven, and again she did nothing.

Then when he got busy, he could only put Lei Wen's matter aside. This is what she regrets the most. Because the news about Lei Wen's growth and becoming stronger came almost one after another.

Now finally had the chance to run into Raven again. Jessica decided not to miss this opportunity.

For Raven, Jessica itself is more of a possessive desire.

Such a handsome boy. It must be collected as a blood bank.

Jessica herself thought so.

It never occurred to me that it would not be possible to possess someone else, but instead, I would be possessed. I really want to cry but have no tears.

What's even more incredible is that Jessica could clearly feel that her connection with her immediate boss and her blood-born elder, Gulton, had been cut off, and the terminal of that connection had been replaced by Raven's.

In other words, she could not resist any order from Raven.

On the other hand, she finally managed to get rid of that bastard Gulton's control.

That cruel, chaotic, and supercilious bastard, it would be even better if he fell!

In comparison, it seems that it is not unacceptable to become Lei Wen's servant...

In any case, the deal is done, and it will depend on Lei Wen's face to become a vampire in the future.

Well, Jessica didn't even know if she was a vampire now.

Turning his head, he saw a neatly folded set of clothes on the bedside. Those were the clothes she wore when she came, and now they are washed and put there.

Jessica sat up, stretched out her hand, and just wanted to ask the maid to help her change her clothes, when she suddenly realized that everything had changed, there were no more maids, maybe from today onwards, she would be doing the work of a maid.

She hadn't tried dressing herself for centuries, and it took Jessica a long time to get it done.

Looking in the mirror, I am satisfied with my appearance.

Just when Jessica took a deep breath and was about to be a good maid, she suddenly realized that she had been promoted!

With a thought, a dark red field began to spread rapidly under his feet.

Jessica suddenly opened her eyes wide: "God! How many centuries have I been stuck at the peak of legend? Is this a breakthrough?"

Jessica couldn't believe her eyes.

Maybe, I don't need to be a maid... It shouldn't be as extravagant as that big man, so I want a strong man in the sanctuary to be a maid.

Unknowingly, Jessica suddenly felt confident again.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

It was Karin who came in: "Jessica, you are awake, please change into this suit, I will wrong you and be a maid for a while."

"Ah!" Jessica looked at the maid uniform in front of her and was speechless for a long time. (to be continued ~^~)

PS:   I don’t know if there will be another update before 1 o’clock, please don’t wait…

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