Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 361 The Principled Lei Wen

Jessica Franchise feels like she is dreaming.

She didn't know whether it was a dream or a nightmare.

I asked that lunatic Gulton in one breath, and then broke through the bottleneck of a thousand years to be promoted to the Sanctuary rank. It should be a dream, right?

But this treatment... made her feel like a dignified Sanctuary powerhouse, like a little girl who sells her labor for a small piece of black bread.

Over the millennia of becoming a vampire, in order to live in the sun, Jessica has changed countless identities, but all of these identities have a common characteristic - nobility.

The most humble status in my impression is the Viscountess who lost her husband, and there is never a shortage of maids around her.

Now that she was suddenly asked to serve others, Jessica couldn't accept it from the bottom of her heart.

But the one in front of her was Karin. When Jessica was collecting information, she knew that this girl had a special status in Raven's camp.

"Hey, it was Brother Raven's idea to ask you to be a maid."

Hearing that it was Raven's order, Jessica suddenly lost her temper.

But still a little reconciled!

"Here, I am a strong man in the sanctuary to be a maid..."

Karin smiled: "Brother said, you are the one with the lowest status, and I dare not let you go outside the convoy. Just be a maid."

"My status is the lowest?" Jessica's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That's right, there are incarnations of gods like Tempus and Sune staying in the carriage, and Raven is your master, if you don't serve as a maid, who will?"

Jessica was speechless, but she was still sensitive to Karin's aura...Little girl, you are at the peak of gold, right?

"Hmph! Let me tell you, I was destined to be Raven's woman from birth. I was his sister for the first fifteen years. Now... you can call me your mistress in private."

Jessica shuddered and had to bow her head.

Karin didn't laugh at her too much: "Your identity should be temporary. Brother Raven shouldn't be that extravagant. Anyway, in order to hide your identity from Gulton Nicholas, you need to stay here for a while. You Just make it right first."

"No, no, it's just..." Jessica also knew that her identity was a little sensitive. In fact, she had disappeared for so long inexplicably. It is estimated that the mission of the Hylicia Empire has been messed up.

"I notified the Hylician Empire Mission for you. They believe our words for the time being, but you still need to deal with the rest of the matter."


"Put on your clothes quickly, the prince of the dolphin, Deep Sea* Sashela, God has many things to ask you."

"Uh, wait a minute." Jessica picked up the maid uniform with a stiff expression on her face: "Has anyone worn this dress?"

Women who pursue perfection always have a kind of cleanliness, which is more or less a problem.

Ask her to wear a second-hand maid dress. It was worse than killing her.

Karin stared at the stalwart on Jessica's chest for a long time. Only then did he quietly say: "There is no size that fits your measurements among the maids, and I can't find a tailor for a while. So..."

No matter how well-mannered Jessica is, she can't help being a little angry: Isn't this humiliating? Oh, to humiliate a vampire? I am a real night noble!

Just as he was about to have an attack, he suddenly found that there was another presence in the room.

A petite but very mature existence threw herself into Karin's arms, thumping Karin with her small hands: "Karin, you are too much. How could you just give me the clothes I hid at the bottom of the drawer! "

Seeing that figure clearly, Jessica instantly petrified, her whole body froze.

Phantom Goddess Laila!

sky! This turned out to be worn by Laila?

Weighs. Could it be that all the dignified goddesses have been maids?

Aren't gods able to change their shapes and clothes independently? How come there are physical clothes?

A series of questions flashed through my mind, but the deduced facts made Jessica so anxious...

Karin dragged Lila out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jessica desperately changed into the maid outfit, and looked at herself in the mirror, as if being struck by the violent thunder of Talos, the god of storms.

I just want to die.

"Jessica, are you alright? Come out when you are alright." Karin urged outside the door.

Woohoo! Die and die!

Bite the bullet, pushed the car door open, and then Jessica saw outside the door, Raven, Karin, and Lila all had embarrassing expressions.

Laila raised her hand. A phantom curtain wall was laid down to block the view from the outside that might be cast here. Karin quickly pushed Jessica back into the compartment with the miniature space.

without it. It's so hot.

This is because Karin is inexperienced and only judges Jessica's measurements. But Jessica's height was ignored. Lyra's most commonly used body type now is less than 1.60 meters tall, but Jessica is 1.78 meters tall, only slightly shorter than Raven.

In the end, the measurements were appropriate, but the top turned into a short top, revealing a sexy belly button with a faint outline of the abdominal muscles. And the mid-short skirt that Laila wore turned into a miniskirt when Jessica came here, and when the wind blew a little...

Lei Wenchao was speechless, turned to look at Lila, and blinked: "I thought you would cover my eyes or something."

Laila came over and wrapped her hands around Raven's neck: "If you try to do something bad, you will be so bad already, I can't stop it. I know that half of the young girls in the Kingdom of Corian Pais are willing to climb into your bed, but you Even Suni refused."

"I'm a man of principle."

"I believe."

Raven smiled brightly.

"Yes, promise me one thing, okay?"


"Don't add sisters to me casually."

"Eh? Good!" Lei Wen was embarrassed after answering, what is this?

"Fool, go and find out the history and customs of Nelas." Laila's voice was almost inaudible.

Unknowingly, the four lips meet together.

Finally, Jessica over there changed back to the previous outfit and came out.

Lyra thought for a moment and cast an illusion. From the looks of all the existences under the sanctuary, Jessica is the most ordinary maid.

However, Jessica still felt ashamed. Without it, the bastard Raven dared to let her wear the outfit of the countess of the Hylician Empire to do the work of a maid.

Especially facing the strange eyes of the incarnation of the gods, Jessica just wanted to find a crack on the ground to get in.

Suni looked at the clumsy former countess who didn't understand the rules at all, and said thoughtfully, "Ah! Raven, you really dare to accept subordinates of any race."

"No. If Roja was a mother, Lei Wen would definitely transform him into a human form and force him to come here to serve the dishes." The red knight echoed.

Luo Jia, who was far away in the dragon's lair of the Phantom Knight City, suddenly trembled: "Damn it. Why do I have an ominous premonition."

I don't know if there is a precedent for Melissa, but the gods here are not too surprised by Jessica.

Indeed, even the devil king has been accepted as his subordinate, not to mention a mere vampire duke.

Raven said: "Jessica, tell the Dolphin Prince about the information about your old boss, Gulton."


Jessica's revelations were detailed and dark. Listen to the gods present. Not to mention being from the good camp, even the gods of the neutral camp like Leila, who had heard of many bloody experiments in Nelas in the early years, frowned when they heard this.

The reason why Jessica was not maimed by Gulton was because Jessica was very much like Gulton's former mother, and Gulton had an almost morbid respect for Jessica.

It was a deeply twisted emotion, and its horror was unbelievable.

After finishing speaking in one breath, Jessica slumped on the chair in relief.

The dolphin prince was silent for a long time. Then asked Raven: "When will you do it?"

"As soon as the Tournament of the Seven Empires is over."

"Okay! I'm going to get my trident ready." After saying that, the avatar of the Dolphin Prince disappeared.

At this moment, Jessica's body suddenly convulsed.

"What's wrong?" Raven asked.

Jessica trembled convulsively, her lips were blue, and she couldn't speak a word.

"The transformation is not complete. After all, vampires are never real shadow creatures." Tempus said the answer.

"Eh? One time is not enough?" Do you want to bite again? Raven's head got bigger.

"It should be. Anyway, there used to be a human mage of the evocation system who was good at using fire and was valued by Kashusi, the god of fire elements. In order to transform him into a fire element creature, Kashusi spent a long time not letting him On the premise of the collapse of that human being, the transformation was completed."

Feeling the teasing gazes of Sune, Red Knight, and Adrienne, Raven's head hurts.

no way. Bite the bullet and hold Jessica out.

Go back to the carriage compartment assigned to Jessica and close the door. Jessica is like an octopus, entangled with her whole body. Muttering indistinctly, she just instinctively felt that Raven had something she urgently needed.

There was no way, Lei Wen had no choice but to bite down.


There is a kind of woman who has a special taste in uniform, and Jessica belongs to this kind of woman. From Jessica's loose collar biting her neck, Raven immediately felt the difference in Jessica.

A vampire's body temperature is never high.

But now after being shadowed, Jessica looks more like a human with a low body temperature.

Presumably this was the physical discomfort of removing her vampiric qualities.

Because it was hugging from the front, Lei Wen was really worried that Jessica would also bite her when she became nervous. Facts have proved that Lei Wen was overwhelmed, and had an idea in the past, "Don't use any force on me, let alone use teeth and claws". The terrifying restraining power from the source made Jessica look like an ordinary woman. He could only hug Lei Wen tightly, venting his emotions with the most primitive twists.

Raven knew that if he wanted to go further, Jessica would never refuse him.

But Raven didn't.

Raven is no saint. He didn't care so much about Jessica's feelings before. However, whether it is due to collection addiction or other feelings, the fact before him is: Jessica is already his subordinate.

When Jessica, who is a subordinate, is not awake, Raven is absolutely unwilling to be a beast.

Although very tempting, Raven still only silently transformed Jessica's body with the power of shadow. (to be continued ~^~)

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